I've been out-out of the site taking care of work and such for the past two weeks. I think it's best if I just say I'm out of this game. If/when things settle, I'll join back up.
Alosvalophos wrote: The Source wrote: Wait, how does that work? Sacrifice your remaining pop and cast Create People to start fresh elsewhere. It'll be free with no pop/settlements.
You'll get 2 power from the sacrifice and then you'll have the rest of your power from last turn to start building up stuff. All right, done and reborn at N5.
Wait, how does that work?
Oof, my inaction has cost me dearly!
I am simply going to bow out. Gather Power, Festival, Sacrifice, Lower Terrain, and sink my land into the sea.
Power Generation: 4d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 5) + 6 = 15
Starting Power: 2
New Power: 17
Grow H9: 8 power, new pop: 10
Grow H10: 4 power, new pop: 6
Create Settler H10: Cost 2 power, new pop: 5
Move Settler to I9, found settlement
Grow I9: 0 power, new pop: 2
I9: Festival, +1 power
Advance in H9, gain 10 science
Spend 10 science, gain Agriculture 2
Miracle: Raise Terrain on J9, 4 power
New Power: 0
New Science: 0
Bring on Armageddon.
Reposting turn!
Power: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) + 2 = 17
Starting Power: 7
Total Power: 24
Miracle: Raise Terrain x2 in I9. Cost: 8 power
Miracle: Lower Terrain in G8. Cost: 4 power
Growth in H10: 3 power
Advancement in H10: +5 Science. Total 8.
Growth in H9: 7 power
Advancement in H9: +9 Science. Total 17.
Advance to Religion 2. Cost: 8 science.
Advance to Religion 3. Cost: 9 science.
Remaining totals: 2 Power, 0 Science.
Wait, terrain miracles are an end-of-the-turn thing? Crud, I'll have to change my turn...
Power: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) + 2 = 17
Starting Power: 7
Total Power: 24
Miracle: Raise Terrain x2 in I9. Cost: 8 power
Growth in H10: 3 power
Create settler in H10: 1 power
Settler moves to I9 and settles.
Growth in I9: 0 power
Create settler in I9: 3 power
Miracle: Raise Terrain x2 in J9. Cost: 8 power.
Settler moves to J9 and settles.
Growth in J9: 0 power.
J9 mines the meteorite for Power: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
Miracle: Lower Terrain in G8. Cost: 4 power.
Advancement in H9: +8 Science. Total 11.
Advance to Armor 3. Cost: 8 science.
Remaining totals: 1 Power, 3 Science.
Tendrils of the Source extend into the sea, as a mat of vegetation grows out from the shores, towards the approaching herald.
Power: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 3) + 2 = 12
Starting Power: 11
Total Power: 23
Grow H9: 6 power. Now Pop 8.
Grow H10: 2 power. Now Pop 4.
Armies rise, ready to combat the Herald.
4 armies in H9: 8 power. Remaining Power: 7.
H10 advances, 4 science. Total Science: 10.
Spend 7 science, get Armor 2. Remaining science: 3.
Power: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) + 2 = 15
15 + 17 = 32 power
The Cordyceps continues to die back, and the very land shrivels beneath them, returning them to a small island.
Miracle: G9, Lower Terrain x2, 12 power.
Miracle: G10, Lower Terrain x3, 18 power.
Grow Rhizome (H10) to 3, 1 power.
1 power remains.
Advance at Sporefall (H9) and Rhizome, 10 Science.
Total 12 Science.
Gain Armour 1.
6 science remains.
Just saw this. No, please move on this round. It's my fault there's a delay. I'll take my lumps, be potentially removed, but that's okay.
An oddity in the life cycle of the Source, the fungal masses die down, its armies and people stop and fall to the ground as the Cordyceps grow senescent.
Power gathering: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) + 4 = 13
That's fair.
I greatly apologize for my absence. Easter took me out far more than I expected.
But I'm back and will be active from here.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thanks for everything you do, Umbral Reaver!
