DM Sockmonkey's Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master keith goudreau

Sandpoint Map
Map Link



Magic Items:

-Scroll, divine, Bless, 25gp
-Scroll, divine, Magic Stone, 25gp
-Scroll, arcane, Web, 150gp
-Potion, Vanish, 50gp
-Wand, Shocking Grasp, 750gp
-Weapon, +1 Short Sword
-potion, protection vs evil, 50gp
-Wand, Knock, 4500gp
-Blazing Robe, 11000gp,

Need one more to start a new ROTRL game. This thread will be open for applications until February 1st noon-ish EST.

The group needs a skill monkey, mage, or combo of the two. So particular bias will be given in favor for something that can fill the role.

Currently the group consists of.
Aasimar bard magician
Human Shoanti Shaman (flame)
Human Paladin

Anyone interested know I will be looking more into background story than stat blocks. I want to know why you are good at something and bad at other things.

The character creation is 25 point-buy, 2 traits, no other restrictions as long as it is a pathfinder legal character.

Expect to post AT LEAST once daily.

Google Drive for maps and handouts.

OK here is the big thing, I am not a rules lawyer and wish to keep heated debates far from this game. I try to keep it loose and fun and expect my players to follow suit, we are here to have fun! So if you are a rules stickler please do not submit a character for both of our sanities.

I hope the brevity of this post is not off putting, it is a recruitment for one character.

Please ask away with questions, I will try to answer them all.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm just curious, how is a magician bard not the skill/mage combo you're looking for?

Scarab Sages

How do you want applications? Do you want a paragraph or two for background? A stat block?
I'm thinking of playing a Varisian Halfling wizard that will eventually go into Harrower.

mechaPoet wrote:
I'm just curious, how is a magician bard not the skill/mage combo you're looking for?

Just the way he put it together.

A paragraph or quick story would be fine.

Shadow Lodge

Any chance of getting more information on the 3 characters that a potential character would be interacting with?

Dylos wrote:
Any chance of getting more information on the 3 characters that a potential character would be interacting with?


Female Human Shoanti Shaman, Flame spirit, Not melee, Cleric Buffs/Healing with additional offensive fire blasting, outdoors skills.

Aasimar Bard (magician), Enchanter and Buffs for casters, Ranged combat, "Face" skill set (not rogue skills)

Male Human Varisian Paladin, Super Quick, Standard Pally skills, Scholarly, He is the tank.

I am very interested. I have a character created for RotR. A Mwangi human Thassalonian Evoker specializing in Magic Missile created for another Rise game which never seemed to get off the ground. The only change I might need is upgrading stats to 25 pt buy. I am looking for a game with solid posting, and can easily post at least once a day, usually more. Backstory and stats in profile.

V'Thamuus is inexperienced, but I see him, as he progresses, trying to embody the ideals of Wrath sin magic. Let me know if you need or want more information. This is a character I have been wanting to play for a long time.

Scarab Sages

Here's Jamir Korvaski's short background. Hopefully it's enough, let me know if you want anything else.


Jamir Korvaski was born to a small halfling family that has been traveling with a sczarni caravan for generations. Being born on the night of the Ritual of Stardust, with the constellations aligned to match the birth of a future prophet, Jamir was destined to learn the ancient art of Harrowing. Growing up Jamir showed some innate talent to predict the future in a very limited way, although like most other fortune tellers in the current age, he was wrong nine out of ten times. His family didn't really care too much whether or not he got his predictions right, as long as he could put on a good show when the caravan stopped in the next town and make some coin.
In his early teens, Jamir's caravan stopped in Kaer Maga for a few days. during one of these days, he wondered around the city, poking his head here and there, taking in all the amazing sights (particularly the troll augurs). At one point, Jamir found an old magic shop tucked away in an isolated alley. Inside the old magic shop, among its gargantuan piles of books, he found a set of 10 books that would change his life. "The simpleton's manual of matter manipulation!", a guide teaching how to become a wizard. Jamir spent several years teaching himself how to master the arcane arts. By the time he had master the simple cantrips, and the first level of spells, he had a life-changing dream. Jamir's dream brought him to Sandpoint, looking for two tall males and a tall female.

Is everyone just starting or are they already some ways in? Are there any skills in particular you feel are needed of the 'skill monkey'?

While this character is built on 20 rather than 25 points, it would be of little difficulty to adjust him upward if he otherwise fits your criteria.

Vinccenso Pruffi wrote:

Is everyone just starting or are they already some ways in? Are there any skills in particular you feel are needed of the 'skill monkey'?

While this character is built on 20 rather than 25 points, it would be of little difficulty to adjust him upward if he otherwise fits your criteria.

The other three are in, I ran a PFS scenario and it was just a great group, I had been wanting to run ROTR and everyone was super interested.

There is just a general lack of rogue skills at the moment. There is a little wiggle room with the current party, there has been an offer to tweak a build to accommodate the new player.

By Rogue skills, are you talking about Disable Device specifically, or is there something else?

This character was built for RotRL, and has started it a couple of times.

