DM Duke's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (Inactive)

Game Master DukeRuckley

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It is a beautiful day in Sandpoint, the first day of Autumn in fact! Today is the day of the Swallowtail Festival, which will culminate in the consecration of a new Church of Desna. Right now, however, it is morning and our adventurers have all arrived. There is a feeling of joy and excitement in the air as people run about getting ready for the festivities.

It isn't long before you are handed a flier with a timeline of the day's events. Turns out the opening remarks are about to begin in the square in front of the church, followed by festivities, children's games, and dancing. At noon, the Swallowtail butterflies will be released and lunch will be served, free of charge. Finally, at sunset, the new church will be consecrated followed by a few hours of dancing into the night.

If you want to make it to the opening remarks, you must head there right away. There will time to explore immediately afterward.

And so it begins!

The early bird gets the worm.

Hawkeye woke up a little bit after dawn. Like he normally does. He moved to the window and saw people bustling about preparing for today's events. What a world of smells. Smoking meat. Fresh Fruit. Delicious ale. His nose could only name a few of these wide assortment of smells. He looked forward to the lunch where he may try these foods.

"These festivals are much different than my own."

Hawkeye finishes packing and proceeds to the square in front of the church. He'd like to hear the wise man's words. He also keeps an eye out for his traveling companion, Stark.

Yay! \o/

Commotion can be heard from the small ship entering the Sandpoint harbour. As the vessel closes words start to become audible from the ruckus. Words carried by a deep belowing from the front of the ship. "Come on! There's land. Don't ye see it? What are you waitin' for?" The noise seem to come from a heavy armored dwarf standing at the bow like a figurehead. His excitement rises with each yard the ship moves closer to the docks.

Once the nave is close enough to land the dwarf jumps down on the boardwalk, making the wood groan under his weight. "Land at last", he exclaims happily then turns back to the ship and calls out. "I don't know how you can stand it. All that movin' around. I'll take solid ground any day. Keeps you steady". He stamps his food on the docks a few times to empathize his point.

Skorabor takes a moment to collect his thoughts now that his long trial is over and surveys the landscape. A surprised look creeps into his dwarven eyes. "That's odd. This doesn't look like a capital", he murmurs to himself then strides down the dock and into town.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin, eager to experience another culture's festivities, rises at dawn and packs his gear. He had already informed the captian that he was staying in port here, but the man was nice enough to let him have one last night on board. Durvin was grateful for this, as there is nothing more soothing while asleep than the gentle swaying of a hammock, bobbing with the waves.

After packing his gear, and hoisting it on his back (almost forgetting his rapier), he heads up topside. No sign of Occa or Skorabor, the others he knew would be going ashore, he decides that he would most likely see them at the festival. Occa will most definitely stand above the crowd, and Durvin has a keen eye.

"Oh, why thank you kind sir." he chirps at a man handing out notices.

Seeing the flier's posted timeline, Durvin races off to catch the first posted event of the activities. He has one hand wrapped around the left shoulder strap of his pack, to keep it from wobbling too much as he runs, the other holding his rapier's hilt, to prevent the annoying thing from hitting his calf and shin, tripping him up.

"Excuse me... Coming through... Down here... So sorry, my apologies" Every few steps he pipes up again to make others aware of his presence. Growing up in Korvosa he is used to it, and doesn't do it out of malice.

Finally, his little legs bring him to the church square. Panting, he thanks Gozreh for the weather and the gull's cry that woke him early enough to get him here just in time.


The "Tears" arrived on the morning tide and Occa was off even before the gangplanks were run out. He had said his farewells to the rather morose crew last night so there was little weight on his heart as he walked away from his last berth for what he hoped was some time.

Already he was enjoying the land. The air was so full of smells, there was so much to see and so many people. Occa knew he would adapt and this would become normal but for now he reveled in the strangness.

Duke Arms and armor? Occa would be wearing/carrying his as he has no place to leave them. Good idea or will it get him arrested once out of the more forgiving port section of town?

You might get some funny looks, but as long as you keep the weapons sheathed, no one will bother you about them.

DM Duke wrote:
You might get some funny looks, but as long as you keep the weapons sheathed, no one will bother you about them.

Trident, crossbow, buckler and studded leather. Not exactly seatheable.

Listing slighty from the unaccustomed stability of the ground beneath his feet, Occa allows himself to be drawn with the crowd as it flows towards the central square. Noting some strange looks at the trident he was carrying Occa glances around and finds a dwarf running a grocers stall. Three apples later and he is still drawing looks but now they come with smiles.

