Fire Mountain Games |
You are still being watched.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards
Edmin Al'Roth |
![Baron Hannis Drelev](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Hannis.jpg)
I figured two bad ones have already tore up where I am headed to in Texas means I should be good for a while right?
Rosa_Luminass |
At the moment I'm in China, but fly around a bit, Im UK time and Beijing time. I'm English working new Tech.
Just hit me that in the rules it says
The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner’s forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).
How the hells do you then make a stealthy eidolon, that rule seems a bit broken unless they meant them not to be so I thought Aha! glows darkness hehe, well we are evil why not.
Also did we just get spammed by
Fire Mountain Games?
Jax Naismith |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
At the moment I'm in China, but fly around a bit, Im UK time and Beijing time. I'm English working new Tech.
Just hit me that in the rules it says
The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner’s forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).
How the hells do you then make a stealthy eidolon, that rule seems a bit broken unless they meant them not to be so I thought Aha! glows darkness hehe, well we are evil why not.
Most summoners/DMs tend to ignore that rule because its not usually thought of when you visualize how you want your eidolon to look. Then you learna bout that rule and go "...oh."
Also did we just get spammed by
Fire Mountain Games?
They made this AP
Bref |
I just want to say that after that stellar lockpicking I am paying for it by having a d4+d6 equal a grand total of 1 damage! Awesome
Douglas Muir 406 |
Okay, now that we've started combat, quick note on DMPCing. I'll occasionally make rolls for you to speed things along. I don't want to make this the default, though. If I have your character do something you're not fine with, please pipe right up and tell me. My goal here is never to make you do one thing or another, but just to keep the Fun Train from getting derailed.
Doug M.
Bref |
I roll for all, but then I average and have good guys go then bad guys or vice versa it makes it faster for me and my posters.
i am in another game where the dm rolls and we all post what we want to do, once he gets them all he makes a summary of it
also i am not worried about you botting me on occasion
Bref |
DMDM I am going out for dinner and movie
But if fight continues, I think you can see where I am going with it. move into flank and chomp chomp chomp
+6 to hitfor weapon finesse 1d4 bite, then -1 to hit and damage for -2 str/dex for fatigued
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
Rosa_Luminass |
GM you can Auto Rosa any time to get the game rolling on, I can flow with that as I do the same as a GM myself. If things slow up to much you get players drifting off.
Fire Mountain Games as the maker Im way cool with any lurking old bean, and its good so far :) good GM and some really good players, I have a feeling this will be a great PbP.
Kate_C |
![Trinia Sabor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A17_Trina_hires.jpg)
Hi guys.
Sorry I had work most of the weekend, as I do on the weekends and I just got home after moving my apartment back after I had to relocate because the hurricane blew through and plunged the lower half of New York in darkness.
I actually fell asleep in a movie theater today (that's how drained I was) but I'll do my best to catch up, I have over 70 posts to read in the game thread and 35 to read in the discussion thread, so sorry and here goes ...
Oh, what I saw of Wreck it Ralph was great! Don't think my dozing off was a critique of the movie.
edit: WHOA! I'm over 150 posts behind!
Lot to catch up with.
Cуровую зиму |
![Almah Rovshki](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-17.jpg)
You are still being watched.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards
Big Fire Brother is Watching.
Any pointers?
Going to nap for three hours then running off to work.
Cуровую зиму |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Almah Rovshki](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-17.jpg)
Okay, now that we've started combat, quick note on DMPCing. I'll occasionally make rolls for you to speed things along. I don't want to make this the default, though. If I have your character do something you're not fine with, please pipe right up and tell me. My goal here is never to make you do one thing or another, but just to keep the Fun Train from getting derailed.
I for one really like your GM style, and we have a great group. Each GM is quite unique, like a snowflake. That wants to kill us.:)
Jax Naismith |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
I usually try to post multiple turns at a go when doing combat so the rolls are there or at least the actions will be mentioned. I usually won't be posting at night (usually spending time with the wife). Jax's combat tactics are pretty simple: Stab everything, try to give flanking to Bref and focus fire on the same target as either Bref or Edwin. He'll spell combat to use Daze when he can make full attack actions.
Edited my post to throw up some RP, just wanted to get rolls and such up there asap.
