GM Raltus' Demon Hunting

Game Master Raltus

Book 2 Maps l Loot Lists l Hand Outs

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The group presses on northward into the Noble district, more dead bodies can be found laying in the streets. Ichor and the heavy smell of iron rich blood hangs in the air. Finally you can see Horgus' mansion just a head, it is of moderate size, the front door is slightly a jar and no bodies or anyone can be seen.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

”It appears ye’re home, Lord Horgus. Need us to make sure it’s safe inside?”

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

Lorena doesn't say anything as the "crusaders" leave and they proceed, but she shakes her head as Firinn and Khaz discuss them. Killing an innocent woman for power...does that make them any different from demons? She's sure they would have tried to "sacrifice" her as well, had they seen her.

As they approach Horgus's mansion, Lorena notes something a bit off. "I'd guess you don't usually leave the door open, huh? It looks like someone - or something - got inside. Hopefully they're friendly."

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

"We'll leave you to your business as soon as you like, but it's a good idea to let us check things out quickly to make sure you'll be safe for the time being."

I have to think exactly how I want to do this, I should update tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Opening the door:

The door pushes open without a sound, inside is a scene of chaos, it appears that many people had been through this house looting items. There are no dead bodies or signs of battle in here, the mansion has what was once a fine set of wooden stairs that lead to the second floor but they have been destroyed. A set of Marble stairs that lead to a lower level are showed in darkness.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

”Looks well and proper looted. Don’t see any bodies, that’s good. Lord Horgus, I’d like to look further. Would ye prefer to accompany us or stay here?”

Despite his dislike for the man, Khaz felt sympathy for him. Hearth and home were in danger. Such was never a laughing matter.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

"Well I cannot pay you if you leave enemies in my house." Horgus says with a bit of disgust in his voice, this disgust isn't directed at you but at the situation in his house. The basement remains dark, Horgus told you his vault is in the basement.

Firinn makes a 'wait' gesture and slips into the house, bow ready.

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

He searches thoroughly before reporting back.

Firinn slides a bit on the stairs as he is trying to go down as quietly as possible. As he makes noise he can hear what sounds like someone trying to be quiet as well.

Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, Firinn returns to the group and reports. "I think there may be someone hidden downstairs. We'd best check it out as a group."

With the rest of the group in tow he returns to the head of the stairs and calls down. "Don't worry, we're friends. We want to help."

No response can be heard from Firinn's call

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

"Well. Should we go down and take a look, then?" As she speaks, trying to keep her voice soft enough to avoid alerting anyone, Lorena moves over cautiously, peeking down the dark staircase with her sensitive eyes for any sign of irregularity or disturbance down below.

HP 10/18 l AC 9 (T9, FF 9) l F +2 F +1 W +5 l Ini -1 Perc +2
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1)

Horgus looks at the group, "My money is down stairs, if you want to be paid you should be going to clear it out. I am not sure who would be down there."

Buler?? Anyone??

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

I was waiting for others to make a move. Felt like I was hogging the spotlight...

Khaz nodded. "Aye, aye. We understand. I'd leave nay anybody in danger if I can help it, and I won't leave your house uncleared."

With that said, Khaz hefted his axe and descended.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

...any results from my perception?

hah sorry Lorena

Lorena can hear something but it is almost to far to make out what it is, looking down the stairs she sees nothing that will indicate what is actually down there.

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

"Well, they already know we're here. May as well light things up."
Carson whispers a spell as he flicks his wand, conjuring up a glowing humanoid form that he sends ahead of them to light the hallway.

This is one of the functions of the Dancing Lights spell, oddly enough.

How far can it go down?

Carson's lady of light goes down the stairs, she illuminates the area at the bottom and draws no attacks that you can see.

Perception DC 20:

More hushed voices, sounds like someone is holding someone back

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

"What's going on down there?" Firinn wonders, unable to see or hear anything useful.

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

120 feet
1d20 ⇒ 20 percep

"There's people. Someone is struggling. Be on guard."

Carson subtly turns the light ghost towards the sounds to see what happens.

Again the sounds can be heard but nothing comes towards the bottom of the stairs.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

”Someone is struggling? Let’s go!” Khaz moved with a purpose towards the sounds.

