![]() Mark Stratton wrote:
An arrow isn't a blade, but I can see how people would see an arrowhead as a blade. Merriam-Webster wrote:
I could see an argument for any weapon with a flat sharp bit being a candidate for whetstone treatment. ![]()
![]() I have a rogue that with a feint build. I used a combat trick as my 4th level rogue trick to get improved feint (non-human, 1st level weapon finesse, 3rd combat expertise). It generally only comes into play when I can't get a flank, so it's more of a cool feat. Depending on your build you could get it faster (human, or level of fighter, not a dex build). 5th level I picked up Gang-Up to further reduce my reliance on feinting. So from my perspective it's a nice trick to have but fairly situational. Worth the feat or two to make it a move action, but then I also like having the ability to get the AC boost from Combat Expertise. Still working on getting to the higher level stuff. ![]()
![]() I have, and continue to be strongly tempted to play as NPCs who have had 1 adventure basically starring them, who PCs tend to hate. That said, if somehow it happened that I were to play such an NPC and that NPC somehow showed up in the adventure, I wouldn't make a scene, beyond maybe "There but for the grace of God go I." ![]()
![]() I might be interested in this, and I might have a friend who is. I am really into the roleplaying side of a play by post, since I think the forum is a pretty good medium for it. I do like lighthearted characters, but I understand your warning. I have an Elf cleric who I tried to run a couple times, but haven't been able to make stick, but I might see if there's something else. ![]()
![]() Try to recruit party members. They can make perform (sing) checks untrained. I have a friend who's bard is wildly popular. He has the flagbearer feat, and carries the flag of his band, and offers party members the opportunity to be roadies and what not and everyone seems to enjoy the chance to participate. ![]()
![]() Yeah Mike, if people want to use it once they realize they are dead, its already too late. From my perspective what you suggest might actually make it more powerful. At least it would decrease the sense of irony when you use the reroll and get the same roll or a lower one the second time. EDIT: And of course people can get a natural 1 on the reroll too. ![]()
![]() Mystic Lemur wrote:
Yeah, in my tenure as a GM I only managed 1 kill. And while I don't have fun GMing if the PCs have it too easy, I have never had one complain to me that they didn't enjoy breezing through something. As for "margin of error", I am thinking of things that are fairly small without too much impact. (Specifically I think the error I was thinking of involved the number of Pig Farmers one is supposed to have in an encounter.) That said, I had a friend that had his experience of Horn of Aroden (which I loved) under someone who ran it under prepared and I don't want to say it ruined it, but I had to explain to him why the scenario was awesome. I say that to say, don't run things cold if you can help it. But I take personal responsibility for people having fun at my store, and if by running something cold people can play something instead of playing nothing, well, why not give it a try. ![]()
![]() GM Lamplighter wrote: I have found that running scenarios "cold" is a pretty bad idea nowadays... there's a lot of subtleties that GMs and players can miss. YMMV, of course. It is, of course, never ideal. But having prepped and run Wardstone Patrol around 10 times, and realizing on the tenth try I still am messing stuff up, I have come to accept a certain margin for error in how things are run. Something run cold can still be fun. And if six people can have fun instead of 4 I feel it might be worth it. ![]()
![]() Eeeeh. Well, it is a good thing no one showed up to my game day today. I was totally planning on running 5-22 cold, if there was any conflict in running the Glass River Rescue or the Merchant's Wake, and there's always a conflict. Just lucky people were played out from Origins. Now that I know, I'll be sure to hold it until the official release. ![]()
![]() So, you guys waited for me? I was wondering if you guys would go ahead without me, since I'm kinda meh about doing it as a PbP. That said, I am going to be out of town the rest of this week for Origins. If you are start without me I won't be offended. If I can't tempt you to go ahead with just 5, I'll be back Monday, or possibly even Sunday. ![]()
