DM Kor's - We Be Goblins (IC Thread)

Game Master Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

We Play Goblins! Crush all dogsies and horsies! Maybe even some stupids goblins!

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Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

No. The rules on poison have always been very vague, but that is how one would get it. I don't think they are synthesizing it in a lab. I figured a Knowledge: Nature roll would seem appropriate as well.

Doses obtained: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Survival Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

male Goblin witch /1

Perception. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Me search over here

from my phone

Battle Map

Looking around Lotzalegs' ambush spot both Joboo and Mogmurch find what they believe to be her trail. The goblins follow it for about a minute and find her lair which consists of a deadfall of several old trees. Scattered amid the trees are dozens of bodies, some of which are goblins, but a few of which are humans. A search of the area reveals the following items among the bodies: 24 gp, a Small masterwork light crossbow with 11 bolts, a single pearl (worth 100 gp), 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, a potion of bull’s strength, a potion of bear’s endurance, and a wax-paper-sealed package containing six pieces of licorice-flavored taffy.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo danced a little jig and clapped at the sight of the pile of loot before him and his the others. As much as he wanted it all to himself he was prepared to share it. Slush had beaten him a few times for keeping stuff theyd found to himself...but Slush not here is he? he quickly shoveled two pieces of the yummy taffy into his mouth before passing the package around.

wesa big mula mudda fudda gobbos now! woo hoo! who want what?

Battle Map

It appears no one else has claimed any loot? I will assume then that Joboo is carrying it all unless anyone else says otherwise. We now return to encountering the ship.

After a few more hours of travel you come to the point indicated on Scribbleface’s map. It isn’t quite on the coast, but it’s close enough to hear the faint susurrus of waves crashing on an unseen swampy shoreline. The site itself is obvious once it is approached—a large wrecked ship lodged in a shallow pool of swamp water.

A two-masted ship lies mired in the mud in this clearing, its rigging thick with moss and decorated with lanterns and windchimes made from goblin skulls and bones. Strange writing is faintly visible along the ship’s prow, while the soggy, swampy “yard” that surrounds the wreck is encircled by a rickety wooden fence. A thin curl of smoke wafts up from a chimney that protrudes from an unusual box-like structure near the ship's bow.

A wooden gangplank inclines up in the front of the ship.

The thick mud you are standing in hampers your movement (half movement). What do you wish to do?

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Quietly, Mogmurch turns to the others and says...

"Looks likes someone is dare. Day is smokes in the chimley. We should be quiet so's not to wakes anyone. We should scout around and see if they is a betta wayz to gets in. Who eva it is they have no problem killin goblinses."

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo was tempted to sneak off with the big bag of loot he had but he had designs on being a very famous gobbo and that meant seeing the mission to score the book sticks through to the end.

The sight of the mud mired ship sent shivers racing up his short spine and made him let out a particularly greasy fart which he giggled at.

He'd have to summon all the courage he could to enter it. He hunkered down as small as he could get in the mud and looked for a highger ground approach to board the boat.

Ooh! oi! Mogmurch isa right. Mesa go left...or maybe rite? uh...mesa go that way first.

He held out his pointing which way he intended which was of course left.

Stealth - 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
Perception - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

male Goblin witch /1

Me is sticking near Thakmaka and cover him if he gets in trouble.

hrungee moves with thak and readies his pitiful little mace

perception1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

stealth1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Sorry, laptop died, back online and catching up!

Remembering he is a Ranger of sorts, Thakamaka decides to look for tracks, or signs of activity, that way he can know whether to be sneaky or not.

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Track:(Survival Roll) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

And just because everyone else is acting sneaky, I will too!
Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24

Battle Map

Joboo begins walking around the perimeter of the fence, crawling and running from tree, to bush, trying to remain unseen. So far the only entrance he sees is the front gate, although the wooden fence would be easy to crawl under at any place. The only way up to the ship he sees is the gangplank at the front of the s#%~.

