Follow the Flood Road (Inactive)

Game Master Transylvanian Tadpole

The spring storms are over and the Flood Road lies open. Dierik Ironcoffer musters his caravan for the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, but can the adventurers he has hired protect him from the orcs of Belkzen?

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Recruitment closed to further applicants.

At this stage I’d ask all those who have expressed an interest to finalize their character sheets and create an alias over the next 48 hours. They are:

Alagor Faelan – human fighter (weapon master). Needed for completion: finishing touches to backstory and name changes to characters as discussed earlier. I’ve got some thoughts on this which I’ll post shortly.
Varah Skullscorcher – half orc fighter (lore warden)/sorcerer (crossblooded). Needed for completion: background, appearance and personality in character sheet (we’ve already had the basics of this in recruitment).
Landa Mala – aasimar oracle of nature. Needed for completion: alias and stats.
Reverie; as-yet-unnamed – elven or half-elven cleric of Alseta. Needed for completion: intriguing concept, but just about everything.
Marko; as-yet-unnamed – human oracle of nature (submitted by PM). Needed for completion: alias, stats and completed background.

Please complete your PC as fully as possible, but prioritising fluff over crunch.

48 hours hence I’ll make my selection for inclusion in the campaign. Thanks for the work you’ve put into your characters!

Some more specific feedback.

@ Alex. The concept of Landa as a 13 year-old girl is an intriguing one; I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. If I remember correctly (and I may not), aasimar in Golarion are considered to age at the same pace as humans.
However, I don’t think the lame curse could be covered by simply stating she’s young. This campaign might run for a while, there could even be time jumps ‘in-campaign’ at some stage, so what happens when she grows up?
One thing I might consider is applying the ‘young’ template to her for the time being, with no oracle curse. When she’s old enough, the young template would be removed and an oracle’s curse would manifest. Thirteen’s certainly not too childlike, so I think she’d be classed as an adult after a year or two at the most.
On the other hand, she could be considered a teenager who’s growing and developing quickly (this would fit her backstory) and be treated mechanically as an adult, but she would need some form of oracle’s curse.

@ Alagor. I hope you’ve been enjoying the gameplay thread, you’ve certainly given yourself a massive task there! I’m not really expecting applicants to read the whole thing (though if they get selected it would be helpful). For your convenience a summary was posted upthread. Tharkon only appears in the last few pages, and the PCs arrive at the Freedom Town on page 19.
If Alagor’s been in the Freedom Town for a while, I think Tharkon would not prove a suitable contact, as he’s something of a murderous hobo.
Instead, Dalamad could have directed Alagor to seek out one of the following three personages in the Freedom Town.
• Rumathe Sootweb. Landlady of the Worg’s Head tavern, a rough-and-tumble place of nightly brawls. Alagor would have been put to work as a bouncer.
• Druthmin Phorn. Retired half-elven adventurer now working as a hunter who these days has little interest in battling anything greater than a hare. Alagor would be apprenticed to Druthmin to learn how to hunt.
• Courthrin Sharpe. One of the founders of the Freedom Town. Alagor would be assigned as a bodyguard to Courthrin’s twenty-one year old son Skaraben.

However, whoever Alagor has connected with, it’s not been going well. Make your selection, and I’ll explain why.

@Tadpole: Hadn't considered the part about aging. Guess I'll work the lame curse into my background then. My crunch is about 99% finished (missing 1 trait and horse stats) so I'll look to get a profile up.

Landa is pretty much finished and can be examined in this profile. I'm currently missing a trait, which ideally would grant me perception as a class skill but the traits that do so are all campaign or religion traits, so guess that won't work.

I was also looking for a trait that could provide me with some weapon proficiencies, specifically the longbow and longsword and I thought there was an Erastil flavored trait out there that could do so but I haven't found it. Not that Landa would be any good with a bow but it's Erastil's holy symbol and she should at least have one along for the ride.

If you want Perception as a trait, there is Seeker from Ultimate Campaign. Grants +1 and Perception as class skill.

