Thorion Trepador |

Thorion pauses a moment to consider his words and then decides to simply be open with his request. “Some time ago my order uncovered a document describing a newly discovered variation of our most holy text, “The bones Land in a Spiral.” After spending a substantial amount of time tracking down the origination of the document, I have come to the conclusion that it came from somewhere in this vicinity. That is, if it isn’t a fabrication in itself.”
After taking a small pause to allow Luk to consider his words, Thorion continues. “I would like to know if you have come across such a book, or have possibly heard of its existence?”

Corindus Droven |

Meanwhile, utterly ignorant of his new acquaintance's business about town, Corindus reluctantly strolls into town to visit his office. Much to Mary's chagrin, her husband has been overprotective in the days following the slave catcher's departure. Finally, though, the sheriff accepts both his victory and that his family will be safe without him for the day.
Returning to work, he checks in with Magistrate Baleson, silently hoping that the day's news is far more benign and ordinary.

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion considers Luk's words for a moment and then offers a conclusion to the conversation before heading out of the library. "If you happen to hear of this text or come across anything that references such a thing, I would grateful if you would let me know. I am currently staying at the Busty Minotaur."
After his last statement, Thorion wishes Luk a nice day and heads back to the Busty Minotaur.

NPC_Male_NR |

DM Azure_Zero |

rand: 1d100 ⇒ 16
Thorion goes back to the Busty Minotaur, and takes his usual seat,
Just as Mina is about to take Thorion's order, when she faints a bit.

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion shows no overt reaction to Mina's fainting. He simply leans over and provides an unskilled evaluation of her condition. Aside from the evaluation, he shows no concern over her condition.
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Thorion Trepador |

LoL, that means that she is pregnant or going to die..(Note) that Thorion's studies have been more related to death than the birth side of the religion.
Heal (Untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Corindus Droven |

Baleson sees Corindus enter and ask
"What Can I do for you today?
As it so far has been quiet, especially after Slade came through here, heck even the rats are keeping quiet."
"Even the Barns boys are keeping their heads down?" the sheriff asks with a wry, incredulous smile. "I'd almost worry that's a sign of some new fell misfortune," he jokes. "I think I'll take a stroll along the docks. The smell of the river always does me good, and I can keep an eye on the mill. Those boys are always a little too high strung."

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion considers the woman's situation for a moment begins speaking to her in a soft tone. "It would seem that you are needing a rest. Someone in your condition shouldn't press themselves to hard. I suggest taking a little time to recover."
After making what he believes is a reasonable suggestion, Thorion heads back over and sits down at his table.

NPC_Male_NR |

Baleson replies back
"The Barns boys are still causing some trouble, but a lot less of it.
Which is nice, but I still find this level of quiet a bit unnerving, since it's never been this quiet."
Baleson then adds after a short pause
"I think is quiet is because of you, having won against one whom you could call a monster, it's scaring all the rats."

NPC_Female_Recruitable |

Darion The Diviner |

Darion is glad for Slade to be gone apparently without a mishap but something is still bothering him perhaps a premonition, perhaps the loss after an adrenaline rush, or maybe something just isn’t sitting right with him from his meal earlier today
He kisses Eve and then departs for the door
I need to think I’m feeling something and I don’t know what it is I think I’ll take a walk He looks at his wife and then reconsiders Perhaps you’d like to join me you could help settle my nerves and a walk would do the baby good. Besides we should probably go round up the rabble we call our kids for the evening

NPC_Female_Recruitable |

Darion The Diviner |

Darion replies to Eve
Very well I won’t be gone more than an hour or two
Darion leaves his home and pregnant wife to go outside and gather his thoughts. He hasn’t had any premonitions but he feels uneasy and is hopeful of a premonition or a flash of insight as he stews on this topic
Perhaps I can go see Corindus and let him know my uneasiness. Maybe he is feeling the same or maybe I’m just being paranoid and Corindus can quell my thoughts on this topic

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion observes as Jim and Jane help their mother off to a more accommodating location. After taking down a considerable swig of his drink, he sits quietly and contemplates how complicated life will become for Eve with four new children to care for.

