DM Morvius |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi all!
I'm looking to run a campaign similar to one I attempted many years ago here.
The story is a simple start - Queen Abrogail II has put out a call for groups of heroes that will proudly travel Cheliax and the surrounding lands helping to promote stability and address local (and greater) issues. While the PCs don't know this, it is the intent of the Queen to eventually retake Traitorous Sargava and show the world that Cheliax is once again at the height of its power. In order to accomplish this goal, she has decided to use these groups of heroes to increase public trust and patriotism as well as solidifying alliances with other nations and, through challenges, strengthen the groups and determine which one will rise to the top.
For this campaign, I am looking for characters that are loyal to Cheliax at lease in the general sense. Asmodeous worship is not required and characters need not be thrilled about the alliance with Hell (though that is also fine). This is a game about the peace that law brings with it winning out over chaos. This is a game about Chelish traits - the gorwing and solidifying of power, nationalism, patriotism, and peace through strength. Characters that have backgrounds in line with those themes and strong ties to the Chelish structure (anything from former slave up to aspiring noble) will be given preference.
PCs do not need to know each other before the campaign begins, but some ties are certainly fine and even encouraged. While I would rather not have actual roleplaying in the recruitment thread, please do feel free to discuss ties.
I currently have four players and am looking for two more. While my reserved slots aren't set in stone, I believe that we currently have the following ideas: wizard, bard, archer (of one kind or another), and the final is as yet undecided. You are welcome to keep that in mind when drawing up characters, though I am not strictly opposed to somewhat overlapping roles. Once these players have a better sense of their characters, I am sure that they will post here and offer ties as well.
Creation Guidelines
No third party products of any kind will be considered.
- Attributes: 25 point buy.
- Races: Any up to 15 RP.
- Classes: Any except the following: Antipaladin, Spiritualist, Summoner. Paladins, while permitted, are likely to be a hard sell.
- Alignments: Any non-chaotic.
- Traits: Three traits, one of which must be a Cheliax regional trait or a trait from Cheliax, Empire of Devils. No drawbacks.
- Starting Level: First.
- Starting Gold: Max.
- Starting HP: Max. Subsequent levels will be average.
Other Stuff
Posting Guidelines: Once per day.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Midnight eastern time on Monday, November 30.
NOTE: I'm particularly accepting of new players in this particular campaign. While it may be mechanically somewhat difficult and I am looking for serious characters, new players willing to discuss character choices and looking for people to help them out mechanically should feel more than free to apply. Some of the reserved slots are new to Pathfinder and, as such, if you are out there looking to start your PbP career, don't be shy about applying here!

Illya-Nym |

I've lived most of my life as experiment number 9, of the mad Shadow mage Archae Nym. He wished to create the ultimate life form. From scouring his old journals I learned of the many bloods and magics he used in creating me.
I spent much of my child hood under his tutelage, that is when he wasn't gone on one of his trips. Dad always told me never to leave the tower there were other mages around they were not to be trusted.
It was not long before we both noticed my body deteriorating, I learned to hide the black inky blotches creeping up my arms. Archae was angry and frustrated, those were the years he locked himself in his laboratory, I snuck in to see what was going on and read one of the journals on his desk.
Experiment number 9 is a failure, the vessel lacks stability. The body will be dissected when the deterioration reaches its final form.
that was the only part I read before dashing out of the tower
Illya often acts the leader, she is confident sometimes to the point of arrogance. She can be both kind and cold depending on the situation. She has very little qualms with killing , viewing killing humanoids as no different than killing monsters. when it comes to opponents she is clearly stronger than she will often play around with them. She views her actions as just, and knows right from wrong saving her more sadistic tendencies for people very clearly viewed as enemies. Being the daughter of a powerful and old wizard she spent much time growing up studying magic and other subjects, unlike her father she is adept at manipulation. She is True Neutral, despite knowing right from wrong and mostly choosing right, she has a few less than kind moments especially when directed at enemies that balance this out.
Illya or Illia if you prefer can be spelled either way, last name Nym. Whitish Grey hair, tiny horns underneath the hair possibly from the dragon blood. Takes on an odd appearance, with pale skin due to the mixture of blood in her. Her eye's are violet colored, like her father who changed her to resemble some family appearance. Patches of pale grayish blackness, like ink stains on her skin cover her arms, she keeps them covered this is from her body breaking down. She is tall roughly 5'11 weighing around 110 pounds.
Already had a level 1 fully written up for another campaign i didn't get into, hopefully it pays off . This is the basics for her backstory, a genetically created half elf. Seeking the power and resources to stop her body from breaking down and escape her father. True neutral, as moralities do not serve her purpose; chaos and evil actively interfere with her goals as such she eliminates them.
As for class going magus, the previous campaign was doing only core so i have to adjust stats for both that, the point buy, and traits shouldn't take to long. I'll post again when all set. I left a bit of her backstory blank to allow for adjustment to the setting .

