Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus eyes hardened and it promises pain for any goblin that dares to attack once more.
"I do not speak for my companions but I would trade tales with you over dinner and led what aid I can to the defense of this village. I admit to growing a little fond of the younglings" The last said with a tinge of regret.

Gudada Purrun |

In the morning, Gudada gathers together the 20 black candle stubs, all nearly completely burned away, and compresses them into a single ball of wax. He purchases a skin of wine before leaving the inn, and heads for the graveyard.
At Nadya's grave, he stops and stands for a few minutes, thinking of time spent playing under her feet, time spent in her arms and time spent laughing with her. He is unable to avoid also remembering his father beating her, or her trying to protect the children from his wrath.
As the tears start, he kneels, pulls a dagger and digs a hole "below" her feet. He drops the ball of wax into the hole, buries it as best he can, and then empties the skin at her head.
Gudada says the following in Varisian, starting by choking on the words. "For 20 days, I have said the prayers, made the offerings and burned the candles of darkness. All of us, including you, should be protected from the anger that you had every right to feel about your life. The ends of the candles are below you, showing that the anger is behind you. The wine has been provided to raise your spirits. Now you are ready for Desna to take you back upon the road, to have one last great journey. By sunrise you will no longer be here, but will have begun that trip. We will meet again, on the road, when I start that final trip, too." His voice became steady by the time he spoke of the journey, but it cracked again during the final phrase.
At the Sheriff's office . . ..
After the previous night's conversation, when the sheriff talks about the group staying in town while his men chase goblins, the young Varisian starts snickering. When Thim counters with reversing those roles, reinforcing his desires form the previous night, Gudada can't stop the open laughter. "Not the way you wanted to play hero, is it?"

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Why do you think Sandpoint would be attacked again? I agree with my friend. We should patrol with the ranger. He gives her a wink and a nod then helps himself to the mayor's wine.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

After the previous night's conversation, when the sheriff talks about the group staying in town while his men chase goblins, the young Varisian starts snickering. When Thim counters with reversing those roles, reinforcing his desires form the previous night, Gudada can't stop the open laughter. "Not the way you wanted to play hero, is it?"
V'Thamuus looks back at Gudada. "We don't know each other well, so I'm not sure why you think so poorly of me, or why you need to so plainly and publicly express it. I do not think I am 'playing.' If any do think that, I am happy to withdraw so the more serious of you can continue unamused. But I am genuinely concerned for the people of Sandpoint, and my suggestions are made in the honest spirit of helping them."
Bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 20

DM Sockmonkey |

Thim, You do not notice any carved birds, you do noticed plenty of places they were hacked off buildings. The Sheriff, Mayor, and Elf woman do not seem to be lying. When you ask about the guard staying and you going to flush out the goblin tribes he says.
This is 5 goblin tribes that are working together, that is horrific. It will take all of you, all the town guard, and reinforcements from Magnimar to fight this off head on. If you could just help keep an eye on the town while I try to secure reinforcements it could be the safest route.
@Zol, I am just uncertain if we will be attacked again. Someone put a lot of effort into that raid; they hit us hard, and stole my old friend's remains. But we are unsure to what ends they want to drive the tribes. It may be over or it may of just begun. Whatever the intention we will get reinforcements to keep our town safe. Once that is done we can strike back.
Friends, do not squabble amongst yourselves. You have all prove yourselves to my fair town, there is not a yellow coward in this room. I hate to make this a quick meeting but I must see to the work of summoning the help from Magnimar. Is there any last questions?
The Elven Woodswoman, Shalelu, makes plans to have dinner with you tonight at the Rusty Dragon.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"I am only a visitor here. I will bow. . ." and Thim does so. ". . . to your greater knowledge and experience in these matters. Sandpoint will be protected in your absence. I have no more questions."

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus crosses his arms and squints out with his one good eye.
"Then it's settled. We'll guard the village in your absence and meanwhile the ranger can tell us more. Come! Dinner awaits!"