Thorion Trepador |

OK gotcha. I got confused seeing that both of them are dealing with the same issue and both are using the same image. In that regard, substitute Eve's name with Mina's

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion watches with little to no expression as Duke reacts to the news about the two sets of twins.

Corindus Droven |

Corin was never the most perceptive of men, particularly when it comes to interpersonal matters. However, perhaps owing to their adventures together, he can read something amiss upon the wizard's face.
"Good morning, dear friend," he calls out to Darion. "What brings you out and about today? Hopefully not some troubling business?"

Darion The Diviner |

Darion looking glad to see Corindus relaxes his tensed face a little and responds
Well It is good to see you too. And excellent work dealing with that nasty character Slade. Let me preface my words with the fact that whatever my reason for concern it is probably nothing to worry about. But I need to voice my thoughts and I don’t want to worry Eve with these thoughts Darion is a little sweemish to say without facts but he finally lets it out I feel uneasy about the whole Slade thing I feel like we haven’t seen the end of it or just in general unrelated to Slade that something bad is going to happen. I have no proof not even a premonition on this but something is still bothering me. How do you feel about all that has recently transpired? Am I being paranoid or do you think there is some validity to my concern?

Corindus Droven |

The sheriff rubs his chin thoughtfully, trying not to be distracted by the stubble he missed on his jaw while shaving.
"You are being cautious. That is how I would describe it," Corin eventually replies. "Ours is not a fortunate town, and ill fortune certainly seems drawn to our walls. We've matched axe and spell with some of the very worst of that, too, so you and I probably both have a view that is skewed to the negative."
Corin sighs and puts his hands on his hips, thinking better of the pessimism he hears in his own words.
"You have a family now. We both do. I know I never thought it would be possible, but now that it has happened, I'm terrified of losing it. I figure it's the same for you. You aren't paranoid; you're protective."

Darion The Diviner |

Darion considers Corindus’s words for a few moments I appreciate your words it is helpful to think this through out loud. However I am still keeping a sharp eye out and I’d suggest you do the same. I fear the carefree thoughts of childhood are no longer our luxury to haveDarion puts a hand on Corindus’s shoulder in a friendly embrace and before turning to leave he says Thanks my friend go see to that family of yours as I am to mine

Darion The Diviner |

To bring in the chaos or not at this moment?.....
that is your call but if this is a democracy then I vote bring it

Thorion Trepador |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:To bring in the chaos or not at this moment?.....that is your call but if this is a democracy then I vote bring it
(Same here)

