DM Duke's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (Inactive)

Game Master DukeRuckley

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"Durvin, where ye been? Ye look like ye chased a rabbit through a swamp!" Skorabor exclaims as he sees the halfling enter. He listens to the sea singer's story before continueing. "Ye followed that wretched beast by yerself? Ye should have come an' got me to go with ye. We could have cleared out their tonight. Have this business settled once in for all and dragged that elf traitor back to town by it's long ears!"

Skorabor hasn't much more to offer for the rest of the night except for boasts of the Boulderbacks of Stoneshire and his own simplistic ways of dealing with the goblin menance.

The following morning he will try to rally an expedition put his plans into action and clean out the goblin hide out.

Hawkeye would love to turn in for the night. He's had a long day today. Unfamiliar with customs for goodbye, he keeps things simple.
"Good evening, everyone."

He quickly returns to his room, just missing Durvin's entrance, and begins his nightly rituals.

I wonder how Nakimi is doing...

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Having turned in his 'report', Durvin is ready to curl up in a warm bed and start a fresh day tomorrow. A litle wine, food, and comfort is all he really needs right now.

Ameiko introduces herself to Durvin and offers him the same deal as the rest of the group. As for the bottle of wine. "Go see Ven Vinder at the grocery store tomorrow. Tell him Ameiko sent you and give him the voucher."

"Well, that's enough for one night!" Skorabor announces as his tankar runs dry and the ale is causing him to mix his stories about Stoneshire and the Boulderback clan. "Off i go. A good night to all of ye", he wishes the entire tavern before stumbling up the stairs to seek out his room.

The stout dwarf sleeps well into the next morning, unless somebody wakes him.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin thanks Ameiko for the offer and goes to find a room and call it a night.

The night passes by uneventfully, with the party sleeping comfortably in the Rusty Dragon Inn. The day's events had left them weary, and with drink in their stomachs, sleep came very easily to them. The morning comes with sun shining through the windows, waking everybody up.

As each individual makes their way down to the common room for breakfast, they are met with cheering and laughing! Folks from around the small town have stopped by to give thanks to the "Heroes of Sandpoint." Most of them already know your names, even. Ameiko looks at each of you apologetically, probably because she could keep everyone away to give you privacy. She serves you breakfast, free-of-charge, a wonderful assortment of fruits and bread with some cheese.

Speaking to the men and women that came by to see you, you hear that the town has already gone back to normal. The shops are open, the Cathedral will be consecrated that evening (without the normal partying and fanfare this time), and men and women are not afraid to come out of their homes, knowing the Heroes have vanquished the goblin enemy.

"Thanks, Ameiko. Your food is absolutely delicious." Stark looks to the people thanking the "Heroes", and says "Don't thank us, thank our great host, Ameiko. She's been more than gracious. Sit and enjoy yourselves, buy a meal, the food is great." He winks at Ameiko and smiles.

Hawkeye eats very little. He is gracious for the Rusty Dragon's hospitality, but feels as though he doesn't deserve the recognition. He has done what he thought anyone in his position would have done.

"The food is very good. Thank you. I am sorry I do not have much of an appetite this morning."


Oh dear Occa does not do well with publicity.

Occa leaves his weapons, armor, and pack in his room. He has a club and buckler on his belt and on the opposite hip. He is wearing simple clothing of sun washed blue and green canvas.

"Thank you Amiko, I will become spoiled by all this good fresh food!"

Some responses to comments from the crowd.

"We didn't do anything special, just tried to help."

"The real heroes are the Sheriff and the deputies we are just some travellers."

"Well we happened to be armed and armored when the attack started, chance or a bit of Gorzeh's luck really."

Skroabor has no problem recieving the townsfolk's praise. On the contrary it kick starts the dwarf's morning. His sleepy eyes awaken immedietly as he sees the crowd. It almost seems like he grows two inches, and that his ego grows twenty. His father should see him now. "Skorabor the savior of Sandpoint". "Skorabor the goblin cleaver". Nice names, both of them.

