DM Delmoth's Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master Delmoth


Treasure Sheet

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F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

I'd say attune to Pocky, Allegra can self heal, even if its not a ton. She'll gladly accept the barkskin.

Allegra waits silently for Mara to finish her prayers, watching Ci Ci's display without comment. Before they set out, she kneels down by a nearby corpse and grabs the top of the head in one hand. She recites a short prayer to Asmodeus, binding the body to protect her. As she finishes, the scorched flesh sloughs off the skull as it floats off of the body to begin orbiting around her.

Casting Defending Bone

"I'm ready."

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

OK, the Phylactery will be attuned to Dervak, Pocky and Theo. It doesn't make a huge difference — it just allows Mara to use her Healing Hex at a distance.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary
Allegra Gavrospex wrote:

Allegra waits silently for Mara to finish her prayers, watching Ci Ci's display without comment. Before they set out, she kneels down by a nearby corpse and grabs the top of the head in one hand. She recites a short prayer to Asmodeus, binding the body to protect her. As she finishes, the scorched flesh sloughs off the skull as it floats off of the body to begin orbiting around her.

Casting Defending Bone

As long as it isn't Kat's corpse. Even so...

Dervak looks askance at Allegra's ritual. He seems vaguely repulsed by it, but not enough to say anything.
Oh, she's a necromancer too? This is going to be interesting.

I imagine Theophilus would have a lot of fun with animating a skull to follow him around and protect him...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus looks on as Allegra performs her spell. He looks sternly at The White Rabbit.
And why do we not have that one?

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

"We checked two rooms off the central intersection on the next floor down.
One had not much of interest.
The other had those Axiomites. That was not a good scene. Mara didn't see much of a reason to go back there, but revenge works for me.
Or a place other than one of the four central rooms? There is a room far in the northeast, and more to the south."

I have no strong preference here.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara replied to Dervak, "I'd just as soon go to the room to the northeast." She didn't feel up going near the axiomites at the moment.

When they reached the floor below, she checked the agreed upon door for traps.

Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23

Checking whichever door the party agrees on.

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus awaits the prolonged precedent of precision. He seems unwilling to volunteer to open any doors...

He does cast Guidance on Dervak before the door is opened.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

“You know this place better than we do, as well as threats. I’m no trap expert, but I’m happy to take the look-but-don’t-touch approach.”

Pocky decides to help Mara check for traps.

Perc: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

If nobody finds any traps, then Dervak will use a charge from his wand of Shield (now at 34) and open the door.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

Mysterium level 3 down

For the new player's benefit

Like the previous levels of this library, this level contains hundreds of carvings of angels upon the walls. Those in this level are dancing and cavorting, but some of them hold sly expressions. The images seem to move on their own when viewed out of the corner of the eye. Unlike previous levels, the hallway is not cluttered with books, ancient manuscripts, and arcane minutia.

Preventing you from seeing very far is a pervasive fog that fills the corridors. Beyond your sight you hear the incessant turning of pages of some unseen book or tome. Visibility is out to 5ft.

As you round the corner of the misty hallway a chalk mark is drawn on the floor, a mark made by the departed Kat. Mara, Dervak, and Theo know what this means, a door. Dervak reaches his hand into the wall and it passes through as if nothing was there. Finding the handle he opens the door and passes through.

This room is crammed with cases, shelves, and cabinets, alongside a large number of preserved snakeskins and the skull of some sort of large fish.

Anyone who wants to search the room can give me a perception check.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Perc, Hero: 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 18 + 3 = 37
The little nun’s sharp eye is on the lookout…

Also wanted to make a religion check on the angel statues, but I rolled what the GM asked before rolling optional stuff.
On the way, Pocky noticed the angel statues and wondered, What’s the significance of their poses, and why dance with such a look in the eye?
K.Religion, Hero: 1d20 + 14 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 3 = 37

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara moved into the room and looked around, scanning for magic auras and searching through the shelves and cabinets.

