Echoes of Glory

Game Master P.H. Dungeon

Characters hail from northern Taldor and are members or retainers of the Albercroft family. Lord Albercroft is a baron of a small domain in Northern Taldor.

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I'm checking to see if there's an interest in a somewhat non-traditional style Pathfinder game.

The premise is that the characters would be members of minor noble house in a unstable/war torn feudal realm (possibly Taldor or maybe Nyrond in the Greyhawk setting). The focus of the campaign would be on defending, stabilizing and expanding their realm. There would be ample opportunity for rp and combat as characters build alliances or make enemies of their neighbours and deal with various threats to their domain. More traditionally adventuring objectives like gathering loot would take a backseat, and things like bringing honour to the party's family and winning the favour of more powerful/prominent nobles would be much more important.

The campaign would focus more on martial characters with classes like fighters, cavaliers, and paladins having an important place. Other classes like clerics, druids, rangers and wizards could all have a role in the campaign as well.

Characters would begin at 3rd level. I'd use point buy for stats, and I'm leaning towards a 15 point buy to give the game a heroic but more low fantasy type feel. Humans would be the primary race, but there could be one or two members of other races. All characters will be somehow connected to the noble family that the game centres around, and together the players will design the noble house. Initially no PC will be the ruler of the house, but could be a son or daughter of the local baron.

I'd be looking for 3-5 players

I'd be willing to give this a whirl. Human Paladin/sorcerer/dragon disciple work for you?

Sovereign Court

Oh yes, i'd love this. I've been reading, watching and playing (via a Crusader Kings 2 mod) far too much Game of Thrones lately to pass this up.

Personally, the less magic the better in such a game though, IMO.

Definitely interest here. Can I get chargenning? :P.

I'm not sure why 15 points makes it more heroic.

This game would definitely have a Game of Thrones feel, but off course with some D&D critters thrown in.

And yes I'd very much like to play down the magic aspect of the game. I was tempted to say no arcane characters, but I thought I might have trouble finding any players if I went that far. I think I will say however, no more than 2 spell casters (1 divine and 1 arcane). I also don't count classes like Rangers and Paladins as spell casters, even though they can use a little magic.

Gerald and Alexander, feel free to flesh out your character concepts.

PbP aren't know for moving along at any great speed. Consequently, I don't see this game going any higher than 9th level. I also plan to play a little loose with the certain rules. I find some of the tactical elements of Pathfinder a pain in the pbp format. For instance, tactical movement AoO can work fine in a face to face game when you have a battle map out, but in pbp I find them a hassle. I like to keep things moving as quick and painlessly as possible, and I don't really want to have to scan and post maps for most encounters. As much as possible, I'd like to run Theatre of the Mind style without having to worry too much about tracking very precise positioning and dealing with some of pathfinder's more finicky tactical elements.

If that's not the play style you think you'll like you probably shouldn't consider joining this game.

Hassan Ahmed wrote:
I'm not sure why 15 points makes it more heroic.

It's more heroic than 10 points. I'm okay with a 20 point buy if that's what players would prefer. I just have an issue with min/maxed characters for this kind of campaign. For this sort of game you'd want to spread your points around a bit because social skills and the like would be more important. Of course a 15 point buy doesn't necessarily discourage min/max. I guess if anything it might do the opposite.

I guess I could live with 20 point buy, but with no attributes starting higher than 18.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
Hassan Ahmed wrote:
I'm not sure why 15 points makes it more heroic.

It's more heroic than 10 points. Although, I'm okay with a 20 point buy. I just have an issue with min/maxed characters. For this sort of game you'd want to spread your points around a bit because social skills and the like would be more important. Of course a 15 point buy doesn't necessarily discourage min/max. I guess if anything it might do the opposite.

I guess I could live with 20 point buy, but with no attributes starting higher than 18.

In that case 20 PB might help Multi-Abilities Dependent classes and those who don't have much social skills.


I guess I should also add that as usual good rping will very much help to supplement skill checks for social interaction.

Very interested. I had this character in a similar game and would be very interested in revisiting him.

Lantern Lodge

Would you be down with a bard in the game?

Talomyr wrote:
Very interested. I had this character in a similar game and would be very interested in revisiting him.

That's the sort of character that would definitely fit well for this sort of game. A little reworking of the background might be required, as I see the building of the noble house a task that all players in the game will have input towards and contribute to. The PCs will all be tied together in some way- either family or close family retainers.

DaWay wrote:
Would you be down with a bard in the game?

A bard could work well, depending on what other classes are in the game.

Sovereign Court

Making my character now. I'm holding back on choosing some elements of the character (tactician bonus feat for example) until I see the rest of the group and know a little about where we are playing, what noble family we're serving or part of, etc.

I will say that the character I will be submitting will be a Cavalier, i've almost finished him actually. Honor Guard and Strategist archetypes with Order of the Dragon.

The concept heavily relies on loyally serving another PC as his personal honour guard and bodyguard, so background etc. is kind of waiting on that detail.

So are we going for fifteen or 20 point buy? Truth be told, i'm fine with either.