thegreenteagamer |

Well this looks pretty cool. I'm running a PbP as a GM after another person I chatted with asked me to try it out, and actual being involved with players who post on the regular made it much more appealing, so I'm looking to try as a player. (My attempts as a player, long long ago, didn't really stretch out, as I got frustrated when people didn't even post once a day.)
Lawful Evil has always been one of my favorite alignments, and I think Cheliax is awesome, with its layers, depth, history, fall, and attempt to rise again. It reminds me of a hell powered British empire.
I'm thinking a heavily armored martial type that desperately wants to join the Hellknights, because of course he does, and I'm amazed none of your players already called that! Particularly, a tiefling, because if you're going Cheliax, you dive in cannonball style with as much devil blood as you can, am I right?
I'm thinking the dark honor guy, the bastard fiend son of a noble with no hope of legitimacy, hoping the Hellknights give him a chance to earn a station he wasn't born with. Ruthless, cold, and murderous, but with manners, standards, etc.

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I'm Interested.
I'm still new to PbP -- I'm running a PC in a campaign that's been active for 12 months (We're just shy of 4000 posts on page 79 of the Thread.). And I agreed to DM a campaign that someone else thought up -- that one went for about 7 months before my work schedule just became too much to DM a PbP. I had to let it go. So I've only been in two PbPs.
I like lots of roleplay: getting to know a campaign through Knowledge Skills, Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive and Linguistics. If there's lots of combat, well, I'll try to make a build that can function in a fight but, honestly, optimizing game mechanics for fighting isn't something I'm good at. And I'll trust the DM to help me when I need rules help. Depending on the Bard in the group (and maybe the Wizard), my PC may overlap abilities. Expect my PC to be gross at Knowledge Skills and Diplomacy. Gross!
I like to play in a game with articulate players, gamers with at least average spelling, grammar and vocabulary.
I'd like to play an Investigator: (Empiricist) and then maybe jump in to Inquisitor.
I'd be Lawful Evil and loyal to Cheliax -- or rather, to Hell and its ideology: I believe in the elimination of Chaos -- especially Chaotic Evil.
I'm thinking I may go with a "Jaques" PC (pronounced JAY Kwees), a PC concept based on Jaques from Shakespeare's As You Like It. But an "Imogen" PC (pronounced Em O Jeen) from Cymbeline would be fun, too.
On Races: A 15 point buy maximum, um.... are you implying that we can actually build a Race or just choose one 15 points or lower?

Thecooldudenextdoor |
the barbarian idea I have for this would be might is right, he would agree that the strong should be in charge, while structure isn't to his liking he will follow rules if they are set by someone, or something, he sees as stronger than him.
if that wouldn't work here I have an idea for an alchemist or investigator/rogue I can work with, would like to know if you think the barbarian angle can swing it.

