DM Talomyr's Kingmaker

Game Master Talomyr

Let it so known that the bearers of this charter, having delivered the northern reaches of the Greenbelt from the scourge of banditry, having provided detailed maps of the lay of the land, and having done no small amount of work in the exploration of said land and the culling of hostile monsters and indigenous hazards, are hereby granted the right to rule.

The nature and laws of rule are theirs to define, and the wellbeing of this new nation is theirs to protect.

In accordance for providing a stable nation to the south of central
Rostland, let there be a generous stipend of funds, support, and advice provided to this fledgling nation as a token of Restov and Brevoy’s goodwill, such that future relations between kingdoms might be mutually beneficial.

So witnessed under the watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and by the authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

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Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

Tove looks to Jhod softly. "Where do you believe you’d best be put to use, brother?"

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

After silently considering the matter for a long while, the Hunter speaks.

"It is imperative that we don't draw them to Elkmark. They regenerate and our smallfolk don't. Any move we make should come from the south. I'll scout them from the air so we can know their range, but I think we should start culling their numbers as soon as possible, going after individual hunting parties or packs. As Rhianonn say, we need to use hit and run tactics and stay mobile. Hopefully we can anger them into sending their strength away from the other settlements and spend their retribution in a direction we choose."

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen says to Celebeth

I know it is unlikely, but ... do we know what these trolls are after? Would it be possible to reason with them, make a treaty, or are they too mindless or evil for that? I don't know that much about them.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

"Caught me by surprise, but we don't exactly have a developed spy network," says Celebeth. "It's possible that we can have a chat, but after they massacred the lizardfolk? Those were people that we had an altercation with and then still were able to come to a friendly understanding. The trolls just... devoured 'em. Also, trolls are dangerous if we have to fight. If we go in to talk, we'd best be ready to defend ourselves, too, should the need arise."

"Uh, anyone speak the Giant language?"

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Oh, I am okay with just killing them too... and they could be pure evil. I don't know. Just trying to think about the future. If we are going with genocide, we'd better make sure we get them all. We don't want to start a war that lasts for lifetimes.

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Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"All trolls spend most of their time hunting for food, since they need to consume ridiculous amounts each day or starve. So most trolls stake out large territories as their own, and fights between rivals are quite common. While these are usually nonlethal, trolls are aware of each others’ weaknesses and will use such knowledge to kill their own kind if food is scarce." Rhiannon advises.

"If they're working together, then it's likely their common goal is to conquer as much territory as possible, and likely eat every living thing the can along the way." she says solemnly, letting the weight of her words settle on her fellow council members.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Okay, so we need to kill them all then, okay. So, resources... and we can't skimp on this. We can't leave any of them behind.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Okay, so what's the plan of attack? Scouting mission? Hit and run? Hold off until Tove's player is back?

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

The council adjourns, having a number of tasks to complete prior to taking any direct action as it pertains to the trolls.

Garethane sets off for an aerial scouting mission to see what exactly can be found.

Garethane, give me 5 survial checks and 5 perception checks.

Much to Rhiannon's chagrin, when she goes to see if Bokken is still in town, finds that the old alchemist has left for home.

Who else would you like to speak to in town - this can either be specific individuals or general types that you'd like to reach out to.

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Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

I guess it would be anyone known to have any skill with crafting weapons or who might have some knowledge of troll activity in the area. Other than that, any NPC interaction would be welcome since Rhiannon is still the newest of the council members other than one or two of Celebeth's cohorts/followers

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Aerial Scouting: Please add +2 to the survival rolls if they are for tracking purposes.

Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Survival: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31
Perception, FF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

If there is a glass-blower in town, maybe we could talk to them about making glass-tipped arrows that have small cavities that can be filled with alchemical substances... some that are harmful to trolls for now, but multi-purpose for the future. Seems like a good idea/invention for Erastil to smile upon.

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Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

You can get 20 incendiary arrows for 10 gp. They do +1 fire damage, with a -1 penalty to hit. I recommend bringing tindertwigs to light them if you're gonna use 'em!

Krezzik angrily turns and heads off to aid the other lizardfolk survivors in adjusting to life in the nascent town. Living among humans, especially while in dire straits like this, will be taxing to everyone involved, but at least Krezzik speaks the local language and has a rudimentary understanding of human customs.

Meridian says, "Sounds like I need to pack my cauldron and come along on this one. I'll start gathering up the supplies that I need to make as much alchemical fire as possible while we travel."

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Garethane leaves for his scouting mission while the others consider their options of who to seek out in their nascent village.

After a brief discussion, you determine that while there are a couple of smiths in town, they are more suited to crafting domestic and farming goods rather than weapons.

While Azen's thought is a good one, any glasswork in the village is still imported from Restov or beyond, without a glassworks or even a simple glassblower having taken up residence in the town.

Hathor, one the leader of a small band of woodsmen and hunters who have taken up residence in the town do not report any signs of troll activity within the radius of Elkmark that the band frequents to bring back fresh meat and hides. Typically no more than two or three days journey from Elkmark - and given that they are typically hunting, that is a significantly shorter distance than if they were simply traveling.

