The Dragon |

Hmm. I don't suppose you'd let me use the pre-erreta version of the Aasimar Oracle Favored Class Bonus? It used to add +½ to your oracle level to one revelation, but now it only adds +1/6th.
Planning to do Sorcerer//Life Oracle. The upshot of allowing me to use the +½ FCB would be that I could use Channel to heal 2d6 at level 2, and gain another d6 at 5th and 6th level.
Essentially, the channel pattern becomes ||-||-||-... instead of |-|-|-|..., which is great, because it allows channel to be vaguely appropriate in-combat healing. If not, that's okay, but I'll probably go heavens or lunar mystery instead of life, then.
It looks to me like there's neither much arcane casting nor much divine casting planned, so making a problem solver that has both seems like it'd be cool.

GM Runescarred Dragon |

By the way, what definition are we using for 'crystalline'? Shatter says this:
Targeted against a crystalline creature of any weight blah blah blah
Metal is a crystalline structure, but there's a very real chance that what the writers meant when they wrote that spell was, 'Made out of shiny, see-through rock.'

Pahlok |

Tachi Kamai – Sylph Witch (White Haired)/Monk Unchained
A monk with no WIS bonus? Interesting...
It's a bit unorthodox, but it gets the job done. Stunning Fist is next to useless (especially in a gestalt world), and the Wisdom to AC bonus is nice, but not as useful as Dexterity for her. Her first and second levels will be Unchained Monk, and then she will be a Lore Warden/WHW from level 3 on. This will grant her essential and useful feats and abilities, such as Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Dodge, and Evasion.
Here's a short breakdown of her path to level 4, the point at which her abilities really start to "click".
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Weapon Finesse
Relevant Class Features: Arcane casting, crab familiar, white hair (5ft) with grab, bonus feats
Summary: This is a solid start for her, allowing her to contribute well in melee while also being a fine arcane caster. She should be able to grapple effectively while dishing out damage and supporting the party with magic.
Feats: Dodge
Relevant Class Features: Evasion, constrict with hair
Summary: More damage from constrict, more AC, and the ever-useful evasion. The two levels of Monk have also helped shore up her reflex save for the Lore Warden levels to come. This is where her journey as a Monk ends, as she is now swift as a coursing river.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Mobility
Relevant Class Features: Scholastic, bonus feats, second level spells
Summary: This level is mostly about building towards the next. She has a strong base and this is sort of intermediary. This is where she starts picking up extra ranks in knowledge skills, though, which will help keep the party in the know. Second level spells are also great!
Feats: Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Relevant Class Features: White hair (10ft), trip with hair, expertise, bonus feats
Summary: With all the force of a great typhoon, her hair now has reach and can smack all the baddies within that reach, grabbing, tripping, and/or constricting them as necessary. Since she got Combat Expertise for free this level, she used her fighter bonus feat ability to retrain the previously taken Combat Expertise into Spring Attack, and took Whirlwind Attack with her bonus feat for that level.
From there on, she really just builds upon that concept of battlefield control, increasing her reach and capabilities while remaining a full arcane caster.

The Dragon |

DM IRONlord wrote:
Tachi Kamai – Sylph Witch (White Haired)/Monk Unchained
A monk with no WIS bonus? Interesting...
It's a bit unorthodox, but it gets the job done. Stunning Fist is next to useless (especially in a gestalt world), and the Wisdom to AC bonus is nice, but not as useful as Dexterity for her. Her first and second levels will be Unchained Monk, and then she will be a Lore Warden/WHW from level 3 on. This will grant her essential and useful feats and abilities, such as Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Dodge, and Evasion.
Here's a short breakdown of her path to level 4, the point at which her abilities really start to "click".
** spoiler omitted **...
I remember back in 3.5e, where the only ones ever using the actual monk class were self-flagelants, or warriors looking for bonus feats without meeting the prerequisites. Improved Trip was a bigger deal back then.

Pahlok |

I remember back in 3.5e, where the only ones ever using the actual monk class were self-flagelants, or warriors looking for bonus feats without meeting the prerequisites. Improved Trip was a bigger deal back then.
It's tough not to cherry-pick a little. Thankfully, there's more to dipping Monk than just bonus feats.

Valki Valka |

Valki Valka wrote:I believe it just modifies them. So you would still get the boost to strength.Question: The primal hunter barbarian archetype ability, Focused Rage, alters Rage. Does it replace the bonuses Rage gives, or add to them?
If it replaces them, I still have some re-crunching to do.
Thanks for confirming that! In that case, Valki Valka is ready to go.

Darthrancor |

Crunch is done on my entry, Rhangil Vesperian, Grimspawn Tiefling Occultist//Unchained Rogue.