Dang, I completely didn't even look at this yesterday. Now I gotta catch up.
On the other hand, I have Master of Magic again!! Woohoo!
Sorry, yes, that's what I'm saying, maybe Religion 6 should be more expensive than Agriculture 1.
Perhaps costs should scale with level? For example, if I've got Religion 5, buying Religion 6 has the same cost as buying Agriculture 1.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
We should play this out as is, no tweaks. In many ways, this is a playtest, and we should understand what the good and bad sides of the game are. It's fascinating, it's fun, it's interesting. Once we've had enough with this game, we can reset with a new board and new powers and new rules and try again.
Umbral Reaver, this is just the start of a really fun experience!
Yes, but a person with Religion X gains X power per settlement, while someone with Agriculture X saves X power per settlement, unless the settlement is of size X or less.
Since you can't grow a settlement more than once a turn, there is no situation in which Agriculture nets you more power than Religion, while there is always a situation where Religion nets you more power than Agriculture.
If you think about it, Religion completely supersedes Agriculture. Every turn, a settlement will generate +1 power per Religion, or cost -1 power per growth. Either way, you get the same result: a total excess of 1 power--except that you don't always have to grow the settlement.
The whole 10 Religion? No. Just no.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Power Generation: 3d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 3 + 2 = 17
Grow Sporefall (H9): 6-1=5 power
Grow Rhizome (H10): 2-1=1 power
Grow Bloom (G9): 2-1=1 power
Sporefall advances: +7 Science.
Spend 5 science for Weapons 1.
Bloom makes 2 armies: 4 power.
Rhizome makes a settler: 3 power.
Rhizome settler moves to G10, settles Fruit Cap.
Grow Fruit Cap: 1 power.
Raise army in Fruit Cap: 2 power.
Fruit Cap army to F10, invades Southern Harbor.
Bloom armies to F9, invades Swamp Settlement.
Ending Power: 0
Ending Science: 2
Ending advancements: Agriculture 1, Religion 1, Survival 3, Weapons 1
Ending settlements: Sporefall (H9) 7, Rhizome (H10) 2, Bloom (G9) 1, Fruit Cap (G10) 1
Ending armies: F9 x2, F10 x1.
Animals start pouring out of the forests, enter the swamps, all inexorably drawn to a source of power hidden in the swampy lands...
(something like the fact each village nets you 10 power a turn. Too much. Too broken.)
...I'll just suck on my corner, thanks.
Starting Power: -1
Starting Science: 1
Starting worshippers: 7
Power generation: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15
Settlements: Sporefall H9, Rhizome H10
Grow Sporefall: Cost 5-1=4.
Grow Rhizome: Cost 2-1=1.
Terrain Miracle: Alter G10 to forest. Cost: 4.
Rhizome: Create Settler, Cost 2.
Move settler to G9, settle Bloom.
Grow Bloom: Cost 1 (Survival lowers difficulty).
Advance Bloom: 2 Science
Advance Sporefall: 6 Science
Advancement: 2 ranks of Survival, 1 rank of Religion. Cost: 9 Science.
Ending Power: 2
Ending Science: 0
Ending worshippers: 10
Increasingly at home in their new world, the Cordyceps continue their expansion and find themselves able to handle far more environments in this world. Their hosts travel beyond their borders, finding home in the jungle as well.
And hey, TL, great to see you again! Thanks for letting me know about this!
I was the anonymous user... I think...
I hope I'm doing this right.
Starting power: 0
Starting science: 0
Starting worshippers: 5
Power gathering: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) = 9
Grow Settlement 5 -> 6 in H9. Cost: 4 (5 +0 terrain -1 Ag)
Create Settler in H9. Cost: 1
Move settler to H10 and settle.
Grow Settlement 1 -> 2 in H10. Cost: 1
Terrain Miracle: Raise terrain in G9 to 1J Cost: 3 (Nature)
H10 settlement advances. Generates 2 Science.
Advancement: Survival 1
Ending Power: 0
Ending Science: 1
Ending Worshippers: 7