Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus cleans his weapon despite the request.
"There are other ways to get one talking. My weapon not being cleaned might lead to other problems later. Like flesh rot should it strike someone else accidently or not."

DM Sockmonkey |

1d20 ⇒ 1
1d20 ⇒ 6
Dada is able to get the crowd's undivided attention and calm them down. A few dumb founded questions are belted out from the audience. (It was only one? So we are safe. Etc...). And Dada is able to continue to reassure the frightened group. The sheriff arrives during Dada's Q&A session and is able to break up the crowd and get them to disburse. He thanks you, shakes your hands, and tells you to sneak away while he distracts the remaining crowd with his continued reassurances, less you be sucked into a vacuum of frightened villager requests (Hurry before you end up searching every crawl space in the town...)
Sneaking away is easy with the sheriff's cover, everyone returns to the Rusty Dragon to regroup. There Father Zantus finishes healing the boy's arm ( it needed to be reopened and reset with a heal check, purely for RP reasons.). The boy's arm now healed again looks less deformed, it is still missing the eatten chunks the goblin removed. It may never work the way it did, but it also should not inconvience him too much later in life.
The mother runs to you news of her husband's fate clearly has not preceded your return.
My husband?
Her pace slows before she meets the group, stranding her alone in the center of the room. As if the forthcoming news was an invisible barrier slowing her down to a complete halt and the wrong words could exile her into a maze of crushing dispare.

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus hands her the weapon her husband last wielded.
"He died well, killing the goblin at the expense of his own life, protecting you and your child." emphasizing the latter.

DM Sockmonkey |

At Ark's words she looks like she had been slammed by an invisible hammer stopping what little movement she was able to muster toward you. She becomes weak in the knees side stepping a few times with her hand blindly reaching and floundering around for something to grasp onto. Her grasping hand finds a support pillar of the dining room. She slowly slides down to the ground as her legs finally fail. There is no crying or tears only silence, she stares past the group into space.
Her voice is quite, but that makes it more painful to hear.
Your fault, you are here to protect us.
Father Zantus seeing and hearing the woman quickly moves to her from behind. He is shaking his head 'no' at her words trying to silently reassure you all it is not your fault. He helps her to her feet. She spits at Ark, missing, quietly she uses the cleric as a cruch to walk from your sight. The whole walk Father Zantus mouths 'thank you' and 'I am sorry' silently to all of you as he passes.
The little boy carries his sister in his good arm and walks out after his mother, he looks more confused than anything. He stops at Ark on his way out.
Thank you mister, I am still going to be you when I play.
He leaves the Rusty Dragon.
The halfling women is sitting on a stool too big for her, quietly crying to herself, the raw emotions of the morning had finally overflown.
She does not look too out of it and she is approachable to speak to.

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Silently listening to the discourse, Tiktaa walks to the bar, grabs a glass of water then sits next to the halfling woman.
Offering her the water,
"Please, drink some water. It always calms my internal burnings. I would ease your suffering if you'd allow."

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Thim rests his hand on Arkus's shoulder for a moment. "Forgive her if you can. She just needed a target for her anger."
He turns to the young halfling, Amekio's assistant. "The note, when did you find it? Your lady may have already left for this rendezvous last night. If so, there isn't a moment to lose and we need to go to this 'glassworks''"

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus turns to Thim as Thim can feel the tension within those taut shoulders.
"It is good that she focus her anger on me. It'd give her purpose and ensure that she is strong enough for all of them." indicating her family.
With a glare enough to silence most, he turns to his companions.
"So is that what that note said? To go to this glassworks? If so let us be off, I have this crushing need to smash something."

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

". . . and then to blast the pieces into dust!" Thim's eyes flash amber and his mouth sets into a grim line. Moninga punctuates with a low hiss.

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Zolarus gentle hugs the widow and whispers. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. If you do not grieve your loss, it will only make it worse. Please let me know if I can assist you or your son in any way."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
He kneels down and gives the boy his dagger. "You're the man of the house now. Protect your mother and help her with the chores after your arm is healed. She will need to lean on you for strength."
Waiting until she leaves he turns to Arkus with a somber face. "Thim is correct. Anger precedes grief. She needs time to mourn the loss of her husband. If this Tsuto fellow had anything to do with the goblin attack, then he must brought to justice."

