V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Thim helps himself to a hearty breakfast the next morning after preparing a new batch of spells. Moninga has a meal of fresh chicken innards, and Thim plows his way through a pile of eggs and pork sausages washed down with tea heavily diluted with milk.
He listens to Zolarus' relation of the previous nights activities, filtering the more personal elements out and focusing on what the sheriff had to say.
It was sad, he was a good man, trusted, kind, honest. His daughter was a beautiful young girl, such a shame. No one knows how the fire started, that wooden church went up so quick nobody in the town could make it in to help. Seven Hells, it was all during the horrible few weeks, the 'unpleasantness' or whatever it is being called now. It was right after we caught the murderer, or just before. . . . Either way the murderer had killed himself and then a few days later the church burned down.
Hearing that, V'Thamuus slams his hand on the table. "I knew there was more to it!" We need to find out more about the events of the 'unpleasantness.' . . . " Amekio brings by another round of sausages. (Moninga steals one from Thim's plate.) "And who better to tell the tales of a town, than the local innkeep. Miss Amekio, what can you tell us of the 'unpleasantness?' Before the first church burned, there were a series of murders, and the perpetrator committed suicide. Can you tell us more?"

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Waking to Thims mutterings Tik follows him down for breakfast.
Eating her share of sausages and feeding Horse carrots she thoughtfully states, "I'll go check with some of the local business people to see if they know more of this 'unpleasantness'".
After hearing what Amekio has to say Tik strolls over to the local blacksmith to enquire about events surrounding the church's burning.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

DM Sockmonkey |

Amekio sets the tray of breakfast items down at your table and sits down to talk. Her smile fades to a stern serious look.
After breakfast it will quiet down in here for awhile, then I will talk with you.
She gets up and puts a fake smile back on going to the other tables serving hungry patrons.
Two hours later the Rusty Dragon is quiet and Amekio is cleaning up the dining room.
Listen I will tell you what you want because I know you are most likely going to poke around town, making people upset, and bringing back bad memories until you get some answers.
Jervas Stoot, the Chopper, he was the killer. He cut out their tongue and eyes if what I heard was true. He was a odd person, moved out to an isolated part of the harbor, Stoot's Rock, put a house on top of raised cliff wall to be near the birds. He would go around town carving beautiful birds in people's houses, entrance ways, railings, eves, overhangs; people have removed them seeing them as a curse now. Over the course of that terrible month, Chopper claimed 25 victims. His uncanny knack at eluding traps and pursuit quickly wore on the town guard, taking a toll on Sheriff Avertin in particular, who increasingly
took to drinking. In any event, Sheriff Avertin himself became Chopper’s last victim, slain upon catching the murderer in a narrow lane—known now as Chopper’s Alley—as he was mutilating his latest victim. In the battle that followed, Avertin landed a telling blow against the killer. When Belor Hemlock, then merely a town guard, found both bodies of Avertin and the other victim several minutes later, he rallied the guards and they were able to follow the killer’s bloody trail. The trail led straight to the stairs of Stoot’s Rock. The guard found an altar to something evil, and all the missing eyes and tongues he had taken from his victims set on it. Stoot himself
was found dead at the base of the altar, having plucked his own eyes and tongue loose in a final offering. The guards collapsed the entrance to the lower chambers he carved into the stone, burned Stoot’s house, and tore down the stairs. Stoot himself was burned on the beach in a pyre, his ashes blessed and then scattered in an attempt to stave off an unholy return of his evil spirit.
Nualia Tobyn, Ezakien Tobyn's adopted daughter, got pregnant by some mystery man. Her father, as rumor states, was furious and made her pray to Desna nightly for forgiveness. She miscarried the baby after seven months, rumor said it was deformed monstrous somehow. After Nualia laid eyes on her still born baby she went to a deep sleep, no one could wake her. She was like that until she died, the fire took her several days later before she could wake. Poor girl. The fire was about a month after Chopper was killed.
There is a lot of good and good people in this town, many are still dealing with these horrible things, and now goblin attacks. If I find out any of you upset anyone in the town, YOU WILL HAVE TO ANSWER TO ME. Understand. That covers what I can remember, please enjoy your stay in Sandpoint.
Amekio will grab a mop and start to clean again.