HotLanta |

Dot. I like the driving nationalism. Prevalent campaign themes make everything feel cooler. Thinking a young Sister of the Golden Erinyes. Unchained classes cool? She'd be a monk, of course, LE in alignment, probably Human. Definitely pick up the Hamatulatsu feat chain. I'm gonna take a look at race/class options & see about bringing her to life.

ellann |
I wanted to play a character inspired by Damien from The omen and Lucius from the game with the same name.
He would be a young human witch, 6 years old and I intend to play him somewhat creepy (suddenly stops laughing and he and his familiar stare at someone for a few moments before continuing as if nothing has happened). I don't mind the STR, CON and WIS penalties if I could pick a PC class (the witch) and two traits plus the Cheliax associated one.
Mechanically, he would be a buffer/debuffer focused on debuffing so that others have an easier time in combat, skilled in alchemy and bluffing (and diplomacy if needed), using alchemy to craft inhaled drugs which his thrush familiar would drop on the enemies, and bluffing and his young age to appear innocent while using hexes during and out of combat as needed. I think the veneficus witch archetype suits the character concept well.
If for some reason you don't like drugs, I would take a fox familiar with the mauler archetype if we can pretend it's a dog, a black one. If the archetype is a no-go, then a viper familiar. Both cases just plain witch, no archetypes.
It would be preferable if one of the other characters could act as the child's guardian (preferably the wizard so that his spells more easily affect enemies under evil eye hex) and if he could be an offspring of one of the archdevils (which he himself might not know).
If other players need help with their mechanics, they are welcome to ask me any questions.

DM Morvius |

Some answers/comments from the interest so far:
- I think Hellknights are great. I do want to warn people that may not know though that tieflings are actually considered scum in Cheliax since they have lost their humanity to Hell. With that said, they are totally still accepted and I think can make a great story, but I didn't want people to get the impression that they were considered superior to humans.
- This game will have a substantial amount of combat since that's what Pathfinder is designed for. With that said, there will be a ton of non-combat stuff too. Dealing with politics, hashing out neighborly reports of treason/sedition, wilderness travel, trying to win over foreign powers, all of that will happen too.
- You can take any paizo race of 15 RP or less. Nothing homebrew.
- Barbarians are considered savages in Cheliax, but I certainly will consider barbarian applications. It is really up to the player to make a barbarian that fits thematically with Cheliax but it could certainly be an exciting character.
- Unchained classes are fine.
- I'm not going to permit age related stat changes. I don't necessarily care what age your PC is, but I won't permit the mechanical effects of age.
Edit 2:
- For the "Cheliax" trait, I'm open to people re-skinning traits from Cheliax-related campaigns if they'd prefer. Just post the trait you;d like to use and how it ties into Cheliax. This would be stuff like some of the foreigner traits from Mummy's Mask, not a re-skin of elven reflexes.

DM Morvius |

Even better, the stat trade-off is terrible, but I really want to role-play a child for the said creepiness element. So, a 6-year old human child is fine? Final question, would it be small or medium size?
A 6 year old as a hero of the people will be a tough sell, but I will not bar it outright and you are more than welcome to throw up an application.
All humans are medium size.

DM Morvius |

Hrm. Dotting with extreme diabolism. Would you happen to mind a friendly neighborhood Kuthite? I know that Asmodeus is the official god of Cheliax, but considering the ties to Nidal, I think it'd be interesting to make a Chelexian who's fallen in with the Midnight Lord.
There are lots of religions in Cheliax and they are generally widely accepted. The church of Asmodeus is the official religion and the only priests given official positions come from that church but other priests, as long as they register, pay their taxes, etc. are fine.

ellann |
Well, the main idea is that he is not a hero, but one of the other heroes acts as its guardian and can't abandon it out of sense of duty or has to protect the child and see to its growth as a mission from Asmodean church or the Asmodeus himself. He shouldn't draw attention to himself except as a child which travels with the group and one of the heroes protects it.
If that concept is not something you like, I won't apply. If you would consider it, then I'll add the sheet and write the background