DM Azure_Zero |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The day wears on and everyone in town goes to bed, sans the night watch....
This night is oddly colder then a normal Summer night which is a bit of a nice relief of the hot humid nights, but it's cold enough that oddly a blanket is needed to keep warm.
The cool air puts everyone into a deep sleep.
Tossed in some music
As you dream, you dream of waking out of your home to the office as usual though after you open the door and cross it's threshold is everything different.
Your in a small metal tolley with windows on all sides and the outside is a void with points of light going by all in one direction.
You see a man you've seen only once before 7 years ago in the mirror room for a brief moment.
He starts speaking with a slight stutter.
"Well, Well, Corindus Droven in the flesh....
I was quite surprised and impressed in how you dealt with ... Mr Shepard, and wanted to congratulate you ... earlier, but had to attend to ... more pressing matters...
And while I respect my fellow employees, ... those three tend to be inflexable at times ... so I had to wait a bit until ... they were occupied for a while.
I do have a few ... assets in the area that I saved ... and consider an investment ... I wish for them to be safely ... returned back to town...
This is where I must extract from you ... a small repayment owed for ... your own and your family's current state ...
As I kept Shepard ... from finding your home ... before you outwitted him...
See the them ... safely back home...
While I wish I could do more ... then keep an eye on you ... I have to abid by certain ... restrictions ."
It suddenly gets blindly light fading after a second, the Dream's scenery is back to Falcon's hollow.
You suddenly fly through the air through the Woods to ruins within the Vale, a old stone ruin of a court house that still mostly stands.
You can see the stone black floor and stone block walls, and two statues, still with great detail, on pedestals facing each other near their respective walls;
one a sorrowful woman offering prayer, and the other a serious faced man holdings two stone tablets one in each arm, and then remember this place.
Then the flying continues until you reach a ruined Monastery with part of it's town toppled over,
and you remember it well and the terror that made the group flew from there.
You see some children running out from the double doors of the Monastery and into the Tower and securing it quickly.
Through as you approach the Monastery even closer you spot a shadow moving about the ruins quickly,
even up it's walls you can even start to hear something muttering, with it getting loader as you get close.
The Shadow then seems to look at you and you see a pair of voilet glowing eyes and an image gets burned into you mind, and image of a large shadowy image of a human skull with two pairs of voilet glowing eyes and something like a crown on it.
The image seems to be openinging it's mouth as a voilet light shows it's teeth and your hear a roar.
You wake up in a cold cold sweat, you can even hear birds flying and animals howling all over the Vale as if they got spooked by something.
And Now you recall the Warning that was given about 7 years ago....
You can see Mary still sleeping peacefully beside you, which helps in calming you down....
As you dream, you dream of waking out of your home and into the mirror room you've been studying for the about the past 7 years,
it then seems as if time is rewinding backwards, and you see the room now has seven mirrors around the alter almost making a complete circle as if it's missing an 8th mirror,
with ghostly images of the people whom were working the place and notice that one of them is a woman whom the others seem to be getting orders from.
She mentions that who ever build this room was a genius of geniuses, that even the setup of the mirrors was novel and that there was no way they could fail with the Lamba Project.
You can hear the men saying;
"I certainly hope you know what you're doing."
"I'm sure of it."
"Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?"
"Well, if you think I can help."
"Most of the simulation results are perfectly acceptable, you know."
They seem to do a test and well crap hits the fan with arcs and balls of light appearing and disappearing along with some of the people.
They barely manage to shut it down and order a removal of two mirrors and moving the remaining mirrors closer together to disable it,
and saying this should stop anyone from trying to use it again as they'd need to be a complete idiot to try it, before abandoning the room.
Then Time rewinds back even further again this time you see the 8th mirror in it's place and something else a large crystal over the altar.
There again are ghostly images of the people working the room, and you spot a man trying to persuade a stop to the experiment.
The man leaves the room, and the men proceed with the experiment, and again crap spirls out of control, but this time they manage to get it under control faster.
You can hear them debating and then deciding to abandon the Lamba project deciding that removal of the crystal and a mirror should stop anyone from trying to repeat what they started.
With them saying only an idiot would start the thing in a obviously incomplete state.
Time then fast forwards to the present and you find yourself flying from the Hollow to ruins in the Vale, a old stone ruin of a court house that still mostly stands.
You can see the stone black floor and stone block walls, and two statues, still with great detail, on pedestals facing each other near their respective walls;
one a sorrowful woman offering prayer, and the other a serious faced man holdings two stone tablets one in each arm, and then remember this place.
Then the flying continues until you reach a ruined Monastery with part of it's town toppled over, and you remember it well and the terror that made the group flew from there.
Flying through the double doors you see a figure come out from the Library and wake to the old wolf den, and you start to hear the mutterings which send chills up and down you spine.
Following the figure you go down the stairs....
After getting off on the last step the scene instantly changes to a dark world with a darken sky and open plains with few trees with a canyon before you.
You see the figure is Thorion and he is gazing into the canyon, and you peek in as well.
The fog inside the canyon hides it's bottom, and as you gaze into it, you can feel something gazing back at you.
As the fog subsides a bit you see very large and thick chains anchored into the sides of the canyon's walls.
You feel fear, terror, and hopelessness jumping up and down your spine as if even these emotions as are afraid, as you see a large pair of voilet glowing eyes pierce the fog.
Then you see another pair of voilet glowing eyes and they look at you, and as a some more fog subsides you see a huge human like skull with two extra sets of eyes where the brow would be.
Just then it roars and you wake up in a cold cold sweat, you can even hear birds flying and animals howling all over the Vale as if they got spooked by something.
And Now you recall the Warning that was given about 7 years ago....
You can see Eve still sleeping peacefully beside you, which helps in calming you down....
As you dream, you dream of waking out of the Busty Minotaur and a soft woman's voice beckons you towards the kirk and into it's archives.
Where the voice guides you a hidden space where you can see the cover of the book and it has a small Spiraling comet in the top left corner of the cover.
Grabbing the book and taking it out you also see a large "λ" symbol in a circle on the cover.
Opening the book you see text you can't read, for a moment then suddenly you pull pulled out of the archives and kirk and flying out of town into the woods,
temporarily stopping at a old stone ruin of a court house that still mostly stands.
You can see the stone black floor and stone block walls, and two statues on pedestals facing each other near their respective walls;
one a sorrowful woman offering prayer, and the other a serious faced man holdings two stone tablets one in each arm.
The statues of the woman and man are life sized, and the even with great age the statue still has great detail which should of faded into history..
The pedestal the statues rest on is also in great shape, though grass seems to cover the all sides of the pedestal.
You can also feel a weight on you as you look at them.
You then continue flying until you reach a ruined Monastery with part of it's town toppled over.
Entering the Monastery through it's double doors, and taking a left down the hall to a ruined library and see a hidden and sealed up container.
As your about to open the container you hear muttering that send chills up and down your spine, and start wandering till you enter a room with stairs going down into the dark.
After getting off on the last step the scene instantly changes to a dark world with a darken sky and open plains with few trees with a canyon before you.
The fog inside the canyon hides it's bottom, and as you gaze into it, you can feel something gazing back at you.
As the fog subsides a bit you see very large and thick chains anchored into the sides of the canyon's walls.
You feel fear, terror, and hopelessness jumping up and down your spine as if even these emotions as are afraid, as you see a large pair of voilet glowing eyes pierce the fog.
Then you see another pair of voilet glowing eyes and they look at you, and as a some more fog subsides you see a huge human like skull with two extra sets of eyes where the brow would be.
Just then it roars and you wake up in a cold cold sweat also having soiled yourself, you can even hear birds flying and animals howling all over the Vale as if they got spooked by something.
holy crap this one took a while to write.
Also expect some RP before you leave town....