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"Thank you love for waiting until after breakfast for telling that tale. It truly upset my stomach. I understand why townsfolk would prefer to keep it hidden in the past."
He whispers to his companions, If we are to continue our investigations, we will need another sword arm as Azoth has departed from our company. I would like to search out Stout's Rock afterwards. Thoughts?

DM Sockmonkey |

As you are all talking in the empty tavern an attractive young women enters. She takes a second to look around, and when she notices the group of you, primarily Zolarus, she bashfully approaches.
To Zolarus-
Hi, my name is Shayliss, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem. There is a big rat, the size of a goblin, in my basement. Could you get rid of it for me please? I would be so ever grateful. My father has been too busy to be able to keep up with the store's pest problem.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

V'Thamuus purses his lips for a moment and considers carefully before he speaks, "Miss Amekio, your dedication to the people of this town is obvious and admirable, but consider please, that your concerns might be misplaced. I," he looks to Zolarus and Tiktaa. "We do not seek to cause pain to anyone in this town, especially considering the pain that they have already experienced. but someone obviously does, and the more we pry into the circumstances and history surrounding us, the more I become convinced the unpleasantness from several years ago and this attack are connected."
Thim sighs heavily. "At this point we could accept the accolades being showered on us, and I at least am flattered - Thank you again for the room and fine meal. We could then leave assuming the good we have done is enough, but my conscience is demanding more. I am worried even greater travails are coming to Sandpoint. And though re-examining the past might cause worries and concerns, the blades of the rabid false-men will end lives."
He stands to look Amekio in the eye. "This then is my 'MY ANSWER TO YOU' that you have so plesently demanded. The lives of Sandpoint's citizens are more important to me than their feelings right now. I thank you for you information, but I will seek more elsewhere."

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"Rats? I think we can do something. Which store is your father's?"
This is another good source of information, a storekeeper might know what economic reasons someone might have for targeting Sandpoint.

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Zolarus stands and bows to the attractive woman then gently kisses her hand. He introduces Thim and Tiktaa to Shayliss and states his acceptance in a heroic tone.
"It would be my honor to assist you in removing the pests. No shopkeeper wants rumors of uncleanliness to spread or inventory to spoil. Please lead the way when my companions are ready and willing. Or give us directions and let your father know we are coming. After we save your father'a shop from infestation, we could have dinner alone and become better acquainted.
I live for rolling of the eyes.

Dolarre |

Your heart is in the right place, but my heart is for my town, please tread softly.
Thim bows slightly before retaking his seat, "I would not consider otherwise."
That is so generous of all of you. But I think Zolarus and his bow is all that is required to get the rat. I would hate to ruin everyone's day for a minor rodent problem.
Thim whispers to Zolarus, "Speaking of treading softly . . . be wary of this one, she wants you alone." More loudly, "Very well, we do have a busy day planned. Does anyone know when the 'boar hunt' is supposed to begin? And I would like to take a look at Stoot's rock and Choppers Alley. Maybe we should split up for a time and conduct our own investigations?"
I know splitting up isn't always a good idea, but we have a lot of leads. Zolarus can question the shopkeeper after killing some rats, and Tiktaa and I could split up the murder sites. Ladie's choice <smile>. Then meet back up for the boar hunt to get the noble perspective of the unpleasantness. What do people think?

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Choppers Alley.
While winking at the accused harlot Tiktaa states in a matter of fact yet slightly sarcastic tone,
"Thim, do not worry about Zolarus, worry about the woman and her shopkeep father...you should see all the women Zol's had...and all the letters. Not to mention socks on the door which keep me out at night."

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

"Miss Amekio, could you recommend a person who could direct me to Stoot's Rock, so I can keep as quiet about my trek as possible?"