The Dragon |

The Dragon wrote:I remember back in 3.5e, where the only ones ever using the actual monk class were self-flagelants, or warriors looking for bonus feats without meeting the prerequisites. Improved Trip was a bigger deal back then.It's tough not to cherry-pick a little. Thankfully, there's more to dipping Monk than just bonus feats.
Hey, I'm not judging. Just thinking back on fun times is all.

![]() |

Jex “Thorium” Baine – Ratfolk Magus (Kensai)/Swashbuckler (Inspired blade)
I like the duo, but you do know you can't use the Estoc with your Inspired Finesse, or the Rapier with your Canny Defense, yes?That's it for now. I will get the next batch up after I get home from work.
I was already aware that I cannot use the estoc with inspired Finesse, but I already had Weapon Focus (Rapier) from the Inspired Swashbuckler.
However, I had not noticed that a Kensai's Canny defense required them to be wielding specifically their chosen weapon.
My intention was to just use the rapier, but because of already having Weapon Focus (rapier) from the other half of the gestalt, I figured I wouldn't be able to take it again.
So, question then, can I receive Weapon Focus (Rapier) from both sides of the gestalt? Obviously they won't stack, I'd just have the same feat from two different sources.

DM IRONlord |

Hmm. I don't suppose you'd let me use the pre-erreta version of the Aasimar Oracle Favored Class Bonus? It used to add +½ to your oracle level to one revelation, but now it only adds +1/6th.
Planning to do Sorcerer//Life Oracle. The upshot of allowing me to use the +½ FCB would be that I could use Channel to heal 2d6 at level 2, and gain another d6 at 5th and 6th level.
Essentially, the channel pattern becomes ||-||-||-... instead of |-|-|-|..., which is great, because it allows channel to be vaguely appropriate in-combat healing. If not, that's okay, but I'll probably go heavens or lunar mystery instead of life, then.
It looks to me like there's neither much arcane casting nor much divine casting planned, so making a problem solver that has both seems like it'd be cool.
Ehh, I'd rather not mess with things at the start, this being my first PbP DM experience. Maybe down the line I'll feel more comfortable house-ruling things, but going gestalt is a big enough thing to chew on for me right now.
I think I'll actually go with Mesmerist//Sorcerer. The classes fit very well together flavor-fully, even if there is obviously going to be significant overlap mechanically. I'll probably go with kitsune for race. When is the deadline?
End of the month. That could be a pretty powerful combo, especially if you take the impossible bloodline.
DM: How strict is your interpretation of the vow of the ecclesitheurge? Can he still wear bracers of armor?
That... hmmm... I don't know... RAW you should. RAI no idea. The flavor text does say PHYSICAL armor. I will have to think on that. Let me get back to ya.
By the way, what definition are we using for 'crystalline'? Shatter says this:
Quote:Targeted against a crystalline creature of any weight blah blah blahMetal is a crystalline structure, but there's a very real chance that what the writers meant when they wrote that spell was, 'Made out of shiny, see-through rock.'
I'm pretty sure they meant shiny see-through rock. I'll stick with creatures actually described as crystalline or brittle etc. etc. I'm all for creative uses for spells, but I'm mostly going to rule in favor of established mechnics.
DM IRONlord wrote:
Jex “Thorium” Baine – Ratfolk Magus (Kensai)/Swashbuckler (Inspired blade)
I like the duo, but you do know you can't use the Estoc with your Inspired Finesse, or the Rapier with your Canny Defense, yes?That's it for now. I will get the next batch up after I get home from work.
I was already aware that I cannot use the estoc with inspired Finesse, but I already had Weapon Focus (Rapier) from the Inspired Swashbuckler.
However, I had not noticed that a Kensai's Canny defense required them to be wielding specifically their chosen weapon.
My intention was to just use the rapier, but because of already having Weapon Focus (rapier) from the other half of the gestalt, I figured I wouldn't be able to take it again.
So, question then, can I receive Weapon Focus (Rapier) from both sides of the gestalt? Obviously they won't stack, I'd just have the same feat from two different sources.
Yes, you can, and n cases of overlapping bonus feats, specifically ones you don't get to pick, from both sides of the gestalt, I would allow you to retrain the redundant feat at a later level. As long as it is something appropriate and you qualify for it.
Would you allow me to take the Dervish Dancer feat with only one instead of two ranks in perform(dance)? This would be a way to pull the two sides of Garri together at level 1, because the scimitar is Sarenrae's holy weapon, and the unchained rogue is really built around weapon finesse.
Nope, I don't want to start redesigning feat prereqs just yet.

oyzar |

Yes, will go impossible bloodline of course, it was one of those I already considered. I'm toying with the idea of crossblooding into fey bloodline, but I don't think I'll do it as the flavor is kinda rough. Just making sure, but steadfast personality works with towering ego right? I wish I had a way to boost my fort saves. Great Fortitude is kinda lackluster.