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One of the reserved spots checking in. Probably playing a wizard of some sort.
On the note of a Barbarian, in Cheliax there's a holiday on the Dies Irae:
In these days, bloodsports are organized into cities' stadiums. Slaves and servants of any master may choose to enter the arena for one-on-one bloody battles to the death. Free men and women of all classes are free to enter the arena as well. The entrants fight in rounds until at last one stands alone. The winner is granted freedom from slavery or servitude, erasure of all debts, and a purse of gold. The Winter Solstice sees the culmination of the Dies Irae, with all the winners of the three previous bouts summoned to Egorian to fight to the death for the amusement of the nobles. The winner is given a title of baronet and a plot of land.
That would be an interesting intro for any character to the group but especially a barbarian/bloodrager. (Though probably more of the focused-rage rather than out-of-control type.)

ellann |
One of the reserved spots checking in. Probably playing a wizard of some sort.
On the note of a Barbarian, in Cheliax there's a holiday on the Dies Irae:
Quote:In these days, bloodsports are organized into cities' stadiums. Slaves and servants of any master may choose to enter the arena for one-on-one bloody battles to the death. Free men and women of all classes are free to enter the arena as well. The entrants fight in rounds until at last one stands alone. The winner is granted freedom from slavery or servitude, erasure of all debts, and a purse of gold. The Winter Solstice sees the culmination of the Dies Irae, with all the winners of the three previous bouts summoned to Egorian to fight to the death for the amusement of the nobles. The winner is given a title of baronet and a plot of land.That would be an interesting intro for any character to the group but especially a barbarian/bloodrager. (Though probably more of the focused-rage rather than out-of-control type.)
Days of wrath, so appropriately named. If accepted, would you mind your wizard character act as a guardian to Lucius?

oyzar |

Only 2 slots means it's really hard to get in... But I might be interested nonetheless. I'm thinking a heaven's Oracle, probably a human, though possibly gnome. How would you feel about re-flavoring Metamagic Master to fix Cheliax?

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Sounds pretty interesting! I'm thinking about a human ranger with the Divine Tracker and Urban Ranger archetypes. He would primarily act as a 'human hunter' that tracks runaway slaves, but also acts as a law keeper.
My doubt is about the urban ranger Favored Community ability... will the PC travel A LOT? If so, this ability is almost useless...

Mahorfeus |

Interesting. I'm thinking of playing as a Sister of the Golden Erinyes; a monk of the Hamatulatsu Master archetype. "Indoctrinated Orphan" makes for a neat backstory that'd be interesting to play around with.

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Days of wrath, so appropriately named. If accepted, would you mind your wizard character act as a guardian to Lucius?
If it were a halfling slave that'd be one thing. (I don't plan on playing an evil character, but I do plan on the character supporting the laws of Cheliax.) But I can't say I'm thrilled with the idea of rolling around with a six year old child. With that said, it's not up to me. If Morvius picks the character we'll work something out.

thegreenteagamer |

Thanks for the head's up, DM. I actually am totally understanding of how bad tieflings are looked at by others.
It's actually why he wants to be a Hellknight. He has no other real chance to succeed in Cheliax. (Although he plans to kill the legitimate members of his family, if at all possible, to force his legitimacy. I did say he's ruthless.)

Harakhty Suntooth |

mourge40k wrote:Hrm. Dotting with extreme diabolism. Would you happen to mind a friendly neighborhood Kuthite? I know that Asmodeus is the official god of Cheliax, but considering the ties to Nidal, I think it'd be interesting to make a Chelexian who's fallen in with the Midnight Lord.There are lots of religions in Cheliax and they are generally widely accepted. The church of Asmodeus is the official religion and the only priests given official positions come from that church but other priests, as long as they register, pay their taxes, etc. are fine.
Good evening, GM.
How official is the group meant to be, and how prestigious? I was perhaps thinking of playing an Asmodean Advocate as it seems to fit the theme, but I wanted to know how to work the barrister angle into the campaign.

