Dungeon Master S's The Cyphermage Dilemma (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

PbP for 4-16


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Liberty's Edge

male Halfling Druid 3, AC 16, HPs 20/20, In +3, F +4, R +5, W +7 (Grip AC 16, HPs 29/29, F +5 R +5 W +2)

Sumac calls off Gripper from attacking the pirate and then immediately runs over to the injured scholar. He casts CLWs 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 and pulls his medicine bag off of his shoulder to treat the rest of his wounds.

What is the health status of the scholar? Healing 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

The scholar seems to be suffering from a mild poison. The spell clears up some of his wounds, but the poison remains. It's enough, however, and while the others tie up the prisoner, the scholar is able to speak, though his Taldane comes out with a heavy Minkai accent.

"Thank you kindest sirs. Thank you. I am in your debt. I shall do my best to honor the debt of gratitude. I will repay you with my knowledge whenever possible. Please let us adjourn to Riddleport. I am expected."

Fel does uncover enough evidence to implicate Alejia in quite a few illegal hits (including some unsanctioned pirate on pirate action.) You're sure that with your bardic skill, you'll be known as the one who shut down a very nasty pirate.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Posting now for Chronicles:

Fel: Peform (Oratory): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Sumac: Profession (Day Laborer): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Azdak: Profession (Engineer): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Obyrn: Profession (Merchant): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Harnac: Profession (Mining): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

IF you spend Prestige to change your Day job skill to something else, it'll take place AFTER this roll. Let me know as soon as you do it, so that I know (or better yet include it in your online sheet.)

Grand Lodge

Sorcerer 12
Scholar wrote:
"Thank you kindest sirs. Thank you. I am in your debt. I shall do my best to honor the debt of gratitude. I will repay you with my knowledge whenever possible. Please let us adjourn to Riddleport. I am expected."

"Certainly, Master Gurukaza. We would only be too happy to oblige. It should only be a short voyage back to Riddleport."

The Exchange

Varisian Harrower 10 HP 88/88 | AC 17 Tch 13 FF 14 | F+9 R+9 W+11 (+1 v enchantment) | CMD 16 | Perc +11 | Init +2
5th 3/4 4th 6/6 3rd 6/6 2nd 7/7 1st 6/7 | Bonded: Unused
Counterspell: 1/1 | Disruption: 10/10 | Harrow Casting: 4/4 | Harrowed Bonus (Type?): Unused | Re-roll: Unused

Do we need to do any searching for the loot? If so, checking the dead pirate-woman: Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

You do in fact find some interesting tidbits. (It'll be on the sheet when emailed to you.)

Indeed, Azdak speaks the truth, the ride back is short and uneventful. Since you spared Mumbuckle, he's now the pirate captain, and promises to keep his business above board going forward (for a pirate anyway.) You deliver the shaken scholar safely to the Cyphermages. Undoubtedly his expertise will go a long way in covering the forgotten secrets of civilizations long vanished from the face of Golarion.

Well done Pathfinders, and mission accomplished.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf Fighter / 9 AC:25/27 Touch:14/16 FF: 21 HP 121/123 Init: +3(+2 underground); P:0;F:13;R:6;W:8(+1 fear,+1 ench,+2 poison&spells)

A big shout out to, well EVERYone. You supported my Kobayashi Maru move even though you all said you didn't want to go that route. You were all resourceful, gracious, and effective--an excellent team.

I have no regrets, and would do teh same dam thing again!!! :-)

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

When I played this at Gen Con last year with my buddy Matt, I recall that we slaughtered the crew of the Lionfish and hired a new crew. Then we rammed the Topaz.... it did not end well for the scholar.

Anyways, when you're ready HERE is the thread for the next game. Before getting started, I'll wait for everyone to post once to kick it off.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf Fighter / 9 AC:25/27 Touch:14/16 FF: 21 HP 121/123 Init: +3(+2 underground); P:0;F:13;R:6;W:8(+1 fear,+1 ench,+2 poison&spells)

so, you're saying that I beat you in a D&D game. After your beating me that time Val died and Castamir got away (and who knows how many other sessions with similar outcomes), I'll take it. :-)

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

HA! True. True. I CANNOT WAIT for Gen Con. We must survive Bonekeep.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Also....I may have been drinking when I played this last year. Drunken and Dragons!

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf Fighter / 9 AC:25/27 Touch:14/16 FF: 21 HP 121/123 Init: +3(+2 underground); P:0;F:13;R:6;W:8(+1 fear,+1 ench,+2 poison&spells)

worry not. I shall bring some Potion of Heroism.

and ... survive?!?! FIE!! we shall destroy bonekeep.

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