Verik Vancaskerkin

Jorrick's page

68 posts. Alias of Usmo.

Full Name



Human(Dual Talent)


Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft











Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Jorrick

More Stats!:

Male N Human Shaman(Speaker for the Past), Level 1, Init 3, HP 11/11, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 13, FCMD 10, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 6, CMB 0, Melee Attack Bonus 0, Ranged Attack Bonus +3

Weapons and Armor:
Bone Dagger +0 1d6 19-20x2
Sling with 10 stones(1d4)
Hide Armor: +4 AC -3 ACP

Caster level: 1


Eschew Materials(bonus)
Spell Focus Enchantment

Class Abilities:

Heavens Spirit
Mysteries of the Past
Spirit magic


Level 0(Save DC 14)(Infinite castings per day):

Detect magic

Level 1(Save DC 15):
Cure Light Wounds 1
Produce Flame 1
Color Spray 1(Spirit Magic)


Acrobatics +0
Bluff +0
Climb -3
Craft(armor) +4
Diplomacy +0
Disable Device +0
Disguise +0
Escape Artist +0
Fly +0
Heal +8
Knowledge Nature +4
Knowledge Religion +0
Perception +8
Perfom +0
Profession +4
Ride +2
Sense Motive +4
Sleight of Hand +0
Spellcraft +4
Stealth +0
Survival +8
Swim -3
Use Magic Device +0
Errything else is 0


Bone dagger
flint and steel
sinew and needle
one torch,
a makeshift bag or pack
hide bedroll

Physical Description:

Caucasian male, dark hair, brown eyes, five foot five inches, with a slight build


Life of Toil


Jorrick was always a relatively unimpressive looking individual. With his short, slight build, he hardly had the makings of a hunter or warrior. He did, however, have a certain gift for magic and healing, and growing up, he was trained to become a shaman by the old woman, Solana. Thus, it caused him no end of despair, when it became apparent that even his spells could not stop the sand sickness, and that he could do nothing but watch as his family wasted away before him. Having to helplessly watch everyone you ever knew slowly die off would be enough to cause most to give up, and Jorrick very much wanted to give up. Alas, though he could no longer save others, and he had long ago come to the conclusion that all those in the yard were doomed to die, he still had one final duty left in this world. Jorrick carried within him the voices of spirits past. From the voices of men and women who had died countless ages past, to the anguished cries of those who had succumbed to the sickness. He was their advocate, their link to this world, and once the people of the Yard were gone, they too would fade away like so many others already had. He would see these people remembered, and their voices preserved. And for that, he needed to live, and perhaps, he could still help others survive as well.

In terms of personality, Jorrick was once a cheerful, amiable sort, though, in more recent times, he has become more quiet and somewhat morose, almost with an air of defeat, for obvious reasons. Still, he is determined to see his people, both spirit and living, survive, at any cost.