Casting Detect Magic

Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus cast Detect Magic, sweeping the Room.
Perception WR auto assist: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 28

F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

Allegra will scan for chaos and fiendish presences.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

Pocky ponders the meaning of the angel faces and the cherubs as they wander the misty halls. They could represent Nethy's benevolent half but that wouldn't explain why they seemed to squirm and twist so eerily. Maybe the artist suffered from some sort of madness, a blessing from their god.

Some dice:
Allegra perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Impossible, failed by 11
Cerise: 1d20 + 14 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 14 - 1 = 22 Failed by 6
Dervak: 1d20 + 17 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 17 - 1 = 36 Success
Everyone elss success

Allegra: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Ci Ci: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Dervak: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Mara: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Mara, Temporal Celerity: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Pocky: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Theo: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Monsters?: 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (20) - 10 = 10

As some of you enter to investigate, the sound of pages being turned grows and is joined by the murmurs of someone unseen. Mara and Theo detect magic but she's unable to determine the number of auras yet. Allegra fails to detect chaos and has yet to cast detect fiendish presence.

Theo <--------------
Dervak <--------------
Mara <--------------
Pocky <--------------
Ci Ci

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

"I'm picking up magic auras," Mara announced. "There's something in here!" She concentrated causing her form to flicker, making her true position uncertain.

Activating Time Flicker (Blur).

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Pocky replies to Mara, “I sense a presence as well.”

She sinks into the stance of the jabbing master, intent on attacking if attacked.
Readied Attack: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
Damage if a 21 hits: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
(Huh… 0.5% chance of rolling snake-eyes on Pocky’s first attack roll ever, but by gum, I did it!)

Trigger: Pocky is attacked—not sure if Pocky will see the attack coming, so I’ll understand if the readied attack cannot trigger.

Let me know if you’d rather I not pre-roll AoOs, but wait for you to tell me one was provoked. I just figured enemies may appear close by, and may or may not provoke.
1st AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

2nd AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

3rd AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

4th AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

5th AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

6th AoO: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29
Damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Surprise round so just a standard/move action (plus free/swift actions)?

Sensing a threat, Dervak will Dex-rage, cast See Invisibility, and take a step back.

For the benefit of the newcomers, as I recall browsing the other game and seeing that Allegra was curious how I accomplished this AC: Dervak's rather poor AC of 22 goes to 25 with Mara's Barkskin; then to 29 with his wand of Shield; then to 32 with Destined bloodrager luck bonus; and finally to 34 when he chooses to boost his Dex when he rages (instead of Str or Con). Possibly higher with Haste, Cat's Grace, or Fighting Defensively if really needed, since enemies of this level may attack at +20-ish or more. The upshot is that he is pretty vulnerable when unprepared, somewhat vulnerable in his "walking-around" mode, but pretty hard to hit once he is Raging. He can Str-rage if offense is more needed than defense.

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Heroism, Mage Armor, Lucky Numbers, See Invisibility, and Feather Step on Dervak Lucky Numbers Dervak, Mara, Theo: 3d20 ⇒ (11, 17, 19) = 47 He also Hexes his friends!
Major Ameliorating (Su)

Theophilus peers around nervously.

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

The Books within this chamber begin to tear from the shelves, their pages opening as ghostly images of screaming instructors and ranting fanatics emerge. They begin shouting a cacophonous diatribe. ”...SYMPATHETIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN... APPLY MECHANISMS TO XANAVER’S HYPERBOLE...INVERT PORTIONS OF THE ENERGY... PRIMARY TRANSFERENCE CONDUIT...PLACING CRYSTALS COUNTERINTUITIVELY…”

If you investigated the room and did not use your surprise round standard action to leave the room look at the spoiler below. This should be Pocky, Mara, Theo, and Allegra.

The sound of the room becomes unbearable as it begins to shake you to your core your bones begin to fracture and thick bruises develop as you hemorrhage under your skin.

