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I have Extend charges available but it probably makes sense to cast when we get closer since even with an Extend charge it will only last 280 minutes. But many thanks!

GM Redelia |

You have safely teleported as close as is safe, and are about half way on your journey on foot/horseback.
A flickering tongue of fire at least a thousand feet high dances on the horizon. Resembling a thin cyclone of white-hot flames, this persistent fire marks the location of Kandirion’s Pyre. The land between here and the flame is even more jagged and broken than before. The ground smolders with heat, and smoke issues from glowing-hot fissures in the earth. A crumbling stone building—little more than partly intact, fire-blackened walls—perches atop a nearby cliff.
You can feel heat radiating from the chasms in the ground, and are sure the chasms would be quite dangerous to you. Even standing next to a chasm might be dangerous.
(please place your tokens on the revealed part of the first map, and tell me what you would like to do next.)

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As they get closer, Tsrvk will take a few precautions. False Life (from a wand), Extended Aroden's Spellsword, and if Thargash is still willing to cast it, Extended Barkskin. He has some other precautions he'll activate when it looks like the Pyre is reachable within minutes but from the description it sounds like it is still further than that?
False Life: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
I've placed Tsrvk on the map. He is flying 5' above the ground. Froofroo is cautiously peeking out of the familiar satchel, ready to duck back in at the first sign of trouble.
"I wonder if our protection from Planar Adaptation will be sufficient in this environment? Should we perhaps cluster around the Breath of Lysianassa and make use of its mist? Or maybe it's better to stay spread out?"
By the way, when we were teleported we arrived in the Plane of Earth, not Fire, yes? And we are still in the Plane of Earth? I ask because Tsrvk cast Bestow Planar Infusion I on himself after the teleportation and that depends on what plane you are on. I know that it was mentioned in the briefing that this is near the border of the planes so no worries if it's unclear which plane exactly we are on - just asking if the spell is still active?

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@Tsrvk: Yes, Thargash would be more than happy to cast extended barkskin on you, at this level it would give a +5 bonus to AC.
Thargash, now wildshaped into the form of a rock troll, gazes up at the crumbling building as it comes into view. "Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what could be lurking up there." he rumbles taking out a wand and to grant himself heightened awareness as a precaution, before putting it away again.
"From past experience planar adaptation provides pretty good protection, so hopefully we shouldn't need to rely on the mist. But given there appears to be no limit to how long the mist can be maintained I guess there would be no harm in having it active and available just in case, so long as whoever is holding it is happy that doing so is not going to cause them an inconvenience. But I don't think that necessarily means we need to cluster around it if we don't want to, just have it as a back up option if it is needed."
"If it helps I could also give anyone who can't fly the ability to walk on the air for a few tens of minutes which may help us get past these fissures." the druid adds looking at the glowing cracks traversing the landscape.
Assuming the party are good with the idea he will also look to cast communal air walk on anyone who can't fly.

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Garam floats along above the party keeping his mouth shut. You never know what sort of monsters might be lurking about watching them and he doesnt want to give himself away.
Garam generally stays about 10' in the air. If we get into a fight then he will always try to identify any monsters as his first action so it may make sense for our GM to roll those to save time, if you are happy to do so. I am happy with you telling us useful things with a bit of a preference for elemental immunities, resistances and weaknesses. Current monster ID skills are: Arcana and Planes +33, Religion and Dungeoneering +30, Local +16, Nature +28. I will always use heightened awareness for the initiative boost so wont get the benefit on the ID check.

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Gurkagh trots along on Whitey, a broad smile on his face.

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Tsrvk uses his two rounds of prep to cast Extended Spellsword and False Life. He also receives Extended (using his rod of Extend) Barkskin from Thargash (many thanks!) unless Thargash doesn't have time given the two round limitation.
Also, echoing Garam's comments about Knowledge checks, I'm happy to have you just roll and give us whatever info you think would be helpful/relevant. Knowledge skills for Tsrvk and Froofroo the Sage are:
Arcana +22 / 28
Dungeoneering +11 / 22
Local (seems unlikely here!) +11 / 16
Nature +11 / 22
Planes +14 / 24
Religion +12 / 25
(The reason Froofroo's skills are so high is that in addition to the benefits from the sage familiar archetype, he also gets +8 from Skilled for three Knowledges from his three Manifest Dream evolutions)
Btw, while looking this up I discovered that I was incorrectly giving Tsrvk the Alertness feat from his familiar; turns out the sage familiar archetype trades that away and I never noticed. Perception and Sense Motive have been accordingly adjusted.
The tiefling dervish gazes out at the landscape. "Atmospheric, can't be denied..."
Tsrvk is ready to go whenever everyone is.