DM Morvius |

More responses:
- A 6 year old I think is a hard sell as I said. I am, however, quite often surprised by the concepts people come up with. If you are interested in putting together the submission, you are welcome to, but it is an uphill battle.
- I don't mind a re-skin for Metamagic Master, seems fine. It isn't exactly what I had in mind re: campaigns about Cheliax so it doesn't scream "man that was a trait that really fit!" but on the other hand I don't see any issue with it.
- Gunslingers are fine. Though this is typical Golarion so firearms are going to be fairly rare as a practical matter.
- The PCs as heroes working in not just Cheliax, but the surrounding nations, will travel a fair amount. While you can certainly establish a "home base", you'll be leaving it often.
I'm happy to see so much interest already and am looking forward to even more ideas!
- The group will have the official sanction of the Queen. Initially however they aren't given any official powers (other than what they have themselves) and their prominence is entirely driven by the PC group. A barrister is 100% fine with me however and any priest of Asmodeus can certainly take on a more "official" role on a personal level.

Umarmen Leid |

This is mourge40k, and here is what I have so far. Background will be completed eventually. Right now, she is the daughter of a ambassador to Nidal who serves as a constant embarrassment of events he'd like forgotten. She doesn't much care about that, though. After all, there's pain to be had out there. Right now, all that really matters is becoming a Hellknight so she can essentially have a built-in excuse for hurting others as often as possible.

thegreenteagamer |

I'm posting in my phone most of the time, so I'd rather not take all the work to make a properly filled out character sheet in a style I prefer, like this alias I never got to use until I'm actually accepted.
If crunch is what matters, I'm thinking devil blooded tiefling, with the phalanx archetype fighter into stalwart defender. (Mechanically speaking, I don't really like both of the Hellknight Prestige Classes, even though I like the organization conceptually.)
Traitwise I was thinking this for the campaign/region/national one.

The Pale King |

I am a huge fan of the Cheliaxan nobility, would you permit a character of noble birth? I'm okay with making him a bastard if you would prefer, but I was thinking something like a son of someone who married down and has been groomed to be incredibly patriotic and well trained to compensate. Basically his parents want to keep him as safe as possible from scorn by trying to make him a 'perfect' noble. Not that they totally succeeded. He finds himself bitter against the country that at the same time he loves and would never betray. The type who would do anything for his country but is frustrated that he feels he has no choice but to do so.

DM Morvius |

More responses:
- I'm not using any optional rules from Unchained. Only the classes.
- Submission requirements: I don't require an alias, but I do require both a complete character sheet (equipment can come later if desired) and a brief background. A suggestion of how your character fits with the theme would be good too.
- I'm fine with people of noble birth, though no actual Thrunes.
- I'll repeat my previous priest answer for visibility: There are lots of religions in Cheliax and they are generally widely accepted. The church of Asmodeus is the official religion and the only priests given official positions come from that church but other priests, as long as they register, pay their taxes, etc. are fine.

Rikash |

I have some interest and I'm considering tossing something together. Would you allow the Dreamscarred Press Path of War class: Warlord? You didn't explicitly say whether or not 3rd party would be considered or not and the idea of a charismatic, patriotic (nationalistic?) war leader has appeal to me. If you have any questions about the class, let me know. I'll start tossing together some ideas for background either way.

HotLanta |

Mahorfeus, Bro... you're making the same character as me? Make something different so you're not mutually exclusive with another applicant before you even assign ability scores. 2 spots is competitive enough without people submitting (barely) different versions of the same concept.
I'm gonna make her a Tiefling (Faultspawn) Unchained Monk. Rolling for variant abilities per Fiendish Heritage feat.
1d100 ⇒ 41
1d100 ⇒ 11
1d100 ⇒ 33
Ooh 33 & 41 are Dr 2/silver and SR 10 + 1/2 HD, respectively. Nice. Gotta go with the SR.
I've got a nice story brewing that addresses the uncommon race in flavorful fashion, and also details her inclusion in Abrogail II's recent call for heroes. Leaving work in a minute, I'll put some stuff up tonight after I get home.