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Zolarus will accompany Shayliss to her father's shop armed with his trusty shortbow. He will continue to flirt, laugh and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.

DM Sockmonkey |

That rat is just down here.
Alone in the basement; her bodice comes off and she slides herself into an embrace as she guides the you over to a convenient cot someone’s set up in the back of the room. Without going into carnal details what would you like to do?
For Stoot's rock, or choppers island, all I can find about it is that it is a tidal island. Unless I find something else in the massive amount of reading I will keep you posted and ret-con, as for now it is a tidal island. It is bothering me because I thought I read something.

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Thim will head to the harbor and charter a dingy to the island.
If there is nothing to see, feel free to just gloss over this.
On his return, Thim will prepare for the boar hunt and check on the progress of his armor.
After that he will wait on what the rest of the party finds out.

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He whispers, "Any idea who that may be? You stay quiet as a mouse and I will look into our intruder." Zolarus blows out any lit candles or lanterns and quickly gets dressed. Then he creeps upstairs but not before using Shayliss' undergarments as an impromptu mask. Take 10 for stealth. Did she know anything about the fire or mysterious stranger?

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Bluff then fascinate (DC 15) if unsuccessful
bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
"Wait a minute, Mister
I didn't even kiss her
Don't want no trouble with you
And I know you don't owe me
But I wish you'd let me
Ask one favor from you"
I said, "Won't you give me three steps
Gimme three steps Mister
Gimme three steps towards the door?
Gimme three steps
Gimme three steps Mister
You'll never see me no more"

DM Sockmonkey |

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Well this is quite awkward, you pass the bluff check with flying colors. But your comment is not really a bluff. What would you like to say with the successful bluff check? Feel free to make it ridiculous, you beat his check by 18. "Sir if you do not mind I am inspecting the thread count on this garment closely before I decide to make a purchase could I have some privacy please."

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I could not resist Skynard lyrics for this scene.
"Excuse me sir. I am your daughter's trailer and need this garment for a dress that I plan to create. It will be beautiful!"

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I could not resist Skynard lyrics for this scene.
"Excuse me sir. I am your daughter's trailer and need this garment for a dress that I plan to create. It will be beautiful!"
Wow. Sorry for the misspelling. I mean tailor not "trailer".
Zolarus voice becomes high pitched and his body language is feminine and flamboyant during his attempt to escape.

DM Sockmonkey |

The shop keepers fist opens and he head tilts to the side to inspect you. He is still pretty upset about the scene he is walking in on but he is reading between the lines you are giving him.
Oh, well, hmmmmm, well, Shayliss I will be upstairs. After your seamstress measures you we need a word. I will be upstairs outside the door, please if you intend to measure my daughter again in the buff have another female be present, I would not want people to talk of my daughter with the wrong impression.
If you want to cure your ailment I may be able to help, I had an uncle, and well we made him cut fire wood all day, plow fields, work in the forge, some stone masonry, just general hard all day good ol' fashioned back breaking work. It scarred the illness out of him and he went on to be a very successful priest in the big city.
The shopkeeper pats you on the shoulder and goes back upstairs, not shutting the door all the way.
With concern in her voice.
What illness? Are you sick?
It was a good funny post but I could not make a reply other than "what?". This is also very funny. What would you like to do, you still have Shayliss to deal with. (Passing your sense motive check)You also get a sense that hurting her feelings would be bad, girls like this are spiteful.

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Seeing her father returning upstairs, he embraces Shayliss with a tight hug and kiss.
Dropping to his normal pitch, Zolarus whispers seductively in her ear. "I am very sick. Love sick for you, Shayliss. Allow me to borrow this item and I will have a new dress made that will have the entire town talking for a month. I have a few errands to run, but I will call on you again next week. Thank you for such a lovely time."
He kisses her again and leaves the shop with her undergarments wrapped in a small bundle. He walks with an extra spring in his step and whistling the entire way to meet his friends.