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He also receives Extended (using his rod of Extend) Barkskin from Thargash (many thanks!) unless Thargash doesn't have time given the two round limitation.
Thargash's two rounds would have been used up by casting heightened awareness and communal air walk. Although given extended barkskin lasts for over 4.5 hours I'd be happy to cast it before we got here if that was an option.

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Tsrvk wrote:He also receives Extended (using his rod of Extend) Barkskin from Thargash (many thanks!) unless Thargash doesn't have time given the two round limitation.Thargash's two rounds would have been used up by casting heightened awareness and communal air walk. Although given extended barkskin lasts for over 4.5 hours I'd be happy to cast it before we got here if that was an option.
Let's hold off on Barkskin then. There's really no way that we would have known to cast it before this unless we cast it when we first arrived (in which case it might be all used up by now). Hopefully we will survive this next encounter and there will be future chances! :-)

GM Redelia |

Two legions of fire elemental creatures appear on top of the cliff. They are obviously hostile, with no intention of negotiating.
Targash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7, extra +4 with HA
Garam: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29, extra +4 with HA
Gurkagh: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Tsrvk: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 +2 if Hunter’s Blessing applies; +4 if HA
Aquana: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
fire bad guys: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
????: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Garam is up before the bad guys.

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I dont see any tokens on the map, just a couple of coloured markers.
Garam regards the enemies and tries to work out just what they might be and how we might best battle them.
Planes?, Heroism: 1d20 + 31 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 31 + 2 = 40
Happy for you to tell us things you think are interesting, although I generally prefer to know about elemental immunities, resistances and weaknesses where possible. Also, how high is the cliff they are standing on?

GM Redelia |

there are no markers on the map, only two circular tokens to represent the enemies
These are pyroclasm legions. They are troops of fire elementals, and are immune to fire, vulnerable to cold, damage those who get too close (i.e. end their turn within 10 feet), and can launch a jet of flame at an enemy.
I do not believe the rules give players any input into what a knowledge check reveals; the GM chooses what facts the check reveals. I'm not sure where the weird house rule that players can request specific information came from.
Garam is still up.

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I do not believe the rules give players any input into what a knowledge check reveals; the GM chooses what facts the check reveals. I'm not sure where the weird house rule that players can request specific information came from.
The rules are pretty much silent on how Knowledge checks are handled and practice is very varied. Anyways...
Garams eyes grow misty and then begin to glow with a cold, white light. He slowly rises into the air, trails of ice and snow flowing around him, somehow persisting even in the searing temperatures of the plane and the fire vents. He quickly begins to incant and ice and snow build between the palms of his hands. He looks over to the fire creatures and addresses them in Ignan.
I would tell you to warn your mistress to not interfere in these matters, but you will not survive to do so...
Suddenly, the building magical energy vanishes and reappears in the midst of the elementals. They silently explode, raining down icy boulders amongst them all.
Swift action to Invoke Patron for:
Curiosity: +2DC for Hexes and Patron Spells
Reckoning: +1 insight bonus to damage per dice rolled with spells and natural attacks. +4 bonus to confirmation rolls with the same.
Move action to fly another 20' in the air, bringing him to 30' up.
Standard action to cast Ice Storm enhanced with Rime Spell and Sickening Spell
SR if it applies: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 14 + 2 = 32
SR if it applies: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 2 = 25
Damage: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) + 9 = 14 bludgeoning
Damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 6 = 13 cold
+1 damage per die from Reckoning
+1 damage per die from the Orc Bloodline
+1 damage per die with cold spells from the White Dragon Bloodline
Ice Storm has no save. If they take any of the cold damage then they are entangled for 3 rounds. Sickening Spell will sicken them for 3 rounds but, as the spell doesn't have a normal save, they get a fortitude save to negate the condition. The DC is 29. The area also becomes difficult terrain for 14 rounds.
Entangled: The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.
Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Spell DC: 10 +11 Int + 3 spell level
Evocations: +2 greater spell focus
Cold spells: +1 from Winter Witch Archetype
Curiosity: +2 DC for patron spells

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I do not believe the rules give players any input into what a knowledge check reveals; the GM chooses what facts the check reveals. I'm not sure where the weird house rule that players can request specific information came from.
GM, are the rules about troops something that we would generally know (and if so, would you mind refreshing my memory?) or is that something we can only know with successful knowledge checks and/or the hard knocks of experience?