Shontar Hadove |

Maybe my English is lacking, but disown in my knowledge includes taking away any aristocratic title, correct?
"If I remember correctly, and I usually do, you have been disowned for having an affair. While you might think love trumps everything, it was dishonorable nevertheless." He made a small pause here, obviously considering his thoughts.
"But we are in a lawless land and swords are of great demand. Therefore I conclude, Oleg, will greatly appreciate you being here."

Freya Bjorn |

If he is knighted, no it does not! And even then, it just means you do not gain the inheritance or allowed to gain the fathers title but you do not loose your noble title of Sir.
Kyra shakes her head on the undiplomatic elf and bows.
"Sir Garress, please forgive my companion. Some of his folk have no understanding of proper human etiquette. And it has been some hard works with the sun shining on his head."

DM Greaek |

"For st arters Elf I was disowned yes, but only because my father could not bear the thought of his son having sex with someone worth less then him, neither of us were married or engaged, so we were completely within our rights as adults."
He smiles at Freya "And Mrs... I apologize i know not your name. But she is right, I still do have my knighthood, which requires a bit more honor then I reckon you have"

Shontar Hadove |

It was true, Shontar will probably never understand humans and their obsession with banalities like who slept with whom.
"Well, who really cares anyway, right? It doesn't matter here in the stolen lands. What matters is that we should really be going on as planned."
What's our plan?

DM Greaek |

He attempts to kiss Freya's hand and says "Charmed."
He turns to Shontar "It matters not, but let us refrain from insulting each other's honor based on a cultural misunderstanding, I will try to do the same."
The bandits will arrive tomorrow, if you guys spend the rest of the day trying to find rocks then everyone can roll a perception check, each one over 15 finds 1d3 rocks of suitable size. Also, it seems like we might have lost Adrac and Floria, now we can either re-open recruitment for one person or if any of you has any people that might be interested in joining then I'd be open to suggestions.

Shontar Hadove |

perception: 1d20 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 5 = 12
rocks: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Targeting (DC 15): 1d20 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (17) + (6) + 4 = 27
Shontar had no luck at finding suitable ammunition. But he was sure, that he was aiming the catapult at exactly the right spot, in case one of his allies found a good round rock.
I have a friend who might be interested

Floria Lebeda |

Floria keeps quiet once the new folks arrive, not really caring to converse with a fellow noble.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
As they go about their business over the rest of the day, Floria also can't find suitable rocks.

Freya Bjorn |

perc: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d3 ⇒ 1
Freya was quite lucky with the rock finding, but also spent more time with the newcommer, to find out more about him and his companions.
With the paizo problems last month, maybe contact them.

Shontar Hadove |

"Well, one stone is all we need. Reloading takes too much time anyways. When the bandits come, I'd like to the honors myself and position myself up on the catwalk. I'll take Oleg's javelins with me, if nobody minds."

DM Greaek |

Freya's Extra Stones: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Freya roll insight, just to get a general gauge on Kesten
At dinner that night Kasten says "What's the plan? Obviously, we have this big-ass catapult, but it won't be the end of the battle. Are we facing them outside of the gates, or at the gates? Are we going to try to pile rocks for protection, we still have time before nightfall, surely we can do something. Do we know their numbers, or when we will arrive, what's the plan" I'm looking for things you guys want to add? Obviously, you can't build a wall, but with an appropriate skill check, you might be able to make a pit trap or something or add some rock piles where an archer could squat behind for some cover. If we get imput from all players by Friday evening I should have the map up by Friday night and we can do the combat, Shontar could you please have your friend send an email/hangout to Greaekstronghammer@gmail.com, and we can discuss his character. Hopefully, we can get his character made before the battle, though that does seem somewhat unrealistic. And a quick warning I might not be able to post Saturday, I've some family coming for the weekend.

Floria Lebeda |

"Well, last time we tried hiding inside the fort, behind the walls, but they saw us. They know there are four of us, but not that you're here - unless they saw you coming. Oleg said that there were...about 13, I think? A straight-up fight should be manageable, if it comes to that."

Shontar Hadove |

Shontar still believed fighting inside is their best chance. The enemies had bows, which they didn't. There were plenty of cover positions inside and ways to divide the enemy force.
The catapult's job was to take out maybe one or two and shaken the morale of the rest.

DM Greaek |

I'm working on the map, I'm having some difficulties finding a program, I might just color a grid green and then have that there, sorry it's taking so long this has been a busy week, and things will probably stay relatively busy for the next few weeks, though i should have more time this weekend, though sunday might be busy
I suppose I'll ask for initiative now, roll for initiative.
Happs Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Bandits init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Kessle init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Floria Lebeda |

no worries, take your time.
initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

DM Greaek |

I've got the tracker and everything done, before I start does anyone want to use a set of leather armor, a heavy wooden shield, 2 handaxes, 5 javelins, a longbow, a scythe, 2 Spears, 2 potions of cure light wounds, and a potion of shield of faith +2? these are Oleg's inventory
Adrac roll perception
Happs Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Primary Bandit group Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Secondary Bandit group stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Kressle Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Shontar Hadove |

I said before, I'll take the javelins and bombard them from where the catapult is.
The catapult perfectly aimed (see several posts earlier) Shontar awaits the bandits ready to fire.
From the moment the bandits have been spotted, Shontar is readying an action to realease the boulder, as soon as they reach the target area. That's somewhere between 100 and 150 ft.

Shontar Hadove |

what time of the day is it? Did I miss my time spot to shoot the catapult, because I didn't see them coming? Do I see them now? What are they hiding behind? Is there overgrowth next to the fort?

Shontar Hadove |

RAW it takes two full-round actions to aim.
Original targetting was done here.
I'd rather frighten them with with a boulder flying over their head than spend two rounds AND risk a bad roll.

Vaguur Burog |

Varuug starts rhythmically beating his shield and breaks into a rousing song, while taking a defensive position (fight defensively) near the door.
♬ "There once was a hut in the forest..."♪
Every ally now gets to choose if they want to accept the song. The song has the following effects:

DM Greaek |

Happs tosses a thing of alchemical fire up into the building 51+ it lands on some of the goods that Oleg had left out, <50 lands on nothing special: 1d100 ⇒ 97 and he moves back 30 feet (Into the targetted area) the goods catch on fire, and there are 1d3 ⇒ 2 rounds until it spreads to the 1 Building, 2 wagon: 1d2 ⇒ 1 and 1d3 ⇒ 3 rounds until it spreads to the wagon
Next is Floria