Darkmoon Vale Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Cyrus9553

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Player Tracker

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Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"I swear Roo if you have come down with some version of blackscour taint...."

teases Aux through his covered face...

"Let's move out and see if Roo can catch his breath."

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'

"No time to rest if these children are here we will need to find them. There were stairs down where we fought the worg no? Shall we head there or sweep this floor first?"

AC16/15/11, L.hammer+6(1d12+4)xbow+4(1d8),L.Hammer pwr atk+6(1d12+7)CMB+4 CMD16
*1 con dmg*Human male Fighter 3 HP 28 of 28 | AC18/17/11 | F+5 R+2 W+1 | Init+1 Per+0 SM+0 CMB+4 CMD16 | Speed 20

"I'd say sweep this floor. If we have to leave with the kids in a hurry, best to leave naught at our backs."

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

"Agreed, let's make sure this floor's clear."

Serila points at the door east of Auxavier. "Shall we go there?"

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

Seeing Roo is upright and talking Aux leads the way to the next door...

"Agreed, the sooner we get to the children the safer they shall be, but we can leave no unknown menace at our backs."

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 9 Ruined Library ..........


As the rest of the group files out of the fungus covered library you make one last check of the room noticing a large book on top of one of the bookshelves that is untouched by the fungus.

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Hallway ..........

Auxaiver tries the door to the east but it is locked.

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"Door is locked."

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

"Well... bust it open...?"

AC16/15/11, L.hammer+6(1d12+4)xbow+4(1d8),L.Hammer pwr atk+6(1d12+7)CMB+4 CMD16
*1 con dmg*Human male Fighter 3 HP 28 of 28 | AC18/17/11 | F+5 R+2 W+1 | Init+1 Per+0 SM+0 CMB+4 CMD16 | Speed 20

Roo smiles and readies his hammer.

"I thought you'd never ask!"

AC16/15/11, L.hammer+6(1d12+4)xbow+4(1d8),L.Hammer pwr atk+6(1d12+7)CMB+4 CMD16
*1 con dmg*Human male Fighter 3 HP 28 of 28 | AC18/17/11 | F+5 R+2 W+1 | Init+1 Per+0 SM+0 CMB+4 CMD16 | Speed 20

Gm, do you want attack rolls and hardness-modified damage, a strength check, or basically a take-20 situation to bash through it?

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

After a few rounds of Ruthviren banging on the door sending echoing booms thru the ruins the door bursts open.

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........

This small chamber appears to be some sort of sitting room, complete with a single table and a pair of chairs, both in relatively good condition.

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"Did not expect anything to be in this good of shape, we bring a wagon and can easily haul these to the temple.....where did Bhoors get off to?"

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Not sure what happened but there is a missing post. I had made regarding getting the book I think yesterday evening. Looks like the internets dragon took it. If its not too late at this point. If it is too late no worries.

When he spotted the book as he exited.:
"Hey a book." Bhoors moves to the book case and grabs the nonfungus covers tome.

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'

Farid scans the guest room for anything hidden.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20.

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

Please move your tokens to where you want to search. Thanks

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

Serila doesn't seem impressed by the furniture's state, considering a 'relatively good condition' is quite less than she's used to.

She moves into the room and takes a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'
DM Giants wrote:
Please move your tokens to where you want to search. Thanks

Done! :-)

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........


You spot a trip wire across the doorway before you enter the room.

I move your tokens back out of the room due to what Farid just learned.

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'


Farid leaps back, "A trap! Give me a moment, I will see if I can get rid of it, you may all want to stand back..."

Farid attempts to disable it. Disable Device 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Oh boy...

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........

Farid is able to figure out the trap but his hand slips as he tries to disarm it and ends up tripping it. A collection stones and a small metal anvil fall from a net above the doorway landing on Farid. Farid takes 6 damage!!!

DM Screen:

Trap Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors helps pull Farid out of the rubble, "Leave it to dwarves to waste an anvil. I think you made the door safe."

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

"Want me to heal you?" Serila asks Farid.

She looks Bhoors over as well. "You too?"

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors grimly smiles, "Can't hurt more than the quarrel."

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"So we have discovered an object harder than Farids head, though it was an even match."

Aux looks over his companions it appears everyone is taking a minor bruise or scrape....

"Is anyone injured over much? "

Aux looks over the net and tripwire to see if either can be used....the tripwire as a second game snare and the net as a net to entangle enemies....

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather
Auxavier Atredies wrote:
Aux looks over the net and tripwire to see if either can be used....the tripwire as a second game snare and the net as a net to entangle enemies....

Neither are worth saving. The trip wire is a fine thread that is frayed in many spots and the is small and has many broken strands throughout.

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'

Cursing as he knows he made an error the moment he touched the trap Farid rubs his aching head and grins at Serila, "I will take you up on that offer. Thank you. I suppose we should search the room now".