DM Sockmonkey |

@Zol, the woman looks at you with a cold glare, it melts a little with your words but the sadness still burns. The little boy takes the dagger in hand of his bad arm, looking at it like an occult mystery brought to life. He is young seven or so and the some of the gravity of his situation makes no sense to him. He was always told not to play with knifes and here, being thrust upon him was his farther's belt dagger. He looks up at you a little confused, scared, and excited. He hurries out of the tavern after his mother saying nothing.
@ Thim, The halfling gathers her emotions before she speaks. She slides off her stool and scuttles behind the bar to produce two bottles of wine with enough glasses for everyone, a few loaves of bread, a large chunk of cheese, and some smoked fish. It seems her working helps her regain her poise, after the meal is set out before everyone she joins you for a glass of wine.
I noticed the letter crumpled up on her floor. I knew something was wrong when I got here and she was not in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She had been marinating some of that boar you brought from the hunt in oranges and spices, set the whole thing up last night. Amekio had a whole breakfast planned and the fact that she was not already fast at work made me check in on her. I am not one to spy on my employer but I was afraid she may of fallen ill with bad night air or worst her crazy father did something. Not that he has ever done anything before but that shouting match they had really worried me, I had never seen her cry before. So there it was on the floor, I translated it, Amekio was teaching me her ancestral tounge. Something is not right, what would her bastard half brother be doing in Sandpoint? I am sorry for this thrown together breakfast, please, if you have any requests I will try to accommodate.

DM Sockmonkey |

I am taking it you all depart after breakfast for the glassworks. If anyone would like to buff before arriving on scene just mention it you have plenty of time.
The walk up to the glassworks is quiet, and devoid of any traffic. It is odd there is no traffic on he road the glassworks is a staple of Sandpoint and it employes a large staff. It is located on a cliff overlooking the ocean, the roll of waves can be gently heard from over the cliff. From a distance the small plume of smoke escapes a chimney. The large building is of an ashen grey stone that contrasts against the blue sky beyond it, and that it rests on higher ground it looks monolithic. All the large windows that surround the building have their dark curtains drawn, odd for this time of day, one would think they would capitalize on the natural sunlight of mid morning. The roof is pitched and there are several skylights in areas.
What would you like to do? Approach? Please ask specific questions for information. I have the party 400 feet away from the glassworks, not on the map yet.

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus looks around his companions now.
"What do we do? Should we circle and hope for an easier entry? Do we wait till dark? I'd favor the smash the doorway plan but that's just me."
He brings his flail up into his hands and waits for the rest. His anticipation flaring up.

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Zolarus brings a full wine skin to his lips and drinks until half of it compresses inward. "Please allow me to creep inside. I have no need of a light source and can be as quiet as a mouse. If there is any signs of trouble, I will retreat back to the group."
He waits for a majority consensus then scouts 100 feet ahead with his shortbow in hand.
Take 10 on stealth and perception for DC 19 and DC 15, respectively.

Arkus Scargazed |

"No Objections."

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"Yes, do. I will cover you." A green glint washes over Thim's fingers.

DM Sockmonkey |

Unfortunately those are skills you cannot take 10 on. Taking 10 or 20 assumes that you do a skill check until you pass starting with 1 and working your way up to 10 or 20. Rerolled for you.
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Zolarus sneaks up to the glassworks without any issue, he walks right up to wall. He moves over to a window that the blinds have been pulled tight. The rumble of the Glassworks’ furnace is plainly audible from within. The wall is made of well masoned brick and seems like it would be difficult but not impossible to climb. He walks completely around the building and sees no additional clues. At all four outsides doors he checks them and finds them all to be locked.
What would you like to do?
Added white arrows to the map to point out the external doors, did not want them overlooked.
The rest of the group.
You are staying back some distance watching Zolarus sneak up to the Glassworks, he looks like a pro with his approach. After a few minutes a man and women approach you. They could best be described as belonging to the upper end of the working class, well dressed and youthful in their early twenties. Both of Varsian features dark hair, piercing dark eyes, and energetic souls. They wear beautifully bright Gypsy like clothing that has a touch of the more modern styles in Magnimar.
Lady- Honey it is the heroes! How exciting!
Man- Wow! Put-her-there! Extends hand for a shake to Gudada. My name is Garderro and this is my wife Shella. Thank you so much for your selfless acts. So what is your friend doing? He points at Zolarus as he disappears behind a shrub next to the building.
Lady- Have they opened yet? We are going to buy some new dinner sets! My husband is a genius painter and has finished a portrait of Verrine Caiteil, spokeswoman of the Council of Ushers in Magnimar. It has become the talk of the upper class! We have much to celebrate! he has been receiving commissions non-stop!
Man- Honey please, you embarrass me!
Lady- I am just so excited, I loved him before we married but now I cannot be more proud of him, my genius! She rapidly kisses him energetically about a dozen times. Friends be part of our celebration, I want to cook a feast in his honor! But we have no family in Sandpoint, and I plan to cook a feast of feasts! Please join us! There will be fig cakes! What say you?
Man- She does make an excellent fig cake. He looks back to the glassworks spying Zolarus trying to peak into several windows then oddly almost sneakily move to the front door and test the handle from a distance. What is he doing?

