Dungeon World PBP play (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Watch as our heroes, using skills aquired from across the continent, join together to combat evil and defend their adopted town

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Belym & Tom

Belym, Yes, it is among the ruins of the crystal-men's camp

Tom, Yes, the pommel is safe to grasp. also, I assume the spell was to locate the scabbard, if not, could you clarify.

We mustn't start trading threats and turning on eachother, thats exactly what she wants. we are all on the same side here, master dwarf Ishvar says, holding out his hand in a conciliatory gesture.


as you converse with Belym, a quiet voice stirs at the back of your mind She loved you, she loves you. No easy task, but she truly does. why do you hurt her so?

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Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

------Early Evening-------
Belym blinks in surprise at the deity's reply, and it's a few moments before a look of understanding crosses her face. " My apologies, master fallen one. I intended no threat, merely an apparently poor jest."

That is an entirely true statement - I was trying to reference Einora's altar as the other "dangerous weapon".

------Belym's Watch------
Was that a joke? Had to be - Roshan's too meticulous to have said that by accident. flashes through Belym's mind at Roshan's initial response. When the Templar finishes speaking, the dwarf is silent for a while, before reaching down and tracing a complicated pictograph into the mud at their feet. " Solid rocks are well and good", she says. " Sometimes, where you need to be, the stone is poor. Or it floods. Or there are golems. When you don't have the stone, you have to find other ways to support, to build - and you need as many of them as you can find. ." A pause. " I'd never really put much stock into that as a philosophy, but the last few months... Each one of us here is missing that foundation, right now. In a lot of ways, I'm lucky - I at least know one exists, for me; I just need to find it. But for now, we're all dependent on those other supports." Another pause. Then, in a lighter tone, " And maybe we'll get lucky. If this Sephrahime is working for Einora, when we take down the goddess we could get your demon along with her."