Thorion Trepador |

After taking a moment to gather himself, Thorion moved over to the washbasin and began to clean himself. It had been a long time since he felt that level of fear, which left him feeling a bit off center. (It was only a dream) he thought to himself as he struggled with regaining his composure. More than a few moments pass before regaining a firm footing with the concept that it was only a dream.
The night had seemed longer than most and the coolness of the fresh air reminded Thorion that daylight was right around the corner. He had spent enough time lollygagging around with dreams and ultimately decided to get a early start on the day ahead. After properly outfitting himself he headed out of his room to acquire a morning meal from the Busty Minotaur.

DM Azure_Zero |

Are you sure it was all a dream....
Thorion sees out the window it is still dark, and the eastern horizon is just starting to brighten...
As Thorion heads down stairs thinking there'd be someone to cook and a chance at a meal, no one is there.
Thorrion figures he's the only one woken up earlier then everyone else in town, except maybe some farmers.....

Thorion Trepador |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Are you sure it was all a dream....
NO! I am unsettled in the fact that there is any part of reality in that dream.
Realizing that he is way off in regards to the time of day, Thorion turns around and heads back to his room. Still unsettled by the dream, he spends the rest of the morning in meditation. Once things liven up a bit he then heads back down to the Busty Minotaur and orders a morning meal.