Mind you Occa is now wishing he'd bought an extra apple for himself.

Keeping an eye out for shops, taverns, hotels, and this new cathedral someone mentioned.

I forgot to add my quarterstaff/walking stick doh! Fixed. I know the game has started but it was an honest mistake. I even had it in my appearance section before!

Hawkeye carries his gold with him and his walking stick he has had since he left his remote village. Everything else he left in his room.
He feels a little odd without his armor and bow but he is learning to relax and... have fun. He got a couple looks from those admiring his strange feather and beaded walking stick, but most are too busy browsing shops or assembling near the church. The other Shoanti (who are friendly to his clan) in the crowd who are fortunate to spot Hawkeye nod in approval of their kin despite being from a different clan. Here all children are welcome.

He gets there while the crowds are forming and manages to get a decent view. (hopefully).

His feathered walking stick would make it hopefully easier for Stark or others to spot him.

The apparent aimless milling about suddenly becomes less erratic as everyone begins to head toward the church. Shopkeepers quickly close up their shops and the few stalls that are on the streets are covered as they too head to the opening remarks.

Occa draws some funny looks as from passersby as they notice his trident with three ripe red apples covering the sharp fork prongs. Some young kids run by, pointing and laughing, not out of malice but out of amusement. On his way into town he spots a building with a large iron dragon on top. The sign in front proclaims it The Rusty Dragon Inn.Are you able to strap the trident and/or buckler to your back, maybe through some kind of loop? Would be good to know for future reference. The apples made me laugh aloud, by the way!

Skorabor's remark brings him an answer from a nearby, balding man. "Nope, not a capital. Just a quaint little town. Still, you'll find plenty to do around here today, with the Festival going on. Tomorrow you might find yourself a bit bored though." He walks off in the same direction as the rest of the crowd.

Hawkeye finds himself a decent view near the steps in front of the church. At the top of the steps is a wooden stage, he can only assume is where the speaker be. As others begin to crowd in around him, he feels someone pushing on his leg. "Don't mind me." It is a halfling who looks almost more like a young human child, with reddish-brown hair and a smattering of freckles. You notice he wears a seashell necklace. This is Durvin, if you hadn't figured that out.

I'm going to wait for Stark to post before moving on. I'm loving it so far, keep up the great role-playing.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Noticing the man his bothersome rapier was pressed against, Durvin addresses him directly.

"I don't mean to interrupt your thoughts sir, but are you Shoanti?" he questions. "I did not know you.. you as a people, not you specifically, though I am talking to you specifically..." he stops gathers his thoughts. "I was not aware your people would travel to see the festival?" he finishes half in question.

"I'm from the city of Korvosa, originally, so I am a little familiar with your people." he adds with pride beaming. As an afterthought adding, "That is, if you are Shoanti."

His eyes go wide as fear overwhelms his features. "OH MY! I have forgotten my manners, where is my head, all this excitement!" he extends his hand outward towards the tribesman, "My name's Durvin."

Hawkeye laughs! "You talk fast for such a little man!"

"You did me no wrongs he who calls himself Durvin. You may call me Hawkeye. He accepts the offer to shake hands. "Well met. You are right. I am Shoanti. I am one of the clan who call themselves the Shriikirri-Quah in my tongue." He smiles. "Korvosa. Yes. I have heard of that place. My people think it to be cursed! Is this where you got your water shells on your neck?" Hawkeye looks at his necklace and sword. So interesting.

Hawkeye, judging by the sword on Durvin's belt deduces the young human child to be a halfling.

"Tell me small-man- Can you see from where you are? The stage?"

DM Duke wrote:

ooc]Are you able to strap the trident and/or buckler to your back, maybe through some kind of loop? Would be good to know for future reference. The apples made me laugh aloud, by the way![/ooc]

The buckler can and likely is attached to my belt. Not sure about the Trident a shoulder loop could be arranged but at it is Gorzeh's weapon and Occa does not do that much travelling wher he has to carry things it is unlikely that he has one. Glad you liked the apples.

Occa laughs with the children.

"Ah this looks like a habitable inn. Hope it's not too expensive."
"Looks like they are starting. Should be a decent view from here by the inn."
"Hey is that Durvin over there? So he was serious about leaving the ship after all. I'll catch him up once things get under way."

