Shontar Hadove |

"well, we can't fight 13,can we? Or are you hiding some serious equipment that you haven't told us about yet?" Shontar recognized that they have only been here for about 3 minutes. "maybe we can sit down inside?"

Floria Lebeda |

"Thirteen! Well, we've got five, and..." Floria trails off as Shontar speaks up. Sheathing her sword, she kicks at a rock nearby, sending it out of the gate. "Yes, let's go inside. Hopefully they won't come back immediately."

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"13? That's all? Hrm... manageable. It would also send a strong message to the other bandits of the region to mind our warpath." Folding his arms, he looked up at the ballista on the buildings. The irony of his prior statement to not expect a siege was not lost on him...
"Table would be welcome. At the very least, we can set up a layout of the outpost and plan our counter-measures."

Tilladee Tabernacky |

Tilladee looks gleeful at the idea of that many bandits. "A glorious battle then, it'll go something like this. I'll slice that one, then this one, and then maybe even that one." he said swinging the axe about haphazardly.
He turned about and looked at the others and noticed some worry. "Don't yah worry none, I'll save a few bandits for you!" he said looks perhaps a bit gleeful and maniacial.

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"In that case, I believe Master Shontar would be the one to speak to about fixing it. I studied swordplay, not siege weapons...." Adrac replied, before stepping back as Tiladee swung his blade, before turning back to Oleg with a faint smile on his face. "...Indeed they are. When we meet one, I shall confirm that assumption for you."

Shontar Hadove |

"Just what I was thinking, Oleg. And thank you for the confidence Adrac. However, while I do remember quite a bit about those machines,..." see knowledge (engineering) role several posts above "...I'm by far no handyman. It does take dwarfen-like craftsmanship to repair them. If only one was present" He looks at almost everybody, intentially skipping Tilladee. "I would certainly be able and willing to assist."
"Oleg, this is a trading post. What do you actually trade with? In particular, do you have crossbows in stock? Normal-sized or halfling-sized, I don't mind."
You can use the Craft skill untrained, as I just found out. So everybody with enough time can basically repair or build anything.

Tilladee Tabernacky |

Tilladee swung his axe head to bear on Shontar "I be a Weaponsmith not some bloody engineer." he said grumpily before turning towards Oleg "Aye, Gnomes are often too cheery for their own good." he said completely feigning ignorance.

Shontar Hadove |

I checked the numbers. With the original crafting rules, repairing a catapult takes about a month or more. With the (better) Alternate Crafting Rules from Unchained, siege weapons are of intrigate difficulty and therefore DC 25, but it takes only a day. That's a 27.5% chance with one aid another.

DM Greaek |

We can use the unchained rules, as it makes sense that everyone is helping work on this ballista
Oleg looks confused, but shrugs and says "We have armor, a shield, some weapons, and some potions"
Upon inspection his inventory has a set of leather armor, a heavy wooden shield, 2 handaxes, 5 javelins, a longbow, a scythe, 2 Spears, 2 potions of cure light wounds, and a potion of shield of faith +2

Adrac Rhaddyn |

"All I need is my blade. As for the ballista..." Adrac said, folding his arms and looking up at the contraption. "...I will need some help. But I may be able to get it working again. A giant crossbow in essence, yes? Not horribly complicated."
Not sure if I could or what check would be needed, but if possible, I'll take a 20 on the roll (I'm guessing we have the time) to try and fix it. Which I'm thinking is a Craft (Siege Weapon) check, should give him a solid 23. With some help, he could get it fixed!

Shontar Hadove |

"That is not quite correct, Mr Rhaddyn. These machines here are actually of the catapult type. They work quite differentely than a ballista or crossbow. Catapults are stone-throwing siege engines powered by winched arms that run through torsion skeins, and hold their payload in a cup that swings up and over the weapon when released. Instead of targeting a specific person or object the ammunition is lobbed at a target area." Shontar supports his explanation with some gestures. He doesn't come across as showy, but talks like a wise teacher.
"Anyway, I will be happy to work with you on this. Maybe we manage to fix even two of them. This leaves open the question of ammunition. Anyone seen any stones weighing approximately 50 pounds? Should be round, too."
Taking 20 won't work, because each try takes 1 day and we don't have 20 days, which the statistics of Taking 20 assume. However, I can use Inspiration to add 1d6 that will improve the odds.
Are we really doing siege weapons? :) That'll be a long-awaited first in my PF career

Floria Lebeda |

I tried to do a siege-focused warpriest for Skull & Shackles once, but she wasn't selected :(
"Round and 50 pounds? Perhaps a gnome would work, if we had one around", Floria wisecracks. "Anyways, I guess I could keep a look out for those." Turning to Oleg, she asks: "How are you doing on supplies? If there's anything you need, I could go out and see if I could forage something."

Adrac Rhaddyn |

All this just makes me want to make a wizard who animates a siege engine with the power of his mind and bring it to terrifying life.
Adrac folded his arms, before looking up at the catapult and listening as Shontar explained the mechanics. "Hm... even less complicated than I thought. Translates quite well into arcane physics..." Holding out his palm, a series of lights fluttered to life and began to simulate the catapults mechanics, perhaps only to his own understanding. Adrac watched them recreate the lobbing of one of the little orbs of light, before closing his hand up and making them vanish (Fairly liberal use of dancing lights and prestidigitation. Purely for flavor.)
"Master Shontar. Master Tabernacky. If you would accompany up top to help put this thing in action, I'd be most grateful. Miss Bjorn, Miss Lebeda, have a look through the the stock. See if there is anything we might could use for ammunition... anything caustic would be preferable. Burning ammunition may be ill-advised, given our... locale..." Adrac said, before looking for a ladder to lead up to the closest engine.
Craft Siege Engine: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Wow... this just might work!

Shontar Hadove |

Craft Siege Engine: 1d20 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + (3) + 4 = 15
I didn't role that nice 20, but enough for an aid another check :)
Adrac and Shontar spend the rest of the day and the next morning repairing one catapult with Oleg's tools. His roof had to wait. "Excellent work!"

Adrac Rhaddyn |

Heck yeah! Knowledge is power!
Adrac put the finishing touches on his repairs of the catapult, before nodding back to Shontar. "Naturally. I would expect no less of myself." Standing up and approaching the walls edge, he looked down at Oleg's reaction, fighting to restrain the smirk on his face. "Underlying principles. Arcane studies have more real world applications the most would realize. A test fire would be prudent... but I expect it will function suitably. It'd be more of the purposes of determining its trajectory."

Floria Lebeda |

err, I meant like food or water or tools, not weapons and stuff.

Tilladee Tabernacky |

Perception check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Apologies for the lack of posts, Paizo has been seriously crashing hard during my awake hours so it's been hard to get a post in.
Tilladee walks along with the cleric. It'd be wrong to send anyone alone with the potential for the bandits to be back at any moment.

Floria Lebeda |

When Floria sees the newcomers approaching, she calls out to Oleg. "Hey, do you usually get so many visitors? There are four more people coming, looks like they're armed but not hostile. Were you expecting them?"

Floria Lebeda |

"Well, I guess we should go greet them and see why they're here. Maybe they'll be able to help with the bandits." Floria stands near the gate, waiting for everyone else to gather as the figures approach.

Tilladee Tabernacky |

Dollars a raises a brow " Many oaths? I'd have thunk it only took one oath to be held an to yer words. Maybe being twice as tall means for more oaths to do yer work. " he said moving from out if the shadow of the gate door with axe still at the ready.
"Alright then, you lot look like you know yer soldiering business, I got rocks to find." he said before heading back off to make sure the catapult was well prepared.