DM IRONlord |

Character reviews part 2
Trissandra – Android Wizard/Magus(Bladebound/Kensai)
Missed ya on my earlier perusal. I reserve the right to DMPC your Black Blade's dialogue.
Ninier – Android Investigator (Empericist)/Ranger (Galvanic Saboteur)
You only get one favored class bonus, unless you go Half-Elf. And yes, some of the encounters will be amped up. NPC baddies will also be gestalted. Looking at the builds, I probably should have reined in the ability to min-max on the point buy, but I am not going to change things now. That would be uncool. So min-max away everyone.
Takek Iron-Back – Human Brawler(Exemplar)/Cleric
Illyan Sabochesky – Human Fighter/Magus (Bladebound)
Your sheet is a bit messy, but that's not a huge deal. It looks like you are two points over in your stats, and I think you are short a feat too.
Valki Valka – Human Barbarian (Numerian Liberator/Primal Hunter)/Slayer
Yay, somebody picked the Numerian Liberator! I must confess, I'm a bit unnerved by the paired submissions, because I'm afraid to split em up if it comes to it.
Rhangil Vesperin - Tiefling Occultist/Rogue
Cool and unique concept.
That's it for now, if I missed you let me know. There are a couple of incomplete submissions that I haven't reviewed, I know.

Illyan Sobachesky |

Illyan Sabochesky – Human Fighter/Magus (Bladebound)
Your sheet is a bit messy, but that's not a huge deal. It looks like you are two points over in your stats, and I think you are short a feat too.
What is messy in the sheet? I will try to correct that.
For the stat/feat thing, the explanation is in the "Traits, feats and special abilities:" section:
Dual Talent
Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits.
From here.

DM IRONlord |

Yes, will go impossible bloodline of course, it was one of those I already considered. I'm toying with the idea of crossblooding into fey bloodline, but I don't think I'll do it as the flavor is kinda rough. Just making sure, but steadfast personality works with towering ego right? I wish I had a way to boost my fort saves. Great Fortitude is kinda lackluster.
I think the official ruling is that it would not, at least not in its current version. The damn thing has been rewritten twice now.I will refer to this post by James Jacobs.
Edit: A more official answer.

DM IRONlord |

DM IRONlord wrote:
Illyan Sabochesky – Human Fighter/Magus (Bladebound)
Your sheet is a bit messy, but that's not a huge deal. It looks like you are two points over in your stats, and I think you are short a feat too.
What is messy in the sheet? I will try to correct that.
For the stat/feat thing, the explanation is in the "Traits, feats and special abilities:" section:
Dual Talent
Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits.From here.
Ah, gotcha. Missed that. As far as clearing it up, I think just put the horses stats under a spoiler. It took me a minute to realize I wasn't looking at your PC.

Rynjin |

I'm waiting on confirmation on if I got into another game (non-Gestalt) to see if I make one for this. If not, I plan to submit a similar concept, though steered slightly more toward Good aligned since the original is a Lawful Evil character. Probably LN or something.
Basically, he's a sadomasochist (whip using flagellant Unchained Rogue, going into the Pain Taster PrC), so toning down the sadist part is necessary for most campaigns.

Sixteenbiticon |

This seems like the perfect game to dip my toes back into the pbp pool. I am seriously considering a techslinger dual-wielding laser pistols, I'm just unsure what class to gestalt it with. Fighter, ranger, or possibly inquisitor come to mind. Warpriest would synergize well but might not fit the concept. Mesmerist might be interesting as well, but would be slightly MAD.
I'll try to put some more research into my concept over the next few days.

oyzar |

oyzar wrote:Yes, will go impossible bloodline of course, it was one of those I already considered. I'm toying with the idea of crossblooding into fey bloodline, but I don't think I'll do it as the flavor is kinda rough. Just making sure, but steadfast personality works with towering ego right? I wish I had a way to boost my fort saves. Great Fortitude is kinda lackluster.I think the official ruling is that it would not, at least not in its current version. The damn thing has been rewritten twice now.I will refer to this post by James Jacobs.
Edit: A more official answer.
I've read that answer and I don think it applies to this situation. I'm pretty sure Steadfast Personality is not a charisma bonus. It just changes which base ability bonus affects will saves. Towering Ego, divine grace (paladin 2) and charmed life(swashbuckler 2) all don't stack with each other, but Steadfast Personality is not a bonus. Still, I won't argue this point further and just go with your ruling.