"Ye shouldn't diminish our victory yesterday. Or these good folk's reaction. Nothin' wrong to admire greatness!", Skroabor tells Occa and basks unabashed in his newfound glory. The dwarf's smile widens as he thinks of the fame that will come with clearing out the goblin lair. "Skorabor the goblin slayer. The dwarf that rid the whole of Varsia of goblins." Now that's something to put in the annals of Clan Boulderback!

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin comes downstairs, all he owns on his back, stretching and yawning as he rubs his eyes. When the clapping startles him, he immediately grins, and his eyes light up as he looks around to see what all the clamor is about. He wants to see what it is, it must be exciting whatever it was. When he realizes it's for him and his new friends, his face becomes one of childlike wonder. He waves and claps as well, moving around shaking hands,

"Pleased to meet you."

"Oh, it was nothing, we just happend to be in the area."

"What's your name? And yours? Oh, Hi, who are you? Durvin Tamish, thanks for asking."

Cheering and smiling he sits down, and feeds whatever hunger was leftover from his meal the night before. Smiling and waving between stuffing his mouth full of grapes and strawberries, cheeks pushed to the max as a drizzle of red juice runs down his chin.

Hawkeye is polite but hiding his discomfort.

"It is nice to meet you he who is called....."

He senses Occa's similar discomfort and like a moth to flame, moves closer to him.

"It feels strange, no? I feel our praise is not worthy to our Gods. Like an anthill in the shadow of a mountain."

During breakfast:

Ameiko returns Stark's smiles as he attempts to boost her sales. In fact, everyone here is buying breakfast and having a good time, so she's doing quite well this morning. As the group are eating their breakfast, the man they saved, Aldern, heads over to their table.

"I wanted to thank each of you, again, for what you've done for me. Please, accept this gift." He hands each of you a small money pouch. "Please, it is the least I can do to repay you. If you are all free tomorrow, I am hosting a boar hunt and I would like to invite you. It will be great fun! Sir Dwarf, I am sure you especially would be quite adept at catching this boar."

Sense Motive DC 15:
You notice Aldern has taken more interest in Skorabor than the rest of you, speaking to him primarily with only a few glances at the rest of you. It seems as if he's idolizing him a little bit.

Shortly after breakfast:

A beautiful young woman bashfully walks up to Hawkeye and pulls him aside from the rest of the group.

Hawkeye only!:
She introduces herself as Shayliss Vinder. "Hawkeye. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me out with a little problem... You see, my father runs the general store around here, and the basement has been infested with some rats. There aren't many, but they are rather big! I swear I saw one the size of goblin..." She touches Hawkeye's arm. "Please, my father has been very distracted lately and hasn't been able to take care of it. Would you mind coming with me?"

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Sense Motive 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

"Oooh, uh bowa hut, vat founf ekfideen!" Durvin manages around a mouthful of food, before swallowing heavily. *Gulp* "I've never been on a boar hunt, how is it done? Are there a lot of boars, or is it just one? What do we use? Will we be on foot, in the forest, or mounted, in the hills?" His eyes are wide as he tears of a hunk of bread and starts chewing.

"I will provide each of you with a suitable mount and boarspears. We will trek through the Tickwood forest, nearby, and hopefully find ourselves a nice large boar for dinner!" He then looks back to Skorabor again. "Boars are rather fearsome creatures when they charge, but I know you will all be able to handle it."


Hawkeye takes notice of the beautiful girl. Her hair smells sweet. Like honey. "That is most unfortunate, she who is called Shayliss Vinder. Where I come from it is dishonorable for a man to not keep his dwelling clean...." Flutters of nervousness and surprise hit Hawkeye when she grabs his arm. "As you say...your father is a busy man, I will certainly help you and him and cleanse his dwelling. This problem must be addressed soon though. One rat becomes many very quickly. My bow will make short work of these creatures." Hawkeye sounds confident and looks forward to showing off to she who is called Shayliss Vinder with her soft hands and her honey smelling hair.