Varah almost done. Appearance and personality are there, just need to turn the bits and pieces of background I posted into one story.

Thanks Cuan. I've gone with Seeker, had totally forgot about that one.

At the moment, I am having a hard time deciding - all of them seem interesting and could be woven into my back-story, one way or the other. Let's say I go with bouncer at the Worg’s Head tavern - he is a rather strong, brutish type with all those points spent at Intimidate skill. What you might use, should you need it - being some time in Freedom town and working as a bouncer, Alagor have seen his fair of tavern brawls and such, but he actually never killed a man (or an orc, for that matter). So you could maybe say that he flat-out rejected to "finish" someone when he was ordered, or something similar? Not sure how dangerous this Rumathe Sootweb is, would she (or someone on her behalf) ever issue a request like that? But I do intend to try and stick with that - with all the macho-talk, and all the dazzling displays of his skill with his great sword, Alagor actually never ever killed someone (yet). So far, his brutish appearance and his strength were more than enough to keep him out of major trouble. But I guess things are bound to change soon...

EDIT: Alagor completed (more or less), gotta work on some presentations now, and complete Gamethread tonight (at page 19), so I might add some finishing touches tomorrow, when I learn a bit more about Freedom town.

It’s nice to see the submissions shaping up.

@ Cuan RE Varah. Everything seems good. The background could do with some editing, but I think that could wait until selection. The only thing I’m struggling to make sense of is the wealth. Starting wealth is max for first level; 300 gp in Varah’s case, but she seems to have significantly more than this.

@ Landa Mala. Where exactly does Landa hail from? Is her home village in Lastwall, or in a land further south?

There appears to be a little overspend on the gear (holy symbol, bedroll etc.) but it’s minor so no problem.

I’m presuming a lot of Havers abilities stem from the Animal Archive; I’ve been trying to make sense of them via the PRD. I couldn’t figure out the hit points, from my judgement it should 3d8+6 HD, with an average of 19 or 20 depending whether your DM rounds up or down. I’d say you can roll hit points on the boards or take the average, whatever is greater.

I can find the bonded mount nature revelation on the PRD, but nothing concerning celestial mount. Could you reference this for me please? It could be done by taking the celestial servant feat and applying it to the bonded mount revelation, but I might be missing something here.

It seems you’ve used a heavy horse as a base for Havers, which isn’t a problem.

I’ve got some clear thoughts on why Landa’s dreams may have sent her to the Freedom Town, but I’ll keep these close to my chest for the moment, as they would intersect with things affecting one of the existing players.

@ Alagor. Ahhh, Rumathe Sootweb! Well, she’s not into the business of killing her customers, whatever they get up to. The problem is more this. Dalamad remembers the Rumathe of some twenty years ago, when she was a beautiful, vivacious dancer living in Caliphas.

The Rumathe of today is a very different creature. She’s overweight, often inebriated, and thinks the worst of the world. Alagor’s six months spent working as a bouncer at the Worg’s Head has been singularly uninspiring. He’s exposed to a constant stream of lowlifes, drunkards and scoundrels who’ll brawl at the slightest opportunity, gets paid erratically, is forced to sleep in what’s little more than a rat-infested storeroom, and on occasion has to avoid Rumathe’s clumsy, drunken advances.

All in all, he probably thinks it’s time for a change of scenery. Whatever Uncle Dalamad saw in Rumathe, it’s long gone.

Actually, if you allow me this - Alagor kind of had to escape Rumathe's advance, so after a night filled with grog and infamous Freedom Town beer, he ended in an even worse place - with Damaelle and Brathilda! ("ladies" from the window, cheering over the duel of Pellius and Tharkon).

Now he really have a reason to flee ASAP, don't you think?

Ha, hilarious! Go ahead . . .

Hmm, I indeed seem to have enriched myself for just over 47 gold more than the 300 allotted. I'll just subtract that from the remaining funds.

