DM Frogfoot's Goblin Mayhem Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Dalton the Thirsty

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Hi everyone. I'm looking for a few players to represent the elite commandos of a Goblin warband. The Goblin Chief, Chief Meatsnacks, is ambitious and has tons of goblins to spare on suicide missions against Drow, kobolds, humans, elves, whatever! It's going to be real casual, no heavy plot or story, just for funsies! Like Borderlands, only you're the psychos. Also: FULL DISCLOSURE I WILL KILL YOU WITHOUT MERCY. Be prepared to roll up another character if you die. Don't worry though, it's really quick and easy with Dungeon World.

Dungeon world has an SRD that you can flip through to get familiar with if you're not. I WELCOME PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER PLAYED DUNGEON WORLD - it's the simplest pen and paper RPG system I've come across yet, and very welcoming to new players.

Basic gist of it is that the DM doesn't roll anything - he merely tells the players what's going to happen and asks what they do. The players tell the DM what they want to do in response. If that action requires a roll, roll 2d6+the relevant stat.

Roll 2-6: You fail, mark an experience point and something bad happens according to the fiction of what's happening at the time.

Roll 7-9: You fundamentally succeed at what you're trying to do, but there's a complication of some sort - the DM tells you what.

Roll 10+: You succeed at your task!

And that's the basics of dungeon world. There's your basic classes you can find on the SRD I linked above, and there's also other available classes made by third parties, since DW is a system that is quite easy to hack and make modifications to.

In addition to the base classes found in the SRD linked above (the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Fighter, Thief, Wizard, and Ranger) there are also additional classes that have been released that I'm willing to use. Among them are:
The Barbarian, made by the original authors of Dungeon World,
and the Alternative Playbooks - Mage, Priest, Templar and Artificer. I humbly think that the Mage, Priest, and Templar in this PDF are superior to the Wizard, Cleric, and Paladin that they are similar to. More open-ended.

Character creation rules:

You're evil. You're a goblin, or hobgoblin. If you choose paladin, flavor it as an antipaladin. Ignore the racial moves on the character sheets, you get these racial moves instead:

Goblin racial move:
Roll 3d6 instead of 2d6 when you sneak. Choose the two highest dice as your result.

Hobgoblin racial move:
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may take a number of additional actions equal to your Constitution modifier, ignoring all pain, before your Last Breath roll. Take +1 to your Last Breath rolls.

If you choose a class that doesn't have Evil listed in its alignment options, let me know and I'll give you a houseruled one.

This sounds like a fun game! A nice way to relax and have a good laugh. I'll make my character in a bit, as I've never done Dungeon world before.

Everyone I've introduced it to on these boards has loved it. Let me know if you have any questions. Remember, if you can make it sound cool, I can probably justify including it.

By the way, since Goblins are expendable, you'll be using a Fodder mechanic for your gobbo units.

Fodder: Every time you return to the warband camp to gather followers, roll 2d6+Cha and gain that many goblin followers. Goblin followers are weak and largely useless, but can be promoted if they survive multiple raids. Most don't.

Follower Commands:

AID ME, WHELPS!: You may use the Aid Another move on yourself using your goblin followers, exposing them to danger.

DEFEND ME!: You may react to an attack by commanding your followers to sacrifice themselves defending you. Gain armor equal to the number of goblins you sacrifice in this way.

KILL!: You may command your followers to attack with you, increasing your damage at the risk near-certainty of losing some of them.

This sounds very fun. Dotting for interest. I will read through the attachments after work.

Would you mind making an evil alignment for Ranger? I'm working on a wolf rider that may or may not get eaten.

I am in. Assuming everything is on the table, I will have to think about it.

TreasureFox: Evil: Inspire fear using your animal companion.

Frogfoot, are you familiar with Inverse World? Some of the playbooks seem rather humorous/interesting when viewed through the lense of a Pathfinder style goblin.

I'm not! Got a link, or is it paid pdf only?

I can not find the playbooks out side of the paid pdf. Although, the playbooks and vehicle rules are released under the creative commons license.

