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You've just sat down for dinner in your usual fashion in Absalom, thinking how lucky you are to be working for the Society and drawing a few cushy jobs studying some old books. Unlike other adventurers you've talked to in the past, your duties have been boring by contrast. Of couse that means its also safer, so there is a plus to that.
However, there is a quick tap on your shoulder and an envelop handed to you by a stranger. The stranger is gone, answering none of your questions. With a shrug, you open the envelope after seeing the Pathfinder Society seal on the letter. Inside isa note.
"Greetings Society Member. While your work here has been highly appreciated, you are now being called to meet Ambrus Valsin at the Grand Lodge. He is expected you to arrive as quick as possible."

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Hadassah wakes with a start at the tapping of her shoulder, and after quickly scanning the letter, lets out a long sigh. I suppose that will teach me for napping. Hadassah hurries outside, and saddles up her riding dog, "Ready for your first adventure?"
Once the saddle and harness are firmly in place, she tousles the dogs ears, and hands him a treat before mounting up and heading as quickly as the hound can run in the direction of the Foreign Quarter, in order to reach the Grand Lodge.

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Mifune's eyes ran through the contents of the letter with nary a hint of change in his countenance. Folding the parchment neatly, he tucked the note into his sleeve while his free hand grabbed tightly onto the familiar sheath of his blade.
Fastening the weapon to his side, he rose from his seat and wordlessly made his way through the familiar streets of the Foreign Quarter towards the menacingly massive fortress of the Pathfinder Society: the Grand Lodge.

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Yoren's eyes light up as he reads the letter. With a grin he hops up from the chair he had been reading and let the book fall to the table with a thump.
Looking from left to right and back again he says Ladies. Gentlemen. It's been a pleasure!" and strides out without another word.
He does not vary his stride nor suppress his grin until he reaches the gate of the Grand Lodge.

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Reading the letter brings a visible smile to Zondras' face. He folds the letter and places it inside his jacket and begins to walk out the door but his gait is almost more of a skip than a walk as he has difficulty containing his excitement. Once outside he make his way to the Grand Lodge.
So it begins.

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Nius takes the envelope on his hand, looks around hesitating for a moment before opening the letter but not before taking a deep breath.
After reading the missive and with sigh of relief, folds the letter, tucks it inside a pocket and grabbing his staff begins the journey to meet Ambrus Valsin thinking: I wonder where this path will lead, hopefully somewhere this time and not another silly errand.

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As you arrive at the Grand Lodge and show your letter, you are all lead to a spacious anti-chamber. Fresh olives and red wine are presented. You are told by a liaison that Mr. Valsin will be with you in a moment.
Here is your chance to introduce yourself to each other. Take it away PC's...

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"Fellow guests, it is an honor and a pleasure to meet you all. Before our host arrives, this one believes that introductions are in order, no?"
Offering a disarming smile to the gathering in the antechamber, the samurai tucked stray locks of hair behind his sharp, cut ears, the silken black locks serving to further accentuate the pale, alabaster of his skin as he looked about the room. Staying his hand from the olives and red wine, the half-elf gave a demure smile as he bowed low to the gathered who had followed Ambrus Valsin's invitation.
"This one is known as Mifune, a vagabond hailing from the far east. And while our history together is but a drop in a vast ocean, this one looks forward to our time together."

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Nius nods sligthy at the liason at the mention of Mr. Valsin soon arrival and looks around at the ensemble of people that had gathered like him on this anti-chamber and then to the wine.
While walking towards the wine he hears one of the persons speaks, he looks to see who spoke while never stopping until reaching for a glass and taking a sip before turning to the one calling himself Mifune and raising the cup in approval for someone breaking the ice then proceeds to say:
"Nius, from the woods not far north from here. " Pauses to take another sip. "With the number of people that had been called to rendezvous here it ougth to be better than the usual assignmets, at leas so I hope."

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Yoren is a tall human with brown hair and bronze skin indicating a vaguely taldan ancestry. He makes an awkward move to return Mifune's bow but ends up just raising his empty right hand in greeting.
"Uh, hi! I'm Yoren."
He gladly helps himself to some wine and olives.
"I'm from up north, mostly around the River Kingdoms."
He looks around.
"Does any one know this Mr. Valsin? The wouldn't have called us here to dust some shelves, right?