Skorabor twitches as the balding old man comments his words, not having realised he stood there. "I'll be findin' plenty to do tomorrow and the days after that", Skorabor announces. "Just need to find this group called the Way seekers. You know where they keep their clanhold?", the dwarf asks the man and starts moving with the crowd. Alas the dwarf had not only forgotten the name of his destination, but also the group he planned to find there.

The red dragon, he thinks to himself. Looks like a good enough place, have to remember that since i might be stayin' here some nights. Or perhaps the Way seekers provide lodging for their members.

Continueing his stroll down the street, Skorabor takes the huge crowd as undisputable proof that he's on the right path.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

"Oh, this?" he fingers the small shell at his neck, "This was Gozreh's invitation to me to explore the sea. I found it when I was young, and when I hold it to my ear I can hear the call of the ocean." He holds it to his ear as a calm washes over his features.

Blinking twice, he returns to the conversation at hand. "I don't have the best view, but I am usually able to wend my way forward once the crowds gather. Just one of the advantages of being little." He smiles lightly.

"Ooh, you're tall, do you think you could look to see if you can spot a friend of mine?" He grows eager, "He will be easy to spot, he's tall, but it's what he carries that stands out. He bears a Trident, an over large fork if you don't know what one looks like." He gets a worried look, and adds "Don't tell him I called it that, please, I don't want him to tell Gozreh something that will anger him."

"The Wayseekers? Never heard of them... Sorry!" The man sees Skorabor looking at the Inn on the way by. "That's the Rusty Dragon Inn. The finest Inn in town, though that's not saying much since we're such a small town. Still, they've got some really great exotic foods there."


Hmmm looks like I was wrong about this spot. Everything is flowing that way.

Occa, with his fruitful banner held before him, joins the flow coming to rest somewhere in the crowd his height coming in handy to see over the heads of the earlier arrivals.

Durvin Tamish wrote:

"Oh, this?" he fingers the small shell at his neck, "This was Gozreh's invitation to me to explore the sea. I found it when I was young, and when I hold it to my ear I can hear the call of the ocean." He holds it to his ear as a calm washes over his features.

Blinking twice, he returns to the conversation at hand. "I don't have the best view, but I am usually able to wend my way forward once the crowds gather. Just one of the advantages of being little." He smiles lightly.

"Ooh, you're tall, do you think you could look to see if you can spot a friend of mine?" He grows eager, "He will be easy to spot, he's tall, but it's what he carries that stands out. He bears a Trident, an over large fork if you don't know what one looks like." He gets a worried look, and adds "Don't tell him I called it that, please, I don't want him to tell Gozreh something that will anger him."

He smiles.

"I have a better idea- I lift you up and we both look for your friend. Four eyes are better than two."

"While you are up there maybe you can tell me about this Gozreh and these giant forks you speak of."

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

His smile loses its luster briefly, and he speaks in a steady tone, "I appreciate your intent, and your willingness to help, but despite my appearance I am not a child. I do not feel like I need to be lifted, carried, or borne on another's shoulder or back." he takes a breath and continues as if he has been through the speech before. "I am a full-grown halfling, and able-bodied at that. If I feel the need for height is not required, I will find another means." He sighs.

"I do not intend to shatter the mood of the festival, and I know you did not mean to offend. I just do not like to feel as if someone considers my height or size to be a disadvantage." His smile returns, not as bright, but present. "If you care to join me, maybe we will find him toward the back, he wouldn't want to block other's view. I will also be better able to climb to a greater vantage at the nearby buildings."

He adds praisingly, "Occa would also better voice the praises of Gozreh, as he is ordained to do so."

"I meant no disrespect, halfling man. I only thought to help you find your friend." His sincere tone and face give way to one of minor epiphany.

"I have an idea! It is custom of my people during festivals to have games. Why don't we make a game out of this? One so sure of his strengths and weaknesses like you would find it most enjoyable! This is known! The first one who finds this friend who harnesses the power of great forks and this Gozreh wins. You use your strengths. I use mine. What should be the prize?"

I will try not to be too damaging with his faux pas as he learns the customs of the world. Only enough to make good roleplaying. If there are games during this festival I could totally see Durvin and Hawkeye having a minor rivalry to see who is the best at things. :D

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

His face brightens at the return of more pleasant talk, "Oh, but it would be unfair to you. I have an obvious advantage, I know what he looks like, and all you have is a rather subtle description." He decides, "Let us look together and talk, so as to not be wrapped up in our own game that we miss the opening ceremony. Then, during the festival, there will be many games set up that we can enjoy in the manner of friendly rivalry." adding, "I would like to introduce you to my friends, and not misplace a newfound one in the crowds without more eyes knowing who to look for." he finishes with a thoughtful nod.