Staying low, Thakmaka approaches the gate to the yard and looks around for tracks. He does not find much of interest other than some recently upturned mud in within the yard.

Also staying low to the ground, Hrungee remains behind Thakmaka scanning around for threats.

Mogmurch approaches the fenced area as well, waiting to see what the others reveal.

Is anyone entering the yard?

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch crawls under the fence post and tries to stealthily make his way to the left side of the ship just under the bow...

Steath Roll: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo was liking walking through the mud. It was all squishy in between his toes. Seeing that the others were making a move towards the boat, he followed suit by slipping (literally in the mud) under the fence and keeping his suspicious eyes on everything.

Perception - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Stealth - 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch eyes the gang plank to the ship and the strange box at the bow...

Perception Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

I've lived this long by waiting to see what bad things happen to others first. So lets see what happens. Thinks Thakamaka.

Whispering to Hrungree: "Stay low, they're going to sniff out the dogs. If they come barking we get to the choppin'."

Battle Map

Just after they slide under the fence, Joboo and Mogmurch happen to see an old weathered horse poke its head around from the back of the ship. It slowly starts to trot forward, when it gives a sudden 'snort' and seems to stare directly at Mogmurch. The filthy, dark gray stallion raises a foreleg and stomps on the ground as if preparing to charge.

Following this snort, the barks and howls of 2 or more dogs can be heard from the decks of the ship.

Hrungee Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Joboo Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Thakmaka Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Mogmurch Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Horse Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Group 1: Hrungee
Group 2: Horse
Group 3: Thakmaka, Joboo, Mogmurch

male Goblin witch /1

Hrungee could feel his knuckles pop as he gripped the mace with all his might.

Thak me have run out of magic to use. Now i have to do things the smash way.

Hrungee makes his skin more hard with his best magic he can and his scorpion digs in a claw to hang on for the battle.

hrungee casts mage armor +4 ac. New AC 16

Hrunee will move and take cover at the fence if its close enough.

stealth 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

I literally begin frothing at the mouth, getting pumped up for the inevitable choppin! I look to my fellow Goblin and smile wickedly as I draw my sword from my hiding spot and begin counting all the trophies to be had.

Once it's my turn, I will check map tools for actual movement and actions.

"Dogs, and horses mean pinkys too." Thakamaka says excitedly.

Drawing 'Gorge' from his belt he licks his lips in anticipation.

"Watch out for them, but lets do those animals in right now." I'm going to cut their throats and bellys with my slicer. You can follow me if you want to get a few pounds in with your beater. Make your arm stronger!"

Using a shield, add +2 to my AC for this combat. New total: 23

Battle Map

The horse charges at Mogmurch, the deep mud apparently not slowing its progress at all. The old mare kicks up a lot fresh mud, and gives Joobo a nice muddy shower.

Charging Hoof Attack: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Battle Map

Since all of you are fairly close, here are the observations you make of the ship:

Gangplank: A vine-choked gangplank with a mossy handrail descends sharply from the ship’s bow to the muddy ground below. One handrail seems to be encrusted with a large ball of dried mud.

Forecastle: This odd "box like" building is at the highest point of the ship and has a large stovepipe extending out of the top of it. There are wisps of smoke leaving the chimney.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

no more maptools?

For some odd reason that only a goblin could explain; Joboo enjoyed the mud being thrown on him from the Longlegs. But he didnt enjoy being within the vile creatures reach so he drew his dagger and attacked.

Attack - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Damage - 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

"Ah! A snorting, naying, goblins stompin' beast o' terror!"

Mogmurch screams in terror at the goblin stomping monster, and runs back to the fence line...diving under the fence...

Full Round Action: Withdraw

Battle Map
Joboo wrote:
no more maptools?