I am still playing around with ideas, but in Inverse World there are playbooks that are sort of based on race. One is a golem. The other is an ooz based being that can affect the weather. Would these be out? Or is Inverse World allowed at all?

EDIT: I found this collection of playbooks.

looks interesting, thinking Hobgoblin Cleric. Are we using pathfinder diety names?

One idea that comes to mind is a shadow that came to life and ate his owner.

Nohwear: Those seem a little sketchy to me. I'd rather if we stuck to the material I linked.

Just to be clear then, Inverse World is out? My concept given about would use the Rainlord playbook which I believe is on the list, or I could play with Class Warfare. Or I could stick with the links and come up with a new concept it is really up to you.

Character sheet

I present Haluk Godtongue.

Are we using Pathfinder deities?

You may use Pathfinder deities or you may make one up yourself! As the cleric player in the party, you're going to be the authority on all things divine.

Nohwear: Inverse World is out for this one, sorry. Next time I fire up a campaign I'll include it.

Alright then, I will need a new concept but I will think about it.

I'm thinking goblin barbarian. That just sounds silly

It sounds perfect

DM Frogfoot wrote:
Nohwear: Inverse World is out for this one, sorry. Next time I fire up a campaign I'll include it.

Inverse World is really a neat setting. Someone should definitely run it some time.

Are you still accepting submissions? I recently found the Dungeon World system and really like what I see. I'm thinking a bard, inspiring his gobbo companions with tales of Chief Meatsnacks' exploits, a la Baron Munchausen style.

Dark Archive

I am just NUTSO to have a piece of this sweet, sweet, murderous action.

Okay, your link to the SRD doesn't work. oh noes!

There, I've just grabbed the book out of the ether ONLY for the purpose of playing this. Magic!

Also, I've been chasing you for a while DM Frogfoot. Seems like we'll finally get to play. =)

Okay, I've got a lot to read, and already the book is messing with my head. I read to pg 43 "Example of Play" and thought "Where did I miss Character Creation???"

Page 49: Character Creation.

Dark Archive

Alright, I got a goblin mage who's tiny brain is being manipulated by cosmic forces of which he has little understanding. Perfect!

You're right, that was easy.

When do we start? =)

d'Eon, absolutely! Stat up your little ankle-biter.

Atlas, I'd be happy to accept you as well. So far we have a ranger, a barbarian, a cleric and a mage. Adding d'Eon's bard will be just great for a good-sized party. And reading through your previous Let's just say I love your enthusiasm.

The added bonus of the Fodder system is that if anyone else posts any interest in joining after the campaign has already begun, I can just say they were along for the ride the whole time as one of the goblin followers. Perfect.

I'll fire up the gameplay thread tomorrow at work. Prepare to stain your teeth with drow blood!

I'll also include alternate Alignment moves for mage, cleric, bard, and barbarian - you can also choose Chaotic for your alignment move if you wish. Let me know. You can also think of one yourself! The great thing about DW is how modular it is.

Just to be clear, I basically waited to long to come up with a new character? If so then oh well.

No, no! Nohwear, my friend, you're in no matter what you decide. I like playing with you and you're very active. I just didn't see a character idea from you (or maybe I missed it, I do do that as you know) after I shot down Inverse World.

Now that I think about it, Artificer would fit my original idea. Would that be too much arcane?

Not at all. I had already thought of a subplot in which an unusually large number of gobbos in your tribe are picking up the arcane arts...perhaps due to some environmental effect, or maybe it's your diet.

A scrawny goblin wearing what appears to be a filthy silk gown roughly fashioned into a mockery of a noble's hat and jacket pops up. I ruffle thru a book filled with unreadable scrawls, stop on a seemingly random page and begin reciting.
"Speaking of diet, Chief Meatsnacks once ate a basilisk. He then dissolved his new stone gut with a vial of acid found on some 'umie. Thus all goblins learned, acid is AWESOME! All hail Da Chief!"
d'Eon's goblin bard, reporting for mayhem.