Last week he was accepted into another attempt. The GM hasn't opened the game, yet, and he hasn't posted since Monday.

I don't want to walk away form what could be the right chance, but the odds are sinking on that, and I think Gudada might be close to the build your group is wanting. I doubt they want a specialized juggler, after all.

Hmmm . . .. I don't have notes for a 25 point build version of him.

Shadow Lodge

Would slayer be ok? With the right traits, they should be able to manage non-magical traps, and as a 6+Int skill class, they should be able to handle any other "rogue skills". EDIT: Actually, a level 2 slayer can take a talent that can allow them to disarm magical traps.

I saw in another thread where a Paizo book due out in Feb adds a trait making Disable Device a Class Skill AND allowing the disarming of magical traps.

It isn't quite the same as getting the Rogue bonuses for the skill, but it opens things up greatly.

hustonj wrote:

I saw in another thread where a Paizo book due out in Feb adds a trait making Disable Device a Class Skill AND allowing the disarming of magical traps.

It isn't quite the same as getting the Rogue bonuses for the skill, but it opens things up greatly.

If you are talking about the Trap Finder trait, that is a Campaign Trait specifically for the Mummy's Mask AP. Thematically, it is most appropriate for that AP.

Disable device, and stealth would be the two big skills that come to mind. Traps, locked doors, scouting, and combat support for rogue.

Or caster; if you have the right utility spells prepared a rogue can be bypassed. Knock, see invisibility, summon monster, invisibility, fly, spider climb, etc...

A slayer would also fit.

I'm honestly going to attempt to make a monk for this. Anything against that idea, Sockmonkey?

The class is not the problem it is just the role I am trying to fill in the group.

Here is my submission: Reika, female half-orc rogue. She fills the following roles: trap finder/disabler, stealth, hardy combat support, darkvision, treasure appraiser (lol), and lie detector.

Reika was the product of an orc-human (female) slave rape and about to be sacrificed by the orc tribe to Gruumsh at birth due to her gender, when the resident shaman saved her life due to her strange birthmark on her forehead (racial trait: sacred tattoo). It was a sign from Gruumsh that she be spared. She was raised in the Fogscar mountains to be a servant to the orc tribe but was shunned by everyone due to her mixed heritage. She resorted to stealing to survive since she was always fed scraps. She scavenged and found some studded armor, that she has owned for the past few years (trait: armor expert). Thievery came naturally to her and she excelled at it. She practiced in secret killing the orcs and escaping, since her moral code did not fit within the tribe's goals (she is CG). One day, the opportunity presented itself while on travel through the mountains, her tribe was ambushed by a goblin tribe. During the confusion, Reika fled to the south, sticking to the coast until she reached Sandpoint. She fears retribution from the orc tribe (campaign trait: exile).

She is 6' tall, muscular, and easily identifiable due to her black dreadlocks and tattoo in the shape of star on her forehead. Here is the statblock without money or equipment.

Half-Orc Rogue 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 18
Feats Dodge
Traits armor expert, exile
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +4, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +1, Perception +6 (+7 to locate traps), Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Orc
SQ orc blood, trapfinding +1, sacred tattoo (+1 on all saves)
Special Abilities
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Exile You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

Not done yet, but this will be my submission, Elizabeth 'Lies' Verity, Female Varisian Slayer.

I hope that it is alright that I took a drawback and an additional trait.

Still need to be done, Favored Class bonus, background, pick additional languages (any chance of getting a list of languages that the rest of the party knows?), and spend more money (how much are we supposed to start with? average wealth by class?)

Lies wrote:

Not done yet, but this will be my submission, Elizabeth 'Lies' Verity, Female Varisian Slayer.

I hope that it is alright that I took a drawback and an additional trait.

Still need to be done, Favored Class bonus, background, pick additional languages (any chance of getting a list of languages that the rest of the party knows?), and spend more money (how much are we supposed to start with? average wealth by class?)

Sorry I am not going to allow drawbacks for additional traits.

Languages should be picked on your character background, it is more interesting to know why and how you can speak giant. :-)

Yes average wealth by class.

DM Sockmonkey wrote:
Sorry I am not going to allow drawbacks for additional traits.

Ok, I'll switch Two Weapon Fighting for Additional Traits, if Additional Traits to get 2 more traits would be acceptable, as TWF isn't going to help a lot at level 1 anyway.

There will be a change to the bard, he decided to go skill monkey caster.

Honestly this leaves endless possibilities for what the new character can be. I will extend the due date for applications to sunday.

Lack of contact from the GM has lead to multiple players posting that they were giving up and quitting that as-of-yet-not-started game.

So, joining them, this character is currently available. I now have a 25 point buy attribute set, but I haven't applied those changes to the character at this time.

I have finished updating my stats in profile to reflect a 25 point build. The previous version was a 20 point build. That and a correction to sense motive (reducing the bonus to + 0) were the only changes made.

I will enter this character for consideration. Was built for a 20 point buy game, can change that easily.

Would like to enter this character for consideration.

Thank you everybody for your submissions, a selection and PM has been sent to the recruited.

Good gaming everyone!

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