Illyan Sobachesky |

Illyan Sobachesky wrote:Ah, gotcha. Missed that. As far as clearing it up, I think just put the horses stats under a spoiler. It took me a minute to realize I wasn't looking at your PC.DM IRONlord wrote:
Illyan Sabochesky – Human Fighter/Magus (Bladebound)
Your sheet is a bit messy, but that's not a huge deal. It looks like you are two points over in your stats, and I think you are short a feat too.
What is messy in the sheet? I will try to correct that.
For the stat/feat thing, the explanation is in the "Traits, feats and special abilities:" section:
Dual Talent
Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits.From here.
I have changed the headers a bit.
The "statblock" is now "Condensed statblock". It is what Herolab output when you print a monster statblock, the informations in a condensed format.Then the: "More detailed stats" with several spoilers that show almost everything in detail.
I have put only the header of some ability, like power attack, as I think that most people already know how they work.
The last character I made for a gestalt was 15 pages long, I am trying to condense that a bit.

Ozak "Badaxe" Daggertooth |

I originally built Ozak for a Gestalt Kingmaker game as a Slayer/Inquisitor of Gorum. I liked the synergies. He was designed to be a double axe-wielding intimidator.
I don't know a lot about Iron Gods other than that it is set in Numeria and there is high tech stuff there. So I am not sure if this character is a good idea or not.
What do you think?

DM IRONlord |

Bestiary 5 has things that can be useful to the DM/GM.
@ DM IRONlord, if you had the time and energy, would you split this in two or three groups?
I'd like to say yes, especially since I already know I'm going to have a tough time choosing, but I don't want to overextend myself. It wouldn't be fair to anyone, really.

Nutcase Entertainment |
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:I'd like to say yes, especially since I already know I'm going to have a tough time choosing, but I don't want to overextend myself. It wouldn't be fair to anyone, really.Bestiary 5 has things that can be useful to the DM/GM.
@ DM IRONlord, if you had the time and energy, would you split this in two or three groups?
Ha ha ha, true. :)
inb4 Stop Stalking Me!

oyzar |

So, I'm still struggling to get him to come to life but I figured out a build I like for this:
magus[myrmidarch]//wizard[spellslinger] headed into technomancer (on the wizard side)
Eldritch Archer would allow you to do ranged spellstrike, it's a much more synergistic archtype than myrmidarch imho.

Edinoiz |

And in the vein of of an alien and female Luke Cage, I'm looking at making a Kasatha Fighter/Monk (Brawler/Master of Many Styles) combo where I run up to people, Punch them, prevent them from moving around, and over all I'll be a rather effective block in the way. I just wonder how this will handle in the Iron Gods AP.
I'm thinking of making a more boisterous and talkative Kasatha than one would expect, one that has a tendency to go more along the Foot-in-Mouth at various times than would be good.

DM IRONlord |

Looks like submissions are slowing down here. Also, just to let everyone know, I work at a grocery store and this is the busiest week of the year for me, so I probably won't be checking in much between now and Saturday. (That's the main reason I had recruitment go till the end of the month) If you have any important questions, PM me. Otherwise, I'll stop in when I can.