Dark Archive

Retzack the BLack stands over the curdling remains that was once a promising assistant. He waddles over to his Magicks journal and writes 'Experiment #142 notes: Goblins allergic to Cosmic forces of unknown origin. Do not perform trick at next dinner party."

On a side note, I just read thru the Mage class and I'm going to suggest it to my friend who was interested in playing a wizard in an upcoming campaign. The open spell rules fit so much better I feel. Thanks for pointing it out.

Dark Archive

I'm actually glad you brought that up. I was wondering about that. So, the Wizard gets a few spells which do very specific things, and the Mage is...? More like playing "Mage the Gathering"?? Where you just describe the spell you are casting? That's about the only thing I got out of it.

They didn't design the Mage to make the Wizard obsolete - it's more that they're generalists who use magic to solve problems in a general sense, whereas Wizards have a spellbook of spells to choose from. Wizards also gain access to the Ritual spellcasting move which a Mage has to spend an Advanced Move to get. So if you find a place of power, like a confluence of ley-lines or something, Wizards can accomplish greater feats of magic, but Mages are more flexible day-to-day.

Gameplay thread is up!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I read the Mage as kind of like Gandalf. Tolkien never explicitly named a spell, Gandalf just went 'I have a problem, I want to amuse these hobbits.' Boom, magic fireworks. The need to choose 2 drawbacks or give the GM their choice of fun would probably make most players consider how badly they wanted whatever.

For my own use, I like the Mage because I'm sick of Jack Vance's legacy.

Dark Archive

I KNOW RIGHT??!?11!?!?!?!?1!??!?!??eleven??!?!???!!?

Man, $%^*( that guy. $%^* him right in his *(%&$1^g @#$%^.

"Well, a fighter can swing his sword all day, but the Magic User only gets one spell...which does less damage than the sword. I shall all this monstrosity the '15 Minute Day.' Brilliant!"

Though the gameplay thread is up, we're still accepting new applicants. Hopefully the barbarian, cleric, and artificer join the gameplay thread soon, hint hint...

Dark Archive

Since the discussion thread is not open yet I will ask here. Can I have some sort of advance that will allow me to gather followers with Int?

Discussion thread is open! And yes; I'll add a Quality of Life advanced move for every gobbo and add it to the Info tab:

Inspired Warleader Advanced move, level 2-5

You're a seasoned warleader and goblins are more likely to follow you. You may use your primary stat for purposes of Gathering Followers.

Just bumping to the top of the recruitment threads because recruitment for this campaign is ongoing - new PCs can come and go real easily because of the Fodder system.

Are Grim World classes or possibly the Witch class I used on Darya here available options?

Many of the Grim World classes would be great fits for goblins. I don't own any of the PDFs personally but if you have the class, go for it!

Is there still space? :)

I see there is already a bard! *continues scheming*

Druid maybe? 'Talks-to-Trees' or 'Dances-with-Wolves' seem like good names.

I'm thinking Talks-to-Trees so people can call me Two-T (or Tuti) for short. Because goblins can't count.

What 'Land' are the goblins from? Or does that matter for the sake of Tuti's choice of lands?

Goblin druids get the Lands Beneath (subterranean lands) as a free Land at character creation. Chief Meatsnacks' tribe covers three different land areas - a widely forested area, the foothills of a tall mountain, and underground.

There's ALWAYS space in my campaign - just know that if enough Gobbos become Warleaders, it will probably cause a WAAAAAAGH to happen.

Also if you join you get a free Advanced Move of your choice. I was drunk on New Years Eve and posted that everyone gets one for free in the Discussion Thread, and I don't mind overpowered PCs, so go for it!

To the top! Recruitment's ongoing for this campaign! Right now the gobbos are fighting drow elveses!

I'd be interested if you'll have me back. I'm only GMing one game, and playing in one other. So I'll be limiting what overwhelms ;)

What classes are currently present?

*edit* And you're sticking to base classes and the alternate versions only?

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