DM Azure_Zero |

I'm doing what I set out to do then, ...
And why not check out the Archive and see....or ask others about images you saw....
As nightmares are gonna be the talk of the town this morning..
You all take a quick gaze out a window nearest to you and notice a lot of fog and a full moon is eerily tinted an orange color and gives an ominous feel.
And that everything outside has now become very quite as if the forest, farms and fields themselves are afraid of something.
Just as you about to go back to sleep, Tiara and Miara enter the room, and get close seems to wake up Mary and she asks what's wrong, and both say they had a nightmare, and wish to sleep here for the rest of the night.
Normally a nightmare wouldn't scare them this much, it must of been a really bad one.
Just as you about to go back to sleep, Damien, Danika, and Boden enter the room, and get close seems to wake up Eve and she asks what's wrong, and they all say they had a nightmare, and wish to sleep here for the rest of the night.
Normally a nightmare wouldn't scare them this much, it must of been a really bad one.
Oh if any of you had a dream with chains, yeah, take the chains used in an Aircraft carrier for it's anchor and times their size and thickness by about 3 and a half times.

Darion The Diviner |

Darion already awake from his nightmares welcomes the children in the bed. But a moment of clarity hits him as he realizes his children to had nightmares. This is very strange. Eve doesn’t seem to have had any dreams or at least not any nightmares that have awakened her.
In a consolingly manner he takes each child in the other room and asks them what they were so afraid of and what they saw in their nightmares. He then reassures them and allows them back into his bed with Eve.

DM Azure_Zero |

Darion as you ask each one what they were scared of you start to feel fear again as you hear their words and their nightmares....
Boden starts first saying he was dreaming of walking in the woods and came upon a ruined building with a small courtyard, the sky was dark.
It looked like a storm was coming and decided to shelter in the ruins,
as he walked through looking for a good room he came upon a partially eaten corpse of a dead animal.
As he looked closer at it, the corpse's eyes glowed with a violet color and then got up ready to attack.
Boden fled the ruins and into the woods and as the corpse entered the wood, its started withering and dying and life near it was being twisted into undead mockeries of what they were. It was when he heard it roar did he wake.
This scares his siblings even more after hearing it.
Danika then starts telling you her nightmare, in that she is walking on a path through the woods and comes upon a ruin with two finely detailed statues on pedestals facing each other, a praying woman with a chalice in both hands and a man standing and holding a pair of scales in is right hand, she feels safe there and then continue on a path until she reaches another ruin surrounded in a open plain and the sky had gotten darker.
She feels something dreadful in the air, but is also curious and bold enough that she presses on into the old ruin.
She enters through a pair of double doors, as she takes a right turn down the hall, hears mutterings of voices which send shivers down her spine.
She spots something in the shadows of one of the rooms as she backs out and feels it staring at her.
Suddenly a pair of glowing violet eyes appear from the shadow and makes out something human like, but somehow instinctively knows it ain't human and it is something to get the freak away from.
She then runs out of the ruin and turning back for a moment to see it still following, but now it's a pure shadow with the form of a woman and it was gaining on her,
then a pretty woman with wings in black and silver steps in to stop it in it's tracks, and then it roared a roar the sent fear up and down her spine and it's roar woke her up, having soiled the bed.
Her story ends up unnerving her bothers even more so now.
Damien then starts telling his dream,
Walking through the woods of the Vale and comes upon some ruins with a darkened sky again in open plains, he walks into the ruins through a pair of double doors but as he does he hears a voice say
"What clings to you?
Bear it—you cannot.
Accept it—you cannot.
But hidden—it is from you.
Recite its name."
After a while Damien takes a right turn into the hallway and takes a left at the end of a hall and finds stairs going down, and sees the ruin's lower level with Kobolds running about though a bit jittery as if on high alert, as he walk down the hall it suddenly goes pitch black after walking a few steps he finds himself
suddenly in a dark world with a darken sky and open plains with few trees with a canyon before him.
Damien peers into the canyon, but the fog inside the canyon hides it's bottom. As he gaze into it, he can feel something gazing back at him.
As the fog subsided he sees think large chains in the canyon walls, and a large pair of glowing violet eyes, that feel unimaginably cold, and fear grips him hard.
As the fog further subsides he sees the glowing eyes were eyes of a huge human like skulls with two pairs of glowing violet eyes.
but he also read something on the things skull
"The Hidden One,
The Ruler of the Void and of Shadows."
After reading it, the thing looked angry and roared loudly sending fear through his whole body and waking him up having also soiled himself.
After hearing this the siblings are really scared and so are you more so with Damien's nightmare,
but you do your best to keep a straight face and not show your own fear and comfort them all in the same bed,
after Damien and Danika were confirmed to have a change in underwear...
You don't sleep much more until the dawn as thoughts run through your mind.
Especially about Damien and Danika's nightmares....
crap this took a while