Oh my, so sorry about that. I've had the map up for about 4 days now... but apparently forgot to start the server. Sorry. That does explain why no one was moving their tokens.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

No worries. I now have maptools at work so Ill be able to keep up with it better. Im too far away to attack so retcon action to draw dagger and the potion of Bull's strength.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Thakamaka complains as he slogs through the mud to one of his most hated enemies.

"ARGH! Da damn mud be grabbing my feet! Ugh it's slowing me down!"

I'm sure I just provoked an AOO, by leaving his first 10' threatened square.

Battle Map
Thakamak wrote:
I'm sure I just provoked an AOO, by leaving his first 10' threatened square.

Lucky for you, horses do not have reach :)

Battle Map

Sorry for the delay, I have just returned from working out of town for two days. On with the show...

male Goblin witch /1

When it is his turn

With all the courage he could muster Hrungee runs forward to the monstrous beast and lays his pulsing black hand on the beasts side. At the same time the scorpion familiar drives his stinger into hrungee's ear to give him the evil magic juice and lets the evil flow through.

Touch attack roll1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

inflict light wounds DC 14 will save for half damage
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Battle Map

Round 1 Summary

Hrungee cast a spell which appears to magically armor him, and then he slinks behind a fence post for concealment.

The mare that had poked his head around the back of the ship spotted Mogmurch and charged at him, landing a hoof on his chest.

Ash the horse charged by, Joboo sips back a potion.

Thakmaka dove foward, preparing to engage the wicked beast.

Mogmurch, who felt his chest nearly cave in, runs away from the horse.

Round 2 Starts
Group 1: Hrungee
Group 2: Horse
Group 3: Thakmaka, Joboo, Mogmurch

Battle Map

The mare glares down at Thakmaka, but then suddenly Hrungee runs up and touches it.

Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

The horse snorts a slimy mist towards Hrungee, who now has its full attention.

Hoof #1: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Hoof #2: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The sounds of barking, snarling dogs echoing down from the ship grows more intense.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Bulls Strength = Strength +2

Jobbo flexes his mighty muscles and giggling evilly rushes in to attack the horses flank. His favorite spot. He had to kill the longlegs before those nasty dogs got here! He lashes out with his dagger.

Attack - 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 22
Damage - 1d3 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 + (2) = 8

Battle Map

The horse whinies in pain after being struck by Joobo's vicious blow. Although significantly wounded, the mare still holds its ground and seems even more determined to stomp out the goblin menace surrounding it.

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch although frightened but not injured, moves back to put some distance between himself and the creature. Desperately wanting to douse the hoofed nightmare in acid. Reaching in his boot he pulls out a vial and stares at it...

Let Thakmaka's chopper chop.

Battle Map

With the Gorge of Gluttons in his hand, Thakmaka swings a wild chop at the mare.

Gorge attack: (+4 Melee, +2 favored enemy, +3 Gorge, +2 feat, +2 flank) 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Damage: (+2 Str, +2 favored enemy, +3 Gorge, +2 feat) 1d4 + 9 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 9 + (6, 3) = 20

Thakmaka connects with the horses' neck and feels the power of the blade tingle throughout his body. His own special training against this creature seems to arouse the magical energies within the weapon. His stroke continues through the horse's neck, ending with a solid "thunk" as the beast's severed head falls to the ground.

The body begins to tilt and appears like it will topple to the ground shortly.

From above, chimes of chains being dropped onto the deck are soon followed by silence where the sounds of yelping dogs once echoed forth.

Battle Map

Round 3 Starts
Group 1: Hrungee, Thakmaka, Joboo, Mogmurch
Group 2: Unknown

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch readies an attack action. Ready to throw a vial if anything begins coming down the plank.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Jobbo was clearly impressed with Thakmaka's tellig blow against the longlegs.

Ooh! oi! Usa kill it good Thakmaka! Uh oh, sounds like nasty doggsies.

The dagger wielding goblin moves towards the gangplank and readies an attack against anything that gets near him.

male Goblin witch /1

Die longlegs!!!