Arkus Scargazed |

My First post here.
The room was great!! It had a bed. Yes a honest to goodness bed. With soft down pillows and blankets. Blankets!! Not a hard pallet on the floor or a rolled up mat. A bed!
Free room and a possible job as well. All by a complete accident. Fortunate but well it was a good accident.
The Goblin will be remembered.
He found himself in a town and had cloaked himself, staying mostly out of sight after days of wandering. The town like all towns he came across, was well a town. Nothing much impressive about it but it had a festival going on. Something about a temple or a food competition or something.
Now he thought of going to find himself a nice quiet place to sleep and later be prepared to be chase out of this town like the others but no. This goblin thought it'd be funny to set him on fire. Him!!! On Fire!!!
Obviously it could not end well. In a panic he grabbed the closet thing available, the goblin of course. Using it to put out the fire and then punting him aross the street where a fight had broken out.
Cloak smoking emerging from an alley where his punted goblin knocked over a group of his friends who were all laughing at a cowering human.
Score!!!. Then they looked at him funny.
Arkus couldn't have that and strolled over to them when they suddenly threw more fire at him!!! This meant that he was obliged to teach them a lesson and proceeded to do just that.
Grabbing the little pyromanics and smashing their heads together. Some townsfolk saw him do that, cloak burning and smoking, merrily smashing goblin skulls together and he cheered. Arkus couldn't believe it.
He was on fire and in danger of setting the house he was near by on fire and the stupid man cheered? Arkus needed water not cheers. Somehow more townsfolk gathered and cheered too. The goblins weren't moving. The weaklings. He needed water, so he went and found one with the cheering crowd. He kicked and hammered all goblins in his path as he sought the well and its cooling waters but by then it was too late, his cloak was ashes and his behind was showing and still the mini crowd cheered. What was wrong with them?
The next thing he knew, he was hailed a hero, given a pair of pants, offered a job by this Aldern fellow who shook his hands and then just like that he was a hero.
A Hero? He was just looking for a place to nap........
These humans don't make sense but at least they're not hunting him out of this town.....
The horse he admitted look fine. It may taste well roasted over a spit with a pinch of wild herbs, he decided.
For now, he wanted his nap. The morning can wait.

Gudada Purrun |

Rolling over in bed, the young man finds himself staring at the the still-burning stub of a black candle. Sighing despite his best intentions not to, he climbs out of the bed and digs into his pack, pulling out the last black candle. He removes the stub from the holder, places the new candle within, and then lights the new candle from the stub. This, Mama, is the final day. If I have performed the rituals properly, even you will be protected from the anger you felt during your life, and you will be able to rest properly.
Then he kneels next to the table and prays. He prays to Desna to guide his mother on her final journey. He prays to Calistria to accept his mother's anger instead of forcing her to bear it. He prays to Cayden to fill his mother's heart with his simple joy. Then he prays to, well, to his mother, asking that she pass on into the next realm and not haunt the people because of how her husband had treated her.
Only then does the Varisian begin his normal morning routine. Wait! I'm supposed to do that hunting thing today! He changes his preparations to spend a day in the woods instead of a day about town.
As he moves his juggling tools out of the way, he spies the goblin blood on the clubs. I should have washed that off yesterday! I hope it doesn't stain them too badly. He takes the time to try to clean them up before heading to breakfast. Hate having to use these as weapons, but the goblins interrupted a performance. Nothing else was handy . . ..
Finally, 'Dada heads into the common room, looking for something with which to break his fast.