Btw, the onyx shards she carries total 50 gold, it's not 50 gold per shard. In case that was part of your calculation.

EDIT: I think I also found the cause for my miscalculations, it comes from not deducting from the platinum count when you exchange some for smaller currencies.

I had figured Haver's HP by taking full at first level and D8 half at the other levels but that would bring him to 25 HPs not the 24 I listed so I guess I suck at math... but I guess you roll all HD for ACs so his HP should be 19 or 20...changed that...

His abilities come from this archetype which is from the Animal Archive and the base stats are those for Horse listed under Animal Companions: -companion-archetypes/bodyguard-companion-archetype

And yeah the Oracle ability is called bonded mount corrected that... I think I was mixing that up with Celestial Servant or what the Aasimar feat for AC is called. However that is worded a bit unclear so I'd need to further discuss that with you.

Where exactly Landa hails from I left open purposely. My initial idea was that she likely hailed from lands a bit further south where regular agriculture was still possible. So maybe Nirmathas or southern Lastwall. But it's really not that important to me, so we can make it work however it works for you.

I don't intend to back out, but wanted to let you know that I have some unexpected work this weekend. I'll try to finish my character before the deadline.

@ Varah; 50 gp in total rather than per shard, there’s what was confusing me!


Landa wrote:
However that is worded a bit unclear so I'd need to further discuss that with you.

Discuss away then!

A village in Nirmathas might make sense, giving Landa a little further to travel in order to follow her dream vision.

@ Reverie, I’m looking forward to seeing your build. Hopefully it’ll be more or less done by the deadline. Otherwise, feel free to post what you’ve got together so far and you’ll still be under consideration.

Regarding Celestial Servant:
There is some dissent on how this feat works. While I'd like to have it because it works really nicely flavor wise it sort of depends on how you as the GM would rule it. Also there is some potential for imbalance here as well...

Option a) The Mount stays a normal AC and the celestial template is applied so it gains Smite Evil (Horses have 6 charisma Yay!), Die Hard and Darkvision. The biggest benefit of this would be DIEHARD however the Bodyguard Archetype already grants a similar ability so this would be of fairly little use.

Option b) In addition to the benefits listed above the horse is treated as a Magical Beast, gains a D10 HD and Full BAB progression as well as better saves as per the rules for magical beasts. Personally Id consider this a bit OP. Especially paired with the Aasimar Favored Class Bonus it would make good ol Haver a more dangerous foe than any of the PCs by level 4 at the latest. While admittedly this would appeal to me as an optimizer I'm not sure we want SUPER HORSE in the party.

There's a number of discussions in the rules questions forum which get rather detailed. Feel free to read up on if you so desire. My gut feeling is that interpretation a) is prolly correct just because interpretation b) would make the feat way too strong...

Nirmathas it is then!

By Desna's freakin' butterflies, what do they pass for beer in this forsaken hole. My head is pounding...ah, it's not just the head

"Damn it people, have the courtesy to fight somewhere else..." - not really recognizing his surrounding, but recognizing danger when he felt one, Alagor quickly bit his lip. The nightmarish images of the previous night were slowly reappearing in his mind. Yet another pair of drunken lowlifes, convinced that they own the place. Another fight, a few more bruises - just another "ordinary night" at Worg's head. Rumathe, tanked to the brim, stumbling her tongue, explaining that she'll make the bruises pass. Yet another of his clumsy retreats and her threat that "It's time to get down an' really start earnin' your money boyo!" Escape into the dark, Who knew I could fit through that window so fast? Round after round at his favorite watering hole, female company, images stll swimming through his mind...Sword is there, as is the glove. What little rest is still probably at that rat infested storeroom at Worg's...unless fat lady got totally pissed and threw it on the street. Not much to be stolen from me anyway

Slowly sitting straight in what could pass for a bed, if you had a lots of imagination, completely naked, Alagor was a sore sight. He looked tired, very tired, and it was obvious that he had either quite a lot to drink, or he had a very "interesting" night. Actually, probably both combined. But I did not have any money left, and Alexa was never workin' on credit...maybe that new one, Garundi, who almost had all of her teeth...what was her name - Razya? Oh, they always have such sweet names...wait!