Hrungee moves to the edge of the fence and readys his mace.

me uses last of hurty magic against longlegs now I use old fashioned magic and smash things with dis.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Stealth 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Battle Map

Hopefully Thakmaka is okay. I'll roleplay him for a few days until he returns.

Thakmaka advances towards the gangplank of the ship. Holding the Gorge of Gluttons in his hand, dripping with horse blood, he grins a large smile. He know's there are dogs near, and this seems to excite him.

He looks up the gangplank and then looks back at the rest and asks, "Yous' all ready for dis?"

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Murderous glee shines in Joboo's beady red eyes at the thought of killing hated dogzies and in the back of his ugly little head was the thought that such a big boat should have lots of booty.

Oh wesa ready Thakmaka! Go go go!

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

Power outages, I'm in the New England area so I just got power back, woo! Catching Up now.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

"Dogs will be easy now, we took down the horse with no troubles, we be famous boys. Let's get those dogs!"

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo nodded his small head enthusiastically at Thakmaka's claim.

Osa kaya Thak! Wesa rite behind you. You slay longlegs with mighty chop. Dosa same thing with nasty vile dogzies. Mesa hate dogzies. They can find Joboo when he been sneaky.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]


Until we hit combat, I'll try to lead the search for the dogs and trying to be sneaky. Granted we just fought a horse and all...but hey, Goblins aren't always so wise.

I'll be moving my piece to the sounds of barking wherever they are though.

Battle Map

The dog barks seem strangely silent right now.

We'll pop out of combat/initiative right now.

For those that can pass a DC 10 Knowledge (nature) check:

Successful Check:

You realize that some of the yelps were likely from Goblin Dogs (which are not considered dogs).

Echoing from above you hear the raspy shouting of a female goblin, "First idiot that steps their fungus filled foot on my ship is going into my stew pot!" An eerie cackling follows.

Male Goblin (Licktoad Tribe) Alchemist/1

Mogmurch moves over to the bottom of the gang plank near Thakmaka, kicking the horse corpse as he passes by...

Knowledge Nature Roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

"Das okay meanie! We plans on burning the ship down around you anyways! You just stays put! Me likes my flesh roasted anyways!"

Mogmurch reaches in his boot and pulls out a smokin' stick and tosses it up at the top of the gang plank...

"Yay! Watch it burn! Watch it burn! Woo Hoo!"

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

At first Joboo was frightened of the voice from the ship.

whispering - mesa bets thats Vorka...shesa gonna try to eats us...Joboo dont want to be Vorka stew...

but then the fear gave way to pure evil thoughts of how famous he would be if he killed Vorka. So he threw himself into the thought of sliding his dagger across her throat.

still whispering - mesa gonna sneak, sneak, sneak around the house and climb up to surprise nasty Vorka.

Joboo glides off straight east as silent as blood pooling under a body.

Stealth - 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

"I kinda like the idea of fireing her. Ya do that!" Thakamaks says with a grin to Mogmurch.

Male Goblin Ranger(Archtype: Trapper) [1]

"I kinda like the idea of fireing her. Ya do that!" Thakamaka says with a grin to Mogmurch.

Battle Map

"You stupid gobo's! Get'em!", the same voice shouts out. Snarls and yelps can again be heard. "The only fire you are going to see is the one under my cauldron cooking you tender!"

Hrungee Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Joboo Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Thakmaka Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Mogmurch Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Vorka and crew Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Round 1

Group 1: Hrungee
Group 2: Vorka et al
Group 3: Joboo, Thakmaka, Mogmurch

male Goblin witch /1

knowledge nature 1d20 ⇒ 1 untrained use bwahaha

Hrungee hears the barking of the dogs again and gets set to smash the first one that gets near him.

Me is not a heavy duty gobo so me waits for the big swingas to go den I follow em.

Hrungee moves over to shadow Thrak and will move in when he goes

Delaying and readying my mace to swing at whatever comes in range

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