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

~~~~~Belym's Watch~~~~~
The templar relaxes visibly. Focusing on what she needs, rather than obsessing over the looming threat feels healthy. "I have a confession of my own that I feel you should hear. I have harboured an... affection for you. It may be nothing, and it is certainly nothing the bards would sing of... I just thought, with your affinity for stone, and my devotion to the cairn, we might share something. I had just lost Danyal, and maybe I was just looking for stability, but... I just... I thought you should know."

Roshan looks down at the figure in the earth with interest, hiding her face in her hair.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Whoops, I wrote that too quick. Yes, the spell was to try and locate the scabbard.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym sits quietly for a few moments. " Thank you. I'm flattered, but...I hold a great deal of respect for you, and the discipline you keep, but that's not... I don't feel the same way. I apologize."

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

And now we know why Ron's getting the Spanish Inquisition.
Roshan nods, but does not say anything further.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Belym stands, briefly places a hand on Roshan's shoulder, then resumes her patrol.

The next morning

Dawn breaks upon the misty marsh, alighting upon your camp. the remaining men begin to pack up, relieved that the Lady had spared the camp, or was unable to mount an attack. When the camp is almost ready to move out, a tall figure with an enormous sword strapped to their back is spotted marching up the Marshway. They wear brass chain mail, their hair held in a knot. They walk with purpose, eyes forward, stare almost chilling you.

What do you do?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Cast a Spell(Bless): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6) + 3 = 12 -> Empower to give Ron and Roshan +1 forward, -1 to casting until I commune

Tom seeks out Ron in order to aid him in the first contact. He draws on his faith of Iisac to place a warm hand on Ron's shoulder and say, May the path open before you in your endeavors. I doubt this person means well.

Filled once more with grace, Tom puts the hand on Roshan as well, May your aim be clear and true, Roshan. That new crossbow may be getting a workout.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron draws spear and shield and moves forward to intercept the figure. At a distance of thirty feet, Ron stops. Halt. Explain yerself. Remorse begins to crackle with blue energy.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Spotting the oncoming figure, Belym crouches, and a fine coating of frost forms on her body as she kneels and calls forth a memory from the stone...

Summon Elemental (ice, projectile): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 = 9
Control: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Spending 1 control immediately for the 7-9 result.

... And a glinting crystal form of an allicore floats to the top of the water. Belym follows quietly behind Ron, as the allicore walks atop the water nearby, leaving behind floating patches of ice where its feet step.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

As Ron notices Beylm's presence, he moves his shield into the most likely route between the figure and Belym's present location.

Defend (With Int & Bless): 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5, 2) + 3 + 1 = 11

I also think I'm probably back to my default Aggressive stance after a camp.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Roshan, rolling her talwar to loosen her wrists, walks past Ron on the opposite side from Belym. “You’ve caught me on a bad day.” Then, she breaks out in a charge. Opening with Viper's Kiss, she takes a running jump, both blades angled downward.

Hack & Slash: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 3 + 1 = 7 (blessed)
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8

Roshan, it is going to take a DD just to get near this individual

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Mid-strike, Roshan feels the air tearing at her right, and crosses her blades at the last second, attempting to catch the blow and drive it into the wood of the walkway.
Defy Danger(STR): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 = 10

As the strike is diverted, Roshan plants her feet on the flat of the blade and twists into Dragon's Coils.

The woman's (upon closer inspection she does apear female) hand flies out to catch Roshan's wrist, and were it not for the added flip, she would have succeeded. As it stands, your blade sinks a few inches into her stomach, which feels like is is made of thick rope, far denser than it ought to be. as Roshan draws back her blade, the woman drives the heel of her palm into Roshan's solar-plexus, knocking the wind from them and sending them back toward the group

I come to treat with you, on behalf of the Goddess Einora. I would prefer this didn't end in bloodshed She says, in a voice of ice and iron, with an accent familiar to none of you.

Also, Tom, your amulet GPS is totally pointing toward her

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom realizes who this woman is too late and steps forward saying, A bargain with a woman proud of her personal treachery is not appealing, Godslayer. What demands will you set in her name?

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F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

The talwar hit the ground behind the templar and skid to a stop at Tom's feet.

Roshan pulls something long and thin from her belt, but it looks like she'll need to catch her breath before she can use it. She thumbs something silver into one end, and then checks her crossbow as she rolls onto her feet.

She has not acknowledged anyone else in the party.

I think Conwall is the only person who could convince Roshan to stop trying to attack.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

I'm also in favor of attacking, but I didn't want to make that decision for the group. Was considering just launching a lightning ball now that Roshan is clear and then charging. Should we parley?

I will warn you guys, this is a very hard fight, she has literally killed gods

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Seeing the sword land near him Tom reaches for Roshan's blade.

Cast a Spell(Magic Weapon): 2d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 3 - 1 = 8draw attention

The scuffs and scrapes of the tulwar polish and a deep patina forms on the metal of the blade. The mark of Iisac forms into the metal next to the inspection mark on the shoulder of the blade near the hilt. Roshan! at least pause for proper equipment!

The Tulwar deals +1d4 damage.

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F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Yeah but we're not those. You use a totally different set of moves when you're fighting a God than when you're fighting off five fifth-level characters.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

I say let's do this. Someone's gotta pull the trigger here.

Ron holds his right hand behind his back, using the signals they learned from Roshan to order Merrick and Beldroth to withdraw with the soldiers to a safe distance. He signals Larune to prepare to assist with a spell and then withdraw.

More lies then, m'lady?

After sizing up the newcomer, Ron switches to a more formal defensive stance.

Change Tactics (Defensive): 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 3 + 1 = 6


I had hoped to resolve this peacefully the woman sighs, before drawing her sword. it is broken a foot below the hilt, giving it a jagged edge and point. The woman moves fast, faster than anything human (Or even elven) has any right to. she plunges her sword into Ron's belly, before dancing away toward Tomfire in her eyes. what do you do?

Ron, that'll be B[2d12]+8, 1 peircing, messy forceful bleeding... I'm very sorry, but she is the godslayer

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Good thing I took a healing move...

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Best of Damages!: 1d12 + 1d12 ⇒ (10) + (4) = 14

18 damage. Spend 1 defend hold to halve it. So 9 damage. 4 armor, pierce 1. 6 damage total. What is the mechanical effect of the bleeding? How far back does forceful throw me? What effect does messy have here?

Ron acts without thought, raising Remorse to strike out at her thigh as his shield slightly deflects the blade. It still bites deep, launching Ron back onto his back.

Spend the remaining 2 hold to inflict my level of damage twice to her. 6 damage and 6 damage.

Do I need to roll to regain my feet?

As Ron lies in the dirt, he holds two fingers together ...

Cast Invisibility (Bless): 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4, 6) + 3 + 1 = 14

... and disappears from view.

I'm not sure how armor and piercing work when dealing damage with defend hold, but I'm currently at Pierce 2 with Remorse.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom runs to a stunned Conwall to give his blessing, the feelings mostly healed but the magic feels like trying to hold a merfolk's attention and once cast Tom's blessings are at his limit.

Cast a Spell(Bless): 2d6 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (2, 5) + 3 - 2 = 8 forget the spell.

I still have Roshan's sword I assume, I need the right moment to throw it to her or charge in or something dramatic.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Divine ore Blowdart Volley: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 1 + 1 = 14
Divine Force: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Divine, Righteous, Blessed, Forceful, Area (-1 Wrath for Divine Force)

Roshan drops the reed to aim the crossbow, taking a step toward Tom.

Demonic Crossbow Volley: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4) + 1 + 1 = 12
Flaming Bolt: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Flaming, Righteous, Blessed
(If I need a bigger window to get the blades, I can Divine Force again.)

"Thank you, Brother Bonney." Roshan drops the spent crossbow to collect the holy weapons, one of which she runs across her tongue.

Penance: 1d4 ⇒ 2
The dripping napalm of Roshan's Wrath flares on the blades. +1 Wrath 22/24HP


I'm going to assume you didn't just ignore the crazy stabby woman flying at you, and tell you to DD (That will be happening a lot

Roshan & Ron

I promise I'll get to you tomorrow morning, but it is late.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I missed that entirely. Let me insert a DD here.