As for the maps issue, I do intend to use a reach weapon and combat reflexes. Should be ok as long as we always remember a medium melee enemy without a reach weapon will provoke AOO to approach him.

The basic concept would be a stern, scarred bodyguard; acting as friend, protector, servant and part-time mentor for the shining, rising noble within the family. Classically schooled in Lastwall and something of an expert on noble families and their heraldry as well as a variety of other skills. As talented a strategist as he is a bodyguard but not groomed for command.

Does this sound feasible DM, and what point buy am I shooting for? I have him statted on 15 point buy right now but the change would be easy.

Edit: Serving as Sir Garrett's bodyguard for example, would be great. Tal and I play together a lot as it is :).

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
Talomyr wrote:
Very interested. I had this character in a similar game and would be very interested in revisiting him.
That's the sort of character that would definitely fit well for this sort of game. A little reworking of the background might be required, as I see the building of the noble house a task that all players in the game will have input towards and contribute to. The PCs will all be tied together in some way- either family or close family retainers.

I assumed there would have to be some re-working of the character. He is currently built with 15 pts, but I can very easily bump him to 20 if that is what is being used.

Are we using traits in this game?

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Edit: Serving as Sir Garrett's bodyguard for example, would be great. Tal and I play together a lot as it is :).

That would be cool. If picked and I play Garrett anything like I did before, he could use someone to put his ego in check from time to time ;)

Sovereign Court

Skirmisher ranger would be an excellent fit too, considered one myself before falling in love with the Honor Guard cavalier.

if there are still spots available for characters i would love you to play. maybe a rogue diplomat. or really whatever. i just havn't had a game in quite a while.

It looks like Alexander and Kilcoyne are in for sure. With maybe Gerald, DaWay and Ras Tai' filling out the remainder of the party.

I think since Alexander and Kilcoyne both seem fine with a 15 point build I'll keep it with that, as that is more the power level of game I'm interested in running.

I've decided on Taldor as the location. Specifically the area between the Verduan Forest and the southern spur of the Fog Peaks. A location that is far removed from the heart of the empire with plenty of room for nobles to do as they please and have little skirmishes with one another without fear of the empire trying to reign their bad behaviour in.

Is the party full?

I was thinking this guy could be a spy type.

Sovereign Court

Heh, do you mean Alexander and Talomyr? Flattering though it is to be in twice and have my opinion count for double ;).

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Heh, do you mean Alexander and Talomyr? Flattering though it is to be in twice and have my opinion count for double ;).

yeah that's what I meant.

Lorald Urnhack wrote:

Is the party full?

I was thinking this guy could be a spy type.

I'm full if the maybes all confirm. If not I have a spot or two.

Sovereign Court

Ok, to work on background how do we envision this? Will each PC be a member of the Albercroft noble house, or at least sworn to said house from very minor nobility perhaps?

P.H., just for information's sake, as I know you were wanting to really limit the casters. Garrett, as built, has a level of bard. This will be the only level of bard he take (assuming it stays in the build, as I would be willing to scrap it). The original build was going to lead into Battle Herald from the APG.

DM, here is Gerald's paladin/sorcerer mix. I haven't finished things, because I don't know about gold, hit points, etc. I have everything else except a backstory, because until I know more about the setting, I'm not sure what will work and not work since we are all from the same house.

I can see him being the conscience of the House, so to speak. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he always tries to do what is right. If any character need help, Rando's moral compass will always be pointing to good. Of course, he'd be completely over his head with any political machinations going on, at least early on.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, waiting on gold, info and HP (rolling 2nd and 3rd level?) myself, but i'm headed to bed soon so i'll post the character up for perusal tomorrow.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
I'm full if the maybes all confirm. If not I have a spot or two.

K well let me know if a space opens please. If not good luck guys.

I can have a character put together by tomorrow morning. the background will have to wait till i know more about the setting and campaign but i can have his attributes, feats, and what not put together quickly.

Gold would be standard starting for a 3rd level character. It would be assumed that most items or family heirlooms and such, as opposed to gear acquired through traditional adventuring.

DM, traits allowed? How do we determine hit points for second and third level?

Randofrain Thomasarian wrote:
DM, traits allowed? How do we determine hit points for second and third level?

How do you want to determine hp? I'm cool with either rolling them or doing an odds, evens method. For odds and evens, as an example, a fighter would gain 6 hp at even levels and 5 hp at odd levels +Con of course. I'm fine with traits. I'll need players to cut me a little slack. I've run a lot of 3.5, but not recently, and I have the core Pathfinder books, but I haven't really played it much yet, so I'm not really up to speed on a lot of the stuff that is outside the core books. To be honest, it's not even a system I particularly love, but I figure it's the one people on these boards know the best and would probably want to play. It should work fine for the kind of game I want to run.

I'm fine with odds and evens, if that works with you, DM. I'm sure everyone else has their own preferences, though.

Most DMs allow two traits, in the games I've played. They are about half as strong as feats. If you have the APG, they are listed there. They are also listed on the srd, if you want to take a look at them.

This is going to be my char sheet (Ras Tai') its a work in progress... looking to be more of a talker then a fighter. hence the diplomat theme...

