![]() Valki Valka wrote:
They haven't moved yet due to their low initiative roll. And yeah, I would say you know about the disease, plus their immunity to crits and flanking. Oh, and if haven't yet, please move yourselves on the map as appropriate. ![]()
![]() Θ3Ξ5 wrote:
You would also know that these creatures are both blind and immune to flanking, crits and sneak attack Takek Iron-Back wrote:
Technically those are the piles that spawned the molds, but also their location. If they get a chance to move I will put up pictures for them ![]()
![]() Rhangil, Othes:
Rhangil throws an amazing accurate dagger and it hits dead center. The ooze makes a hissing sound and dashes towards Rhangil. Othes achieves a similar result.
Sadly, slime molds are immune to crits. Initiative rolls:
Everyone else hears a commotion coming from around the corner Othes and Rhangil went. ![]()
![]() Othes: Your experience escorting salvagers through the ruins of Numeria tells you that these unnaturally large mold mounds are almost certainly gestating Slime Molds (Feel free to look them up, with that check). They probably aren't fully grown yet, so not nearly as dangerous as they could be. They are also very likely growing over corpses, though of what, you can't say without investigating. Perhaps one of the lost expeditions? ![]()
![]() Othes: The shallow creek runs through the middle of this cavern, while to the south a stony bank rises up from the water. Thick carpets of green and gray mold and fungus grow on the bank, particularly around a trio of three-foot-high, foul-smelling mounds.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 You see movement in the mounds. ![]()
![]() You are presented with two options to explore. The now shallow stream continues around a bend to the north, and to your east a tunnel leads towards a chamber filled with stalactites. You can tell, however, that any further exploration will require a light source for anyone without darkvision. DC 11 Knowledge Nature:
The glowing glands of the dead fire beetles should last for at least a day, and provides low light in a 10 foot radius. You can rest off the sickened effect now, if you so desire ![]()
![]() Rhangil neatly skewers another bug, while Othes glows strangely and manages to clip another. Felix lands a solid blow, squashing a third, but Valki, still affected by the waters, misses again. Finally Takek channels a small amount of healing to the party, excluding the beetle Othes hurt. That one, badly injured, withdraws back to the crevice it came from. Only one remains, and being mindless, continues to attempt to gnaw at Valki Bite vs Valki: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Miss Last one here, everyone can take flanking bonuses on their next attack ![]()
![]() Most of the party continues to flail ineffectively at the attacking insects, except Rhangil, who perfectly skewers one of them upon his rapier. It twitches spasticly and dies. Felix, on the other hand, manages to get confused enough by their movement he actually manages to hit himself. The beetles continue their attack. Who does Felix hit: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Himself! Take 3 points nonlethal Bite vs Felix: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Next round, go! ![]()
![]() Before the luminous insects can close in to attack, the party is able to launch an attack. However, a combination of the foul waters and the small size of the creatures works in the beetles favor, as everyone swings or shoots wildly, except for a single bomb that whilrs through the air and connects squarely with one towards the back. It makes a creepy squeeking sound as its burnt husk falls into the wretched stream. Remarkably, three others which should seemingly have been caught in the blast manage to fly out and away from the explosion and appear to be unaffected. The survivors close in to attack everyone. Bugs reflex save: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Well, natural 20...
![]() Takek Iron-Back wrote:
Ya know, I totally intended to take that into account, and then completely forgot. So... Valki Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 Revised Initiative Order = Rhangil, Othes, Felix, Valki, Takek, Bugs Also, Felix, I'm going to say yes you can this round since thee beetles haven't had a chance to move in close yet. ![]()
![]() You barely get a chance to collect yourselves when several small, glowing things emerge from cracks in the cave wall. They head directly for you, agitated by your presence in their territory. Initiative
There are six. Not going to do a combat map for this, I don't think it's necessary. ![]()
![]() You make your way to the temple of of Brigh, where the head cleric Joram Kyte sees you. He is an older man, human, and is dressed in the practical garb of a craftsman. With a rod of extend spell in hand, he utters a short prayer and wave of divine magic washes over you. A strange cold feeling grows in your lungs (or air circulation system, in Othres' case). ”That should last you four hours, which should be more than enough to have a look around. Be mindful of your time though, unless you are confident in your swimming, or can hold your breath well. No, hurry on! The clock is ticking.” The weeping lies placidly before you, emanating a sulfurous stench. There is no sign of life within several yards of the pool, not even insects. It looks horrible, but you know it is the only way into the caves, so you brave the brackish pool. Technically, you're supposed to make a DC 10 Swim check, but there's no penalty for failure so I'm just gonna skip that. There will, however, be a DC 15 fort save to avoid being sickened. Everyone makes their way cautiously through the underwater tunnel you find beneath the pond. It gets tight in a few places, but never in any way that is an issue. After a short swim, you emerge into a chamber with a small beach. The air is bitter and stinks of mold and vinegar, but it is breathable despite its unpleasant flavor-narrow vents and fissures provide enough air circulation to keep the atmosphere breathable, if disagreeable. There is just enough light to make out your generall surroundings. The water here averages only 2 feet deep, and maintains the same unhealthy taint found outside in the Weeping Lake. The foul-smelling air makes the eyes water in this cave, but despite this worrying effect, has no further impact. ![]()
![]() Knowledge checks on the robot: Felix, you don't have the technologist feat, so you aren't going to be able to learn too much. Othes, you can tell it has damaged parts from before the fight that likely caused it to malfunction. It appears that in was in a sleep mode or something similar and was recharging. Anything else you want to know? The roll was pretty good Description from the book, cause I forgot to do it before and am feeling lazy right now:
![]() Val Baine blushes a bit when Takek kisses Valki Valka, looks at Rhangil and replies in a relieved voice, "Yes! You are Rhangil, yes? I know my dad has worked with you before." She moves over to tho smashed automaton and gives it a kick. "Stupid thing! We thought it wasn't functional. Otherwise dad wouldn't have just left it like that in the house. Dammit. I hate not knowing what to do! You say you're going to go look for my father? Thank you so much! I can give you free room and board at the Foundry if any of you need it. And food too. I'm afraid I can't help much beyond that, he took his maps and gear with him..."
![]() Takek Iron-Back wrote:
Hmm, well the rules don't really allow it, but I like the idea. Let's split the difference, and call it a +1 circumstance bonus on Valki's next attack (and Rhangil or Felix if they use electricity based attacks) ![]()
![]() Felix's bolt hits the automaton, but does not effectively penetrate the machine's metal plating. Meanwhile, Othes shoots another arrow through the hole, but his target moves at the last second and the attack misses. Valki charges in, swinging her sword just a bit to wildly and misses as well. The robot reacts to the party's interference in its glitched out programming and bodychecks the barbarian woman shouting at it. Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
DM Notes:
Automaton Hp 1/20 The girl in the hallway looks approvingly at Rhangil, saying, "Yes! Electricity! My Dad says they are vulnerable to it!" Takek, finish round 3. Then everyone else... GO!