~~~~before my last post~~~~~

Tom holds the magically enhanced Tulwar with two hands to defend himself and seek an escape.

Defy Danger Constitution: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7

The force of the blow sends the Tulwar flying from his grasp and knocks Tom clear off his feet as he is thrown away from the Godslayer landing roughly a distance away. The immediate danger is past, but Tom finds himself scrambling away having his plan interrupted and leaving him scrambling to his feet.

It's a little convenient, but lines up Roshan and my last move so that we are on the same page. I'm justifying Constitution because it is the "Defense" stat, but if that isn't enough let me know. I expect the action to have physical harm too - damage or shaky or stunned.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym, now behind the rest of the group, tries to track the Godslayer's movement as she twitches her fingers, commanding the allicore to launch a volley of razor sharp icicles at their opponent.

Command Elemental: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1) + 3 = 5
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

I didn't expect that to work, but I was hoping it'd at least direct distract her a little. Alas.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Snake eyes coming out during a boss fight. I love it!

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Oh man, sorry gang. Yesterday was family picture day. I'm back now!

Ok...I guess we're doing this?

While everyone else is fighting with a goddess, I take time to get a better read on the situation

Discern Realities + bless: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 3 = 6



forceful sends you back several meters, the messy means it leaves painful, ragged wounds (And might even maim, if you miss enough.), and bleeding means that anything particularly strenuous (My call) requires you to DD, the danger being "You're bleeding"

the woman ignores you, jumping across the battlefield. you have a moment's reprieve, what do you do?


you watch this woman dominate the battlefield, your arms weak and weary from the blow. she launches herself at Belym, Conwall, and Roshan in turn, what do you do?


The woman twirls around, her blade rising to deflect the icicles. Then she leaps forward, her blade severing your leash and shattering the elemental she takes a step toward you, before Conwall catches her attention, and she leaps away. What do you do?


the moment u speak, the woman leaps at you Been a while since I've faced an elf you hear her growl. as your hand darts toward Catastrophe, faster than any human hand could I am assuming you draw your sword, if not, this goes differently she drives the pommel of her blade into your wrist That will be a DD+Con. 7-9 means mark the weak or shaky debilities. You're all predictable she growles, moving to deliver a blow, until roshan's bolts strike her in the back, setting her off balance momentarily you can H&S her in this moment before she moves to disable Roshan


Your bolts manage to save Conwall from a vicious blow, though the Divine ore does not seem to have much more of an effect on her. she moves to engage you, blade weaving patters even Danyal would not have recognized to H&S her, you will nead to get past her guard, which is DD

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym leaps into the muck, shards of ice appearing around her, and she glides across the surface of the swamp to a nearby patch of ground.