Hawkeye only!:
Shayliss takes your hand and leads you out of the tavern and to the general store. Along the way, she makes small talk, asking you about where you are from and a little bit about your culture. When you arrive at the General Store, she brings you down into the basement.

It isn't long before Hawkeye realizes Shayliss hasn't been entirely truthful. In fact, there are no rats in the basement at all. As Hawkeye wonders about why Shayliss would lie to him, he barely notices that Shayliss has taken off her bodice! She walks over to him, pulling him into an embrace.

Perception Check (DC 15) - Hawkeye only!:
You hear footsteps as someone is coming down the stairs.

At the Tavern

You all notice Hawkeye is leaving with the beautiful girl that pulled him aside.


"Well Hawkeye seems to be making friends."

Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

"A boar hunt, ey? Sounds like a fine celebration of the goblin's defeat!" Skorabor announces proudly. "A boar may be as fearsome as they come, if it charges me it'll go down with a shield blow to it's noggin'" the dwarf continues to boast. "We'll gladly accept, master Foxglove. Now i'll think i'm gonna go find sheriff Hemlock and ask when we're raidin' the goblin lair."

Skorabor retreats upstairs after finishing his breakfast to don his armor. He does want to look his best as he moves through the streets of Sandpoint. After all his gear is in order he will go to the garrison in search of the sheriff.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Skora!" He says as he follows Skora around, "Were you not there when the plan was made apparent? I know you want to go headlong into battle. But, wouldn't you think that going after the person responsible for setting the goblins loose on this town would be a slightly higher priority than felling a few measly melon headed freaks?"

Skorabor watches Stark with a puzzled look. The kind of look he get's when somebody suggests that there's something more to the story then his simple solution. "But i am. Find the lair, get the chieftain and the elf fiend. Problem solved", the dwarf insists astonished that somebody could see a flaw in his plan.

Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21


"I don't see any rats. Are you sure they have nested here?"
Hawkeye's eyes dilate and he feels his heart pounding as she moves in to embrace. "I..." He embraces her and swims in that sweet smell of honey. They kiss barely for a moment before Hawkeye breaks off. During this time of returned senses, Hawkeye hears the sounds of someone coming down the stairs. He whispers, "Someone is coming. Quick! Get dressed."
Almost by instinct, Hawkeye gracefully leaps into the shadows without making a sound. He hides in wait for the intruder to make the first move.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14


Hawkeye Only!:
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Oh, you got lucky! Hopefully Shayliss's bluff will work out in your favor as well!

Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Well, that's unfortunate.

A large stocky man comes down the steps, and Hawkeye recognizes him as Ven Vinder, the owner of the store and father to Shayliss. Ven stops at the bottom of the steps where he notices Shayliss hurriedly buttoning up her bodice. Ven immediately does a scan of the room, but Hawkeye is far enough in the shadows to just go unnoticed.

"Shayliss... What are you doing with your clothes off? Is there someone here with you? You aren't taking after your sister are you?" Ven is obviously quite angry.

"Of course not father. I was just... adjusting. My bodice was causing me to itch." The lie sounds very believable, but Ven doesn't buy.

"You're lying, aren't you? I can't believe you would lie to your own father. Upstairs. NOW!" Shayliss immediately runs up the steps as Ven starts to look around the basement more closely.

Your move! You are currently behind a couple crates. You may be able to sneak out while Ven is searching the other side of the room, but Ven will be granted a bonus to his perception.