Gudada Purrun |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Oblivious to Thim's hurt feelings, Gudada still comments. "You understand the reputation of my people, yes? For the sheriff to ask me to serve as a bastion of law and order is a sign of desperation. It would be more wrong of me not to maintain a smile and a laugh to reassure the people than to abuse such a request. Serious and grim are different things."

Arkus Scargazed |

At Gudada's words, Arkus looks pensive.
"Is it? I would have thought them the same but then my experience with your kind is limited. And usually not of the pleasant kind."

DM Sockmonkey |

I am forwarding ahead, if anyone had any chores or errands to run before dinner we can do a quick rewind. Please feel free to continue any RP also, I do not intend to break up any RP.
In short time the sheriff takes some of the guards and heads to Magnimar. He gives you each a firm hand shake and thanks you again for assisting with the possible ongoing goblin threat. The day is more or less uneventful, you all enjoy you local fame in various ways.
Later that night Shalelu meets the group for dinner at the Rusty Dragon. She has shed her armor, taken a bath, and looks relaxed. She finds her way over to your table and politely waits to be offered a seat, apparently out of the woods she is quite civil.
Greetings my goblin slaying friends, thank you most humbly for inviting me to dine with you. It is not often I allow myself this luxury, it is often roast meat over an open fire.
She smiles when she sees bowls of soup and breads spread out before her.
Something about a good soup warms the bones and soul. Well we have much to discuss and not much time to discuss it, I must make for the trail tomorrow.
Shalelu very politely eats her meal then initiates conversation again while she enjoys a second glass of wine.
There are five major goblin tribes in the region. The closest to Sandpoint are the Birdcruncher goblins, who live in caves along the western edge of the Devil’s Platter, although traditionally these goblins are the least aggressive of the five. To the south are the Licktoad goblins of the Brinestump Marsh, pests who are excellent swimmers. East are the Seven Tooth goblins of Shank’s Wood, goblins who’ve secured a place for themselves by raiding Sandpoint’s junkyard and rebuilding the stolen refuse into armor and weapons. Farther east are the Mosswood goblins, likely the largest tribe but one traditionally held back by feuding families within their own ranks. And
finally, there are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast atop a small island that some say holds a passing resemblance to a decapitated head.
Shalelu notes that goblins generally live short, violent lives. It’s unusual for a single goblin to achieve any real measure of notoriety, but when one does, it’s well earned. Currently, six goblins in the region enjoy the status of “hero.”
Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father.
Koruvus was a champion of the Seven Tooth tribe, as well known for his short temper as he was for his prized possession— a magic longsword sized for a human that the goblin stubbornly kept as his own (despite the fact that it was too large for him to properly wield). Koruvus vanished several months ago after he supposedly discovered a “secret hideout” in a cave along the cliffs, but the Seven Tooth goblins remain convinced he’s out there still, a ghost or worse, waiting to murder any
goblin who tries to discover his hideout.
Vorka is a notorious goblin cannibal who lives in the Brinestump marsh, a “hero” mostly to goblins other than the Licktoad tribe.
Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne.
Ripnugget is the leader of the Thistletop goblins and controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair.
And then there’s Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows. Shalelu notes that Bruthazmus has a particular hatred of elves, and that they have fought on several occasions. To date, neither of them has managed to get the upper hand on the other, but Shalelu bitterly vows that she won’t be the first to fall in their private war.
She is willing to answer any questions, do note all the info I had on the goblins was pasted.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

In the interest of not taking weeks for conversation, assume Thim is guarded but friendly in his conversations. Any discussion of Moninga draws him out further.
I will spam some questions that Thim would put forth during the meal.
"How long have you know the sheriff, and can you give us the measure of the man?
"Do you know anything about the late unpleasantness? Did you ever know the chopper, and were you around during the attacks?"
"What can you tell us about the old father and his daughter? Can you think of any reason goblins would want to steal a years-old corpse?"
"When were the last series of large scale goblin attacks, why did they start, and how were they stopped?"
And heck just to fish around a bit . . .
"What can you tell us about Amekio's father? Her mother has passed; how did it happen? Does he have more family in Sandpoint? Outside of Sandpoint? How does everyone get along? Has he ever had any contact with goblins, friendly or otherwise?"