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"Good morning everyone, I am Hadassah. You can call me Dassah though. I am from southern Brevoy. My parents have minor level positions in one of the pop-up settlements there. My ghost wont tell me what her name is, but I am pretty sure she is a her. Maybe not though. That would explain why it keeps throwing my stuff around. Could be mad at me again."
By way of demonstration, Hadassah drops her dagger, which spins, and flys away about ten feet. Walking over and picking it up again, Dassah finishes with, "Anyhow, I think I am cursed, my dad thinks it is because my mom is tiefling, or maybe because she is a summoner. Not that I blame her. She is great. Anyhow, I think it is a ghost. "
Fidgeting nervously, Dassah takes a seat, and carefully secures her dagger again.

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A little wary of Dassha's show Zondras walks to the table and takes a glass of wine. He steps back and placing his free hand on the longsword by his side an lifts his glass to everyone.
"Greetings all! I am Zondras, Z if you like." Gesturing at his facial complexion with the wine glass he continues. "As you can see I am Varisian. And NO, I am not associated with the Scarnzi...... but that doesn't mean I can't get you a good price on what you might be buying." he says with a smile of jest.
"I am honored to have been chosen to be here and to work with you all, ghost included," with a nod to Dassha.

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Bursting through the door, another small halfling arrives. "My dear sister. I believe the you have a note intended for me?"
Dassah pulls out the letter and quickly flips the envelope over, scanning. A frown creeps across her face, followed by a look of sincere embarassment.
"I am so sorry, Jezebel. I had read 'Savet', and headed out straight away."
Jezebel smiles warmly at her sister, "All is well. I promise to return with a grand story, perhaps next time we can adventure together?"
The two halfling women exchange a brief hug, Jezebel whispering something into Hadassah's ear. With a rather sheepish look, Hadassah smiles and waves, slipping out the doors. "So sorry again, if you ever need me, just let me know!"
"I am sure we will. Send word to mother and father letting them know where I am heading and that everything is going well for us? If I find a cure for your curses, I will net you know!"
After the door is firmly shut, Jezebel turns to the assembled group, smiles and waves "That is the problem with a family of Pathfinders. Always getting your messages crossed! Anyhow. I promise I am much less cursed, and slightly more sane than my beloved sister, Hadassah."
Walking over to the table and pouring herself a small cup of coffee, Jezebel smiles before taking her seat.
"Just like that poltergeist of hers to switch our letters."

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Nius raises his cup in approval and takes a sip each time one of the society members introduce itself.
After the confusion of wrongly delivered missives and the explanation given he can't help but smile while saying:
"At the very least was a confusion between siblings." Then covers a smile that is more of a grin by taking another sip of wine from a glass that is almost empty by now, then proceeds to look at Jezebel and says: "Less cursed is better than more cursed id say!". Followed by the realization of how insensitive the comment came out hurried adds in a markedly faster speech:"This wine is not half bad at all". And gives a half smile half apologizing look to Jezebel.

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Eleanor laughs politely at Nius' comments.
"The curses come with great benefits, we just ant to learn how to keep the benefit while eliminating the curse. Thats what you get for having a Rakshasa-Spawn mother I guess. I do what I can to help. We are twins, and she seems to have gotten all the ban ends of that particular stick." As Jezebel speaks, she carefully unpacks her pistol, and readies it for combat, cleaning and lubricating the intricate pieces one at a time before reassembling the weapon.
Smiling as she finishes Jezebel adds, "It is quite alright. Not much we haven't heard over the years regarding her curses. Especially when she isn't wearing those gloves. Black clear up past her elbows, burned to a crisp it looks like. Mom used to say . . . but that is of no consequence. I think I will have a glass of wine as well." Hopping up, the halfling girl heads to the table, and substitutes her cup of coffee for a glass of wine.
"You are right, it is not half bad..."
Jezebel does not travel with a loaded weapon. Travelling with a Dual-Cursed Oracle has taught her keeping explosives ready to go is dangerous.

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After a few minutes of chatting with each other, a messenger enters the room, "Excuse me, we are waiting on one more member of your party to arrive and then Mr. Valsin will take audience with you. Until then, please continue to help yourselves to the refreshments." The messenger bows and leaves the room.

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Nius raises his empty cup to Jezebel, clearly happy his comment was not taken in a bad way. Then he mutter more to himself than to the others in the room:
"I wonder what is holding up the last person".
And proceeds to fill the cup of wine a second time, grabbing some olives on the process.

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"While the most honorable Venture-Captain's time should not be put to waste, surely we can offer our fellow adventurer a moment or two longer?
Grabbing a bottle of the wine available, Mifune seemed to glide to Zondras, smiling demurely as he iffered to pour the other man a cup.