Stark looks at Skora with disbelief and confusion, "Are you mad? Firstly, what elf? We don't know that the person responsible is an elf, only that he's tall, like any human, half-elf, or elf compared to a goblin. Secondly, why in the nine hells would they actually still be at the goblin lair? They're probably hiding amongst the citizens of this town. Which is why we had the little green bastard freed in the first place, so he could lead us straight to the person responsible, not their own lair." He takes a breath. "Do you realize, that if we wipe the goblins out, we just helped tie up any loose ends the person had? We'd be nothing more than accomplices to whatever he might be scheming."

"Well, yer right. It could also be a half-elf. That is a possibility", the dwarf admits. It would seem that once an idea has rooted itself into Skorabor's simple intellect, it's hard to pull it out.

"But Why would he be in town? If he hired the goblin's to burn it down then he shouldn't be hidin' here, should he? True, the green devils are incompetent creatures but if he knew that he wouldn't have hired them in the first place!", Skorabor explains and ends with his final argument that is sure to win the sorcerer over. "And Durvin followed the baloon headed gutter rat into the forest. If he's out to catch the elf, or half-elf,", the dwarf adds quickly, "then he's in the lair!"

Skorabor indulges a satisfied smile for his masterful deduction. "And if he isn't, then we'll beat the location out of the chieftain!" The dwarfs smile grows wider. Check mate.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin speaks up to help, having a better idea of what Stark is trying to get the goblin to accomplish, and maybe how to help get Skora to ease up "He went to the lair, because he said he would get his fellow goblins to fight the person in charge, whose race is unknown. They won't succeed right away, so they will need a few days to handle the person in charge, whose race is unknown. If we wait two more days to let them get the job done, THEN we can go to the lair, and see if they did it. If they didn't do it, then I think Stark will be more than happy to help clear them out?" He looks to Stark, hoping he has it down, and that he stated it clearer for Skora.

Changing the subject, he adds "Today, however, we have a boar to hunt, and I KNOW Aldern here wouldn't want you to miss that on account of wasting your time going after the scrawny goblins. Besides, boar has got to be a much tougher opponent."


Silent as a shadow. Fast as a cheetah.

Hawkeye breaks for the stairs as Ven Vinder is looking the other way.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 He makes eye contact with Shayliss briefly as he bolts out of the store.

Hawkeye busts out of the house and, using his fingers, whistles for his bird. He desperately tries to not look back and keeps walking to the rusty dragon.

Hawkeye only!:
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Oh geez, he saw you and recognized you.

Ven sees Hawkeye rushing up the stairs and bolts after him. He stops at his front door yelling out to Hawkeye. "I don't want to ever see your face here again! You hear me? You hear me?!"

Shayliss smiles at you as you catch her eye on the way out. Ven doesn't follow.

You might not want to go near the general store any time soon...

That's it for me for the weekend. Feel free to roleplay while I'm gone. I'll be back Tuesday. I'm sure Hawkeye has plenty to tell the rest of the group about :)

"Thank you, Durvin. That is correct. I had the worm eater go back to his dwelling to get his buddies to flush out the person responsible for this whole mess. It'll take a day or two, I assume, for him to gather his buddies and go hunting this villain we're after. I don't rightly know where this person is, but I highly doubt he'd be dumb enough to stick with the goblins in their own dwelling, where people could easily follow the grub slurping monsters." Stark pats Durvin's back in thanks.

"So, let's stop talking about the goblins and this mysterious person, and go hunt some boar." He says as he looks to Skora.

I got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. Sorry for not posting earlier. I could look at a computer screen barely for a minute or two before having to lie back down. Between the anesthesia and "the good stuff" they give you was apparently "too good" for myself to handle properly.


haha! oh man! Forbidden romance. The best kind of romance.

Hawkeye says nothing back to him. He is unsure what to do in such a particular setting so he says nothing. His heart is pounding even more so then during the goblin fight. He's never been with that many girls and is disappointed about his squandered afternoon delight. He blames himself.
What a fool. So stupid. I could have been stealthier. No! I should not have done it in the first place. But... Shayliss oh what a lady. How I long to kiss her again.

