Azen |
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Make sure one of the new ones is an owlbear trainer. :D
Celebeth Quinciel |
Ahaha oh that would be hilarious to get a hunter or druid or something who can tame an owlbear!
Anyway, I'll wait for the GM's input on which way we wanna go.
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'll talk to our two errant players as one is my kid and the other I see most Saturdays.
Kalaman Mar |
I'm still here, been busy with work and kid soccer, and graduating a course right into another one, sorry! I'm still interested as well!
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
blue dragonhide breastplate
matching blue dragonhide heavy shield
masterwork battle axe
a tree feather token
ivory comb (worth 50 gp)
286 gp.
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
One of those rare moments were Prestidigitation and Mage hand become the best spells in the game
Celebeth Quinciel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
One of those rare moments were Prestidigitation and Mage hand become the best spells in the game
The true unsung heroes of adventuring.
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
Yep, pretty gross situation. I'm not taking the blame on that one either...that's straight from the book. ;)
Celebeth Quinciel |
Looking at the loot list, I think the bracers of armor +1 would probably be a good start for Celebeth. I was thinking about getting some feats to learn light armor proficiency and the Arcane Armor Mastery feat chain that reduces casting failure, but it's easier just to wear magical defenses instead. :D
Are we ready for a Kingdom Turn? Last time we discussed it, we were going to build a Foreign Quarter in a separate district for the lizardfolk. Next priority after that was a tavern (which we promised to our erstwhile bard, Terri). Then after that it's back to stuff that helps to develop the kingdom's economy and stability, unless we have to respond to an emergency event.
Dunno about hex claiming, anyone remember the plan there? Seems logical to slowly work our way back up to Oleg's and then build a road so that we have a connection to southern Brevoy.
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
That all makes sense. The foreign quarter will like be useful in the long run, as I doubt lizardfolk will be the only ones we have to navigate ongoing dealings with in the future.
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
Are we ready for a Kingdom Turn? Last time we discussed it, we were going to build a Foreign Quarter in a separate district for the lizardfolk. Next priority after that was a tavern (which we promised to our erstwhile bard, Terri). Then after that it's back to stuff that helps to develop the kingdom's economy and stability, unless we have to respond to an emergency event.
Dunno about hex claiming, anyone remember the plan there? Seems logical to slowly work our way back up to Oleg's and then build a road so that we have a connection to southern Brevoy.
As far as the tavern goes, Terri's preference or not, your general wouldn't mind there being a place to drink other than the fort...
Tove Hellstrom |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The general definitely has a sympathetic ear with the baroness. Tove can get behind the idea of a Tavern as a follow up to the foreign quarter. I agree that working back up North with our hex claims is a good idea, linking up with the road network is a smart goal, and being able to found a second settlement around Oleg's would be cool.
Garethane Seregon |
I think the foreign quarter makes sense both as a long term play and based on the RP thus far.
The tavern is just a good idea, especially if we can skip to the "Popular Tavern" to avoid the bump in crime associated with the "Dive" tavern.
I'm not sure what the mechanical benefit of having a road that connects up to Oleg's is, but it damn sure makes narrative/economic sense.
Celebeth Quinciel |
Roads are a very long-term asset. They cost you BP up front to build, but when you make enough of them, they start giving BP back (because they make trade easier around your nation). If you go long enough a road will eventually pay for itself, but it takes a while.
The other advantage of roads is that you can move faster along roads. This matters late in the game when you have to move armies around.
I dunno how Oleg would feel about turning his outpost into a town or sticking a town next to it, but there are plenty of other decent places to put a new town (like the Temple of the Bear, or one of the other southern ruins after we take care of whatever is in 'em).
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
With down time we should probably figure out what the two potions from the dryad encounter are.
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
So looks like from the quickling encounter we have the following:
a pair of scythes
two pairs of over-sized (for the redcaps) metal boots
+1 small mithral shortsword
a bottle of watered down wyvern venom (DC 15; 1d4 CON; Duration 2 rounds; 1 save successful save clears the poison)
I'll add to the sheet, let me know if I missed anything
Celebeth Quinciel |
Ok, if we're doing a Kingdom turn, then our ruler needs to make a Stability roll to see if we accumulate any unrest!
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
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Waits to see the results of this round of Kingdom building. If you were wanting to do two months back to back, that would be fine too.