Random thought: I noticed the tea kettle, not sure if I can, but Jax would love to try scooping it up before it falls. He's been craving some tea.
Bref |
hmm, maybe I should let DMDM roll all my attacks. :)
One guard left. who will be delicious!
great stuff guys
Morsum |
Morsum simply grins, which again makes you wonder where the blood dripping from his lips disappears to since none seems to hit the floor.
So far I definitely like this group. Keep building interesting personalities all and this should be a blast (yes, that kind of a blast as well Bref).
Jax Naismith |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
Let's see if we can get some geography and layout of the tower from this guard? Doesn't Edwin have great bonuses in Intimidate? Or is that you, Judge?
Bref |
bref may be perhaps the smartest goblin in the history of the world, but he is still a goblin. he will only be entertained with the mural for a little bit before he is ready to kill more.
he is not a happy goblin right now
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
I think that Bref and Morsum will get along quite well - oh, and Bref, just so you know. The Judge rather enjoys the taste of blood as well - human preferred. Not sure whether he will take any of the Blood Sucking dhampir feats yet.
Bref |
shame bref doesn't speak necril. I don't know summoners well. Is he intelligent?
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
Not particularly, but since I am a dhampir, he has an enjoyment of blood - not the Blood God Disciple half orc stuff, mostly just for flavor. I am sort of going with the whole vampires don't have shadows, so this is my shadow - it just has a habit of wandering off and killing people for me.
His Int is 7 right now, I tried to put most of his stats on his avatar/alias.
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
He speaks all the languages I do, I tend to talk to him in Necril, but he understands Common, Infernal and Celestial which the Judge also speaks.
Douglas Muir 406 |
Okay, let's talk a sec about torture. You're evil, so this is totally an option for you. But it's not compulsory; your character could consider this beneath his dignity, or dishonorable, only to be done in severe necessity. On the other hand, s/he could be a giggling sadist, or a conscienceless sociopath who will simply keep cutting and burning until the thing gurgles up the necessary information. You decide what fits your character.
That said, one of the big problems with evil campaigns -- second only to PvP -- is the squick factor. I don't game to get detailed descriptions of torture, rape, and atrocity, and I'm hoping you guys don't either. So while torture is definitely on the table, it gets resolved largely or entirely off screen.
Now, as to mechanics: there is a Profession (Torturer) skill, which allows you to extract information quickly and efficiently. Absent that, you can use Intimidate -- it doesn't work as well, and does collateral damage, but given time it will get the job done.
In this particular casae, I'll give you three options. (1) Play it cool. Use Intimidate, maybe rough the guard up a bit, but don't seriously injure or damage him. This acts as a standard Intimidate check, turning the guard effectively Friendly for a while. But note that Friendly (or pseudo-Friendly) is not Helpful; the guard will give you mostly straight answers, but retains autonomy and may still seek to withhold information or deceive. (2) Not kidding around. You torture the guard until he talks. This will produce 1d4 reasonably detailed answers to questions before the guard passes out. The guard may attempt to lie, but this will require a check of his Will save against an Intimidate check (I'll roll it), and then you get a Sense Motive. This will take 10 minutes and will do 2d6 of lethal and 2d6 of nonlethal damage. (3) Smash and grab. You torture the guard to death. Same as above, but 1d6 answers instead of 1d4. If the guard realizes you're going to kill him anyway (your Bluff vs. his Sense Motive, I'll roll offscreen) he may get a bonus to lie to you. In all these cases, anyone with ranks in Intimidate can pitch in to Aid Another; to start with, I'll go with the Judge's first roll.
Clear enough? Okay, I'll be around a few more minutes and then I must catch a train.
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
I posted something closer to #2, but then deleted it. I think that #1 would be more my style. Mind you, if a little blood is let, that would not really phase the Judge. The goal is to scare him to death - Intimidate - and get what I can while trying to read him for lies. If I detect a lie, I will not let him know. But will let the others know so that we can determine what the truth is. Then, we can come back and rough him up a little if necessary for his failure to speak truthfully. Figure there should be a fairly big bonus on the Sense Motive/Intimidate if we catch him lying and he thinks that he is in for a lot of hurt.
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
Considering that the guard was at 0 hp before, any lethal likely will kill him. Lets go with Intimidate - should be in the 27-30 range with the Assist from Edmin.