![]() +1 to the Wardstone Patrol. Also, in First Steps Part 1, my cavalier's horse helped save the party from a TPK, earning it the name Bloodthirster. Generally try to stick to cross country tracks instead of dungeon crawls. I knew someone who had both a fighter and a cavalier around the same level and would ask the GM which would work better. Although the Fighter eventually out paced the cavalier... Maybe slow progression would have helped... ![]()
![]() I ran this at 4-5. And despite being pretty much jackasses the party got a good diplomacy roll that made up for it. Despite hitting almost every neg. Before I go any further, I want to say in the interest of full disclosure that I enjoy scenarios where there are NPCs that aren't necessarily easy to get along with, but also penalize the PCs if they are unrepentant jerks. That was one of my favorite things about another season 5 scenario. I also will say, any NPC interaction is dependent on the GM. I tend to recommend any scenario heavy on roleplay not be run cold. The ideal would be to play with a GM who has run it multiple times and has developed some insight into who the character really is. I imagine that isn't something that occurs especially often. That said, there is stuff in the PCs favor. First, it is more difficult to make Lander hate you. You have to fail the DC by ten or more for his attitude to worsen. Further more, if you just take him out of the trunk, heal him, help clean him up, and feed him, you already have +6 right there. I feel like those would be things natural for heroes to do after rescuing a hostage. Furthermore, if you can make the DC 20 sense motive check you can find out that if you boast about your own toughness with an Intimidation check, you can use that to increase his attitude instead of Diplomacy. You can challenge him to a duel. Now the PCs might not think about it, but it also says that Lander will be throwing out challenges himself, and the PCs just need to accept one. If you win and don't rub his face in it, his attitude automatically improves one step, which should at least be enough to get a martial group in the game, even if they don't have a face man. Also, a PC can take Lander on as a pupil, and as long as he treats him with a little respect, that PC can get a bonus to diplomacy checks. And of course, there's the ubiquitous, bonus for if you roleplay well. Of course all of this is optional, only necessary for Pathfinders who desire to "go above and beyond the call of duty." If they want, the PCs can just keep Lander in the trunk, and carry him back. But at the risk of being repetitive, I think a lot of PCs treat NPCs like brick walls. Treat them however they want, with no expectation of negative consequences. I can appreciate people wanting to play games like that, but I don't think PFS should be a game like that. If your character is just a jerk to NPCs, maybe you should lose a prestige here and there. ![]()
![]() Wait, I think you might be confusing two different feats. This is the feat Wicent has: He does not have this feat, which gives you extra sneak attack damage when attacking nonlethally with a blunt weapon: I know some builds put these feats together to great effect, but Wicent has not gone that path, at least, not by level 6. To summarize: Wicent does do non-lethal sneak attack damage, but no extra damage than he would if he were doing lethal attacks. ![]()
![]() I ran him as doing nonlethal the whole time, with the other mooks doing lethal. Personally, if I am trying to take someone alive, I like to put a far amount of nonlethal on them first, before I consider doing lethal so I am less likely to kill them on accident if I make a mistake about how much HP they have. From Wicent's perspective, I don't think there's a downside to using nonlethal. Of course, if for some reason there is, (a lot of mid-combat healing, Community Domain cleric, or undead opponents) he can always change tactics after realizing it. ![]()
![]() No, it takes them a day or two to get out to where the bandits are. I think it says somewhere that the bandits tend to strike the caravans around this time. Also, since you can only try to improve someone's opinion of you once a day, it gives the PC a couple days to work with as they bring Lander back. My understanding is that she is in hybrid form at both tiers. I think one of the other threads also addressed this? ![]()
![]() I just read this scenario and it looks awesome. I really liked how The Wardstone Patrol focused on a specific NPC, and I like how this one does the same, with the added bonus of maybe Lander showing up again in the future. I also like that Marek is easily prepared to give PCs a run for their money if they insist on picking a fight. Additionally, a couple of these combats seem pretty cool. I would love to hear any ideas about RPing Lander, especially if you have run this already. As far as the boon goes, there seems to be mass confusion about it. I had thought it would be a Taldor only boon, but my plan is to error on the side of generosity, and let some future ruling clarify it down, if necessary. ![]()