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
It'll give me a chance to establish more of a connection to the community. In game I've been around for what, a couple weeks at best?
Tove Hellstrom |
I’m in favour of the extended downtime too. Whats our stability modifier looking like?
Celebeth Quinciel |
We currently have a Stability of +19 and a Control DC of 23, so we pass the unrest check on a 4 or more.
Now, when we add the district to the east to add the foreign quarter, that will increase the Size of the kingdom by 1, which raises the Control DC to 24. It's possible we may get a little unrest. Fortunately, the Enforcer gets a roll to bring unrest back down, and we can always build some housing, if needed, to help keep it down as well.
Once we finish a couple of cycles and do the foreign quarter and the tavern, we can get back to building some +stability structures until we get to the "can't fail" score. (Again, assuming we don't have any event crises that require us to build something else, like a plague that calls for a hospital.)
Tove Hellstrom |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Stability Turn 1: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36
Stability Turn 2: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30
No worries.
Celebeth Quinciel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ok, going by kingdom turns! We have to do the months in order because random events may skew things during/after the first month.
Next we pay our four consumption, which takes our BP reserve from 46 to 42.
There are no magic item sellers in town yet, so we don't have to refill any item slots.
Our Unrest is 0, so nothing to do there. Our leader slots are all full.
Next question is, do we claim another hex, and if so, which one?
Problem here is, I'm no longer sure which hexes we already have. According to the spreadsheet, we have farms in F6 and a fishery in G5, which implies that we control both of those, but the spreadsheet's size is 2, which would be 1 hex (G5) + 1 city district (Fort Redemption). Sooo I don't know for sure what hexes we already have, and it's been like... a year since we discussed our plans. Anyone know?
It may well be that our Size stat is wrong and should be a 3 (G5, F6, Fort Redemption). If so, then I recommend going for hex E5, as we creep north along the river toward Oleg's.
I'll let other people chime in here as maybe someone else remembers something that I don't or has a different idea for our border expansion.
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
Problem here is, I'm no longer sure which hexes we already have. According to the spreadsheet, we have farms in F6 and a fishery in G5, which implies that we control both of those, but the spreadsheet's size is 2, which would be 1 hex (G5) + 1 city district (Fort Redemption). Sooo I don't know for sure what hexes we already have, and it's been like... a year since we discussed our plans. Anyone know?
I suspect the spreadsheet is wrong and you should be size 3 (2 hexes and the city district). Either way, go forward with that as your basis.
Tove Hellstrom |
E5 sounds good. Is the plan to take D6 next? I can't recall the nature of our agreement with the deep gnomes, but perhaps we can work out a treaty in the month leading up to making that claim.
Celebeth Quinciel |
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Ok, here's my next wish list:
* We spend 1 BP on that claim, and increase kingdom Size by 1
* Then, we spend 4 BP to build farms in E5 (it's hills).
* Since we can do two terrain improvements per turn, we also spend 6 BP to build roads in the Fort Redemption hex (G5): 3 BP for hills, doubled because it has rivers. This automatically builds bridges over the rivers in our home hex, though! Eventually we will build more roads and connect them to make it easier to get around.
* Then, it's 1 BP to expand the city to the east on the other side of the river, and 30 BP (OOF) for the Foreign Quarter. And yes, presumably it has some nice round huts for lizard folk, some small mounds for gnomes, and maybe a few other buildings for visiting dignitaries from Kyonin or something. :)
That's a total of 42 BP spent! But, the extra farms will reduce consumption, and once we have three hexes with roads, they start applying a bonus every month, too. (It will take them years to pay back, but we have time...)
After that, the treasurer rolls for income. That's Turcáno. At least we get +3 economy from the foreign quarter...
Economy check: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (16) + 24 = 40
Divided by three and rounded down, that's +13 BP. So we're really hurting after all of that spending, but the hope is that we are able to start recouping it in successive months.
We end that month on 17 BP in the treasury. Our Unrest is still 0 and our Economy is up to 24, which is nice, and the roads now make it faster for us to leave or arrive back at Fort Redemption. The new farm offsets the extra consumption from expanding both the kingdom and the city, but our Stability rolls get a little harder.
If everyone is OK with that, we need the GM to roll to see if we have a special event before we go on to month #2 and build some houses and a tavern!