Assuming hawkeye has time before the boar hunt

Hawkeye returns to the bar looking flustered and greets everyone again. When asked about his friend, he says he met the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and "had a misunderstanding with her father."

He'll pack alone and attempt to borrow an inkpen and paper to write a note. Once packed, he meets everyone downstairs again and goes outside for a quick moment.


He whistles again for Nakimi. He knows he does not know the language of animals, but speaks to her anyways. "There you been, girl. I swear you get bigger everyday."
handle animal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7err i hope this works!
Hawkeye takes a hair of Shayliss and ties it around his little note.
"Take this to her, Nakimi. The girl who smells like honey. But be stealthy about it. After you may meet me again and my new friends! You'll like them. We're going hunting. I bet you'd like that too. Boar hunting. It will prove to be most exciting, I bet."

Quick post just to let you all know the boar hunt is the next day. Sorry about the confusion!

Skorabor relaxes alittle. It seems that Durvin pandering to his ego was just the thing to disarm the dwarf. "Alright, we'll give 'em a few days. They'll still be there after all, won't they?", Skorabor laughs and gives Durvin a friendly shove. "Still no harm in talkin' to the sheriff, right? Get some more info of the damned critters."

Hey guys, I'm back. Unless there's anything in particular you'd like to do during the day, we can wrap up and move on to the boar hunt the next day.

Outside, the heroes are given the same welcome as inside the tavern. The mood in town is one of joviality, despite the horrors of the day before. It seems that the heroes' actions have brought about a feeling of security to most of the folk of Sandpoint.

Nakimi flies off, but unfortunately in the wrong direction. She returns about an hour later with a dead field mouse, dropping it into your hand before returning to your shoulder. The note is still attached to her leg. If everyone is with you when she returns, feel free to give them the description and introduce her to the party.

Welcome back! Skorabor wants to have a talk with the sheriff to find out what he knows about the goblins, so he can raid their lair after the boar hunt. He will probably be voted down but that's still his wish :) It doesn't have to be done in "game time" though and i'm fine with skipping to the next day.

Oh, there's one thing. Skorabor would also like to buy a weapon cord (from the Adventurer's armory) to attach to his waraxe.

Hawkeye laughs at himself at Nakimi's dead mouse and see's it as a symbol of his chances with Shayliss.

"Sigh... if the earth mother wills it I shall meet her again."


Once Aldern leaves, or when his attention is otherwise engaged Occa will slip back to the cathedral and the shrine to Gorzeh.

Once there he performs what rites seem appropriate. It feels odd worshiping the stormfather on land. Especially since Occa is bending prayers that usually aid a ship in riding storms to fit his plea for aid in riding through the coming boar hunt.

After that Occa returns to the Dragon and tries to sleep.

DM only:
2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

Skorabor finds a weapon cord at the general store, but oddly enough the store owner seems to be somewhat angry at him. Ven Vinder glares at Skorabor as he looks at the equipment and goods in the store. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to let his animosity get in the way of making a sale. As Skorabor leaves the shop, however, Ven lets out a burst of anger. "You keep that strange Shoanti friend of yours away from my daughter, you hear?!"

The Sheriff doesn't seem to know much more about the goblins than you've heard from other folks. He does mention that an Elven woman named Shalelu is the expert on goblins in this area. She's not in town at the moment and no one knows when she'll return.

If there is nothing else specific, let's jump to the next day!

The next day is just as beautiful as the day before. Aldern meets you all at the Rusty Dragon where he first leads you to the Goblin Squash Stables. The sign on the door of the stables is that of a lowly goblin being trampled by a horse and inside you notice goblin ears nailed to the rafters, each one with the goblin's name burned onto it. The stable owner seems to have an extreme hatred of goblins, so much so that he actually has a large glass bottle filled with brine and the preserved head of particularly ugly-looking goblin. The stable-owner introduces himself to you as Daviren Hosk.