I am getting back to work, so you have a few minutes to get something posted without us cross posting/ninjaing each other any more.
Edmin Al'Roth |
![Baron Hannis Drelev](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Hannis.jpg)
Edmin prefers option one, but is not above option two if needed. Option 3 would only be attempted with his help if the information needed was of dire consequence. Not to say he would not kill the person afterwards anyway though.
Judge Tohram Quasangi |
![Karzoug the Claimer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Karzoug_at_work1.jpg)
Essentially in my (the Judge's) view, torture for necessary information is fine. Torture for fun is chaotic and pointless, and thus not something that he would condone under any circumstances. After all, what good is an informant if he is dead (unless of course you know Speak with Dead).
Edmin Al'Roth |
![Baron Hannis Drelev](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Hannis.jpg)
Possible questions:
1. Prison layout.
2. Number of guards.
3. How do we get to Old Moor Road?
4. Where is Blackley?
5. Are there passwords?
Edmin Al'Roth |
![Baron Hannis Drelev](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Hannis.jpg)
Edmin would never torture for fun. He may kill someone that really deserved it slowly, but not to get information. Small difference, but to him it is still different.
Jax Naismith |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
Where the warden is and what how powerful he is may be useful as well. As well as information on where our belongings are, I'd love to get my spellbook before we leave. And where the armoury is.
As for what we've found already:
We have one club and a longsword left. I'm Dex based and can't use either.
Bref |
Bref is alright with all of it
though i prefer not to get graphic myself
He is also smarth enough to know that this is not his territory, and will do what he is asked to do by those who can. He has no problem killing, but he really only wants to make those who have earned his ire suffer.
Also DM the heal skill can be used for torture as well. Not sure any of us have it though.
Rosa_Luminass |
Moved from game play.
OOC to all ->
"Just a note: Rosa fully intends to burn this whole place down to the ground and kill everyone in it (she dos have a track record for doing this as a mass murder). In her view nothing left, No clues, no one to talk and it will take them a wile to work out who's dead and whos missing in the ash, no matter what we do they will have a manhunt, kill them all here and they can not join in, also she will think, lets make this one big statement saying ......"
Judge -> Rosa
Rosa - unless you know how to burn stone, that is going to be a tough task. Few old prisons sitting on islands in the ocean and attached to the land by a small bridge are going to be made out of easily flammable materials. Also, if this one talks, I gave my word that I would not harm him. While this was not speaking for you all, the Judge will be less than pleased if you go off on a chaotic mass murder spree. Remember - LE is not CE.
Rosa -> Judge
Stone Buildings and truth about fire
have a look at history, I'm from the UK and no matter if its built with stone or slate, on the outer walls and main inner walls, the reality of building with stone is that it needs a complex heavy wooden inner structure supporting its inner spaces and structure, floors of stone do not a safe building make, a large part of the inside of any stone building is wood, sorry but have a look at Rochester castle and other such to places on the Rine valley, sorry but I am a bit of a buff on this matter. If you have seen it in films sorry, Hollywood lied, all blaster and scaffolding making for a good look and nothing more.
Rosa -> all
LE and someone working to a bigger plan
Ross is being what she is, cold heated and methodical 100% LE, I have sated her logic, burning the place down will slow the chase that will come, but much much more it will sand a biger massage to this state of goodness.
"Look you, You think you have won, that your rulers have control, that they have Broken the dark ones, but you are wrong, look your most feared prison. one that no one could ever broke out of, look at the strong hold now, It can not only be breached, it can be utterly destroyed and if that, then no where is safe."
Know this Rosa works on a totally larger order of magnitude with fear than others, Hell's order of magnitude, wile others work to be the scariest guy/girl/thing in the room, Rosa is seeking ways to scar the living **** out of an entire culture.
Razzing this place to the ground is sending a message to ever one who hears of it.
That's how Rosa, one very scary **** from hell works.
Edmin Al'Roth |
![Baron Hannis Drelev](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Hannis.jpg)
I tend to agree with Rosa for the most part.
I look at it like wounding someone in battle versus killing them out right, it takes more resources and effort to take care of the wounded than it does the dead.
If we set the place afire then the officials will need to take care of the grounds first and the search for us second, if not they will at least not put full resources into the search in the beginning.
The pay back is just a bonus.