A new sound, window shutters clamoring against the wall, followed by:

DM Tadpole wrote:
“My money’s on the young fella,”

Followed by another raspy, yet familiar voice:

DM Tadpole wrote:
“Tstch! Shouldn’t be, unsporting it is, using magic in such an engagement, plus he's nearly half the age of the other!”

It takes him several long moments to realize to whom the voices belong. Finally, a realization dawns: Oh now, you didn't!!! No Brathilda...and Damaelle?!?!

Barely suppressing the need to scream, Alagor casts a quick glance around the room, and his fears are confirmed. Do not think now. Run! Quickly and silently! Ruuuuuun!

Swaying across the room, Alagor quickly picks up his sword, glove and a few pieces of clothes he recognize as his, and heads for the door. The fact that he was still naked did not seem to bother him at all. Desna help me in here, I pray to you, make these crones not hear me, and I promise I will pay my respects regularly...

It would seem that Goddess of the North Star was on young adventurer's side, since all he could hear from the room he just left was:

DM Tadpole wrote:

“Oh, come now Damaelle. You’ve been reading those romances from Vellumis again. Such courtly chivalry has no place in the real world. A scrap’s to be won by whatever means necessary. Desna’s wings, we know that’s the truth in the Freedom Town. Besides, I like his hair.”

“Pish and starch! Hair that white shouldn’t be found on a young man. Hells knows what dark sorcery he’s practiced to afflict himself thus. And anyway Brathilda, who are you to lay judgement on my books? By the eyes, you can’t even read!”

As the two crones squabble, the din and sensation of the battle occupying their senses, Alagor clambers down the stairs, slowly realizing that due to their advanced age, both "ladies" whose hospitality he has enjoyed last night (and better part of the day) were probably deaf as a pair of doorknobs.

What now? - squinting at the sun and realizing that he should put his boots after his pants, his mind was slowly trying to formulate his next steps.

"What, you've never seen a naked man 'fore?!" - he barks at an old geezer selling some dried meet at the corner, making rude gestures towards Alagor.

"Not one with such a need to over-compensate" - the peddler retorts, making gestures towards Alagor's sword.

"Bah..." - not knowing what to reply to old man, and not wanting to rough him up, Alagor continues to dress slowly. Let's see, it's noon time, the fat lady is prolly still muddled, snoring like an Auroch. I should be able to get the rest of my stuff easily, but what then? Gotta get out of'ere...wait, that sod Burlin was sayin' there's a caravan in town. Well, let's hope he wasn't plastered as usual whan he "saw" that - yawning mightily, Alagor finishes putting his clothes on, and starts walking slowly towards the square.

Damn I'm hungry...

Reverie here with my submission: Khozin Ryovaldii, Varisian half-elf rogue/cleric of Alseta.

I still need to advance my stats to second level, and buy gear, but my fluff is complete. With that I shall go to bed, as I need to work tonight, and look forward to your input and decision, Tadpole.

Okay all. I'm off for a run, and thence to run some errands, during which I'll ruminate upon the four choices before me. I'll post selection at about midday 'my-time', which is about four hours from now.

Well, it's decisions time. Thanks everyone for the work they've put in to creating their characters. I've selected two PCs to join Follow the Flood Road. They are:


Alagor Faelan; human fighter (weapon master) 1
Khozin Ryovaldii; half-elf rogue (knife-master) 1/cleric of Alseta 1

For now, please just dot the Gameplay thread with your chosen battle cry, and then head over to the Discussion thread to see my post about how to integrate you into the campaign. Welcome aboard!

To the other two, sorry there's not room for everyone. Should we have any further drop-outs, I may contact you as alternates if you're interested. Good gaming!

Too bad. Have fun gaming ya'll!

Welcome aboard guys; looking forward to gaming with you.

Gratz, and welcome!

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