One thing the council seems to agree on - this should not be taken lightly, nor without proper preparations being made prior to setting off for dealing with these trolls.

A trip to Bokken's? Back to Oleg's? Maybe even as far as Restov if you think that is needed for your preparations. Side note: when you met Jubilost at the river, he did mark the location of a "Troll Camp" some 50-60 miles southwest of Elkmark.

Garethane's Scouting:

You headout toward the lizard folk village, when you arrive in the area you see huts collapsed, walls broken down, and blood and bones scattered throughout the dryer parts of the destroyed village. A closer inspection reveals no signs of life remaining, and one truly identifiable remain, would be Vesket's head stuck to the top of a makeshift spear.

Continuing you search further out, you see obvious signs of upto a dozen large humanoids, obviously laden with spoils of "war" heading southwest.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

After seeing the grim message left behind in Vesket's former village, the elf in falcon form turns Southwest to follow the trail.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"I'd say we should head to Bokken's, and possibly to Oleg's if we have the time. Supplies are going to be vital to dealing with these monsters." Rhiannon says when the opportunity to meet with the others over a meal arises.

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

"I agree, we need the supplies, and sooner rather than later. I really don’t like the idea of those trolls roaming around unchecked while we sit ill-equipped to handle them."

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link


Trying to put the grizzly sight of Vesket's fate out of your mind, you continue southwest, lagging behind swath of destruction left by the trolls and ultimately flying some 20-25 miles southwest of the lizard folk village.

Much to your chagrin, it would seem Jubilost's commentary about a Troll camp in this area was a bit understated. You arrive just in time to see a pair of trolls entering what appears to be a stone outpost built into the hillside. The outpost itself would appear to be of dwarven make and very, very old.

Realizing that it would be nothing less than suicidal folly to try and pursue this any further by yourself, you turn tail and return to Elkmark as fast as your wings will carry you.


Celeste and Kesten do their best to martial the forces of Elkmark and have them on high alert, ready to defend Elkmark should the trolls come this far. For his part Jhod stays in the village rather than return to the Temple of the Elk, ready to lend a hand in any way he can.

The majority of the Council is gathering the necessary things for a trip north to at least Bokken's and Oleg's and just about begin their journey when the falcon lands on the ground near them and takes the shape of Garethane again. There is a distinct look of worry on the elf hunter's face.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Everyone, I have some troubling news." The hunter fills in the council about what he has found.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Rhiannon listens intently to Garethane's account of his scouting mission, the situation becoming more dire as he relates the details.

"If they're using a dwarven outpost, there's no idea how deep it goes, or how many of them could be inside." she says, sub-consciously rolling her shoulders to relieve the building tension. "This is way more organized than usual troll activity, and whoever is behind it is likely using that as a base of operation."

Knowledge Local (Dwarven ruins or past civilizations in the area): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

The mention of dwarves in that region is a bit surprising. That section of the Greenbelt is not known for the preferred dwarven habitats of mountains and hills and prior to this you have not heard of settlements of dwarves there. Any dwarven enclaves in the River Kingdoms have traditionally been to the east, closer to Varnhold. So what ever this is, it is extremely old.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Hmm. So, what do you propose? If it were rabbits, we could smoke them out, but no telling how many exits they have or how big the outpost is... we couldn't be sure whether it would work or not.

Observation to see how many are going in and out, or just go in and try to take them in small groups? Underground isn't going to work very well for ranged weapons. We might just have to set them on fire once they go down... would some oil and a spark cantrip work, do you think?

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"We'd need a lot of oil, but yes, burning the bodies after they fall should stop them from healing and rejoining the fight." Rhiannon replies. "But despite the risk, it's better that we take the fight to them, than have them come here eventually."

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Okay, I'll plan to buy some oil.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

The traveling party heads out and two and half uneventful, not all-too-unpleasant (weather-wise) days latter you find yourselves outside of the hut of the alchemist, Bokken.

"Well...musta done something good...or something have you fine folk outside my door. What can old Bokken do for ya?"

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"Definitely not something bad," Rhiannon says to the old man with a chuckle. "There have been a lot of sightings of trolls not too far from our borders, and we plan to deal with them soon. We'll be needing a lot of acid and fire and naturally, your skillful creations came to mind."

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

"A lot of acid and fire, eh? I might be able to help with that. When you say a lot of sightings and a lot of fire and acid, just what sort of quantities are you talking about?" the old alchemist asks.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

"How much can we get?" says Celebeth eagerly.

Meridian says a bit more evenly, "Careful, you don't want to burn yourself. We probably don't have a good way to transport barrels full of the stuff, but everyone on the team should have... at least three vials available. We'll need to wrap them in cloth and straw for protection while traveling, of course."

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen sides with her sister.

I mean, if they live in caverns, maybe barrels is what we need. Just to clear the way before us a little. I'm sure my horse can carry one.

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Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth says, "Right? We could even make a fire trap! Set it off with a fire arrow!"