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus raises an eyebrow as the couple approaches and begins to jabber on about paintings and cooking and some mix of the two. Cooking Paintings?
Sense Motive, Eh? 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
I'm sure taking 10 on Perception and Stealth is possible as there is no threat here at the moment unless the couple talking about paintings and cookings are a true distraction......
See Here for Take 10 and 20
Have included the Skill description as well Skills

DM Sockmonkey |

@ Ark, they seem legit, on their way to buy a new dinner set.
Lady- Why fig cakes are my specialty! Delicious baked goods, fig jelly center, sweetened honey glaze, my great-great-grandmothers recipe.
The man watches Zol curiously, turning from his wife as Tik distracts her he asks under his breath to the men of the group.
Is everything ok at the glassworks?

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Zolarus strolls back to the party and nods at the new traveler. "Everything looks normal to me. It seems visitor's are unwanted as the doors are locked and curtains are drawn. Then again I've never been there before. Do they usually keep to themselves inside?"

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus eyes were starting to glaze over as the couple or rather the woman kept talking..until Zolarus came back.
Praying to the heavens for that save, he waits for the others to respond and hopefully get rid of these two.

DM Sockmonkey |

Lady- No, it is very unlike the glassworks to be closed. There is some special project they are working on but that has not shut the doors. The furnaces are down for the weekend but the showroom stays open everyday, except for celebrations and holidays. We came by earlier and they were not open, some other traders from out of town waited with us on the front steps for awhile then we all gave up and left. Are you trying to sneak a peek at the secret project? Do you know what it could be!?
It is clear that Shella is a bit of an attractive flake, one may say trophy wife. Her husband is more reserved and curiously eyes the lot of you.
Man- You are not here for glassware are you? Should we be concerned right now?

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Zolarus' breath smells like red wine and his eyes are actually glazed over. He bows to both strangers, puts away his shortbow and retrieves his wineskin.
The only sneak peak I want is what is your dress is hiding. However, I prefer to keep my eyes from being swollen shut by his fist, so I will have to control myself.
Sir, you shouldn't be so uptight. What is the point of marrying a beautiful woman if you can't show her off? If she was my gal, I'd be very relaxed and exhausted, ALL the time if you catch my drift. Have a drink of red. It helps me unwind daily.
As he offers his half empty wineskin to the fellow, he attempts to pick his pocket.
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

DM Sockmonkey |

The man is confused by your forward joking, he chuckles a bit, his wife playfully slaps him.
Man- Still chuckling- Ah but sir you are correct! You take my silence as being stern and unmirthful, but no I will say this she hath tuckered me out thrice since our first venture up to the glassworks this morning! Ha! I can hardly stay awake!
He takes your wine skin, you take his coin purse (50 gp).
She slaps him playfully.
Lady- Honey! Shhh!!!! You embarrass me!
It seems their gypsy heritage is not offended by the boldness of you comments. It also seems like the couple intends to hang out with the group while they wait for the glassworks to open.
Bauldur's Gate, Noober, for any that understand the reference, they will need to be convinced to leave if you want privacy.

DM Sockmonkey |

The couple stops chuckling and get quiet, really quiet; they both move away from the group slowly not turning their backs to you. When they are about fifteen feet away they turn and quickly walk away. They were silent for their entire departure.
Now that it is quite and everyone can hear themselves think, what would you like to do?

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"Yes, go. You do not want to see her angry as she lacks the ability to control the fiery rage ignited by hate, prejudice, jealousy or simple annoyance. The fire gods gave her a gift and a curse. Do what she says if you want to keep your pretty hair and skin from being scorched."
Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus grins.
"Through the front?"

DM Sockmonkey |

Assuming the group follows Ark's suggestion, easy to fix in the event the group would like a different approach.
The group continues up the street and walks up to the front door. The building looks uninviting with all the curtains drawn tight. The door is a sturdy, made of oak, and has an internal lock built into it. The plating around the lock is somewhat fancy leading you to believe if one wanted to try their luck at picking this lock it may prove a challenge. Next to the door, chest level on the wall, is a box one could leave a letter or small package. This box has a brass name plate that reads Kaijitsu Glassworks. The outer wall around the front door is of decorative flagstone, there are several pegs that protrude from this wall and on a sunny day would be covered in stained glass wind catchers and beautiful glass orbs that hang from strings.
The box is empty if anyone wishes to inspect.
What would you like to do?

Arkus Scargazed |

Strength check to force open door, 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Setting his brawny shoulders to the door, Arkus attempts to force it open!

Arkus Scargazed |

"No it is not!" Arkus yells back in fustration.

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus turns his fustrations upon the door!!!
With both hands he steps back and then rams the door with his shoulder, angered now.
Strength Check, Rage 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

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Zolarus will assist Arkus for the second time to force open the door.
Str assist: 1d20 ⇒ 12
"Once more into the door my friend!"