Aldern offers to purchase each of you a horse.

At the shop and beyond
Skorabor is taken aback by Ven Vinder and his irradical behavior, but he keeps his cool and walks out with a fine leather strap for his waraxe. Eventhough he sensed that something was amiss Skorabor is taken completely by surprise as the store owner blurts out the command about the shoanti and the mans daughter. "Ye keep yer daughter away from the strange Shoanti!". Skorabor retorts with the first words that come into his mind and walks out of the shop. He can't help but smile at his razorsharp wit as he walks down the street towards the town garrison.

The meeting with Belor Hemlock proves to be a disappointment. The sheriff is no doubt a good man but Skorabor is dissatisfied that the man has no plans to organize a raiding party to clear out the goblin lair where the vicious critters that attacked the town live. But the meeting was not a total waste of time. He did gather a clue in this elven woman called Shalelu, however sheriff Hemlock spoke highly of her so Skorabor didn't want to present his theory that she's the "longshank" that organized the raid. He will find out the truth sooner or later.

On his way back to the Rusty Dragon Skorabor contemplates if he should let his fellow heroes in on his theory. The looks he get's from the townspeople as he passes is enought to set any doubts he had at ease. "Gentlemen, we have a name on our longshank. Her name is Shalelu!" he announces as he gathers his companions.

On the day of the boar hunt
"That's very kind of ye, master Foxglove. I'll hope to repay yer generosity in the near future!" he says as he accepts Aldern's offer. He does however keep into the background as the nobleman negotiates the deal with Daviren Hosk. "There's somethin' not quite right with that man", he whispers to Durvin and points to the shopkeeper. "Keepin' goblin trophies like that. Somethin's went wrong in that head of his. Not healthy to keep bodyparts like that."

"Thanks, Aldern. It's much appreciated. I'll be sure to repay you as well." He reluctantly accepts. Stark looks to Skora, "Nothing wrong with it at all. No different than keeping a boars head mounted on your wall. Some people take up hunting a variety of species." He flashes a half-smile before turning to focus on the hunt.

Hawkeye graciously accepts the gift. "You have my thanks."

Skorabor studies the grisly trophies in a new light as a result of Stark's comment. But centuries of racial animosity towards the green things has left a deep inprint in the Boulderbacks and Skorabor shakes his head. "Don't see it. Foul creatures like that should be burned or left for the crows. A boar's head 's somethin' else," he says. "It ties the room together", he quickly adds thinking he should have an argument to back up his claim.

"Never said the guy had taste." Stark shrugs.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin smiles at the offer, but refuses "Oh, no Sir, a horse would be unnecessary. I'm not much of a rider, and the things are rather large for my taste." he pauses, before suggesting, "Though I could ride with one of the others, if that wouldn't be a problem? I think I'm light enough that it wouldn't slow anyone down." He looks to the others, wondering who will be willing to let him ride with them.

To Skora
"Some people don't see it as a duty, Skora, some hold vengeful thoughts towards whatever may menace their community. It is not right to assume that he doesn't do it out of some pain he feels. Maybe the creatures took the life of a loved one, and a reminder of each death he is able to bring to them merely eases his sadness." Durvin gives Stark a knowing nod, kind of his own way of saying he has figured out how to quell the dwarf's unusual sureties.

"Still think a boar's head is better", Skorabor says trying to buy time to come up with a convincing argument for his position on the matter. The gears grind desperatly but nothing comes to mind. He knew he was right but not how to prove it. "Ye can ride with me", he tells Durvin trying to change the subject to mask his defeat. "We're not hunting from horseback, right?", he asks Aldern.

The dwarf casts one last look at the goblin remains. "Not healthy at all", Skorabor murmurs as he kicks the horse into a steady trot and rides out to hunt boar.