Sonic damage: 10d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 3) = 35 No save to mitigate the damage, SR might apply if you have it.

Caster level check vs SR, if applicable: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Will save DC 16, mind affecting, enchantment, compulsion, if failed look at the below spoiler

Confused for: 1d6 ⇒ 4 rounds

Almost as quickly as they appeared the screaming apparitions disappear.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Will: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Pocky groans and dashes out the door.

“That was more thunder than I could bear. Be watchful,” she warns the others. “I do not understand the chaos that exists in there.”

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Will: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

Mara decided that this was not a good place to be; she quickly left, then healed Pocky. "Bad place, best to stay out!"

Healing Hex (Pocky): 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 8) + 10 = 19

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Will DC 16: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Theophilus looks around.
Is there anybody out there...

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Pocky can actually feel her fractures mending.

“Oh, that helps quite a bit. Thank you.”

F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

Will Save: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Allegra will back out of the room then begin healing herself with her Infernal Healing wand.

CN Human Female Cleric of Besmara (Varisian Pilgrim) 4 l AC 16 T 12 FF 14 l HP 26/32 l F +5 R +3 W +7 l Init +2 l Perc +3 I CMB +4 I CMD 16 Channel Positive Energy: 7/day, 30' radius, 2d6, DC 14, Selective Channeling 2 targets

Everything happened so quickly that Ci Ci barely had time to move by the time it was all over.

"Is everyone...okay?" she asks tentatively. "I will happily incinerate everything in that room if it will help."

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Spellcraft, Heroism: 1d20 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 3 = 22
So... the warrior priestess prefers to rely on the 'gift' of Asmodeus rather than actual healing magic. I guess I have some time.

Dervak ends his rage.
He catches his breath (2 rounds).

He sits around and waits while Infernal Healing begins to work. He checks the wrapping on his sword's hilt. He polishes his armor.

F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

"We can continue, I have other ways of healing myself."

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

"No sense moving on while you are still hurt. Looks like the others are quite hurt too."

Dervak is pretty nonchalant about it. His Shield wand needs to be re-upped after every room, but his See Invisibility and Mara's blessing will last for over an hour and a half.

F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

Allegra's out-of-combat buffs are multi-hour, so she prefers the cost efficiency of infernal healing.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Pocky heals the rest of her internal wounds…
Wholeness of Body: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
…leaving just a faint bruise as evidence of the trauma.

She says to the tall warriors. “As long as the enemies aren’t rushing to us, please heal. Those of us not in need can watch the halls.”

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus takes out the Wand of Cure moderate wounds.
cmwx2: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (7, 6, 2, 4) + 10 = 29

He offers it to anyone else in need.
Roll yourself if you would like him to use it on you.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

As the others heal, Pocky responds to Ci-Ci.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta wrote:
"Is everyone...okay?" she asks tentatively. "I will happily incinerate everything in that room if it will help."

“I’m better now, thank you. As for burning the room, I suppose it would prevent us from entering that horrid place again, though you might rather save your magic for an enemy that we can defeat. I can punch a ghost—you don’t want to know how I know this! But… I couldn’t touch those things that cracked our bones so easily.”

Wrath Maps Wrath Loot PS Loot PS Maps

The ghosts disappear, the room grows quiet, even the fluttering of pages cease. You only hear yourselves talk and the sound of healing magic.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara healed herself and accepted a charge from Theo's wand. She told the others, "I want to see what those magic auras are about. I'm going to scan from just outside the doorway. You might want to stand back, just in case."

Healing Hex (Mara): 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 3) + 10 = 14
Wand of CMW (Mara): 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2) + 10 = 13

What terrible healing! :(

Casting Detect Magic again, and scanning into the room.

