Classes/Levels |
Lashunta Technomancer 1 | SP: 2/4 HP: 8/8 | EAC:13 KAC:14 | Resolve: 4 |
About Elai C'tara
Elai C’tara
Medium Damaya Lashunta Icon
STR 10 (-)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 8 (-1)
INT* 16 (+3)
WIS 10 (-)
CHA 15 (+2)
8 HP
4 Stamina
4 Resolve
EAC: 13 = 10+2(Dex)+1Armor
KAC: 14 = 10+2(Dex)+2Armor
CMAC: 22 (KAC+8)
Attack +0 Base
Saves -1 Fort; +2 Ref; +2 Will
Skills 4+Int Modifier
Class Skills: Computers(int); Engineering(Int); Life Science(Int); Mysticism(Wis); Phys Science(Int); Piloting(Dex); Profession(Cha/Int/Wis); Sleight of Hand (Dex).
Computers: +9 (1rank+3class+3Int+2insight)
Culture +7 (1rank+3class+3Int)
Diplomacy +6 (1rank+3class+2Cha)
Piloting +6 (1rank+3class+2Dex)
Physical Science +7 (1rank+3class+3Int)
Profession: Musician +7 (1rank+3class+2Cha+1Icon)
Sleight Of Hand +6 (1rank+3class+2Dex)
Proficiencies Light Armour, Basic Melee, Small Arms.
Languages Common, Lashunta, Athasian + 3 Int bonus
Skill Synergy-Diplomacy/Computers Chose skills become class skills or gain +2 insight bonus
Abilities - Lashunta
Lashunta Magic At will - Daze, Psychokinetic hand; 1/day - detect thoughts.
Limited Telepathy 30 feet mental communication
Student +2 racial bonus to 2 skills
Abilities - Icon
Theme Knowledge choose a profession skill, when attempting Profession or Culture checks to recall knowledge about other icons of profession or profession cultural aspects increase DC by 5. +1 to checks with chosen profession skill. Culture is class skill (or +1 bonus to culture checks if already a class skill from 1st level class). +1 Charisma
Celebrity (at 6th)
Abilities - Technomancer
Spell Cache(SU) device, 1/day activate to cast one spell known, even if all slots expended.
Spells/day 2x1st
Known - 4x0; 2x1st
Known Spells
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Energy Ray
Token Spell
Life Bubble
Magic Missile
585 spent of 1000 Credits
260 Semi-Auto Pistol, Tactical (Level1; 1d6P dmg; 30ft; 9 rounds; Use1; L-bulk; Analog).
250 - Second Skin (Level1; +1EAC; +2KAC; +5max dex), 1 upgrade slot, L bulk
7 - Personal comm unit
40 - 30 small arm rounds.
20 - Hacking Kit
3 - Hygiene Kit
5 - Professional Clothing