2 nat 20s on Perception!

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

Nodding but staying silent, Lorena follows Khaz down the rabbit hole, spear at the ready. Hopefully these people - if they are people - won't be as hostile as the last group.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

Making his way down, Khaz attempted to move quietly...

Stealth: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (6) - 4 = 2

...but with his heavy mail armor, he completely failed at it. With a sigh, he simply walked down.

Khaz makes a lot of noise as he goes down the stairs, he bumps his large axe against the wall as Lorena looks at him and shakes her head a bit. Carson and Firinn look back at him as well. Khaz gets to the bottom of the stairs and sees that the path splits left and right.

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

Carson is following behind, not attempting to be too stealthy, but also not wearing heavy, clanging armor either.

Which direction did we hear sound from? Carson will direct Khaz to that side.

Firinn is quieter than Khaz, although being less quiet would be practically impossible...

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

To the left of the stairs, Stage right

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

Khaz follows the directions given, taking point for the party.

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

Lorena also tries to keep out of sight and move as silently as possible, even though Khaz's show probably makes it fairly pointless.

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Khaz moves towards the left, as he rounds the bottom of the stairs he sees a dead end passage to his left and closed door almost straight a head of him.

GM Screen:

Initiative Khaz: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Initiative Lorena: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Initiative Carson: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Initiative Firinn: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Tiefling 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Tiefling 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Woman: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Khaz walked over towards the door...

Having flashbacks to the rogue who critted Khaz into oblivion...

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

Carson follows behind some of the more sturdy group members, wand at the ready.

Firinn follows behind Khaz, bow at the ready. From the top of the stairs Rionnag flutters unhappily.

The group stands ready on their side of a closed door, sweat starts to drip in anticipation and fear of what may be on the other side.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

Cautiously Khaz opened the door....

Firinn nocks an arrow...

Khaz opens the door and the room beyond is dark, Khaz's dark vision allows him to see the far wall but there is nothing moving in the room at present.

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

”Watch my back.” Cautiously Khaz went into the room, scanning everything as carefully as possible. Not a single step taken without the utmost care. It would be comical, if it were not for the very real possibility of ending up bleeding out on the floor...again.

Take 20 Perception. No chances taken.

Tiefling Green, Woman
Tiefling Blue, Carson, Firinn <---
Lorena, Khaz

As Khaz enters the room and scans to the side he can see a Tiefling on both sides of him, the one with what now in the actual light has a green tunic is rushing at Khaz's left side.

Short Sword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 101d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

A woman can be seen off to Khaz's far left, finishes what sounds like a spell.

Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]

Mindful of what happened the last time the dwarf rushed into a room filled with tieflings on his own, Lorena quickly peeks in through the door, just in time for the charging one to show up. With a swift motion, she readies her spear and stabs at him.

attack (spear vs green): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
damage (spear vs green): 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

I'm sure I posted here... stupid gremlins!

Seeing a woman trying to cast a spell Firinn draws a deep breath, inhales half way and shoots at her.

Shot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)


Hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

”Always something, isn’t it?” Khaz said as he swung his axe.

Vs Green if the tiefling is alive. Otherwise go for the mage

Firinn's shot goes wide as the amount of bodies in the door way prevent him from aiming correctly.

The blue clothed Tiefling moves in on Khaz as well, trying to slide his blade in to the Dwarf.

Short Sword: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 2 = 201d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Lorena's Spear just manages to piece into the Tiefling Drawing a fountain of blood. Khaz finishes off the Tiefling.

Round 1
Tiefling Blue, Carson <---, Firinn
Lorena, Khaz
Lorena your Flat dmg is listed as +4 on your profile, did I miss something for the +6?

Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)

Hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Ripping his axe out of the first tiefling Khaz tried to swing at the second. It would have been easier if the axe hadn’t gotten stuck inside the first. Rather than swing the blade, he instead ended up lifting the tiefling in green off the floor with it. The “swing” merely sent the corpse tumbling off the axe and across the floor.

That will be your action for round 2 Ok? I will give Carson till 8 PM CST

Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)

Carson moves forward and sling a spear at one of the attacking tieflings!

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24to hit
1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9damage, +1 reoccurring bleed

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