"Ha! I accept your forfeit. It is wisdom to know when one is defeated!" He laughs and smiles at his attempted jest."Lead the way, one who is called Durvin." Hawkeye 1 Durvin 0

Stepping out of the caravan, Stark takes in the sight for a moment before wandering around town. Turning to his flier, he decides to attend the opening remarks for today's festival.

A festival. The perfect distraction. He smiles as he walks toward the church.

At first Skorabor gets abit worried when the man claims to never even have heard of the Way seekers, but he quickly shakes off the feeling of unease. Why should a peasant know about a society of adventurer's anyway? They've got other things to think of. He decides to leave it well alone and continues his walk through the city streets.

The dwarfs spirits rise at once as he enters the town square and notices the stage. Of course! That explains all the excitement the townsfolk is in. The Way Seekers are announcing their next great exploration! That must be it. The reason the balding man haven't heard of the Way Seekers must be that he doesn't know them by name, only by their actions. Or that he's senile. That could also be a possiblity.

Content that he's obviously in the right place Skorabor starts to make his way to the front of the stage. This was his opportunity and he was not going to miss it.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

"Forfeit? HA HA! Well-played, but the games have not yet begun. It is not defeat it is merely a postponed challenge." Durvin truly enjoying Hawkeye's turnabout, "No worries, we shall have plenty of chance during the games for me to prove to you that my size is not a handicap. I like to think of myself as Halfling-capable." He chuckles at his play on words.

Sorry, every time I see Hawkeye I think Pierce (a.k.a. Alan Alda). Also, I have my RL TT this evening and will be offline from 3-12pm EST, and prob not be on until next morn to avoid wife aggro from staying up just to post.

As a blonde woman, probably in her thirties, steps up to the stage the crowd abruptly begins a round of applause. When it dies down there is silence, until she speaks loudly and clearly. She starts off by welcoming everyone to Swallowtail Festival, both local residents and visitors alike. She introduces herself as Kendra Deverin, the mayor of the town of Sandpoint, and judging by the crowd's reaction, she is well-liked. She tells jokes about how even the local tanner, Larz, managed to pull himself away from his work.

Kendra's welcoming speech complete, she introduces the Sheriff of town, Belor Hemlock. Hemlock appears to be of Shoanti descent, though he doesn't show it in the clothing he wears. He brings a bit of a sour mood to the crowd when he starts speaking in a droning, monotonous voice. He reminds everyone to be safe around the evening's fire and then asks for a moment of silence to remember those who perished in the church fire of five years ago.

Next up is Cyrdak Drokkus, the owner of the local Theater. He raises the crowds spirits by recounting the story of how difficult it was to finance and build the new cathedral, with hilarious embellishments of course. He manages to plug his next shows, opening tomorrow, called "The Harpy's Curse," which will feature none other than Allishanda, the Magnamarian diva as the harpy queen.

Finally, Father Zantus takes the stage to say a prayer to the goddess Desna and thanks the crowd for coming. He reminds everyone of the release of the Swallowtail butterflies at noon, to be followed by lunch, and then declares the Festival underway!

With that, the crowd parts and a group of musicians begins to play music. The Festival games open up, including an archery game, ring toss, egg toss competition, sack race, and long jump. Children run around playing games and everyone seems to be having fun.

This post isn't nearly as good as the first time I wrote it... But alas, what can you do. Anyway, the following link is to a map of Sandpoint. You are currently at the square to the west of the Cathedral (1) and the Rusty Dragon Inn is to the south (37). The Tears is to the south of the inn at the docks, and the caravan stopped at the Goblin Squash Stables (38). Just about anyone can tell where to find something you might need or want.

Map of Sandpoint

If you'd like to play the games, you may. You may try each game once. The Egg Toss and Sack Race are both competitions that are done in pairs. The rest are high score type games. Most prizes are simply dolls or little trinkets, but if you do extremely well you may win a grand prize which could be a useful item.