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"This Bruzathmus sounds like someone who could provide a lot of information in one convenient package. How do we feel about trying to track him down as a group and putting him to the question?"

Gudada Purrun |

Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

DM Sockmonkey |

"How long have you know the sheriff, and can you give us the measure of the man?
-Several years now, he is a good man, really loves Sandpoint and the people here.
"Do you know anything about the late unpleasantness? Did you ever know the chopper, and were you around during the attacks?"
-I had met him before he was the 'Chopper', he was an odd man; quiet, kept to himself. He did make beautiful carvings. I only come to town twice a year, sometimes three times; when the unfortunate events were taking place I was out in the forest keeping an eye on the goblin tribes.
"What can you tell us about the old father and his daughter? Can you think of any reason goblins would want to steal a years-old corpse?"
-That I have no clue of. He was a good man, tried to do right by his daughter when she was found to be pregnant. That was a really sad month. She miscarried the baby and went into a deep sleep, she died in the fire asleep.
"When were the last series of large scale goblin attacks, why did they start, and how were they stopped?"
-Large scale, never. Sandpoint will get an occasional attack, but it is never really a threat. The town guard and civilians defend with little to no damage. For the most part Sandpoint has been safe, whatever these goblins have planned it cannot be good.
And heck just to fish around a bit . . .
"What can you tell us about Amekio's father? Her mother has passed; how did it happen? Does he have more family in Sandpoint? Outside of Sandpoint? How does everyone get along? Has he ever had any contact with goblins, friendly or otherwise?"
-She jumped to her death, their home is built on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I do not know him, or the family besides Amekio.

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"I think we need to be ready for more fires in Sandpoint. Those goblins seem to love seeing homes and farms go up in flames. How do you suggest we lookout for another attack? Should we scout ahead around the perimeter in shifts?

DM Sockmonkey |

If you feel it would help. Sandpoint is more than one homestead and you are five heads. I think the grim reality is there will be no detection for the next attack. Whom ever planned the last attack had a plan that was well oscastrated, it is not chaos. I would just do what you were asked and be a visual prescience in town, help people feel safe, even if they are not. If this town becomes scared it will be difficult to gather the civilians to fight to save their homes, they may run.

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Listening to the conversation Tik rudely interjects,
"I am in a mind to go out and attack vs. wait here. While we know more than before with what Shelelu has told us I'd prefer to search around the area."
Petting her rabbit Tik continues,
"A simple target and possible source of information might be the little runt who's hiding out by itself in the cliffs."

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus stays silent throughout the entire conversation as his head already hurts at trying to fathom the whys.

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Zolarus waits until she finishes her second cup of wine before the conversation takes a darker and more serious tone.
What more can you tell us about Nualia Tobyn, Ezakien Tobyn's adopted daughter. I heard she got pregnant by some mystery man. She miscarried the baby after seven months, rumor said it was deformed monstrous somehow. After Nualia laid eyes on her still born baby she went to a deep sleep and the fire killed her while she slept. Their remains were stolen by the goblins and I would like to know why.

Gudada Purrun |

Gudada looks confused. "The goblins stole the remains of a burned woman who lost a deformed child late in her pregnancy? I don't know if I'm more disturbed about this woman's luck, that you know the story, or that you think the goblins took those remains because of the story."

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus says the only things that makes sense to him now.

DM Sockmonkey |

I think your facts are off. Father Tobyn's remains were stolen. As for Nualia I do not know the whole story. She became pregnant by a mystery man, her father tried to help, she miscarried, long sleep, fire. From what I heard her remains were never recovered, the fire was so hot it burned her to nothing.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"Yes, that is why I was so suspicious. The girl's remains were never discovered. I find when that is the case, the fact of death needs to be questioned."
Thim turns to Tiktaa, "I think what's next is we wait."

Gudada Purrun |

"The sheriff wants us to wander around town and be seen, I think."

