Eyes of the Ten (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

PFS retirement arc

GM Aarvid

Menthen Jagaro
GM Aarvid

Rebels Map
(8,212 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Grand Lodge Hugo Victor

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }
(1,284 posts)

Hawkwen Agricola

Uzbin Parault
The Exchange Ezrek Filosten

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16
(1,201 posts)
GM Tektite

(13,565 posts)


Ostog the Unslain
Grand Lodge Savage Vengeance

M Human (Ulfen) |HP 140/147| AC 26 | T 13 | FF 23 | CMB +17 | CMD 30 | F+13 | R+7 | W+4 | DR/- 2 | Init +9 | Speed 40ft | Perception +15 Barbarian 12
(285 posts)


Civetta the Owl

Female Bird Animal Companion 9 | AC 28 T 17 FF 22 | HP 21/60 | F +8 R +10 W +4 | Init +5 | Perc +2
(9 posts)
Grand Lodge Samhain Galanodel

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest
(589 posts)