DM Kor's - We Be Goblins (IC Thread)

Game Master Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

We Play Goblins! Crush all dogsies and horsies! Maybe even some stupids goblins!

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Battle Map

Vorka climbs up the side of the cabin wall as easily as a spider would. She then climbs up the stone stove pipe up to the ships rigging.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo was impressed with Vorka's climbing skills and was half tempted to follow right after her but he was a clever gobbo after all. So he sheathed his dagger and pulled out his bow knocking an arrow and taking aim.

Vorka thinks to flee
but shesa gonna die
when mesa shoots her in the eye!

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]


Sorry, I check the thread all the time, but have horrible luck hitting it after a round over post it seems :)

3 Fire after reduction, check!

Previous HP: 10
Fire damage: 6 (-3) = 3

Current HP: 7

male Goblin witch /1

Hrungee summons the courage to move forward to the plank that leads on to the deck.

Me stop you from running and we kill you.

Hrungees scorpion gives a particularly hard bite on his ear and Hrungee casts Daze on Vorka.

DC13 WILL save and she is unable to act next round if she fails

server is not up at the moment I guess. I cant log in to it to mark my move.

Battle Map

The server appeared to be running, but just in case I restarted it.

Just waiting on Thakmaka and Mogmurch to post their round 4 actions now.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Thakmaka only see's one enemy left, so that's where he is heading.

Round 4 actions:

Move Action: Move 30' closer to Vorka, map tools updated.
Feel free to readjust me if needed due to decks etc.

Standard Action: Aiming a Throwing Axe at her if she is in reach and letting it fly.
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Damage Roll: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch bounds over the gang plank and onto the deck, bouncing in place he reach into his boot pouch and pulls out a nasty looking jar with bright red wax around the stoppered appears to have two distinctly different colored layers of slop in them...Mogmurch's eyes begin to get wider (even for a goblin) as he bites his tounge and begins shaking the contents together vigorously, causing himself to rotate as he bounces up and down...

"This fire is real special jack!
When I throws it best step back!
When it hits her it goes splat!
And roast her good just like roast cat!"

Distance to Vorka?? No access to maptools at the moment. Please feel free to place me within range...but not within 5' if course.

Battle Map

Round 4 Summary

Vorka: Seeing Joboo closing in on her after having slain her pet, Vorka literally runs up the side wall of the cabin, and then up the stone stove pipe that rises above it. Vorka double moved and appeared to be moving at a climbing speed of 20'.
Hrungee: Chanted forth a spell directed at Vorka. Will Save vs Daze: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9.
Joboo: Sheathed his dagger and readied his bow while watching Vorka make a hasty retreat away from him.
Thakmaka: Ran to the ladder and climbed it to the 2nd deck. He looked above and saw Vorka about 20' above him and tossed an axe at her, only to watch it sail past her and land somewhere in the muddy, fenced compound below.
Mogmurch: Began shaking up one of his concoctions. (You move 10' up to the top of the plank, and currently still have line of sight on Vorka who is about 30' above you. You still have a standard action available if you want to throw your concoction.)

Round 6
Group 1: Vorka (She appears somewhat dazed and does not do anything this round).
Group 2: Hrungee, Joboo, Thakmaka, Mogmurch

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Now that he had the vile b1tch in his sights; Joboo let his arrow fly.

Shortbow attack - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Damage - 1d4 ⇒ 1

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Alchemists Fire Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Damage Roll: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

"Burn her flesh crispy!!!"

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Growling at himself for having to go look for his shiney throwing axe, Thakmaka tries again. Drawing his second axe he let's it fly again.

Round 5(6?) Actions:

Move: Draw another throwing axe.
Standard: Thrown Axe #2 Flies!
Hit roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

[ooc]Post results: I hate the dice roller sometimes, I really do.[/dice]

Battle Map
DM Kor wrote:
Round 4 Summary

That one should have said Round 5.

Battle Map

Round 5 Summary (Addendum)
Mogmurch: Tosses his agitated concoction up at Vorka, shattering and burning her.