![]() Rinne, Priestess of Razmir wrote:
Why else send him to the Accursed Halls? Someone is hoping for an "accident". ![]()
![]() Nefreet wrote:
Huh. That is an interesting distinction that I had not noticed before. ![]()
![]() zefig wrote:
Well, it was fun until.. Hall of Drunken Heroes: We actually got deeper into the hall and there were frackin demons everywhere. Then it got real. Real fast. ![]()
![]() It seems like you are getting a lot of conflicting information from your area. You may want to review the guide to society play, so you are getting official information from the source. In fact it possible this group is not playing Pathfinder Society, but is just playing a Pathfinder homebrew? If that's the case, the GM can really do whatever he feels like to get you into the game. Although I guess that doesn't explain why he'd send you to a VC about it... Another option to level a PFS character for you to consider is Conventions. In a few days you can grow a level or two. Possibly more if they have modules you can play in. ![]()
![]() PRD wrote: Improvised Weapons: Sometimes objects not crafted to be weapons nonetheless see use in combat. Because such objects are not designed for this use, any creature that uses an improvised weapon in combat is considered to be nonproficient with it and takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with that object. To determine the size category and appropriate damage for an improvised weapon, compare its relative size and damage potential to the weapon list to find a reasonable match. An improvised weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. An improvised thrown weapon has a range increment of 10 feet. So, in short, yeah basically just pick something and go with it. At my table I usually compare things to clubs. ![]()
![]() Shepherds use canes for the sheep, right? Alternatively, if you want a cane that bad, just take the Caught off Guard Feat and treat it as an improvised weapon. Other alternatives: a club that for the purposes of character discription you say looks like a cane. Might still have trouble sneaking it in to "safe" zones. Use a sword cane, and just never take the sword out. Maybe a Hanbo (AA), if you don't like the quarterstaff? Take a level of wizard and get a cane as your bonded item? ![]()
![]() I enjoyed First Steps when I played it, and I think my group liked Master of the Fallen Fortress, but I didn't run it for PFS, and we didn't actually get all the way through. It does have a decently cool PFS hook. Thornkeep is another module that can be run multiple times, but has two fairly dangerous enemies, and player deaths often (but not always) put a damper on a gaming session. Quest for perfection is a pretty cool low level three parter, with a boon at the end that is interesting for certain character types. I always think of the early blakros museum missions as sort of prototypical pathfinder missions. They aren't as roleplay heavy, (more dungeon crawly) but I feel like it gives a good feeling for what pathfindering is about. Echoes of the Overwatched, is probably the one that is least this way. Penumbral Accords was my favorite, but that could just be because I like saving damsels in distress. Edit: I forgot We Be Goblins. It's a Free RPG Mod, and while not really Society related it is definitely a favorite. High pitched squeaky voices recommended for the goblins. ![]()
![]() I guess if Dragon was its own domain I wouldn't have been so surprised, but Scalykind is also snakes and stuff. Venomous stare, magic fang. To me it seems like it's written for a druid who is particularly well connected with snakes and lizards. I guess the animal companion you get from it is more powerful than the Animal domain one. Maybe that's why? ![]()
![]() So I've been wanting to do a Druid with a domain for a bit now, but I never really started work on it because I didn't really have a domain in mind. So the other day I'm flipping through the Champions of Purity I think, and saw the new Dragon Subdomain. I'm all, awesome. But then I started looking at the idea closer, and I was surprised to see the Druids don't have access to the Scalykind domain. I was wondering why. It seems like that would be up a druid's alley. Could it be a balance of power thing? My personal pet theory is that no one really remembered that Druids can get domains, so Inner Sea didn't mention Scalykind as a possible druid domain, and since most druids get the animal companion instead anyway it just hasn't really come up. Theories?