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus stands up.
"Then let us be seen then. We shall simply make a round around town and be back. No sense in us sitting here and I chafe to be moving."
So saying the orc moves towards the door, thinking that his companions will be spurred to follow.

DM Sockmonkey |

Ark and any others that wish to join him do a patrol around town; receiving pleased waves and greetings. It is a quite night, after the patrol you retire for the night and sleep without incident.
You wake early in the morning, the sun has been up only a brief time, 7 bells if you had to guess. After dressing you hear from the common room below a panicked woman yelling.
Help! Help! Help! Heroes Help US!
Gathering your gear you all run down to the common room. There is a woman holding a baby and with her a boy that is badly hurt. His arm is almost torn off, bleeding badly, and has loose sinew flapping about.
Llittle Boy- It killed petal! I told you there was a goblin in the closet!
Frantic Mother- Please my husband has it cornered but he needs help!
With that a Halfling woman, Bethana Corwin, one of Amekio's employees, runs out to the commotion.
She's gone! There is a note! Amekio would never just go without saying somethi... By the gods! what happened to the boy's arm! Help him help him! You are bleeding all over the place! Apply pressure!
The Halfling forcefully slams the not into Ark's hands (he is the closest to her) and runs to the boy applying pressure. Her face blanches and she dry heaves a few times but does a great job administering medical attention. She starts yelling in the back to bring bandages and for someone to run for Father Zantus.
Frantic Mother- Quickly my husband help my husband!
She gives directions to the small house they live in not too far from here.
The note is written in Minkaian but Bethana translated to common.
Note Link.

Arkus Scargazed |

A Note? I can't read this.....
Arkus stuffs the note into one of his pouches, taking care to fold it properly first. No telling what the note may say. He does however make his way quickly to where the husband will be, trusting his companions to attend to the injured or aid him depending on their skills.
He knows his skills involve maiming, crushing, destroying and shattering his foes.

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Always an early riser Tiktaa has been in the common room for some time, drinking tea and eating fruit and cheese.
Upon seeing the wounded child she begins smoldering, the familiar heat from deep within increasing with her anger.
"We must hurry and help this child's father!"
Wisps of smoke trailing behind her, Tik runs out the door following the directions given.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

V'Thamuus rises with a start at the commotion and blanches with the halfling at the horror that is the boys arm. Not waiting for the others, he rushes with Tiktaa and Ark to the woman's home.
"Everything always happens at once. Moninga come. The goblins have struck again!"

Gudada Purrun |

The Varisian stands in shock, pointing at the boy. "Uhhh . . .. Can't anyone heal him? Isn't that . . ." He looks at the door and realizes that everyone else is working their way through it and on the family home. "Do we even know where their home is?" as he tries to catch up to the others.

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Zolarus touches the boy on the shoulder with a cure light wounds. CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9.
We will send for Father as soon as possible, but first we must protect your father from harm!
He follows his companions hastily.

DM Sockmonkey |

Zol's quick thinking may of saved the boy's life, it was clear he was about to go into shock.
Everyone charges down the street, the directions were simple to follow. The house was easily identified, because there is a small group of people wide eyed gathered around it. They see you and some run up to greet you franticly.
Non-descript bystander-
It just got real quite in there, Alergast was yelling at something for a good while, he kept yelling GOBLINS! He just got quiet, after his little boy just ran out with his mother injured. Is it the goblins! Are they back!!!???
The house is just that, disturbingly silent. You enter the front door and easily follow the blood trail the little boy must of left on his exiting to a rear room with a small mattress. There in the closet lay a human man, his torso is halfway through the floor and in the crawl space below the house. It is an awkward position for any to be laying in. It takes a quick second to notice he is not moving.
What would you like to do?

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

V'Thamuus kneels beside the prone man and tries to pull him from the crawlspace. He grits his teeth and hardens his stomach, prepared for anything to appear. Moninga hisses and waits on the other side of the man and readies a bite on whatever might come in reach.