Note that the actual meat of the game doesn't begin until later on, so this is a good chance to role-play and introduce your characters to each other.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin claps his hands and rubs them together, a grin consuming his features. "Now, my new friend, we shall compete. We should get underway though so we can relax by the time the butterflies are released." he glances about briefly, before following with brightened features, "Maybe, while in the games we will catch sight of my friends, I don't see him just yet."

Perception to spot Occa, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10.

Half-heartedly he looks around for his friend, but his attention seems to be focused on the games.

"Maybe after we compete we can see how well we work together, in some of the partnered events." he suggests.

Durvin is ready to try out every game.

Perception to spot Occa: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Hawkeye breaths, closes his eyes, and exhales while opening them again. He takes in everything around him. Drowning out the noise his eyes look all around for this man. He knows little of what he looks like but hopefully a man with a trident could be spotted. Searching for this man reminds him of the time hunting out in open country. Very different. Everyone moving makes it difficult to focus. Maybe he will see Stark while looking for Occa.


"No. No. The games have begun and you are down 1 game!"
"Let us not do the archery competition right away. I do not want to break your spirits. Come! You pick the first game!"
"Maybe if you win next game I make that forfeit count as practice game! Partner games are fun, this is known but I like.. how you say.... head-to-head?"

Hawkeye, used to training on his own, is more comfortable by himself. He is a little unsure of how much fun a co-operative game would be since his experiences were more solo orientated. Co-operation is seen as strength. His clan revered the strength of wolf and coyote packs. Yet his affinity was always with the more independent birds of prey. Hawkeye's mood is very boisterous. He is losing some of that solemn, reverent tone and out from that shell is someone a little bit more comfortable. He likes Durvin and thinks he could be his second friend since he left his tribe.


Occa claps and laughs with the others. Happy and a little nervours to be around so many people he does not know.

After the speeches he wanders about the square ending up by the ring-toss competition.

"So how does this work exactly?"

Looks like Hawkeye lives up to his name with that Perception check.

As Hawkeye and Durvin wander about, taking in the games and the people, Hawkeye spots a man who looks like Durvin's description of Occa, speaking to the man running the Ring Toss game.

"Well, it's very simple actually. You get three rings to toss and your goal is to get as many of them as possible to ring around the wine bottles on that table over there. You have to stand back at this line, of course" He points to a table with about 10 full wine bottles, seemingly tied in place so they can't be knocked over. The line is about 20 feet back. "Care to try?"

The ring is an improvised weapon with a range of 10ft, so you take a penalty of -6 automatically (unless you can use improvised weapons without penalty). You'll make a ranged attack against a DC of 15, three times.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

"So, that leaves us with the ring toss, or the long jump. How about we go rings, then jump, move on to archery. Once we've done the three we can do the egg toss and the sack race. What do you think?" He goes through the list, holding up a finger at the mention of each new game.

Haha I know right? How dissappointing would it be if he choked up on his first in-game perception check! :D

While moving and talking, Hawkeye keeps a keen look around for this Occa fellow and believes to have spotted him near the rings!

Composed, he responds to Durvin,"Yes. Good idea. We should go to the ring toss- I think you'll like who is there." Hawkeye smiles as he finishes that last sentence.

DM Duke wrote:

"Care to try?"

The ring is an improvised weapon with a range of 10ft, so you take a penalty of -6 automatically (unless you can use improvised weapons without penalty). You'll make a ranged attack against a DC of 15, three times.

"Yes, why not." Setting his pack and apples aside Occa takes the rings and tries to land them on the wine bottles.

toss...1d20 - 6 ⇒ (18) - 6 = 12

toss...1d20 - 6 ⇒ (8) - 6 = 2

toss...1d20 - 6 ⇒ (12) - 6 = 6

"Ah well maybe next time."

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Approaching the ring toss just in time to see Occa try his hand, Durvin finally catches sight of him. "Occa! There you are, praise Gozreh!" he rushes forward to the man and points back towards Hawkeye, "I've made a new friend and we are going to have a friendly competition, it'll be fun."

As Hawkeye nears he introduces the two. "Occa, this is Hawkeye, he is a Shoanti. Hawkeye, this is my friend Occa, he is a priest in the holy name of Gozreh. He can tell you ALL about the sea god." Seeing an opening at the game stall, he moves up, "Ooh, the ring toss, let me give it a try."

First toss.. 1d20 - 6 + 4 ⇒ (20) - 6 + 4 = 18

Second toss.. 1d20 - 6 + 4 ⇒ (12) - 6 + 4 = 10

Third toss.. 1d20 - 6 + 4 ⇒ (15) - 6 + 4 = 13

"Ah, well, one outta three ain't bad. I think I got overconfident after that first one." He gives Hawkeye a look, as if to say he's up.