DM Morvius |

I have some interest and I'm considering tossing something together. Would you allow the Dreamscarred Press Path of War class: Warlord? You didn't explicitly say whether or not 3rd party would be considered or not and the idea of a charismatic, patriotic (nationalistic?) war leader has appeal to me. If you have any questions about the class, let me know. I'll start tossing together some ideas for background either way.
It is right under "Creation Guidelines" but I will reproduce it here:
No third party products of any kind will be considered.

Nutcase Entertainment |
ellann wrote:Even better, the stat trade-off is terrible, but I really want to role-play a child for the said creepiness element. So, a 6-year old human child is fine? Final question, would it be small or medium size?A 6 year old as a hero of the people will be a tough sell, but I will not bar it outright and you are more than welcome to throw up an application.
All humans are medium size.
His/her question might be related to Yoon, the Iconic Kineticist, she is a Young Human and she is in the Small Size category (PFS stat).

Thecooldudenextdoor |
ok, after heated self debating I am going to go for the LN son of hellknights lawman. He is going to be a inspired blade swashbuckler 1/investigator x most likely, thought I may stay swashbuckler all the way through... a fairly good front liner with good tracking/detection/some know. skills.
rough background is:
Javert De Le'monte is the son of two prominent Hell Knights in the Chelaxian capital and as such has received only the best "education". His particular skills best suited him in hunting down lawbreakers, traitors, rebels and other such ilk, sometimes even taking him undercover. He holds Cheliax laws as infallible and of the highest regard. deadly with both wit and blade all law breakers will come to fear his name. He harbors no excuse or reasoning for lawbreaking and holds everyone else to this strict and disciplined ideal he follows. After all, once a thief, always a thief.
will this bloke fit in with your team so far?

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I'm working on the LE "Empiricist" Investigator I mentioned earlier. Most of the mechanics are done but I'm wrestling with parts of the background and personality -- which for me is more important than crunch.
I've got the Alias but since it's not done I'd rather post under my standard avatar.
Here's a bit about my PC for submission -- please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and whether you like the prospect or if you don't feel it's necessarily a good fit for this particular campaign:
Perdita Imogen (Per DEESH ah . EM Oh Jeen -- A meld of two of Shakespeare's ladies)
Lawful Evil Aasimar (Peri-Blooded), "Empiricist" Investigator ....(may multiclass in "Mindchemist" Alchemist and/or Inquisitor)
Born of an illicit union between the House General (the retired Linnorm King) of a Chelaxian Lord, and one of the Chelaxian Lord's concubines (the Half-Peri Varisian gypsy), Perdita Imogen grew up believing that the Chelaxian noble, Lord Bassianus, was her father. Her parents kept this lie during her childhood to keep themselves safe from Lord Bassianus. Perdita Imogen thus was raised as a Chelaxian noble under the tutelage of her "father" Lord Bassianus -- who doted on his prodigy of a "daughter."
Upon learning the truth at 18 when her parents tried to flee with her from Lord Bassianus -- from all of Cheliax -- Perdita Imogen betrayed them to the man she believed was her father. Rather, she chose not to betray Lord Bassianus.
Of course, when Lord Bassianus learned the truth, that she was not his daughter, he disowned her (after executing his House General and the Varisian gypsy from his harem).
Perhaps more so than most of their celestial kith, emberkin have a propensity to revolt against their benevolent predisposition and instead follow a darker path. Perhaps these emberkin are evil by nature, or perhaps it is a remnant of their fallen angel ancestry. Either way, such wicked individuals are often dangerous, and are both pitied and hunted down by their aasimar brethren.
Let me ask you a question: Where will your Soul go when you die? Where will Pharasma send it? To Heaven,... boring. To The Abyss,... deadly.
Why not Hell?!
Asmodeus has the truth of it: Law must be made to trump Chaos. It is the Devils who successfully fight Demons. (I'm a big Blood War guy, big fan also of the 3.5 Fiendish Codex II.) Serve Asmodeus now and when you get to Hell, you can climb up the ladder to real power.
Let me ask you this:
How would YOU like to be a Pit Fiend in 100 years?!
STR .... 7
DEX .... 14
CON .... 10
INT .... 20
WIS .... 12
CHA .... 16

