
Game Master SalaciousCrumb

Cavern Map


Jorrick [dice=Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
Hollowe [dice=Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
Karsha [dice=Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
Cythraul [dice=Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
Kentalla [dice=Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]


XP 420/1300

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Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Hollowe makes much of the new seeing glass, holding it to one eye or the other almost constantly. Grotbaard is now a major hero to the avian, even moreso when he leads them to an enormous and magnifcent...settlement. Never has Hollowe seen so many beings, and the ziggurat leaves him speechless.

Normally an extroverted sort, the young warrior is overwhelmed by all the goings on and shies behind Jorrick and listens for the old woman's reply.

The old woman is barely able to compose herself.

”It is almost dark. It will happen again. Our high priest is barricaded himself inside the temple. Something strange happens at night. Every night, a villager goes missing. It’s him! He transforms himself into some hideous monster and takes someone back inside. Be warned. This place is cursed!”

Grotbaard appears alarmed, not remembering the village in this state when he was here last, which was obviously some time ago.

Perception 20:

The woman is dressed in some tattered garb that resembles that of a shaman. There is a large symbol painted in blood on the top of the pyramid above its opening of an eye.

Beyond the gate is a small cantina with a rudimentary stable next to it. The stable is empty, but a rather large gentleman is working away at crafting something.

Male Hobgoblin Kineticist 1 | HP 11/13 | AC: 18 Touch: 14 FF: 13 | Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +0 | Init: +4 | Perception: +4 | CMD: 14

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Tortok glances furtively at the woman, then turns and approaches the man near the stable, curious about what he is crafting.

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

"Him? You mean the high priest is the one turning into a monster? What sort of monster? How long has this been going on?" Jorrick asked quietly.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Male Human Sorcerer (Dragon blooded) 1. Hp 8. AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, ) . F +1. R +2 W +3. Init +2. Perception +5.

Karsha Looks around in wonder at the plenty, almost missing the woman's words.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

What is that symbol in blood?" He asks in concern, pointing it out to the others.

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Hollowe sees it too, and points to it - what looks like an eye above the opening of the pyramid.

"Grotbaaaard?" the avian asks with a tremor in his voice. Hollowe draws his seeing piece out and looks closely at the symbol.

The woman responds to Jorrick first, ” While I have never seen it myself, folks say that a scaly snake-man with large claws lurks around the village looking for victims in the middle of the night. Some of the victims have been children. Are you here to help?”

Next, she addresses Karsha, ”Many in the village believe that symbol is a ward of a watchful eye, letting us know that we are being judged for our shortcomings, but who really knows?”

Grotbaard pauses for a moment then shrugs. He makes a wide berth as he passes the woman as if she was afflicted with some highly contagious disease before securing his rig inside the stable.

He turns to the others, ” Let us take rest and nourishment inside the cantina and perhaps learn a bit more about this temple creature in the process. What do you say? It’s on me.”

Male Hobgoblin Kineticist 1 | HP 11/13 | AC: 18 Touch: 14 FF: 13 | Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +0 | Init: +4 | Perception: +4 | CMD: 14

Tortok nods to Grotbaard. "Be in in just a moment."
He walks closer to the large man near the stable, though maintains a respectful distance. "What are you making?"

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

"Perhaps, if we can. Stay safe," Jorrick said to the old woman, before following Grotbaard to the cantina.

Male Human Sorcerer (Dragon blooded) 1. Hp 8. AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, ) . F +1. R +2 W +3. Init +2. Perception +5.

Karsha shrugs and resolves to keep his ears open, getting a straight answer seemed impossible with these people. He follows the others to the cantina.

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Hollowe nods to the lady, as if confirming Jorrick's words, and then follows Grotbaard. Though Hollowe is nominally interested in...everything, including the large gentleman and his possibly wonderful crafting, Hollowe's stomach is ever more the prominent interest.

As well, he wonders why the nourishment is on the dwarf, and why Hollowe can't see it, and moreover, if it is on the dwarf, why do they have to go into the establishment to eat it?

It is fairly easy to tell that the large human is somewhat low-cognitive. He works away at a pile of hemp rope and stones. ”I’m making a net. I’m going to catch that lizard man and keep him from hurting people.” The stable hand kindly replies to Tortok and even smiles after his reply.

The old woman just weeps into her hands softly as the newcomers pass by.

Grotbaard leads the way into the cantina, pushing aside the makeshift door. There is a middle-aged blonde halfing woman working behind the bar and about three patrons preparing to eat the steamy meal.

Thick clay platters hold stacks of hot, stewed meat and root vegetables dressed in spices. None of the runners have ever known such bounty.

”Cappy! It is good to see you!” Grotbaard shouts out to the women.

”Grotbaard, you stinking heap. I thought the dunes took ya!” the woman replies, ”Come, eat. We’ll catch up after the meal.” Capra, the halfling woman turns back towards the bar to grab a giant clay pitcher of ale for her guests. She points for them to have a seat at a long, mostly empty wooden table.

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

Jorrick takes his seat at the table.

So, I hear there's been some sort of trouble around these parts recently. Something about snake men snatching people in the night? he asked the woman when she returned, sounding worried.

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Hollowe's eyes do not leave the platters of food,and he sits immediately where he is directed. He cannot concentrate on anything else, and waits avidly, inhaling the amazing scents.

Capra looks at Hollowe and encourages him to eat. ”Go ahead, eat.”