Stark tries his hand at some of the games. He'll start with the ring toss. Seems simple enough, he thinks to himself.

ring toss 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (5) - 5 = 0
ring toss 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (7) - 5 = 2
ring toss 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (6) - 5 = 1

Upon seeing Hawkeye at the ring toss, "Hope you're having better luck than I am." He chuckles. "Where do you plan on going after this?"

"It is a pleasure to meet the one who is called Occa. May your bowl be overlowing with peace on this festival day. Friend of he who is called Durvin is friend of Hawkeye!" Hawkeye smiles and goes to shake Occa's hand. "How do you fare? I would like to know more about this great fork carrying God of yours. Durvin spoke much about him."

I'm assuming point-blank-shot applies
Toss 1: 1d20 - 6 + 3 ⇒ (5) - 6 + 3 = 2
Toss 2: 1d20 - 6 + 3 ⇒ (20) - 6 + 3 = 17
Toss 3: 1d20 - 6 + 3 ⇒ (8) - 6 + 3 = 5

Hawkeye reflects on his performance.

"It is known. One out of three is not bad at all! We tie."

He pauses and spots Stark come up to the booth.

"STARK! Friend! It is a great pleasure to see you! I got one ring! You look well traveled, friend. You ok?"LOL OUCH

"Stark this halfling man is one called Durvin and this great fork wielding priest is named Occa. They are new friends. Did you see the speeches?"

"Yes, I did. Personally, I can't wait for lunch. I could definitely eat." He looks at the halfling and the priest, "It's good to meet you two, my name is Stark. How's your luck with the games thus far?"

"Ah, too bad. You only needed two rings to nab yourself a bottle of this fine wine. As it is, here is a voucher for a free glass of wine anytime tonight." He hands a voucher to Hawkeye and Durvin, each. For the two who don't manage to ring any bottle, he just shrugs and says, "Sorry, but sometimes that's the way it goes."

Okay, that's my last post for a bit. Hopefully I'll get more in tomorrow.

Hawkeye wrote:
"How do you fare? I would like to know more about this great fork carrying God of yours. Durvin spoke much about him."

Occa gladly takes Hawkeye's hand.

"I am glad to know you, and glad to see that Durvin is making friends with his usual speed."

Occa smiles.

"It is good that you are asking but there is very little that can be told of Gorzeh. If we were at sea and you asked me I would just tell you to look for the sea and the sky are Gorzeh. On land you have only the sky but you still have Gorzeh. I have left the sea partly to understand Gorzeh on land. The fork? It is just a symbol, and a convient place to store apples."

Stark wrote:
It's good to meet you two, my name is Stark. How's your luck with the games thus far?"

"Well met Stark. I am afraid my luck at the games leaves much to be desired. These two have managed to maintain their honor in the face of the ringed adversery."

Skorabor makes his way to the stage. As a traditionalist he's more than surprised to see a woman take the stage, but his astonishment pales in comparison to the unexpected announcement of the Swallowtail Festival. What about the Wayseekers announcement? Skorabor looks to the members of the crowd closest to him to see if anyone else is puzzled by the turn of events. Not finding his confusion reflected in any of their faces he assumes everything is running as scheduled. The announcement is probably due as another speaker takes the stage. The dwarf waits patiently as each speaker hands over the stage to the next.

Once Father Zantus exits the stage and none takes his place Skorabor's patience runs out. If the Wayfinders wheren't going to announce themselves he was going to have to seek them out. He had not travelled past the sea in vain. It was time to get some anwsers.

Pushing his way through the crowd Skorabor approaches the sour looking man the town's mayor introduced as Sheriff Belor Hemlock. "Mr Hemlock, it's good to see a man of the law! I'm Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback, son of Kargunt Boulderback, the warlord of Stoneshire", he announces and extends his gauntleted hand to the shoanti. "As sheriff of this town you're no doubt the man i want to see. I'm looking for the Wayfinders, could you point me in the direction of their clanhold?"

Perhaps abit unsocial of me, not going to meet up with the other players, but Skorabor's got important things to attend to!

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Listening to the vendor with interest, he responds kindly. "Ah, a wine voucher. I'm sure it will have a beautiful bouquet and really help ease out of a busy day, of food and games. Thank you, sir." He takes the voucher with gratitude.