I have not yet updated the spreadsheet with all of this, as I want to let people weigh in. :)
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Special Event (25%): 1d100 ⇒ 79 - None this month, 75% after next month's build.
Celebeth Quinciel |
Just need sign-off from Tove!
Celebeth Quinciel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks for doing the math, btw. Tis much appreciated.
I enjoy this sub-game :)
Tove Hellstrom |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh, yeah I’m happy! I favourited the post but I guess I should have been clearer. I think it’s a great plan.
Celebeth Quinciel |
Excellent! On to the second month.
Tove made the Stability check in advance so we're good to go there. (It's getting close, as our Control DC is up to 26, and our Stability went down from the Foreign Quarter.
Fun factoid: PF KM assumes that having a Foreign Quarter increases crime, but in the real world statistics show that immigrants actually reduce crime.
Now we have a decision point. We obviously want to claim another hex and keep growing, but which one do we claim?
D6 continues on our way over the hills to Oleg's, but that's the deep gnomes' territory; should we leave that for them?
If we want to go around the gnomes, we can either do E6 (the old sycamore) and then head up from there, OR we can do D5 (the forest with the bandit camp) and go up from there. Taking E6 gets us closer to the plains, which are easier to build roads on; taking D5 allows us to easily take D4, which has the Temple of the Elk, and we could build a second small settlement there if we wanted, using the temple as the lynchpin.
Alternatively, instead of going up toward Oleg's right now, we could go to G6 or H6 and fill out some of the territory directly around Fort Redemption, giving ourselves more of a "buffer zone." Either way, we'll eventually want to connect to Oleg's. Regardless, claiming a hex is 1 BP, so we know we're going to spend that (taking us down to 16).
If we take E6, G6, or H6, we should probably build farms there, for 4 BP. If we take D5, we should build a sawmill, which costs 3 BP.
Our consumption is 6 (making those new farms helped keep it from getting higher), so that takes us down to 6-7 BP.
Oh no! We can't afford to build a tavern this turn.
That's ok. We should take a turn off to rebuild our treasury anyway. Keeping it too close to 0 can get risky. Plus we will want to make more roads at some point and those are pricey in hills with rivers.
So it's on to the Economy check.
Economy check: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (20) + 24 = 44
Nice. That's +14 BP, bringing us back up to 20 or 21 (depending on which hex we improved). Next kingdom turn we can definitely build the tavern.
So, everyone needs to decide which hex we claim: Do we claim the hex that the deep gnomes live in? Do we go around them through the forest to the west or the hills to the east? Or do we claim more of the hills to the east or southeast of Fort Redemption for now?
Rhiannon Wyngarde |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Given that our Baroness is a cleric of Erastil, I'd say retaking the Temple of the Elk...for Elkmark, makes a lot of sense. So D4 to then move to D5 and secondary settlement.
Azen |
The Temple track sounds good to me. I'd rather not claim the home of the deep gnomes.
Celebeth Quinciel |
Tove, what say you? We are probably a few months away from even being able to think about establishing a second town (our Stability will just get hit too much by increasing the kingdom's Size too rapidly), but if we take D5 it does let us spread to encompass both the Temple of the Elk at D4 and then the moon radish patch at C5, which puts us right in the woods next to Oleg's. Running a road through there (eventually) will let us connect to Oleg's and, thus, to Brevoy.
Another little advantage of taking D5 is that we can build a sawmill at the site of the old bandit camp (I included this in my computations above), and a sawmill in a forest just gives a flat bonus to BP earned each month. It'll help our early economy a lot.
DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Event Roll (75%): 1d100 ⇒ 33 - Yes
Type of Event: 1d100 ⇒ 16 - Beneficial kingdom event
Type of Beneficial Kingdom Event: 1d100 ⇒ 84 - Natural Blessing
Natural Blessing: A natural event, such as a bloom of rare and beautiful wildflowers or a good omen in the stars, raises your kingdom’s morale. You gain a +4 bonus on Stability checks until the next Event Phase.
Azen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Azen stands staring up at the sky, watching the beautiful light storm.
Surely this is a sign from Erastil that he favors our efforts, and will bless us in abundance.
She gives an evening concert, out under the stars, so everyone will come and see the amazing sight.
Perform: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Azen |
Whoops, put it in the wrong place... but turned out it didn't happen anyway, since it was instead a herd of elk, so no matter.