DM Sockmonkey |

Wow, it was a DC 23 to smash the door open, good job.
A1 DISPLAY ROOM: This room contains a shop where customers can browse the various glassware produced here. Bottles, windowpanes, and glasswork art are the primary contents. All the curtains are sealed shut.
There are two doors that lead off of this room, one North, one North East.
The North of the map is on the right hand side.
What would you like to do?

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus wild eyes peer into the depths of Zolarus soul or seem to. All Zolarus sees is Arkus spacing out.
"Ermm Thanks.. You're quite strong for bursting the door open." Arkus replies seemingly out of it.......
He somehow makes his way in.

Arkus Scargazed |

"Which door?" Arkus rumbles as he brings out his flail.

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Zolarus puts his ear to the North Door and opens it if he hears nothing. Otherwise he warns the party of what he perceives.
Perception, listen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

DM Sockmonkey |

Ark steps into the hallway and finds it to be empty.
He sees
•a door across from him.
•a short hall that vears off to his left, there are shut curtains on the hallway wall closing off the windows to the outside, in this small hallway are a set of doors that will lead to the outside behind the glass works and another door located after a brief bend in the hall.
•The hallway also continues to his right, it is a long hallway that ends in a set of double doors, one additional door is located on the right hand side to those who would go down the hall.
Ark's Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Ark cannot hear the noises Zolarus shushed him for. Zolarus listens again and notices the noises have stopped.

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Zolarus whispers, I will scout ahead. I heard someone leaving but do not hear him now.
He will stealthily listen first at the door on the right hand side of the hallway and then at the double doors.
May I take 10 on these Stealth and Perception, since I am not currently threatened or distracted?

DM Sockmonkey |

It seems foolish to make you go room to room searching this part of the glassworks since there is no encounters in these rooms.
A1 DISPLAY ROOM: This room contains a shop where customers can browse the various glassware produced here. Bottles, windowpanes, and glasswork art are the primary contents.
A2 STOREROOM: Finished products are stored here.
A3 CLEANING CLOSET: Cleaning supplies and tools such as brooms are stored here.
A4 STOREROOM: Tools, clothing for servants, firewood, and other miscellaneous supplies are kept here.
A5 SERVANT’S QUARTERS: Lonjiku’s staff of skilled laborers lived on site; the eight workers slept here. The beds are all in various states of disarray and blood is spattered over the walls and sheets. No bodies are apparent.
A6 DINING ROOM: The staff used this room to relax, eat, and play cards in their off hours. The room is a wreck— broken tables and chairs litter the floor. Playing cards have been haphazardly pasted to the wall about knee level using the wax from the what appears to be chewed candles on the floor.
A7 WASHROOM: This room contains several washtubs for bathing and laundry; the small room adjacent is a toilet.
A8 KITCHEN: This is where the staff prepared their meals; the room is in disarray. Pots and pans have been broken, the chimney seems to be stuffed shut with a cat, there are various wooden spoons all over the floor, the handle sides of all these spoons have been sharpened into deadly sharp points, they are all blood covered.
A9 PANTRY: This room is a mess; barrels and sacks of grain and crates of dried fish and venison have been completely demolished, and most of the food is missing. A broken dogslicer lies near the northern corner next to a dirty fingernail on the floor next to it.
A10 STOREROOM: This room contains several mounds of firewood for the kitchen stove. Something has been using this as a toilet, evidence by the many piles of feces in the center of the room.
A11 MEETING ROOM: The staff meets here to discuss work schedules or large projects. Papers and notes have all been set on fire and the ashes joyfully thrown around the room.
A12 RECEPTION: Customers seeking custom glass jobs or looking for business opportunities to export glass meet with a representative here to arrange business.
A13 OFFICE: A smaller office for more private meetings with important customers. There must of been a vial of black ink, at least what you assume made that mess on the floor. It looks like something tried to paint a big black spot in front of the doorway. You can find the squirrel that was used as the paintbrush.
A14 FILES: Several cabinets and shelves containing files and contracts with dozens of exporters and businesses from Magnimar, Korvosa, and other local towns fill this room. They are up high and not destroyed by fire like in the other rooms.
A15 PREPARATION: The primary agents for glassmaking (sand, soda ash, and lime) are prepared here. And all thrown around the room, there are tracks of several small creatures, it would be safe to assume goblins, but how many cannot be determined.
A16 LOADING ROOM: A wheelbarrow sits against a wall here, and shelves on the walls contain additional reagents to create different colors of glass (manganese for clear glass, cobalt for blue, and tin for white; untreated glass is green, while a high quantity of any reagent makes black glass). A safe on the floor hangs open. Through a doorway, stairs lead downward to another area.