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Would like to submit Baolus Yeralzary for consideration. He is a ranger with the divine tracker, urban ranger and, in the future, the skirmisher archetypes.
Since the plan is to eventually take the campaign to Sargava, I made him a kalabuta (one of the Sargavan ethnic groups). He is a devoted asmodean that tracks criminals and runaway slaves, or pretty much anyone that breaks the law and are outside the reach of the watch.
Any thoughts? Any critics are more than welcome. Also, if one of the other PCs wants to make a crossing background, I'm pretty open!

Thecooldudenextdoor |
Alignment:Lawful Neutral
Medium Humanoid (human/elf)
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC: 19, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 dex, +1shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic)
hp: 12 {+1d10,+2Con}
Fort: +2, {+0Base,+2Con}
Ref: +6, {+2Base,+4Dex}
Will: +3,{+0Base,+1Wis+2race}
CMD: 17
Speed: 30 ft.
CMB +1
Base Atk: +1
Melee:+5{+1Base,+0Str+4 Dex}
Rapier: +7
Damage: 1d6+4
Str: 10 , Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 16, Wis: 12, Cha: 08
Traits: Signature moves, fencer,
Drawbacks: N/A
Alt. Race Traits: dual minded
Feats: weapon finesse (class), Weapon focus Rapier(class), fencing grace
Skills 10/lvl
Perception: 1 +8
*Acrobatics: 1 +8
Sense Motive: 1 +6
*Climb: 1 +4
Know. Local: 1 +7
Intimidate: 1 +4
Sleight of Hand: 1 +8
Stealth: 1 +8
Know. Nobility: 1 +7
Escape Artist: 1 +8
ACP -1
*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
Languages: Common, orc
Arms and Armor:, MwK Cold Iron Firesteel Rapier, Buckler, Chain shirt,
Misc: Backpack, belt pouch, 150ft silk rope, 2 waterskins, 10 rations, flint and steel, grappling hook, fishing net, sunrod (3), Tanglefoot bag (3), Signet Ring,
Magical items:
Magical Consumables: 1 CLW potion
Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.
Money 28GP 74SP 0 CP
Here is what I have for a rough idea, most of it is finished but I am still fiddling with the equipment and haven't selected a third trait yet. I used signature moves trait to get a nifty little rapier for background purposes, it won't have much effect other than an extra +1 to hit first level and +1 to intimidate, unless we fight deamon early.

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@ Sir Longears,...
I took a brief look at Baolus Yeralzary and think he's pretty cool. If we happen to be selected I wouldn't mind exploring the possibility of our PCs knowing each other.
My Perdita Imogen (Per DEESH ah . EM Oh Jeen) has a gap of eight years from when the Chelaxian Lord executed her parents and disowned her once he learned she wasn't his daughter.
I could see her using her knowledge resources to help Baolus Yeralzary track down enemies of Thrune / Cheliax. You know, if there was ever a slave or criminal whose trail became cold and you needed a scholar to try to track down well, I could be that sage.

Umarmen Leid |

Would like to submit Baolus Yeralzary for consideration. He is a ranger with the divine tracker, urban ranger and, in the future, the skirmisher archetypes.
Since the plan is to eventually take the campaign to Sargava, I made him a kalabuta (one of the Sargavan ethnic groups). He is a devoted asmodean that tracks criminals and runaway slaves, or pretty much anyone that breaks the law and are outside the reach of the watch.
Any thoughts? Any critics are more than welcome. Also, if one of the other PCs wants to make a crossing background, I'm pretty open!
While I may not connect directly to you, I am definitely yoinking Father Pavor from you for my backstory. It fits exactly with what I want! Leid here probably went slave-tracking herself, though they probably weren't returned in the best of condition....