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

The old man's eyes widen. "Barrels? Now you really are talkin' a lot of fire. Sorry to say I don't have the ingredients to make barrels...maybe one barrel, but not multiple. I suppose a trip to Restov could be made to get what I need to make more if that's what you're wantin' to do. but ya gotta be careful...dangerous stuff."

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Well, tell us how much we can get, and how much it costs, and we'll see what we can do.

Um, I know we have gotten loot, but have we sold it and passed it out? I have a current wealth total on my sheet from 3-14-22, but I was out of the game for a while, so not sure if I missed anything. Do we have money to buy this stuff?

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Don't believe you've missed any treasure splits. Don't think any of the items not attributed to a particular character have been sold, so you certainly have some cash as a party.

"Well if it's standard alchemist's fire yer wantin', I can whip up as many as fifty of those with what I have on hand. Cost ya 20 gold each...although if yer buying enough, I could probably give ya bulk discount."

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Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

"Fifty vials does sound like a lot of fire. We could surely set some good traps with that and still hold on to three vials each…" Tove nods toward Meridian’s less ambitious assessment.

"Do we have any idea about how many of these trolls we’re actually up against though? Garethane you mentioned the group that attacked the lizard folk was around a dozen strong, should we expect that to be the bulk of their forces?"

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"That's promising." Rhiannon says, glad to hear that they had access to one for the trolls' weaknesses.

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Bump for Garethane...

"Well it's gonna take me the better part of a week to make that much alchemist fire, but it'll get done." Bokken says. "Anything else I can do for ya?"

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

With no other business to conduct with Bokken and knowing that he needs a week to complete his work, the group saddles up and heads off to Oleg's Trading Post.

It is relatively short trip to reach the Trading Post from Bokken's and you arrive just as the sun is beginning to set.

As you ride up, coincidentally, Oleg is out front getting ready to close up the gates for the night.

"Well hello there. What brings you all so far away from Elkmark tonight? Come on in, we'll get the horses taken care of and I'm sure Svetlana still has enough of that stew she made tonight left to fill all of your bellies."

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

"Thanks, Oleg. That is the kind of warm welcome that I love to hear," says Celebeth.

"We've got Bokken working on some alchemical projects for us, but it's going to take a little time. Then we need to race to the south to fortify some of the outer territory and make sure that everything's still copacetic."

"Any news from the north that we should know about? How fares Restov, and local business?"

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"And any chance you have a few barrels of cooking oil?", the elf asks hopefully.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Rhiannon smiles in greeting as she dismounts, walking Ballista in toward the stables. "Also, in the morning, we have quite a few items you might be interested in adding to your inventory." she mentions to Oleg.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

"All in all it's been pretty quiet up here - and Restov for that matter - at least as far as I know. Just the normal trade business with Old Duncan rolling through every other week or so." the barrel-chested proprietor responds to Celebeth.

Oleg regards Garethane quizzically. "Cooking oil? Aye, I've got a barrel...not much call to have more than that on hand. Lookin' to have a big fish fry down there on the Tuskwater are ya?"

Turning his attention to Rhiannon, he smiles. "Plenty of time for business in the morning. Let's go get some food in your bellies."

"Lana! We've got company. Royalty at that!" he adds with a chuckle and a wink.

Seeing each of you, Svetlana runs up and gives each of you a big hug before saying, "Wash basin is over there, get cleaned up and get you some bread, stew, and ale."

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Grinning, Rhiannon leads Ballista to the stables, unsaddling and brushing him down before heading to wash up and enjoy Svetlana's excellent cooking.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen obediently gets washed up before joining the others for a meal.

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

Tove chuckles along with Oleg as she dismounts her horse, quickly finding herself enveloped in Svetlana’s arms.

"Thank you both, your hospitality is as warm as always," she smiles. "It’s a welcome reprieve right now, to be sure."

After ensuring Ros is stabled comfortably beside Ballista, Tove joins the others at the wash basin, eager to get inside and enjoy the hot meal.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth flicks her hands in a circling motion of prestidigitation to send all of the dust and grime on her off to oblivion.

"After having road food for days, a home-cooked meal is the real treasure."

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Following a good, hot meal, and a bit of friendly conversation you all and the Leverton's retire for the evening and awaken to the smells of rashers of bacon frying and fresh biscuits baking.

"Morning all." Svetlana cheerfully calls as you enter the dining hall.

Oleg is likewise there already, preparing for the day's trading. "Now, if I remember right and didn't get too deep into my cups, last night you said you had some wares that I might be interested in acquiring from you. So whatcha got?"

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Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"Oh we've got quite the haul for you. I'm sure when we're done you'll be the best equipped spot for anyone even thinking of adventure for miles!" Rhiannon replies, bringing out the contents of their collected saddlebags, to present an array of collected and cleaned armor and weapons.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

"That is quite the haul you have there." Oleg comments. "Have anything in mind for all that credit you've got? Something I can order from Restov for you?"

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

"Well, I'll definitely take that barrel of cooking oil off you. It's not for a fish fry, but close enough." The elf's grin is, frankly, malicious.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Oleg raises an eyebrow at the elf's malicious expression. "Well alright, the barrel is yours, that takes care of 20 gold worth of the credit. What else?"

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