DM Azure_Zero |

but it is now likened to that darkened world with the canyon and with a full deep red moon over you.
As you walk about you see no living beings only shadows of the people with voilet glowing eyes moving about their lives.....

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion tries with vigorous effort to compartmentalize the images. His thoughts border now boarder those tucked away from his youth. Days long gone. Days better forgotten.
With a deep sigh he once again begins to focus on the image of the book. He attempts to recall the details about the book's location in his dream. The details of the book's cover and the symbols displayed predominantly on it flash through his memory.
As the morning wears on, Thorion finds some solace in his efforts to calm himself and then heads back down to take in a morning meal. After satisfying his hunger, he heads out to the Archive to see if any part of his dream might hold some truth to the books location.

Corindus Droven |

At first, Corin sits still and quiet in bed after awaking. He's had troubled nights before and usually trusts them to pass. When the girls barge in, though, his stomach sinks with the thought that this may be no idle worry.
"Tell me about it," he beckons to his daughters warmly. He forces a mask of jovial confidence upon his face with all the ease of shoving his head through a tree. Still, he desperately wanted them to find comfort in his presence, just as he found in Mary's.
As the girls clamber onto the bed, Corin strives to keep their attention upon him and their mother - away from the window.
"Just a trick of the fog and moon. Nothing more," he reassures himself while bracing to hear of his daughters' nightmare. He struggles against the urge to cast his eyes towards his sword and magic hatchet, hanging from their pegs upon the wall.

DM Azure_Zero |

The girls climb into the bed with their parents as bookends,
Miara is in braced by Mary as she tells her nightmare,
She is walking on a path through the woods and comes upon a ruin with two finely detailed statues on pedestals facing each other, a praying woman and a man holding a stone tablet in each arm, she feels safe there and then continue on a path until she reaches another ruin surrounded in a open plain and the sky had gotten darker.
Miara feels something dreadful in the air, but is also curious and bold enough that she presses on into the old ruin.
before she enters through a pair of double doors she hears mutterings of voices which send shivers down her spine.
She spots something in the shadows of one of the rooms as she backs way and feels it staring at her.
Suddenly a pair of glowing violet eyes appear from the shadow and makes out something human like, but somehow instinctively knows it ain't human and it is something to get the freak away from.
She backs out of the ruin's small courtyard and the shadow follows but now it's a pure shadow with the form of a woman wielding a Fullblade just like she was, and it was closing the distance between them,
then a pretty woman in red and white stepped in to stop it in it's tracks.
The woman was walking towards it with her right hand extended toward it holding a claice and I heard her saying
"...Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. ..."
and then the shadow roared a angry roar that sent fear up and down her spine and it's roar woke her up.
Corindus can see with the light that enters the room through the window that this scares Tiara a lot.
It becomes clear why as Tiara tells of her nightmare
She is walking on a path through the woods and comes upon a ruin with two finely detailed statues on pedestals facing each other, a praying woman and a man holding a stone tablet in each arm, she feels safe there and then continue on a path until she reaches another ruin surrounded in a open plain and the sky had gotten darker.
Tiara feels something dreadful in the air, but is also curious and bold enough that she presses on into the old ruin.
before she enters through a pair of double doors she hears mutterings of voices which send shivers down her spine.
She spots something in the shadows of one of the rooms as she backs way and feels it staring at her.
Suddenly a pair of glowing violet eyes appear from the shadow and makes out something human like, but somehow instinctively knows it ain't human and it is something to get the freak away from.
She backs out of the ruin's small courtyard and the shadow follows but now it's a pure shadow with the form of a woman wielding a Longsword and shield just like she was, and it was closing the distance between them,
then a man in blue and white stepped in to stop it in it's tracks.
The man was walking towards it with his right hand extended toward it holding a pair of scales and I heard him saying
"...Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good...."
and then the shadow roared a angry roar that sent fear up and down her spine and it's roar woke her up.
Corindus can see this scares Miara a lot and even scares Mary some,
but to you it's terrifying, but you hide it well to not scare them any further.
You also hope that no one else has had a nightmare tonight, as you could just start to imaging the trouble and panic it'll cause in town if a large number of people all had similar nightmares.
You don't sleep much more until the dawn as thoughts run through your mind.
Especially about Miara and Tiara's nightmares....
Wow these nightmares eat time in writing and proof reading them....