Channel Frozen Carapace (Teleport, barrier): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3) + 3 = 11

Assuming this will work - if not, let me know and I'll do something else

Belym pulls out one half of the ore from the serpent demon, and gripping it firmly in her left hand, kneels and casts her thoughts into the earth. Speed to strike. Fang.

Summon Earth Elemental (blast): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1) + 3 = 5
Control: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Really?! Ugh. People, we may have a problem...
My goal there was a divinely-empowered serpent, hoping that might be enough to match her speed.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom grips the new and dangerous weapon he carries thinking, forced to use this already... He positions himself between Belym and the Godslayer after her elemental is destroyed, We do what we must - we are predictable only because we do what is right; Einora is meant t' betray and act on her base instincts, and she has chosen t' snuff the light of the world in her blind ambition. If you think you are free from it, then you have deluded yourself as well.

Defend(Belym): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 = 10 hold 3

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron stands to his feet and circles around behind the Godslayer, stepping quickly to approach her while she is focused on the others.

Rage boils inside the battlemaster at the ease he was dispatched.

Change Tactics (Reckless): 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5, 4) + 3 + 1 = 13

Defy Danger if necessary to approach while invisible:

Defy Danger Dex Bless: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 + 1 = 10

When he gets in range, Ron attempts to bury Remorse into the Godslayer's back.

Backstab (or H&S if she is not surprised) - Bless: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 3 + 1 = 10

Choosing to deal my damage +1d6 and reduce her armor by 1.

Damage (Reckless & Pierce 4): 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (2) + (3) = 10

If that is just a hack & slash then the damage is 8 Pierce 4.

As he reappears, Ron raises his shield to prepare for the Godslayer's inevitable riposte.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

dd+con: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 = 11

I shrug off the blow to my wrist, not terribly phased. I take advantage of her distraction to let Catastrophe bite her and then move back quickly before she can counterattack.

h&s: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 4) + 3 = 11
damage, 2 piercing: 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + (2) = 8

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Roshan meets the advancing Jäger with Miller’s Daughter, a simple form that leaves the swordmaster open to lunges. Then, taking advantage of the godslayer’s superior speed, and the now-perfect balance of her talwar, Roshan releases one blade in mid-air, spins to one side, then catches the blade.
Defy Danger(DEX): 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 1 + 1 = 14

The blades come up from one side, one angling up and into the kidney, liver and lung, the other up through the shoulder joint.
Hack & Slash: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 6) + 3 + 1 = 13
Smite: 1d8 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (4) + (2) + (2) + 1 + 3 = 12