Turning to Hawkeye he states, "We find ourselves at an impasse, and are left to move on to the jumping contest. I may warn you, that despite the length of my leg, I am quite sprightly. Then again with that fancy bow, and your earlier statement, I might just be beat when we go to the archery event."

As Hawkeye greets his friend, Durvin's eyes widen. "Stark, it is very nice to meet you. It would be nice to see if you and I can be as fast of friends as we" he points at Hawkeye and himself "have become." Changing pace, he works at getting to know the newcomer, "So Stark, if you don't mind me asking, from where do you hail? Let us speak as we move toward the next game." He suggests.

"I came from the east. I used to go to college out there, but.." he pauses for a moment before continuing, " weren't in my favour, and I was forced to go. Perhaps, if we, as you say, 'become fast friends', you just might learn more." Finishing his thought with a smirk. "How about the long jump?"

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin narrows his eyes to slits, and responds thoughtfully, "Hmmm, a tough nut to crack. The man is a mystery, wherein his past is a hidden treasure." his faux seriousness passes, as he brightens, "That's okay I like a challenge, just ask Hawkeye here." He points his thumb at the Shoanti.

"For now, though, we game. Let us away to the next bout. Stark, are you a competitive man? Hawkeye and I here have a contest to see who does best at the games. Would either of you care to join us?" He asks, addressing Occa as well.

As an afterthought he adds, "Though, there is no wager of sorts. Maybe just the right to brag..." he puts his thumb to chin and his index on his temple in thought, before his eyes spark with an idea. "How about this? At the end of the festival, at the inn, each of us has to praise the overall winner to the rest of the crowd. Just a quick line like 'This man Hawkeye has the keen shot of a shooting star angling across the heavens'." He puffs up and cups his hands to his mouth as if making an announcement to a large crowd, but keeps it at the volume for the small conversation they are in.

Real quick, because I'm not sure how much more I'll be able to get done this weekend... Here are the rules for the long jump and archery contests. I haven't decided on the prizes yet.

Long Jump: Simply make an acrobatics check. Your total is the number of feet you jump.) A score of 15 nets you a prize and 20 nets you a special prize.

Archery: You will be given a shortbow and five arrows. From one range increment away (so no penalty unless you are not proficient, and no point-blank bonus either) you shoot at a target. The target is four rings. The bulls-eye is worth 20 points, then the rings are five less each (15, 10, and 5). The DC is equal to the points. So if you roll an 18, you get 15 points (you hit the second ring in). After all five shots, anyone with a score of 50 or higher gets a prize. Those of you with 80 or more get a special, better prize.

The egg toss requires partners (if you don't have one, you will be paired), and the sack race is a five man relay. Rules are to follow on each of those, but the egg toss will probably be a ranged attack followed by a reflex to catch. The sack race will probably be acrobatics checks to avoid falling. I will be making the rolls for both of these to save time, should you choose to participate.

Durvin Tamish wrote:


"Would either of you care to join us?" He asks, addressing Occa as well.

Occa grins as he shakes his head. "I think I will leave these games to those with sprightly legs and keen eyes. I am enjoying the air and the crowd and the smells of this place." "Though come to think of it I am feeling a tad peckish. Did you mention food Mr. Stark?"

"Yes, in fact, I did. I am awfully hungry. I wonder what sort of foods this community is known for." He states simply. "Would anyone care to join me in lunch?" He asks the group.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

Durvin shakes his head, "Oh, no thank you. I never compete on a full stomach, it just leads to injury. You two go, though, don't let us slow you down. We'll catch up to you after the games. Where should we meet back up?" He pauses in thought before he answers his own question. "How about we meet back here right before the release of the swallowtails?"

Directing his attention back to Hawkeye, he continues "I hope you don't mind waiting until after our game to eat, I did not intend to speak for you?" he adds, "I don't know about you though, but I'm ready to continue this challenge. To the long jump."

Whew what a long day. Sorry for not being able to post. I would have on the go but Best Buy water-damaged my phone when they applied a screen-protector! A screen protector destroyed my phone's screen. Go Figure. X.X

Hawkeye graciously accepts his winnings but still a little unsure what he meant until he read the details. He looked slightly puzzled by the term voucher but soon enough it made sense.