She then turns to Jorrick and answers his inquiry. ”Lizard man, to be more precise. Although I have never personally seen the creature, it is rumored to be one powerful creature that emerges from the temple to snatch some poor being, almost nightly. Most believe that it is some strange and wild magic possessed by the high priest, who allegedly sleeps by day and preys at night. Folks are busy barricading themselves inside their huts right about now. It’s bad for business I tell you! Holm needs to be rid of this menace, whatever it is. I know that for certain! Now eat up while the stinky dwarf still feels generous.”

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Hollowe nods and sets to with gusto. This means he misses much of the detail of what Capra is relaying. He does catch that there is a need in Holm.

"*Slurp*! Yes, someone should capture this lizard man."

His tongue makes a tour of the edges of his beak and he bobs appreciatively. Somewhat sated, he adds conversationally.

"She's right Grot. You stink."

The avian's eyes crinkle in a smile.

"Then again, we dune runners do too..."

Male Hobgoblin Kineticist 1 | HP 11/13 | AC: 18 Touch: 14 FF: 13 | Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +0 | Init: +4 | Perception: +4 | CMD: 14

Tortok looks over the stabe hand's collection of stones impassively. "Heavy. Compact. These will do well." He nods to the man. "Be careful." He turns and follows the others into the cantina.

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
Hollowe wrote:

Hollowe nods and sets to with gusto. This means he misses much of the detail of what Capra is relaying. He does catch that there is a need in Holm.

"*Slurp*! Yes, someone should capture this lizard man."

His tongue makes a tour of the edges of his beak and he bobs appreciatively. Somewhat sated, he adds conversationally.

"She's right Grot. You stink."

The avian's eyes crinkle in a smile.

"Then again, we dune runners do too..."

”Speak for yourself,” Jorrick said, before he starts ravenously wolfing down the food provided.

”So, who is this high priest anyways? I hear he’s gone and barricaded himself inside his temple?” Jorrick asked, between bites.

Capra smiles at the tengu’s crack. Then turns to address Jorrick in a soft, but serious manner. ”The priest was once a very caring and strong pillar of this community. In Holm, we honor the Daystar. It provides us with warmth and protection from the dangers of the dunes at night. One day, three raiders and a sorcerer rode into our settlement and demanded tribute. Our small militia was able to fend them off, but the sorcerer put a curse upon the town. That very night, Holm experienced its first abduction and the red eye appeared next to the temple door. We have being dealing with this problem ever since. I can tell you, as one who sits upon the council, Holm would be much appreciative of any help resolving this matter. Along with gaining favor here, you would have an eternal welcome and be rewarded with a decent portion of the town’s resources. Will you aid us?”

Male Human Sorcerer (Dragon blooded) 1. Hp 8. AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, ) . F +1. R +2 W +3. Init +2. Perception +5.

Karsha has been eating steadily, but makes sure to listen to everything that's said. When a Sorcerer is mentioned his brow raises thoughtfully.
"It would be a real shame for a town with such good food to be ruined. I'm up for helping them."

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

Hollowe gulps.

"Oh. Us?

He looks around.

"I'm in!"

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

"Well, this is the nicest place I've seen in a long time, it would be a shame to let it fall apart because of some lizard person," Jorrick stated, "So this eye only recently appeared, did it? There was an old woman wearing the symbol outside, said something about it judging our shortcomings."

Male Hobgoblin Kineticist 1 | HP 11/13 | AC: 18 Touch: 14 FF: 13 | Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +0 | Init: +4 | Perception: +4 | CMD: 14

Tortok listens to Capra's story and nods. "I will help however I can."

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

@Jorrick - the woman was sort-of dressed as a shaman, but did not bear the symbol - the symbol was painted on the pyramid...

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

Well, then disregard the part about her bearing the symbol.

Capra responds, ”The morning seems like your best option for success. There always seems to be a calm after every disappearance. Perhaps you will catch the vile creature in his slumber. Take rest upstairs for tonight and in the morning, we will aid you up the stairs and into the temple.”

Capra’s offer has you sleeping in a makeshift bed inside of a makeshift structure. The former being the most comfortable that you have ever been while the latter seems fairly indestructible. It is clear that the village has a knack for forging and building.

You wake from the most wonderful sleep that you have ever experienced. The night seemed a welcome respite from the daily struggles of life in the yard. Downstairs, a hot cider of some type is brewing. You can also recognize the sweet smell of meat from the night before along with a new smell of bread made from ground meal.

As each runner completes their morning ritual and gathers downstairs to partake in the morning meal, they notice that the often over-confident tiefling, Cythraul is not among them.

Capra greets them with warm mugs of the hot drink, ”Good morning, I trust everyone enjoyed a good night’s rest?

Male Tengu Monk 1; HP: 12/12; AC:16, T:13, FF:13; FORT +2, REF +5, WILL +5; INIT +3; PER: +x9; CMB: +2; CMD 18; SPD: 30 ft

"Quite, quite!" Hollowe responds, head bobbing. "Cythraul is gone!? Was she taken?" he asks, with some horror.

Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft

Jorrick awoke, happy and well rested for the first time in a long while. Preparing his spells and getting ready for the day, he headed down to hear Hollowe.

"She's gone? Did anyone see anything?" he asked.

Male Hobgoblin Kineticist 1 | HP 11/13 | AC: 18 Touch: 14 FF: 13 | Fort: +6 Ref: +6 Will: +0 | Init: +4 | Perception: +4 | CMD: 14

Disturbed by Cythraul's disappearance, Tortok narrows his eyes at Capra guardedly, awaiting her response.

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