Aldern purchases four horses, including riding equipment, from Daviren Hosk and hands the reins to each member of the group, excluding Durvin. He asks Durvin if he could purchase him a pony at least, sincerely wanted to give him a gift.

If you agree to the pony, he'll buy one for you, otherwise you'll be riding with Skorabor.

Once the group is ready to leave, Aldern introduces you to his three manservants and let's you in on where they are heading. "We'll be going to the Tickwood, east of here. It's a relatively safe wood, so there shouldn't be any trouble. The only things there are boar and deer! Though I have heard mentioned of a pair of firepelt cougars in the area. They are quite rare, so I imagine we won't encounter them."

Aldern rides off with the group, heading east as mentioned. They are heading slightly more south than Durvin went when he followed the goblin. Aldern leads the group in the woods, on horseback. Here the forest isn't very, making horse travel not too difficult. "Well, here we are. While we search for tracks, I'd like to learn a bit more about you all. Where are you from?" Aldern will continue asking questions of the group, eagerly wanting to know more about them. Though he asks his questions of everyone, he seems to take a special interest in Skorabor's home and his (probably embellished) past.

Group perception rolls:
Occa: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Durvin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Stark: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Skorabor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Hawkeye: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

While Skorabor is busy telling another over-the-top story and not paying too much attention, the rest of the group is keeping a good eye out for tracks. Hawkeye is the first to spot tracks up ahead. "Well done, Hawkeye!" Aldern hops off of his horse to inspect the tracks. Is anyone here good at tracking animals?

Following tracks is a survival roll, and of course if you wish to be stealthy, please roll that as well.


In the stables.
"Sir! A princely gift! You are most kind."
Occa grimly notes the trophies. He has heard tales of pirates keeping such grisly momentos. The tales never end well for the pirate.

To Durvin. "This pony should fit you nicely." Occa knows nothing of horseflesh but he recognizes that Aldern wishes to make a gesture and is trying to help them both save face.

While hunting
"So is this your land Aldern?" Occa seems little interested in the answer. To tell the truth he seems more interested in the sound of the wind and looking for birds than in hunting deer or boar.

Aldern answers Occa's question briefly, before getting back to questioning Skorabor about his clan. "No, actually. I live in a beautiful manor near Magnimar. I came here to enjoy the festivities and will be leaving tomorrow, in fact."

survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"The thrill of the hunt. This is my domain. The outdoors. The lands and forest of Varisia are my home. I move with my clan... used to at least. Now I move in a direction to prevent a great evil. Onward in this direction, he who is called Aldern Foxglove." Hawkeye stoops over the tracks and points in the direction they are heading. "He isn't too far up ahead. We shall catch him today. Let me go ahead and scout."

Hawkeye sneaks up ahead to not startle his prey. He knows he is a good distance away yet, but boars get spooked very easily.

DM roll:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Before Hawkeye heads in to the undergrowth, Aldern hands a boarspear to anyone who wishes to use it, even being considerate enough to bring a small-sized one for Durvin.

The boarspear is a two-handed simple weapon, with 1d8 damage and a x2 critical (1d6 damage for Durvin). They can brace against charges and if your brace attack hits you gain a +2 bonus to AC against the charging creature for the next round. Click here for more information.

Hawkeye leads the group through the bushes quietly, everyone off of their mount, but as he rounds a corner a boar is right there looking directly at him. The boar lowers its head to the ground as if to charge. His bloodshot eyes focus on Hawkeye, glaring angrily above a mouth filled with sharp tusks.

Initiative Rolls:
Boar: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Hawkeye: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Stark: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Occa: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Durvin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Skorabor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Initiative Order:
Block A
Hawkeye: 22
Durvin: 22
Stark: 19
Occa: 11
Boar: 7
Block B
Skorabor: 3

Everyone but Skorabor gets to act before the boar (no surprise round since it just barely managed to beat out Hawkeye's stealth roll). The boar is currently about within 30 feet of everyone, 15 feet of Hawkeye.

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