He listens to Occa and is very intrigued by what the man says.
"This Gozreh is Sky, the Sea, and Land? All parts of one? This is the Gozreh? This is interesting. I too respect the sky and the land. It is customary of my people to pray to the the Sky and Land but by a different name. We believe the Sky Father watches over everyone with his eyes while the Earth Mother protects us and provides us with what we need. The Earth Mother gave us life. We are all one family. One of the reasons I am here at this festival... is to see the gifts the Earth mother gives and see my brothers and sisters. We share not the same God but believe in the power of nature and respect it and awe at its wonders. I have deep respect for you, he who is called Occa."

Hawkeye bows politely and reverently to Occa.
Technically Hawkeye worships Gozreh too. I just thought it would be cool to have a slightly different manifestation of Gozreh for the Shoanti.

He listens to his friends make their introductions and smiles. Stark seems as friendly to them as he was to him when they first met.
"I know not the troubles of this man between himself and his clan but he seems of no ill-blood. Not once on the trip here did he seem destructive or selfish. One must give time to grow."

He smiles at Durvin's proclamation and replies, "Or here is the one called Durvin! Who.... the best at the games!" He mimic's Durvin's hand gestures contemplating his next words, but soon goes quiet. He is unsure what to say."I am sorry. I'm not good at speeches." He laughs awkwardly and he feels his stomach rumble slightly.

"I could eat, but first long jump! I must be as light as a bird if I am to do well at this game! To the long jump"

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Hawkeye feels comfortable with the distance he went. He could have done better, he knows, but he also could have done worse. He never was the best acrobat growing up. Coordination was his strong suit.. not agility and acrobatics.

"Now your turn, friend"

I'm having a blast with this festival and the games and roleplaying! What a fun way to start a campaign.

Reminder: Lunch is served immediately after the Swallowtails are released at noon. None of the taverns are open at the moment because everyone is enjoying the festivities, so you'll be unlikely to find food until then. It'll be free, though! I think we'll wait to release the Swallowtails until after the archery contest, then if you want to participate in the sack race and/or egg toss, we'll do that real quick before jumping ahead to the consecration.

Male Halfling Sea-Singer Bard 4 (AC: 17 [T: 14 /F: 14]; HP: 26/26; F+1, R+7, W+4; Init: +3; Perc: +9)

After seeing his new friend's impressive leap, Durvin tries to stretch and limber up before he tries his hand, or more appropriately legs, at it.

Flexing his knees and swinging his arms in a pendular fashion, Durvin leaps with all he has to offer.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

In the act of over-preparing, Durvin messes himself up. After the leap, he tells comforts Hawkeye, "Don't worry, by the looks of things you won't be needing to make any speeches. I was certain I had you at the jump. I'm too nevous about trying to make a good impression after all my earlier bluster." he sighs.

"Well, now to the archery, where you will truly show me up. You have played well my friend, and by your skill thus far I'm that you're with me rather than against me." His grin returns easily, not one to be down for long.


At the archery range, Durvin steps forward, "I would like to go first, so i don't get down after seeing your skill.." to himself he whispers "C'mon Durvin, stay focused, right on target." Giving a little pep talk as he draws the bow string and goes through his shots.

Shot 1 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 =20
Shot 2 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 =10
Shot 3 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 =15
Shot 4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 =20
Shot 5 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 =5

Total: 70

Durvin's eyes widen in shock "WOW! Two bullseyes, not bad after all. Even if you do beat me, I'm proud of my performance." He bows at Hawkeye and moves back to let him take his turn.

I too like the way the festival is playing out, it does allow for a lot of interaction before we have to fight side by side. Instead of the old standard of pure strangers forced to work together.

Stark tables the idea of lunch at the moment, since all the taverns won't be open for a little while. That gives him enough time to play in a couple of the games before lunch. Once at the long jump, he stretches his legs, and attempts the jump..

Dex 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

..and lands just under Durvin's distance. "Well, I never said I was the athletic type." He says with a grin.

"Let's see how my archery skills are" Picking up the bow, he realizes that he's never had any formal training, and holds it awkwardly, and tries his luck.

Shot 1 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 1 - 4 = -1 nonproficient
Shot 2 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 4 = -2 nonproficient
Shot 3 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 1 - 4 = 14 nonproficient
Shot 4 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 4 = -2 nonproficient
Shot 5 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 1 - 4 = -1 nonproficient

"Yikes! That was aweful! Well, at least I got 10 points. Almost better than nothing, right?" He laughs out loud. "So, who's next? And what shall we do now?"

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