Round 6 Summary
Vorka: Having been the target of a spell cast by Hrungee, she appears somewhat dazed and moves no further.
Joboo: Solidly lodges an arrow into the stovepipe, less than an inch away from Vorka's head.
Thakmaka: Tosses another axe at Vorka but again misses. The axe delfects off the stove pipe and falls harmlessly onto the roof of the upper cabin.
Hrungee: (No Action yet).
Mogmurch: (No Action yet).

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch runs to the base of the structure and begins climbing upwards towards Vorka....

Alchemist Fire Damage from previous jar: 1d6 ⇒ 4

male Goblin witch /1

Why you climb all da way up there stupid!!!

Clearly infuriated about not being able to reach Vorka with any attacks Hrungee heads over to the cabin door

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

"Come down here you Squirrel!" Thakmaka shouts as he stomps off to find his axes.

Battle Map

Round 7

Vorka continues scurrying her way up the stove pipe and then across some rigging over to the main mast crowsnest. It appears that she is reaching down for something.

Vorka has cover (+4 AC) from any ranged attacks at her in the crowsnest.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo was curious as to what Vorka was doing up there and he couldnt really get a good shot at her so he figured he would go see what was happening. He dropped his bow and took a quick running start to jump up onto the mast and start climbing.

Acrobatics - 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 2 = 21

Climb - 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 25

male Goblin witch /1

Hrungee ducks into the cabin door and takes in the surroundings.

perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Battle Map

Mogmurch and Thakmaka, are you two still around?

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Sorry. Did not realize it was my turn.

Mogmurch continues to climb towards Vorka swinging in the rigging...

Climb Roll: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12.
Just let me know when I get near Vorka.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]
DM Kor wrote:

Mogmurch and Thakmaka, are you two still around?

Yup, been refreshing since Thursday waiting for new posts. If my Thursday post wasn't clear, I'm was going to get my thrown axes.

Battle Map

Round 6 Summary
Vorka: Having been the target of a spell cast by Hrungee, she appears somewhat dazed and moves no further.
Joboo: Solidly lodges an arrow into the stovepipe, less than an inch away from Vorka's head.
Thakmaka: Tosses another axe at Vorka but again misses. The axe delfects off the stove pipe and falls harmlessly onto the roof of the upper cabin.
Hrungee: Hrungee walks up to the door of the main deck cabin.
Mogmurch: Runs across the deck of the ship and climbs to the second level.

Round 7 Summary
Vorka: Continues her climb up the smoke stack and then runs across the rigging to the main mast crow's nest.
Joboo: Takes a run at the main mast and leaps nearly 10' high, and then begins climbing quickly up the main mast. Joboo only has another 10' to climb to reach the crowsnest where Vorka is.
Thakmaka: Climbs up to the roof of the second deck cabin and retrieves an axe.
Hrungee: Opens the door to the main cabin and looks around.
Mogmurch: Mogmurch begins climbing the main mast but finds it quite diffcult to grip and makes little progress. Looking up, he finds he has a nice view of Joboo's butt, about 20' above him.


The air in this cabin is thick and close, stinking of swamp
and sweat, with a thick, glistening layer of mud on the floor
and swaths of oily fungus clinging to the walls. Even more
dangling decorations of goblin bone and animal-part fetishes
hang from the ceiling on lengths of sinew here, and what
appears to be a nest made of rags, sticks, mud, and castoff
bits of clothing lies against the westernmost wall. But
scattered amid the filth and clutter are several exotic-looking
man-made objects—including a tantalizing red chest.

Battle Map

Round 8 Starts

Vorka begins speaking aloud a long incantation.

Vorka spends her whole round casting a spell, but it appears to happen... yet. Everyone else may now go.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Ooh! oi! wesa have to hurry Mogmurch! Musta kill evil Vorka!

The sly gobbo continues to climb hoping to get there in time to stop those scary sounding words that could steal your brain bits.

Climb - 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

When he gets to the top and into the crows nest he'll draw his dagger.

Battle Map

Joboo climb up and rolls into the crowsnest while drawing his dagger. Vorka's brow wrinkles in anger, as Joboo has gained her full attention.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

"I hope my aim is true, and that my axe sticks to your face like glue!"

Attack Action:

Standard: Hurled Axe Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 (not counting cover if she still has it.)
Damage Roll: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Move: Spent going after another axe.

post roll complaint: "I hate you dice roller."
Nothing roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18 <-- see! It's mocking me!

male Goblin witch /1

OOEE what a pretty red chest!! I bet she keep her good magic inside it.