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"Yes, it is a halfling sized pistol. My dad was a wolfrider from Tien. It was made there, no idea who would make such a thing here though." Jezebel seems relieved to have the conversation switched from Hadassah.
"The powder does not make you sneeze, though the thought of would would happen if it exploded inside someones head is a little too ... gross to ponder. I don't advise inhaling the stuff." Taking a moment longer to go over her weapon, she continues, "Unfortunately, yes. I do have to clean it all the time. They rarely malfunction, but when they do... Well they can kind of explode, which is never good for the wielder." Laughing, Jezebel adds, "Not really any good for those standing close by either."
"Here, let me show you how it works!" The halfling girl disassembles the weapon slowly, indicating the barrel, where the powder and ball go, and the trigger mechanism, the small flint hammer, and how it is all held to each other as well as the handle.

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Yoren very much appreciates the demonstration. He leans in close to take everything in.
"Very interesting! Fascinating weapon, and an heirloom. It would be a terrible shame if it exploded, you know, injury and death aside."
Yoren draws himself to his full height and stretches.
"I'd like to try one of the big ones, you know, cannons, or what do the call the little cannons you can carry about, culverins?
Yoren absently stuffs a few olives in his mouth and paces around the room.

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Although Zondras speaks to Mifune, holding his glass up to accept the offered wine, it is clear he is interested in the weapon that Jezebel is speaking of. "True enough, but I would still hate to be the one delaying our superior."
Taking a sip of his refilled glass, "At least we have something to pass the time with. Thank you for the refill."

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Nius continues to take sips from his second glass of wine and eating an olive here and there while listening the conversation change towards Jezebel's weapon taking a slight interest in it then says: "I heard that it is indeed very loud when discharged."
Stuffing his mouth with a few more olives he adds (before really finishing chewing, much less swallowing the olives) looking at Mifune: "That resounds true, a little more waiting shouldn't be a problem, although I am of Zondras mind." Raising his cup in Zondras direction and nodding slightly. "I wouldn't like to be the one making Vice-Captain Vaslin wait for too long thats for sure."
I know, was just playing out the wait to keep things rolling. In other note, are we getting a discussion thread as well?

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Yes, sorry Lurch, only one table at a time. Perhaps next time. I'll talk to one of the other alternates, until then, we will move along!
In a moment of quite between sentences, the door into Valsin’s office burst open with a thud. Before you stands the famed leader, looking irritated.
“Come in, its time to get this started. I have another meeting in just a few minutes.”
As all of the PC’s enter his office he quickly bids you to sit in the assorted chairs and one rather large plush couch.
“Close the door,” Ambrus Valsin gesters to no one in particular. “Let me start by saying, this mission is not for discussion among other members of the Society.” The chamberlain of the Grand Lodge gives everyone a serious look in turn before continuing. “This mission is not an investigation, just a simple, straightforward assignment, but that makes it no less important.”
“I need you to book passage to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and cross over into Irrisen. You’re to head north and rendezvous with another team who have captured some ...” Valsin pauses for a heartbeat before continuing. “...persons of interest. We have reason to believe that these individuals have information on the Shadow Lodge cells that are refusing to reconcile with the Society under Grandmaster Torch’s leadership.” Valsin’s expression becomes particularly grim at that point. “If these rogue cells are outright refusing amnesty, then they represent a clear threat to all of us. I need you to take charge of these captives and get them out of Irrisen safely and quietly. Once you’re clear of Irrisen, a larger extraction team will take custody of them and bring them in for questioning. Of course, we will cover the expense of your travel in full, and provide maps to lead you to the meeting point in Irrisen. Because of the nature of the mission and Irrisen itself, you’ll be meeting the other team in the field, away from what passes for civilization up there. The team you’ll be getting the prisoners from will show you the best route out of Irrisen, and the castellan of Trollheim has agreed to grant you passage through his lands. You are responsible for avoiding unexpected trouble between the handoff and Trollheim.”
Valsin gestures for the team to depart, but pauses, staring at his fireplace for a moment before adding, “Wait. You need to know this. Your prisoners will be goblins. The Shadow Lodge separatists made extensive use of the sadistic creatures as soldiers and servants, and as much as you may want to throttle them, please remember that we need them alive. I realize that this may be a challenge for several you. But I am sure that you all are up for the challenge.” Then with a final nod for luck, the venture-captain dismisses the group.
If you have any questions, he might stay and listen to one or two.