Felix Nimbledigit |

Presenting Felix Nimbledigit, a gnomish blood arcanist and preservationist. Plagued by a strange disease that is rewiring his brain and changing him into something that may no longer be gnome, his intellect soars as he slowly becomes entwined with Oturu, his tumor familiar. So he wanders, a sickened body wrapped in bandages, looking for means to find the truth about himself and the strange condition and power that has changed the course of his life.
LN medium humanoid (gnome)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 (+8 with familiar attached)
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+ armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d4) or dagger +1 (1d3/19–20)
Ranged bomb +6 (1d6+5 fire) or light crossbow +5 (1d6/19–20)
Arcanist Spellbook
1st—color spray, enlarge person, grease, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, shocking grasp, sleep
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +6)
5/day—acidic ray (1d6 acid)
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
1st (4/day)—color spray (DC 16), mage armor, shocking grasp
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand
Bloodline aberrant
Alchemist Formulae
1st—anticipate peril, cure light wounds, endure elements, invisibility alarm, reduce person, targeted bomb admixture, true strike
Alchemist’s Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
1st—cure light wounds, reduce person, targeted bomb admixture
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 11), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 13
Traits Mathematical Prodigy, Stargazer
Feats Aberrant Tumor, Brew Potion, Throw Anything
Skills Craft (alchemy) +11 (+12 to craft alchemical items), Craft (weapons) +9, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +6 (+8 with familiar attached), Sense Motive +0 (+2 with familiar attached), Spellcraft +9, Stealth +12
Languages Aklo, Andromedan, Common, Dwarven, Draconic, Gnome, Orc
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1, identify potions), arcane reservoir (4), bloodline (aberrant), bloodline arcana (+50% duration on polymorphs), consume spells, gnome magic, local ties, master tinker, mathematical prodigy, mutagen (+4/–2, +2 natural, 10 minutes), tumor familiar (bat-like), weapon familiarity
Gearquarterstaff, dagger, light crossbow w/ 20 bolts, alchemy crafting kit, artisan’s tools, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, everburning torch, fishhook, flask (empty), formula book, ink vial, iron pot, map case, mutagen (Dex), paper (5 sheets), thieves’ tools, trail rations x3, traveler’s outfit, spellbook, spell component pouch, empty vial x9, waterskin, 10 gp, 4 sp, 7 cp
Init +2; Senses blindsense 20 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +4 size)
hp 4; fast healing 5 (when attached to master)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities improved evasion
Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee bite +6 (1d3-4)
Space 1 ft. Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 3
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +16, Perception +6
SQ alertness, empathetic link, share spells
One day, while searching for scrap and samples from a newly discovered ruin, Felix accidentally opened a canister of bizarre alien parasites. While he escaped with his life, one managed to attach itself to the poor gnome. The resulting infestation began to ravage Felix with a transformative disease he still struggles to understand. Faced with the growing horror of his condition, he eventually fled his village to save himself the embarrassment of the physical changes it wrought on his body.
Turning south, Felix skirted the major power centers controlled by the Technic League, taking care to examine any technological ruins encountered along the way--all in an effort to determine the origin and purpose of the parasite growing inside him. During this time, he began to manifest strange, new abilities--sometimes unintentionally activating them to defend himself from predators and bandits alike. Chief among them is an aberrant tumor capable of separating from his body, a bat-like creature with which he shares a symbiotic relationship. He eventually named this unorthodox companions Oturu, and he can sense it trying to communicate with him as it grows in intelligence. But he also loses a little more of himself as it does.
Despite this, Felix packs an incredible amount of infectious enthusiasm in his zeal for life. All manner of uncataloged plants, creatures, rocks, and technological items and inventions capture his interest, and he shifts from topic to topic while discussing these subjects so quickly it’s hard for others to follow his train of thought. Nevertheless, Falston is exceptionally bright, considerate, and innovative. His contraptions and herbal remedies prove trustworthy time and time again. Yet, his greatest obsession is collecting unusual specimens of oozes, insects, and animals, all of which he shrinks down so he can preserve them for further study and contemplation. He keeps them within small, glass bottles among his possessions and sometimes carries on imaginary conversations with them, leading others to question his sanity. Ultimately, he hopes to find a cure for his condition.
Hopefully you like him. :)

Θ3Ξ5 |

"This One has updated its character sheet to include the following background and description. It hopes that you approve and wishes to thank you for this opportunity to possibly participate in this social activity."
Θ3Ξ5 was found inert by a team of dwarven smiths from Torch. They had been out exploring for starmetal. When they returned to Torch and started investigating their find, Θ3Ξ5 activated (possibly as a self defense mechanism to prevent further damage by the dwarves). Once activated, Θ3Ξ5 was intensely interested in its surroundings. It wanted to learn everything it could about the world around it. Its memory banks were empty and is needed to learn.
The dwarves taught it about metallurgy and how to fight. They used Θ3Ξ5 as a scout and bodyguard when out searching ruins and it quickly learned how to find and avoid various dangers and pitfalls. Also how to fight off the artificial creatures that tend to dominate such ruins in Numeria.
Eventually Θ3Ξ5 learned enough to realize that his "parents" were simply using it as a tool and that they did not actually care about it. Not the way it expected. It wanted to use its abilities to help others not for the accumulation of wealth that the dwarves craved. Θ3Ξ5 struck out on its own, offering its services to other people in Torch as a bodyguard when traveling in Numeria.
Θ3Ξ5 is a bit reserved as it does not quite fit in. It tends to refer to itself as "this one", but does understand the concept of names and has no problem calling others by theirs. It tends to be somewhat humorless and has a tendency to miss sarcasm. Most of the time it is unable to use contractions.
Θ3Ξ5 is practically featureless. It has no hair and no gendered appearance. Its pale skin is covered with a tracery of fine orange circuitry. It moves with a certain fluid grace, yet in stillness it is perhaps too artificial. It wears a hood and scarf over most of its face whenever it is in public in an attempt to hide it's artificial nature from the Technic League.