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk
Roshan Kaur wrote:

~~~~~Later in the Evening~~~~~

Roshan does not turn to greet Ron. "It would certainly not be my place to countermand the Lokhagos." The words are biting. She must have overheard some rumors from the band over the past weeks. "I hope I served a fitting stand-in for your mastery of war."

There's a pause, but not long enough to let Ron speak. "I've heard the sins of many a man. Around and around they go, hardly waiting to step out of the confessional before they're making the same mistake. Is this your legacy, Ron? Failed conquest? Lost souls? Futile advances? I think what I am most upset with is how I was fooled by your bravado." Roshan picks something up off the walkway and throws it. It arcs through the air, leaving a trail of red smoke, skipping into the infinite darkness beyond the wards. There's a snap in the distance as a tree falls.


Ron sits down just out of easy striking distance from Roshan. He stares out into the marsh while Roshan speaks her mind.

After a minute of silence, Ron responds.

Lokhagos. It has been so long, I had forgotten that title.

His voice trails off.


Lokhagos. Leader of one hundred... Ye want to talk of sins? I've many. Never been thrust into leadership before, have ye? The hardest part is pretending yer not so scared ye want to piss yer pants. Pretending ye got a plan, when the truth be that ye can only react to what the world tosses at ye. I'll die on the field ... It's all I know. But until then, I pretend I'll live forever. I pretend I've no fear, no weakness. Pretend that elf wouldn't mop the floor with me if it came down to it. If I don't, how can I expect those I'm with to pick up weapons and stand firm when their brains be yellin, run, run?

Yer mad I left ye with the townsfolk. Wasn't the plan, but things change. I did what I thought had to be done at the time. Might've been wrong, can't know. But I left ye knowing they ...

He gestures back to the camp.

... Believe in ye. They never faltered. Neither did you.

He stands and begins to move away. Ye'll be asked to do it again. I suggest ye find some real armor.

End flashback

Feel free to stop Ron if you want to respond.

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F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

All the fight drains out of the templar, and so late into the night, there was not much else keeping the woman upright. Eyes dull and unfocused, she nods. "No glory but that you make; No good but that you work; No safety but that you build; My world lay at your feet. So readeth the epitaph of the father of martyrs."

Conwall's was more or less "+1 to feint or defend" this one is more "+1 to doing something suicidally dumb."

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

This is Confeitor? I'll get a +1 to doing something suicidally dumb? That's ... that's like my thing guys!

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Yeah, Ron had a private conversation about how much he sucks, and Roshan gave him advice. She's not wise, so she gave you some Hebron BS. I mean, it'll still be suicidally dumb, but at least you'll have 31:1 odds to succeed if it's INT or DEX.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Don't forget to introduce my owl! Maybe at a dramatically appropriate moment!

okay, I'm going to do this in rough order of chronology:


Catastrophe bites her flesh, tearing a shallow gash into her before she can tear away. the godslayer's blood is golden. she trades blows with Roshan, and as she disengages, throws a barbed weapon at you (Which Ron and Roshan both would recognize as a plubata.) what do you do?


the forms are perfect, the godslayer is not. your blade tastes her flesh, and the woman is unable to counter. when Ron suprises her, she responds by sending out a wave of force at the two of you, what do you do?


you take the woman by suprise, driving remorse into her back... not deep enough. she thrusts out her hand, and a wave of force washes over you and Roshan. what do you do?


as you try to call forth the elemental, she leaps at you again, this time plunging her blade into your torso. Take b[2d12]+8, messy forceful bleeding what do you do?


You can use your hold on that attack, and retcon that part, if you like.

also, just general confirmation, Roshan, Ron, and Conwall should all be defying danger

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom moves quick for his soft body, and forces the Godslayer to defend herself against him instead of chasing Belym. Tom is rewarded with a brutal blow.

2d12 ⇒ (12, 9) = 21 + 8 = 20 -> half for 10. I can spend 2 hold at once, right?

Tom then tries to further harry the woman with sloppy swordsmanship.

Hack and Slash: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 1 = 7
Damage: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + (2) = 8

2d12 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9 + 8 = 14 -> half for 7. That's all my hold and I'm not doing so hot...

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

To clarify - my intent was to retreat to some small island 20-30 feet from the walkway. So she's still over by me, with the rest of the party back at the walkway?

Ouch.: 2d12 ⇒ (11, 4) = 15

Edit: cross posted. Tom's narration covers my question, so yay for my internal organs staying on the inside! Boo for Tom's organs, though. Though as a reminder to Tom, a 7-9 h&s doesn't automatically mean you take damage, the DM can make any move he wants with that creature.

Belym, 1 you don't need to take damage, Tom took the hit for you, and 2, yeah, this girl's scary fast (Basically teleports)

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Hooking her right leg around the woman's knee, kicking with her left to reverse her momentum, and driving her talwar into either end of the Godslayer's ribcage, Roshan braces herself, musscles straining against her bracers. If she can't stay inside the jäger's guard, she'll take her time liberating more of that gorgeous golden blood.

Defy Danger(STR): 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3) + 3 + 1 = 10 (blessed)
Blinding Light: spending one Wrath to blind her.

Roshan pulls in close, eyes glowing like coals. Her gaze is transfixing, ravenous and beautifully terrifying. "Oh, I dearly hope you survive this, Godslayer. Your blood will make such a beautiful dye. Do you think your skin will need tanning? I find myself for want of a shield..."

I'll wait to see if I've latched on before I take further action. Fictional positioning would put someone else to ground, but I don't expect her to be terribly hindered, just terribly focused on murdering Roshan. Her next move will be to defend. Also, any skin contact on Roshan's armor deals 2 damage, ignoring armor.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I just assumed, if there is a different move you want to take Volsung let me know. To be fair you did get max damage on me.

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