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Nius listens attentively to the Vice-Captain in silence waiting for him to finish his explanation of the mission.
While resting both hands on his staff, Nius asks to Valsin: "If we are to potentially deal with members of the rouge cells of the Shadow Lodge, is there any particular way to identify the members of the extraction team members so we know we are handing in the prisoners to the right persons?"
Want to know if Nius knows anything of the area where we are headed to be better prepared. Not sure which roll is the more appropriate so will do two rolls.
Knowledge (Geography) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

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If Mifune was at all startled by the sudden appearance of the Venture-captain, then he hid that expression far too well under a practiced smile as he bowed respectfully to the well-known man. But as he listened attentively to Ambrus' debriefing of the task at hand, the ronin's disposition soured as a somber look took his smile away.
"Excuse this one's audacity at interjecting, Venture-captain. But if another team has captured these..." The look of disgust on Mifune's face told plenty about how the half-elf felt about their prisoners. "...creatures...then what stops them from escorting the prisoners themselves? Or, even more curious, what stops the larger extraction team you, yourself, mentioned from performing this task themselves? This one means not to offend, but my curiosity propends me."

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The Venture Captain answers quickly but politely. "There will be papers and maps presented to you once you are in the north. Identifying the teams will be easy enough. But they will have duties elsewhere, which is why you come in to bridge between to the groups."
You know that it is eternal winter in these lands. Essentially all food is imported. There is little hunting in these lands, although there are some areas which can fish for a short time. You also know that the two areas, Irrisen and the Linnorm Kings are warring countries. You will be essentially carrying a group of hostages from one land to the other.

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Nius look at his new companions for this mission and says: "That area is submerged in eternal winter and food will not be easy to come by, we better make sure we are well supplied for the harsh climate."
Then waits to see if an answer to Jezebel's question is given, that will determine if he buys stuff now or later.

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A boyish brown haired face peeks at the door to the meeting room - a young man sporting an ear to ear smile shows up and puts in:
Lord Valsin, my apologies for the delay - it was quite unavoidable as I was caught in the middle of... dispensing a well deserved beating to a couple of misguided young men, erroneously intent on alleviating a fair maiden of her virtue...
That lead to a small exchange of arguments, which then conducted us to another exchange of rather diametrically opposed opinions regarding their manhood - they seemed to take offense at that, and we all ended up having to explain to the city guard why it was that they were being dragged and thrown out the door by...
He seems to catch himself midsentence and steps through the treshold - a massive young man in his early 20's with a square jaw, unruly brown hair and deep grey eyes, he is sporting a dented scalemail, a long sword at his waist and a huge shield casually slung at his back - All this is mostly covered by a long, travel worn cloak in tones of read, with a simple black embroidery around its edges - Well... My apologies Sir! - he offers a short bow and, turning to the assembled group with a smile - Greetings friends, I am Telurion, it is a pleasure to meet you all.
He then turns his attention back to Ambrus Valsin, waiting for his follow up.

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The Venture Captiain stares into the distance. "Well any more questions? No get along, you need to start packing and prepare to leave. Remember, the Society depends greatly on the success of this mission."
With that, Valsin turns his back on you all and goes back to working on papers at his desk. You have some time to "shop" for any gear you may want to purchase.

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Nius bows slightly to the Vice-Captain and turns toward his companions saying: "I agree with Jezebel, we better make haste. Shall we meet here tomorrow to secure transportation? I need to get some winter gear and rations, like i said its a cold harsh weather in that area."
I updated my inventory, and will assume my char bought everything by the time we meet again to depart.

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The Venture Captiain stares into the distance. "Well any more questions? No get along, you need to start packing and prepare to leave. Remember, the Society depends greatly on the success of this mission."
With that, Valsin turns his back on you all and goes back to working on papers at his desk. You have some time to "shop" for any gear you may want to purchase.
Did you see this one?
"Thank you sir for entrusting us with this task. Will we be provided a letter of credit or gold for our expenses and do you have any recommendations for us, in terms of preparing for the journey? Gear, clothing, method of travel and such?"