My Wile E. Coyote moment! If any of you see any Acme packages outside of my room do NOT let me open and use them!

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........

A quick search of the room does reveal that there was recently something living in this room. Scrapes of food can be found under the table. There is a door on the southeast corner.

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'

Farid moves near the door to search for traps...

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........


You find no traps on the door and the door is not locked.

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

Serila places a hand on Bhoors' wound and heals it, after which she does the same for Farid.

CLW, Bhoors: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
CLW, Farid: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

"There you go. That should feel better!"

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

@Serila - I believe Bhoors was at Full HP he just has not updated his HP in a while. Farid did need healing thou. That wand is going to get a lot of use I think. Make sure to track your charges. Thanks!

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

I'll wait for Bhoors to confirm that. Used my own spells by the way, but yeah I'll keep track of the wand's charges when I get to using it! ;)

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

I think DM Giants is right. I was not sure. My phone sucks for looking back and my sons Easter Lego present has monopolized my time at home. Also I was not sure if it was one of those situations where the mistake has consequences. I will fix the hps now.

Bhoors winks at Serilia. "I haven't been to a wash yet. The blood remains but already healed the wounds."

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"Let us remain vigilant."

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

AC16/15/11, L.hammer+6(1d12+4)xbow+4(1d8),L.Hammer pwr atk+6(1d12+7)CMB+4 CMD16
*1 con dmg*Human male Fighter 3 HP 28 of 28 | AC18/17/11 | F+5 R+2 W+1 | Init+1 Per+0 SM+0 CMB+4 CMD16 | Speed 20

Roo settles his crossbow to his shoulder, takes position behind Farid, and nods to him.

"Ready when you are. Let's see what's in there."

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

"Ah, I see. Then I save one of my spells for later. Though I of course hope we won't need it, I fear we will."

Serila stands ready behind the others. "Ready when you are. Let us go."

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors pears into the room looking about first noting the door, "Watch out for anvils."

He again looks over the small room.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'

Farid grins at Bhoors and nods to Serila, "This door I think is the way to go not trapped or locked".

Farid opens the door stepping back with his axe drawn so whatever attacks him he can attack back.

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 7 Guest Quarters ..........


You find nothing new in the room.


You do not hear or see anything behind the group.

.......... Dwarven Ruins - Area 8 Sleeping Quarters ..........

This small cramped chamber holds two beds, one of which is covered in bird bones and a small sack. The other bed looks recently slept in and has a rank smell much like the kobold that you have captured. A hole 5 feet above the bed in the wall leads out into the hallway.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

"I didn't take it in the face but I think I preferred the anvil." He quips in jest to Fared. He looks past the others into the noticing the sack, "What's in the sack?"

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

Ware the hole and the beds, it could have been a kobold sick and kept here until it died."

Male Human (Keleshite) Barbarian 1 / Rogue 3 | HP 35 | AC 15 | FF 13, T 12 | F+7 R +4 W+2 | Init +5 | Per +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40'
Bhoors Thistledown wrote:
"What's in the sack?"

"Probably anotehr damned snake", grunts Farid.

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

Serila carefully steps into the room and takes a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

She grabs hold of a corner of the sack with her index finger and thumb and takes a peek at what's inside.

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

..........Dwarven Ruins - Area 8 Sleeping Quarters ..........


Looking around the room you find nothing new. The sack contains 62 gp in assorted coins and a single ruby gemstone.

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

"Money and a gemstone," Serila says as she picks up the sack and puts it in her backpack.

"I don't see anything else here. Shall we move on?"

AC16/15/11, L.hammer+6(1d12+4)xbow+4(1d8),L.Hammer pwr atk+6(1d12+7)CMB+4 CMD16
*1 con dmg*Human male Fighter 3 HP 28 of 28 | AC18/17/11 | F+5 R+2 W+1 | Init+1 Per+0 SM+0 CMB+4 CMD16 | Speed 20

"Money never hurts! But aye, let's move on..."

Back up the hall to the double doors facing west?

Paladin (redeemer) 3 HP 24/24 | AC 16, FF 15, T 13 | F +6 R +4 W +5 | Init. +1 | Per. +1 | SM +4 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | Speed 30ft |

"Serila, you should not place yourself in harms way to check such things, you are our healer and caster."

Female Human Cleric/1 Sorceress (Celestial)/2 (HP 19/19 | AC:13 17 | T:13 | FF:10 14 | CMB:-1 | CMD:12 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+2 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc:+8 | Speed 30)
Channel: 0/7 | Fire Bolt: 0/4 | Rebuke Death: 0/4
Heavenly Fire: 0/7 | Lv1: 3/5

Serila gives Auxavier an apologetic look. "I know, it's just that... I feel like if I stay in the back, I'm not of much use."

Player Tracker Time: 2:20 pm Current Map Current Weather - Light Wind. Clear skies colder then normal temperature for the season. - Game Effects - See Campaign Info Weather

Ok guys where you going?

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