F Human (Chelaxian) from Isger | Init: +1 | hp 2+117/117| AC 32 T 13, FF 31| F+17 R+11 W+19, +2 vs emo/fear/illu/int dmg, +SIO| CMD 28 | Perc+17| Blessing 9/9, Fervor 9/11, ScdWpn 11/13, SacArm 12/13 |

Allegra takes another drag on her wand of infernal healing and, peering in through the doorway, tries to figure out what in the nine hells just hit them.

Kn:Religion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Yep, it was some bad stuff.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Dervak will reactivate his Wand of Shield (to be then at 33 charges) after the injured party members are healed up and we are ready to move on.

He will also try to figure out what just happened.
Knowledge (Religion), Heroism: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 He actually is trained in the skill with one rank for a +0 bonus. Given what else we have encountered in here, I think Dervak might plausibly have a good idea about the nature of this threat.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

K.Religion, Heroism: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
No one likes a show-off, but seeing how my bonus alone guaranteed a better check—same question. What’s up with that room?

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus watch as Allegra, Dervak and Pocky all begin starring into the chamber of WTF! The gentleman looks down at The White Rabbit---who shrugs--then back at the trio hard at figuring. Walking just behind the trio, he also begins expounding on his figurings.

bluff (Cha) to knowledge religion to participate in the conversation too: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30

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Pocky, Mara, Dervak, and Theo have encountered such phenomena before in their pursuit of the errant count; restless spirits or at least fragments of them. They have probably lain dormant for years, at least until Lowls kicked up enough energy to empower them to deadly proportions. It might be possible to put them to rest but how is not readily apparent.

CN Human Female Cleric of Besmara (Varisian Pilgrim) 4 l AC 16 T 12 FF 14 l HP 26/32 l F +5 R +3 W +7 l Init +2 l Perc +3 I CMB +4 I CMD 16 Channel Positive Energy: 7/day, 30' radius, 2d6, DC 14, Selective Channeling 2 targets

Ci Ci stands well-clear of the door. "Do these phenomena have to regain their power after manifesting, or are they always active? Would it be safe to go in and look around for a bit, or are we just asking for more trouble?" she asks the others.

♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature

Pocky suggests, “We cannot harm the restless souls as efficiently as they harm us, even with a powerful burst of positive energy.

“We definitely want to stay out of there until those souls are laid to rest.” Pocky is not just spouting a theory. Of this she is certain. As for what she is uncertain about: “How we get them to rest, I can only guess. Perhaps their words, however harmful, are still an important message.”

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Did Mara detect any magic auras this time? I want to make sure we're not passing over any magic items. :)

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Mara detects four magic auras from a few of the books and scrolls filling the room.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara pointed out the magic items to Theophilus, "Do you think Frederick could retrieve those? I don't think he would be affected if there's another moment of nastiness like we just experienced."

Frederick is Theo's name for his Unseen Servant.

Male +4 circumstance (Blindness/Deafness/Curse) Human(Varisian) Witch 16 Hp 160/98 AC 27 Initiative +13 Fort +15 Ref +13, Will +15 Perception +26

Theophilus looks down at The White Rabbit; raising his bushy eyebrows. The White Rabbit suddenly begins inspecting his nails. Theo grins a bit sheepishly at Mara.
Well, you see what happen was...

Theo then looks at The White Rabbit.
Ok. It seems the Unseen Servant Union decided that Frederick was due vacation time. I could summon something?

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Hmm... all direct effects of a haunt are fear effects.
Mara's Calm Emotions spell suppresses any fear effects.
Is it that easy? Cast Calm Emotions and walk in?
I don't know of anything Theophilus could summon that would be both immune to fear and able to converse (so not a mindless vermin).

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Between confuse and fear, calm emotion is really the MVS of this path.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara offered, "I could try a prayer to make someone immune to fear temporarily. You wouldn't benefit from heroism at the same time though."

Offering to cast Calm Emotions, and maintain it while someone grabs the items (up to 10 rounds).

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

"I'll go. Just tell me what to grab."

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