Hrungee will search through the man made objects to see if he sees anything of value and then move over to the chest and cast det magic on it.
perception search objects 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

focusing det magic on the chest as well.

Battle Map

Mogmurch tries to climb up the mast again.

Climb: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Mogmurch starts to make slow progress in his climb but then hits a smooth section and slides back down, getting splinters in his hands. He looks up and curses at Joboo, as he made it look so easy.

Battle Map


Searching through the items in the room you find the following:
- a bejeweled silver and jade lantern, 150gp
- 12 masterwork shuriken
- ivory and gold fan depicting a gecko walking amid cherry blossoms, 80 gp
- hairpin with a red pearl at one end, 150 gp
- a magic wand
- a magic elixir in a crystal vial, 50 gp

After searching the room you approach the chest and prepare to open it.

Battle Map

Round 8 Summary
Vorka: Begins casting a spell.
Joboo: Finishes his climb up the tall mast and hops into the crow's nest.
Thakmaka: Throws an axe at Hrungee and misses. Despite his bad luck in throwing, fortune seems to find him as the axe bounces off the main mast and clatters to a landing a few feet away from him.
Hrungee: Searches around the main deck cabin.
Mogmurch: Mogmurch tries to climb up the mast again, but makes no progress. (DC is 15)

Male Pale Master

Heh, heh, heh...mesa find you wicked Vorka. too bad for yusa!

He didnt know why she was waving her pudgy fingers around like that but it probably wouldnt bode well for him so the sneaky gobbo draws his dagger and slashes at her face.

Attack - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Damage - 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

male Goblin witch /1

DM Kor:
Hmm nice little treats. I take wand for me and potion to. What is this hairthingy do hmm? It shiny so i like to.

Hrungee jams the hairpin into his earlobe and stows the wand and flask into his pack.

Deese flingythingys and da lantern....meh not shiny enough to keeps. I tell da others bout these when dat Vorka is dead and dey is finished

Hrungee moves over to the chest and looks at it. IQ check to even stop and think this may be trapped1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Hmmm if dis was my stuff i make it hard to steal it. But Vorka not as smart as Hrungee so she didn't make it hard.

Hrungee flicks open the latch......CLICK!

Battle Map

Vorka concentrates hard, trying to complete her spell, however Joboo slashes out at her and breaks her focus.

Concentration check DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Joboo: Because she did not cast on the defensive, I am treating your above attack as an attack of opportunity. You may now post your attack for this round.

While uttering some nasty goblin swears, Vorka draws her scimitar and takes a swing at Joboo.

Scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Battle Map


The chest is unlocked and when you swing open the lid... no traps appear to be set off. Inside, the chest is full of fireworks:
- 14 Desnan candles
- 20 paper candles
- 7 skyrockets

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Hehehe...yusa look much prettier with cut on face...hohoho...

Joboo could hardly believe he was standing right in front of the legendary Vorka but that didnt deter him from again slashing at the dangerous gobbo female.

Attack - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Damage - 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

but in the back of his mind he was scared and not very focused.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Thakamaka curses as he again misses, and collects his axe for another futile strike.

Battle Map
Thakmaka wrote:

Thakamaka curses as he again misses, and collects his axe for another futile strike.

It only took a move action to collect your axe. You can throw it again, but now with Vorka being in melee combat and having cover, her AC for ranged attacks is 25. Still possible to hit though, even with the Paizo dice -- although that could be debated :)

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Maybe it's the spoiler tag...Ya lets try it. Though I will probably fumble now.

Attack Action: Throwing Axe
To Hit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Well butter my rump, I hit!

Thakmaka takes a round to cheer his good fortune.

Battle Map

Mogmurch tries yet again to climb up the mast, appearing somewhat annoyed.