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"Agreed, Nius-san. This one will certainly require some time to prepare for our trip as I am woefully under-dressed for the excursion."
Smiling as he displayed the silken material of his clothes, Mifune began making plans on what supplies he would need to buy not only to handle the harsh weather, but more importantly, to handle their equally confounding prisoners.
Rolling to see what Mifune can find out about Goblins from the townsfolk, and to find out what type of travel gear he would need (i.e. clothes, foodstuffs, hunting supplies, etc.)
Knowledge (Local) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

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"Yes Mr. Ivik, I will provide your transportation. However, any clothing and other gear will come out of your own pockets. Of course any gold you find along they way is yours to keep. You'll leave on the morrow by boat to start your journey north. "
With that, the Venture Captain ushers you out the door. He tells you to be ready and packed by morning.
Mifune you know that goblins are insane and sadistic. They have a strong hatred of dogs and horses. Bringing those along would be disastrous. Goblins also love to set things on fire.
While in the trade district purchasing your supplies, a soldier walks up and hands you this letter:
Friend of Freedom,
Irrisen has an underground resistance movement, known as the Heralds of Summer’s Return, that we want to encourage. One of their agents is deep undercover in the small village you’ll be passing through in the course of your mission. Locate her at the local tavern; she wears a pin of a white eye. Deliver this note discreetly, and whatever you do, don’t expose her in front of anyone. The common folk in Irrisen are too broken down to be trusted.
-Major Colson Maldris
Before leaving Captain Valsin's office, he discreetly hands you this sealed letter.
The confidence of the Ten be upon you,
I’m writing to you privately, aside from the mission briefing, because I require someone dependable on this expedition. If the remnants of the original Shadow Lodge have retreated to Whitethrone, we’ll have difficulty getting to them. I can only imagine the sorts of allies they’re making in that damned city. We need to learn what these goblins know, but not at the risk of making the jadwiga Elvanna aware of our actions and interests.
To that end, make sure nothing goes wrong. Don’t allow a single goblin to escape alive, don’t let any border guards live to see the group, and don’t allow an ‘incident’ to happen in Harvest’s End. This operation needs to be smooth, quiet, and efficient.
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin
After shopping the Lodge contacts you for tea in honor of your mission. You are handing this letter after talking.
Most Honored One,
Long have I wondered why the rulers of the Lands of Linnorm Kings cannot conceive of another means to combat their hated foes, the witches of Irrisen. It is a country of great wealth, but without means to feed itself, no matter how many slaves it consumes. The dreadful winter wolves cannot subsist on stones, no? Yet Goka does brisk trade with the witches because they pay handsomely. I would suggest to the Linnorm Kings that if they engaged in fewer raids upon traders from Tian Xia, Tian Xia would have less need to subsidize those losses by selling food to Whitethrone. An audience with Castellan Darkwine is beyond your station, but if an opportunity presents itself, speak to him of these things on my behalf when you are in Trollheim.
Many blessings upon you,
Venture-Captain Amara Li
Before you leaving Absolam, you are handed a letter from a fellow crusader.
Champion of the Light,
We were blessed when you joined our ranks, as we are always looking out for more defenders of good. To that end, while there is precious little goodness to be found in Irrisen, we’ve learned of a group who are not only curious, but have the social rank required not be immediately executed for it. The stilyagi are young men and women of high birth, but who eschew conventional tradition. They’re non-conformist and open-minded, and while that doesn’t necessarily make them good, it does suggest fertile ground in which ideas can be planted.
If the renegades haven’t gotten to them first, that is. Speak to the goblins in absolute private. You’re just supposed to transport them, but see if they know about any ties between the stilyagi and the violent sects of the Shadow Lodge.
Ollysta Zadrian

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Before everyone disperses, Telurion puts in: Friends, can I invite you all to join me over dinner and some half-decent wine this evening? I am staying at the... what was the name again...? Drunken Elf He chuckles - The name isn't the best, but the food is quite good - I would suggest the roast, and would much enjoy if you would join me in a toast before we hit the road - what say you?
During the remaining hours of the day he will acquire provisions for cold weather - mainly a winter blanket, an heavy cloak and some reinforced, warmer vestments, as well as additional rations. If any of the others are willing, he will gladly join them while shopping.

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"While the notion of having your company is tempting, this one must decline as there are some pressing matters to be attended to."
Bowing deeply both in rejection and apology to Telurion's offer, Mifune gave a similar greeting to the others gathered as he left to begin preparations for the trek ahead.
Buying Cold-Weather Outfit (8 GP) and a Winter Blanket (5 SP). Will edit the sheet to match when I get back from work.

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Assuming that the Venture Captain gives us the details of the ship we are to board as well as any other traveling information Zondras will move on
"Thank you sir. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that we will not fail you or the Society."
As they all make their way out of the Venture Captain's office Zondras hears Telurion's invitation and looks to the man. "That sounds like a good idea, a chance to aquatint ourselves before the journey begins. I must go prepare for our journey, but time permitting I will be glad to share some wine and a roast at your table."
As he passes the table of wine and olives he takes and olive and pops it into his mouth, eating it, while he takes his glass and lifts it into the air. "I look forward to working with you all." he toasts.