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus prepares his flail.
It is too late for the man but he has his respect. Defending one's kin with his own life is one worth of such.

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Zol readies his shortbow and looks around for a goblin ambush. "Whatever killed him could still be in the house. Be careful Thim.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

DM Sockmonkey |

Thim pulls the limp body from the hole, it makes several unnatural wet squishy sounds with the removal. Turning him over to reveal his fate you discover to your horror his face and upper torso have been eaten ravenously and his throat has been slit. Less than a second latter a shrill goblin war cry comes from the hole, and an enraged goblin jumps forward. A half chewed eye ball spits out of his mouth as he yells.
House mine! Food mine! You die longshank food faces!
There is no map. The goblin is still in the closet which grants him cover from anyone attacking other than the square in front of him. So one person can attack without penalties, everyone else is at a -4 for attacking around a corner.
Init order:
Hungry Goblin
Tik, Thim, & Ark you guys are up.
Hungry Goblin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Arkus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Tiktaa: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Zolarus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Thim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Dada: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Arkus Scargazed |

Angered by the goblin's cries, Arkus surges forward bringing his heavy flail downwards with a snap of his wrists, sending its whirling chains smacking straight into the goblin at the height of its leap.
Heavy Flail. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 191d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"Oh great gods. . . " Thim recoils in horror at the gore spattered goblin and its 'meal.' His face contorts in disgust and fury. "Die! Die you abomination! Kwenda kuzimu! Kwena zaidi ya kuzimu! Kufa! Kufa!"
"Go to hell! Go beyond hell! Die! Die!"
Thim spits out several arcane words and gestures forcefully, as if he were pulling the goblin's heart from its chest. A pair of arcane bolts tear through the borders of reality and rend the flesh of the beast.
Cast magic missile, auto hit. damage: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7
Moninga darts in, the eldritch bolts slipping past him without a touch and snaps at the goblin. bite: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 His tiny jaws close on nothing but air, but his frills blaze and a harsh hiss fills the room.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

V'Thamuus walks up to the goblin's corpse and extends his hand toward it.
Ray of frost
Ray of frost
Ray of frost
Ray of frost . . .
He continues to cast ray of frost at the head of the beast's body until it is coated with a thick frost and frozen solid. He then raised a booted foot and brings it down, hard, shattering it into thousands of shards of blood, skull, and brain.
Thim then walks out of the house and settles himself before he speaks to anyone.

Arkus Scargazed |

Looking for the man's weapon, Arkus cleans his flail and plunges the dead man's weapon in the goblins corpse, turning to his companions.
"This man fought valiantly and he killed the goblin at the expense of his life. Let it be known as such. He deserve no less don't you all think?"

Arkus Scargazed |

Remembering the note, he brings it out.
"Can anyone read this? I can't."

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Zol reads the note out loud to the group.
"I need to quickly fetch the priest to heal the boy, but I think we should meet this Tsuto at midnight tonight and thoroughly question him. Arkus, please don't clean your goblin brain crusted flail. It may help loosen his tongue."
With that being said, he smiles and dashes out the door.

DM Sockmonkey |

Outside there is a gathered mass of concerned people. Multiple shouts erupt from the crowd all at once.
Did you kill them!? Are they dead!? The goblins are raiding again!!!!!!! Are they raiding again?!?!?!?!?! We are gonna die, we are gonna die, we are gonna dieieieieie!!!!! Quick burn the house and the goblins!!! Don't burn the house dummy- get the horses from the stable to go in there and stomp them out!!! Horses in houses!!! Are you daft?!?!?! I will show you daft!!!
A small fight is starting to smolder in the crowd, it is panic fueled. Various concerned yells target you with questions!

Gudada Purrun |

'Dada steps out in front of the crowd. "Friends, calm down. The goblins are NOT raiding again. A single goblin had hidden in a closet in this house after the attack yesterday. When we got here, both the goblin and the man of the house had killed each other, The man died saving his family from the one straggler, but only after dealing a lethal blow on the hiding creature himself."
Bluff (for the lie): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Diplomacy (for the goal): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25