The characters that I see are looking like they're coming well; it looks like we have four on the go right now, and I'm sure we'll have a fifth player. The main thing left is to figure out how the different characters will interact/relate together.

Right now I believe I see a Cavalier, A rogue, A paladin/sorcerer, and a Cavalier/bard. I think everyone might be human as well (as crazy as that sounds).

I think I see Garret as a son of the local baron (i.e. the house you will all be connected to). The rest of you will need to decide if you want to be a relative (maybe brother or cousin) or if you are a family retainer or friend. I believe that Alexander already decided that his cavalier would be a family retainer and bodyguard for Sir Garret.

The region you will be starting in very rural and provincial, far removed from Taldor's great cities. The house's barony consists a little over a half dozen villages most of which are a few miles apart. Your home base is the largest village in the barony, which is the main market hub for the barony. It features your the family's castle, a sturdy stone keep that has been around for several generations and is in some need of repair. The majority of the barony's population is human.

Your house owes fealty to a count who lives in a town about 20 miles away. Other baronies also border your own. Some are friendly towards you and some aren't. We'll get into the details of that more as we play.

well im down with being either a distant cousin/uncle or a hired guy who helps with the court back then family did it as much as someone else. which would the group prefer for me.

I am flexible on two of my feats as well, if anyone wants to bang out a teamwork feat or two. Improved Initiative and Cleave could easily be switched out.

I see Rando being an adopted cousin, or something of the like. That way I can explain his bloodline blessing a little easier. Definitely of a lower social standing than Sir Garrett.

Sovereign Court

May I present Sade Aquino. Taldan Swordlord (Human Fighter)

Sade is built for a different campaign, but I can scale him up to lvl if you're down with the concept.

I'll put this out there and see how you guys feel about it. In the other php I'm running (not a pathfinder php), I don't use initiative. The initiative ends up being the order that players happen to post, and I kind of mix the enemies in between. This means that stuff like improved initiative is useless, but it also means that we don't have to worry about setting up an initiative order each time there is a fight, and you don't have to worry about not posting because your turn has yet come up in the order. It's working well in my other game, but Pathfinder is a bit of a different animal. I'd probably prefer to do that way with this game as well, but if people really prefer the standard initiative system I can run it that way.

I'm down with no initiative. Are we going with 2 traits or 1? and im indecessive with rolling or odds and evens. it would be great for me with the low hd but our combat characters would be a little short changed potentially.

Sovereign Court

As far as hit points go, even/odd is fine by me. Another option would be go with Pathfinder Society rules and do 1/2*die +1. For example, a fighter would get 6 hp every level, a rogue would get 5, a wizard 4, etc.

I'm not particularly a fan of doing away with initiative, but if that is what the group as a whole wants to do, I can live with it.

Lantern Lodge

I will make a pure bard in the next couple days. It will be a human. Expect me to post a build by Wednesday. The reason for the delay I'd my wife being in Labor.

we could do like one of my old games. put what we each do in our post and then the GM can put up what happened in a master post. do we have to use an online dice roller? or can I use my dice i have here at home? just something that I love about rolling my own dice.

There is always block initiative. DM rolls once for enemy group and once for PC group. Then they just go 1st or 2nd.

Typically PbPs use the dice roller on the board. In the game I run, and the multiple games Alexander runs, the DM rolls initiative for everyone and that speeds things up a bit.

theres a dice roller on paizo now? hey if i can use it instead of invisible castle or whatever. really hate online dice rollers... i can use them if i have to...

Click on the How to Format Your Text spoiler uner the preview and submit post buttons for instructions. It's great.


Alright, this is the updated version of Sade Dryden Aquino. Aldori Swordlord 3 (Human Fighter 3). I tried to customize his story... but there's not much information other than Taldor.

Sovereign Court

Your really looking for information on Brevoy rather than Taldor as far as swordlord information goes. I would advise mining the first Kingmaker chapter (Stolen Land) for information on them.

Sir Garrett Albercroft wrote:

As far as hit points go, even/odd is fine by me. Another option would be go with Pathfinder Society rules and do 1/2*die +1. For example, a fighter would get 6 hp every level, a rogue would get 5, a wizard 4, etc.

I'm not particularly a fan of doing away with initiative, but if that is what the group as a whole wants to do, I can live with it.

I am of a similar mind. Initiative is quite crucial to a game like Pathfinder and i'd rather not do away with it. Block initiative is, perhaps, the compromise here (but even if using individual initiative, it is much quicker for the DM to roll everyone's initiative as an encounter begins, I fully endorse this along with Tal)

Not fussy about HP. Rolled, average, our choice or PFS style average is all fine with me.

Should we move this all to a discussion thread now recruitment seems to be closed?

AK here with my Cavalier.

Teamwork feat might change but most everything else should stay. Waiting to see what changes Talomyr makes etc. and will write full backstory when he gives me the nod.

I've got some ideas about family relationships and such for the characters. I'll throw some out there later today and you can see what you think, so that you can iron out your backgrounds a little better.

so as for bonus languages... i don't really know the area and what not about the campaign so what would you recommend DM? and as to starting gold are we running with basic or heroic startup gold? in other words 780gp or 1,650gp?

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