DrGabe's Pathfinder Society Game, Group C (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe

Its like playing a regular PFS game at your local gaming store, but this time we are running out of Cheetos!

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The Exchange


Turned on.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12

Yay! We have a discussion thread now :D

The Exchange


Sorry folks. It took me a couple of days to get organized for this third table. But we are now rocking and rolling.
You all should have your faction missions in the game play thread. Any questions just ask.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter 1

Are we aware of other members of our faction on the mission with us?

The Exchange


I would assume so. You are about to spend several week on a boat together. I would think that you get to know each other well enough to know those things.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter 1

Makes sense. I was just wondering if we're supposed to be circumspect about that sort of thing. Now I'm imagining a lot of awkward conversations. "So... I don't really like evil, how about you?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

Since this is my first pbp PFS (only played PFS once before, in RL) game I'm not sure if there is anything special we are supposed to do with keeping track of spending?

Also, any restriction on buying items? I would imagine not for normal, but what about magical? (mainly potions and scrolls)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

I bought my provisions. The magic items i bought are:
Ioun Stone (dull grey - dead)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (2)
Potion of Endure Elements

The rest were normal items and gear.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

DrGabe, i have the lvl 0 spell Guidance prepared. For out of combat situations where time is not running in a strict sense, would it be acceptable to add +1 to the skill checks without having to state each time that im casting Guidance? Or for clarity sake i should state im casting Guidance to get a +1 before each skill check?

And no for the last rolls I did not added Guidance bonuses to any of the rolls, thought to not waste much time to roll and then obtain a clarification when possible.

The Exchange


Nius that is fine to just add it to the dice roll.
If you want, you can add it like d20+x+1

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Will do like you propose, that way will be easier to keep track when the rolls are taking guidence into account or not.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

To not clutter much the game tread will write this here. Thanks Mifune! totally overlooked the six in DrGabe reply. Yes my fault, was scanning for a "6". Lesson learned to read in detail and not scan for something in particular.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12
Nius Darkwood wrote:
To not clutter much the game tread will write this here. Thanks Mifune! totally overlooked the six in DrGabe reply. Yes my fault, was scanning for a "6". Lesson learned to read in detail and not scan for something in particular.

Yep! No problem :)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

I feel im using up all the good rolls before combat and that during combat i will get ones and twos ))

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12
Nius Darkwood wrote:
I feel im using up all the good rolls before combat and that during combat i will get ones and twos ))

Likewise...I'm worried the first time I roll for an attack >_>

On a related note though...how many of us actually have ranged weapons? Going with the whole Sword Saint routine, I decided against any weapon besides my Katana, so I'm kind of gimped in terms of ranged combat.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter 1

I've got a shortbow though it's mostly intended for situations where I would be unable to close. I'm built for melee and my ranged prowess are unimpressive.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter Lvl 2 (Lore Warden) / Ranger Lvl 1 | HP: 25/25

Telurion packs a longbow - he's not a genius with it, mainly against cover, but should be able to trade a couple of shots. Ranged combat does not seem to be our best option at the moment though :D

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)
Telurion Andoren wrote:
Telurion packs a longbow - he's not a genius with it, mainly against cover, but should be able to trade a couple of shots. Ranged combat does not seem to be our best option at the moment though :D

Same here. My longbow is for those few times I can't close in but i'm not a crack shot with it. Also, even though i'm a magus I am passing myself off as a fighter and try to hide my spellcasting ability....for as long as that will last :-)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Same as Mifune here, did not even bother to get a sling (always found it silly to have to hurl rocks to my opponents) so besides the ranged spells, got no ranged attack. Which is pretty much what I have as attacks, cos really im a subpar meele figther and my summoning last an amazing total of 1 round.

On another note, after the argument about spliting the group, I was thinking about the safety of the goblins and didnt thougth about the possibility of them taking the chance to attempt an escape. So now Im thorn about taking them with us and risking the goblins lives, or risking them gangkin the two members of the party left the guard them. But im getting inclined to not separate after all.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

Nothing like being ambushed and fire upon during a coming snow storm....and being 80 some odd feet away.

The Exchange


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Our non-American friends may see a slight slow down in posting the next several days. Enjoy the time with your family and try to not to eat too much!

I'll still be posting, perhaps a bit slower, perhaps not.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Hope you all had a good thanksgiving weekend (or a good regular weekend if you don't celebrate that), mine was fine.

Now lets get baby rolling! Goblins are waiting to be slaughtered, and other goblins waiting to be delivered, oh so many goblins, i can feel already the xmass spirit, haha.

*pokes Telurion*

Hey while at work I was checking out the maps posted by DrGabe and an idea crossed my mind, But thougth of asking first.

So while switching from ome image to the other I thougth ofsort of rustic animation using the events unfolding on our little story, the speech spoken, the action taken, etc. I know the idea sounds kind of vague, but I guess is the best I can express it at this time. And this is really independent of the game, but since the things we all write are kind of our own things, wanted to make sure no one was opposed of being used in such a way.