Climb check (DC 15): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Battle Map

Round 9 Summary
Vorka: Many little bees begin forming in the air around Joboo, as Vorka nearly completes her spell. Having crawled into the crow's nest seconds before Vorka finished her summoning, the deft goblin struck out with a dagger, injuring Vorka and ruining her spell. The partial formed bees dissipated as quickly as they had formed.
Joboo: Grinning at having disturbed Vorka's spell, Joboo struck out confidently yet again, but perhaps over confidentally as the only solid his dagger found was the wood of the mast he stabbed.
Thakmaka: Looking frustrated, Thakmaka picks up his nearby fallen axe and throws it yet again, waiting to see it strike the bottom of the crow's nest yet again. Much to his surprise, he sees a spray of blood erupt from above and rain down around him, followed by a high pitched goblin squeal which he was fairly certain was not Joboo's.
Hrungee: Continues his perusal within the main deck cabin.
Mogmurch: Mogmurch again attempts to make progress in climbing up the mast, but the smooth wooden surface simply seems to difficult for his climbing talents.

Battle Map

Scatter spread for thrown axe (1 = Thakmaka, then clockwise)1d8 ⇒ 1

Almost as if his bad luck streak had ended, the axe tumbles back down falling towards Thakmaka's feet.

I'll even give Thakmaka a DC 15 Dex check to try to catch the axe as it falls in front of him, thereby negating a move action to pick it up. Although, if you opt for this attempt, rolling a 1 means you cut yourself on the axe. The real question, is how cool does Thakmaka want to look in front of his friends?

Battle Map

Round 10 Begins

Vorka, looking more desperate than ever, slashes out wildly at Joboo, intent on disemboweling him.

Scimitar attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'


HP = 8/10

Jobbo screams as the scimitar slashed across his precious guts. He flashes his fangs and stabs out at her eyes.

Attack - 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8

Damage - 1d3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5

DM Kor:
Forgot about the potion of Bulls Strength. First round damage shouldve been 4 not 2.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]
DM Kor wrote:

Scatter spread for thrown axe (1 = Thakmaka, then clockwise)1d8

Almost as if his bad luck streak had ended, the axe tumbles back down falling towards Thakmaka's feet.

I'll even give Thakmaka a DC 15 Dex check to try to catch the axe as it falls in front of him, thereby negating a move action to pick it up. Although, if you opt for this attempt, rolling a 1 means you cut yourself on the axe. The real question, is how cool does Thakmaka want to look in front of his friends?


With a setup like that how can i resist trying to be cool?!

Thakmaka can't think of a reason not to stick his hand out in front of a spinning blade, so he unquestionably tries to 'catch' it.

Dex Check(DC 15): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

AW! you see that, the boards let me have 1 second of cool, just to kick poor Thakamak's ego again.

male Goblin witch /1

Hrungee woops with excitement!!
WOOOHAAAA!! Me finds the boomers!

Hrungee closes the lid and drags the chest towards the door. Stepping to the opening he looks out to see what has happened since he went in the cabin.

perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Battle Map

Thakmaka: although you missed catching the axe, you can still pick it up and throw it on this turn.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

and Indeed he shall, though not as cool!

Move: go get the axe, pat it nicely for doing a good job and then huck it back up. I'm assuming it is special and couldn't possibly miss now that it's tasted blood.

Standard (attack, Hand Axe):
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Thakmaka grins wickedly as the impossible throw is repeated. This is how it should be he thinks, if the animals climb away, Thakmakas axes will join the fray!

Battle Map

Round 10 Summary
Vorka: Vorka takes a wild swing at Joboo's stomache and connects causing a red line to form across his belly. This makes Vorka grin.
Joboo: Joboo stabs his dagger towards Vorka, but the pain of being slashes clearly threw off his aim.
Thakmaka: Retrieved his axe from the ground in front of him and threw it back up at Vorka, causing another shower of blood from above.
Hrungee: Appears back in the doorway to the cabin and looks around while exclaiming that he has found the firebooms.
Mogmurch: Mogmurch considers his other options, but at the mention of fireworks being found he quickly runs down to the main deck and peruses his new found attack options.

Battle Map

1d8 ⇒ 8
Again luck would have it as your axe lands 5' away to your right. It will take a 5' move to get the axe, a move action to pick it up, which will leave you with a standard action to throw it.

Coming out of the cabin you see Vorka and Joboo dancing around up in the main mast crow's nest. Blood is dripping down from the nest. You see Mogmurch run right past you and begins salivating over the fireworks. You can sort of see Thakmaka, who appears to be collecting an axe that just fell from above.

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