DM Sockmonkey |

Tearing up and swooning over you.
My love, my love, I know what not to say, I will wait for you passionately.
And with that you walk up stairs, give a very feminine wave goodbye to her father and are out the door.
Good work! I really did not want to have her running rumors the rest of the time you are in the city.
Everyone gathers at the Goblin Squash stables for the boar hunt. Aldern has purchased everyone a horse and looks excited.
Gentlemen, and lady. Stress on lady, said very flirtatiously.
Let me introduce everyone here.
Aldern goes through everyone telling how he was saved from the wolf riding goblin. (he is embellishing the story in your favor, negating the fact he was cowering). He then introduces Dada and Ark, saying how the mighty warrior saved many townsfolk single handed even after a goblin had set him on fire. And Dada that protected the same group crushing goblin skull after skull with his club. (he also embellishes your story, negating how his friend sobbed like a woman as he hid at the back of the crowd.)
It is a wonderful day, great weather, let us be off!
The ride is a short ride about a mile and a half out of town. During the ride Aldern brings up conversation trying to know more about you all, in a friendly way. (Consider him a fan) He also flirts with Tiktaa openly, his advances are respectful.
Would anyone like to tell a background story about your character? This is a platform for you guys to bond and whatnot. If you do not want to share please post "pass" and I will get things moving again. Tik do you flirt back, a simple yes or no will be fine.

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus is a pass. He does not need everyone to know he's kinda of an escaped slave nor the fact he literally killed everyone to get free.

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Zolarus will also pass. He is in the process of spreading rumors of *his* heroics in Sandpoint build him into something that he is not. He does not want everyone to know that he is just a drunk lecherousness bard. Although, you will find this out soon enough.

DM Sockmonkey |

By the time you reach the tick wood, after about an hour and a half, Aldern you now know is a charming conversationalist, well read and with a seemingly endless cache of stories about the high life in Magnimar. In addition he is also annoying and mildly disturbing at the seemingly growing obsession he is having with his new hero friends.
The ride is quite and after about another half of hour of hunting in the woods Aldern notices tracks.
The hunt is on!
He takes the lead after the tracks.
After a moment you hear Aldern scream, and he comes charging back to the group. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot the boars, ahhhhh!!!
Two very angry boars come flying out from the woods.
This is a small fight no need for a map.
Init Order
Ark, Thim, Tik you guys are up.
Arkus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Tiktaa: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Zolarus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Thim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Dada: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
boars: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Arkus Scargazed |

Arkus looks at Aldern incredulously. Shoot? His remaining one eye unblinking, he decides his action.
Looking at the boars, he sighs and charges in instead.
Attack with Flail, Charge and Rage, AC 15. Values in () used 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 231d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Thim looks with a start at the beast charging the horses. Daggers for teeth . . . daggers for teeth . . . In a sudden panic, he forgets the requirement to avoid magic and lets slip a pair of green eldritch bolts at the closest boar.
cast magic missile. concentration check to cast from the saddle DC 11: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
They flash to the beast circling around the huge orc, striking with their usual perfect accuracy. damage: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 = 9
Moninga pokes his head from the satchel and delivers a frightened squawk. "Sorry, friend. Oh!!" Thim looks down at the spear forgotten in his non-casting hand, "I'm so sorry!, I'm not supposed to use my magic. I will use the stick next time." He whispers an aside to Zolarus, "Is this when we all run home? . . ."

DM Sockmonkey |

Boar #1 is severely injured. Ark smashed his flail into the side of the boar and heard a crunch. Thim forgetting the rules fires arcane magic hitting the pig with daggers for teeth. Tik's crossbow bolt flys by the target and hits a tree in the distance with a twang.
The injured boar attacks Ark.
attack Ark: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Hit damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 Ouch
The second boar attacks Tik!
attack Tik: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Miss
who is it attacking?: 1d5 ⇒ 2 2= Tik
Zolarus, and Dada you guys are up.
Init Order
Boar #1, 19 damage
Boar #2, 00 damage

Gudada Purrun |

Gudada jumps down from the horse and readies the spear.
Yeah, not much, but that's two move actions for him, so . . ..

V'Thamuus 'Thim' Diwanimi |

Thim swings the boar spear around and tries a wild swing at the wounded pig. to hit: 1d20 ⇒ 3 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3 missing entirely.

Arkus Scargazed |

Ark looks at his wounds, glares at the Boar #1 and slams in his flail once more!
Attack!!!!!!! 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 191d10 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11