Also, this migth never take off, I dont know if I have a concrete enough idea, or the time or will end with the motivation to do anything at all. But wanted to ask first of all.

And lets keep the game rooolling!

On a side note, Nius is a whimpy, dunno why I even tried to make him break a door ))

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

sorry for the double post! Realized it was the wrong alias and tried switching it, but instead got posted twice under two different aliases :|

The Exchange


Interesting! If you want to use the maps go right head. They are simply "borrowed" avatar pictures from this board (obviously) put into MapTools (which is really a great tool).

Oh, and what is funny is that wimpy Nius broke down the door that the big strong ones couldn't!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

ok cool to know, still would like to hear from the other players if is ok to use their "speech".

Also, im confused as to how Nius broke the door rolling lower than Yoren. Or you meant Zondras who rolled higher than us both? Or the DC to break the door lowers with multiple tries reflecting sort of damage taken?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter 1

Fine by me.

The Exchange


Arrghhh to many PC names running in my head. Yes Zondras cracked the door, not Nius. That would have been funny though... perhaps next time!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

i'm ok with it

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter Lvl 2 (Lore Warden) / Ranger Lvl 1 | HP: 25/25

I am usually VERY fussy with whatever relates to me and the internet - guess I'm just old :D

But ye man, go for it! I am ok with it also ;)

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12

For the most part, can we assume that I'm just habitually throwing death threats at our goblin captives for the sake of refreshing that Shaken status? :D

I keep feeling bad about posting because I'm not contributing T_T

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

You are, you are safekeeping the goblins! I feel bad i left your side after volunteering to stay, Nius would had caved in to the goblins insistence of joining in the fight, using some skewed logic.

Also you could decide to move forward because you fear there might be reinforcements comming due to the signal fire, and would be better to meet them as a group and not getting picked up on your own with the captives... just saying *grins*

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

Guard duty, although boring, is always important. You are doing important work.... especially since I akin your work more difficult than herding cats.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12
Zondras Ivik wrote:

Guard duty, although boring, is always important. You are doing important work.... especially since I akin your work more difficult than herding cats.


I will herd the crap out of these goblins xD

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Question, how do we know the content of the flasks?

And sorry, just realized I fumbled on the formating, missed the closing /.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Nius have become a briber! Bribing the goblins with food, bribing the troll with gold... That Neutral Good is looking more and more plain Neutral to me :D

The Exchange


That whole alignment thing is truly nebulous!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

Sorry I have been MIA...RL got the better of me.... but I managed to beat it into submission.

The Exchange


It always feels nice when you can crit RL

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

Im a little confused and would like some clarification.

When we are running under Initiative order. Are we supposed to post on that order or just that the action will take place on that initiative order?


The Exchange


Nius- what I would like is to keep the action moving. In theory I'd like to see PC's in a group move all at the same time (so post an any order). Then the NPC's can go, then the PC's go an any order.
I'd like to avoid PC's from posting multiple turns before the NPC's go since that might affect your next turn.
One of the things I have seen is that games that go in strict Ini order take forever- you wait for around a day for each order to go through. While, true to the game, i simply don't have the time or patience for that!

Generally, i try to use the orders for a PC that makes the most sense at that time. If there is every any doubt, I will fudge in favor of the PC's.

I hope that helps, not make things worse!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Druid 1

ok cool! I was wondering about it for awhile and i had been waiting until "my turn" and gotta admit the wait is agonizing! lol

So good to know :)

And yes it helps, and make things more flexible which is a good thing in my book (the book of Nius, lol)

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Wizard

Starting Sunday morning, I begin a 4 household Christmas season tour, briefly interrupted by an orthodontics visit, covering a little over 1000 miles in six days. Posting will occur, but be erratic until I am home again Saturday night.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Tian-Min) Hellknight 2/Samurai (Sword Saint) 6 | HP 68/68 | AC 23; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 21 | CMD 25 | Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 | Init +4 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +12

This started Thursday, but I'm on holiday break right now...which somehow means an even more sporadic schedule than when I was working.

Will try to keep regular posting schedules, but I make no promises...damn relatives >_>

The Exchange


No worries. You all have a great Holiday season and stay safe.

The Exchange


Alright gang, we are nearly at the end of this scenario. Thanks, I had a blast running the game and I hope you also had fun playing.
If you are interested, I will be running another game that will start at the conclusion of this one. If there are any scenarios that you are interested in playing (or ones you don't want to play), please let me know.

At the moment it looks like the other two groups are interested in doing 4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Varisian) Magus/1 (HP:13/13 AC:17/13t/14ff)

I'd be interested.

BTW - since this is the first time I did a pbp PFS... do we have to do anything special to record our progress?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Fighter 1

Thanks for the Game DrGabe. I'd love to continue, this is my first PFS as well, so anything goes!

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Wizard

I would like to continue as well, just keep us posted here I guess.

Looks like the big boss guy managed to separate me from the goblins despite my protests. Probably a good thing since I don't fancy the idea of being stuck in the hold with 6 goblins and 2 warriors all of whom likely see me as a light snack!

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