Darion The Diviner |

Darion decides to make use of his non sleeping time after his kids fall back asleep. He grabs some parchment and a quill and writes down all that he remembers of his children’s dreams and his own. Something is amiss about all this and he hopes to discover the clues and connections between all the dreams
Do I need to make a roll to recall the information from the dreams?

DM Azure_Zero |

With Dawn breaking and folks getting up and heading to work....
Thorin heads over to the Kirk to check the archives entering the archives
he starts tracing the path he took in his dream.
He's almost to the spot where the hidden space and book should be.
Then bumps into Luk, which startles you both.
Luk then says as if you calm himself
"Are you here for another look for that Book."
Though upon finishing his words it's like he recalls something frightening
and using his hands to make a circle and then a large "λ" symbol.
Thorin nods in a scared manner, and points to the Spot the book is supposed to be hidden which in turn scares Luk and he adds
both trying to see if it is real, walk to the place and check the spot.
the spot has no hidden space, which relieve and relaxes you both for a bit,
but as one of Luk's arms relaxes against a book case, a book falls, and lands against the hidden spot revealing the spot was hidden with an illusionary wall as half the book disappears behind it.
Luk picks up the fallen book, and then grabs the book that was hidden seeing it's cover his face goes pale, as he tilts the cover to you.
It is the same as in your dream with a large circle enclosing a large "λ" symbol. in the middle and a small Spiraling comet in the corner.
Luk then goes
"What else did you see in your nightmare, as I wonder if it is like the same ones my family had...."
Corindus heads to work, and along the way you can see people are worried and scared about something, you even see Payday with an expression of something terrifying him as he walks down to the Roots and Remedies.
Questioning you dream as you are about to enter your office, you enter and find half your deputies with some bags under their eyes, as if they had a nightmare or were woken by their children last night.
Darrion though sacred some decide to check the mirror room and compare it to parts of the dream you saw, and as you enter this time you see ghostly after images of events as if time kept jumping here now.

Thorion Trepador |

Thorion’s expressionless visage quickly reverts to a look of disbelief. His eyes narrow as he focuses on the book’s cover with an undeniable form of tunnel vision. The room’s background noise blends into a single hormones blur of unidentifiable sound. Luk’s question is consumed by the nothingness that is now Thorion’s attention to anything other than the book.
In an almost trance like focus, Thorion carfully opens the book and begins to confirm that it is what he was sent for and not just another copy of the original text. While looking for any new passages or prophesies, he turns the book’s pages with the utmost care. (This can’t be. Why would this book be hidden here of all places.) He thinks to himself as the soft pages of the book slowly separate, revealing yet another look into its mystery.