DM Carbide |
Every little bit helps.
DM Carbide |
Kira tags the least wounded of the orcs. It doesn't fall, but it's clearly running on rage and will soon bleed out.
There is a brief scrum at the doorway as all three try to advance. The one who made it swings at Haftor. Its blow is on target, but the dwarf's armor turns the blade aside.
Round 5:
Initiative order
You (except for Jarrek, sorry) can all act again!
Orcs: AC 13 T 10 FF 13
Green, Red: dead HP Blue*: -10 HP Black*: -12 HP Salmon*: -8 HP
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
Svarog knew the dwarven hatred of the orcs, but he had never felt it, not in his bones, the way they did. His rage was far more personal - not for his kind, but for himself. He had always been a hothead, but the dwarves had tempered that heat into something much stronger, much sharper... much more likely to strike at one type of target.
He struck now, lips skinned back from his teeth, fighting over the body of one who might, had circumstances been otherwise, been on the other side of this conflict. But one thing Svarog respected was choice. Jarrek had chosen to be more than a bloodthirsty savage. He deserved the chance to realize that choice.
cmp.longbow + FE + PBS + DT: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 29
dmg + FE + PBS: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 1 = 10
confirm: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 16
dmg: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
With no doubt in his mind to shake his hands, he put another arrow through the nearest orc's eye.
Woohoo! ...And then only 2 extra damage. Thus spake Zarathustra, who now lives on in the dicebot. I'll go ahead and wreck your quote's original meaning, Zarathustra. Nyah. Take that.
DM Carbide |
Round 5 (ongoing):
Initiative order
Everyone else
The dour ranger seems to have the orcs' number now, as yet another falls to one of his arrows. Now only two remain.
Orcs: AC 13 T 10 FF 13
Green, Red, Salmon: dead HP Blue*: -10 HP Black*: -12
Trianne Ashton |
Trianne moved again. She did not care to remain a stationary target, and as she side-stepped, she scanned behind them for unfriendly movement.
As her attention came back to fore, she didn’t even bother with the crossbow this time. Her voice summoned the energies, and her fingers arced out to direct them toward their foes.
Her timing with the group was still off, new as they were, and the lash of energy kissed the orc that Svarog impaled as it toppled to the ground already dead.
Black target for Jolt, 5' step. Judicious use of text to cover sucky dice.
Jolt ranged touch attack into melee vs. AC 10: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 4 = 2
Jolt damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
DM Carbide |
Round 5 (ongoing):
Initiative order
Everyone else
The scrum in the doorway provides little in the way of targets, so naturally Trianne's dart of energy strikes the one Svarog put the quietus to before it can fall and reveal another orc to strike.
Haftor and Kira to go!
The Stone Fist |
"If yeh had any brains, yeh'd run now!" Haftor taunts the last two badly wounded orcs as he watches their companion fall.
warhammer att 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
DM Carbide |
Good timing, Haftor! In the interests of keeping things moving:
The dwarf holds for the next orc to get within striking distance. Before either of the remaining foes can move, Kira drops the furthest one in. The last one advances, shouting a brutal war cry. Somehow it ducks under Haftor's hammer and manages to lay a massive blow on the warpriest! Haftor, take 21 HP. Falchions suck when you're on the receiving end of a crit and the GM rolls well for damage.
Crossbow to Black: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Crossbow damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Round 6:
Initiative order
Kira, Trianne, and Svarog can act!
Falchion confirm on Haftor: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Total damage: 4d4 + 8 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 4) + 8 = 21
Orcs: AC 13 T 10 FF 13
Green, Red, Salmon, Black: dead HP Blue*: -11 HP
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
Svarog's eyes narrowed as Haftor took the brunt of the desperate orc's attack. The dwarf had stepped forward to protect them, as any decent dwarf would; it was up to them now to see that he didn't pay too high a price for it.
cmp.longbow + FE + PBS + DT: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 20
dmg + FE + PBS: 1d8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 = 9
Before the orc even fell, he called out, "Give it to him!" He just managed to shrug out of the pack and before the others reacted, holding up a glinting vial he drew from inside it.
I think dropping the pack is a free action and drawing the potion is a move action, but if not, he just tells the others the potion is in there. It's a CLW.
DM Carbide |
Svarog kills the last orc, and draws out a potion for someone else to administer to the fallen dwarf.
Out of combat! I'm just going to roll the CLW result....
CLW on Haftor: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Haftor returns to consciousness almost before he realizes he's fallen.
The orcs have the usual javelins, falchions, armor, and a few coppers. Svarog figures, based on the trails they left, that this group was looting the house and taking the spoils out to a cart north of the house. The keen-eyed ranger realizes from the tracks near the cart that there must be other teams of orcs in the other two houses closest to the cart.
The Stone Fist |
Haftor grunts as he pushes himself into a standing position. The gruesome falchion wound ran from his ribcage down to his hip, and even with the healing it was seeping lightly. He chuckled softly. "Credit where it's due, that last orc was a heavy hitter. But he's dead and I ain't."
Moving slowly, the dwarf shuffled over to Jarrek and healed him.
CLW 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
He then straightened up, winced, and added, "Looks like there's more orcs need killin'"
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
"We should approach this fight more carefully," Svarog told them, reluctant to use the word "ambush" in front of Haftor. "Gain higher ground, and bottleneck them as before, with all our ranged attacks focused on one until it drops. Archers and what else at the top of a building, maybe, with the melee fighters below to block the door. Maybe if we locate their leader and kill it, we'll drive the others off."
He helped Jarrek to his feet, nodding to the half-orc. "If anyone has more healing at their command, we should give it to our fighters first."
DM Carbide |
I went back through the loot and discovered that you'd found a wand on the dead orc in the Plague House basement but never identified it. There was time between then and now to do so--it's a wand of cure light wounds with ten charges remaining.
Trianne Ashton |
Trianne didn’t hesitate. Her hands deftly retrieved a vial, pinched between thumb and forefinger. She offered it back and forth to Jarrek or Haftor.
“Healing,” she stated, but before either of them could reach for it, she said to Haftor, “Or did you want to use that wand you found first?”
These were seasoned adventurers, and she didn’t need to voice the semantics of a healing wand only one or maybe two of them could use, versus a potion which was much more versatile.
“And I’m all for bottling them up and punching holes in them,” she added. “But where? One of the towers? I’d be willing to bait them, but this terrain is gods forsaken.”
Offering a CLW potion. Assuming Haftor would be carrying the wand since he has the facility to use it without a roll. I don’t see any delicious bottle necks better than pinning them in a house. Draw them to a tower…?
DM Carbide |
Haftor, is your AC correct in your header? Scale + heavy steel shield should be 17, not 15. Also, I think three of you can use the wand: Haftor, Svarog, and Jarrek.
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
Svarog considered what he knew of the town's layout here. "We're surrounded by cliffs and walls. They'll probably take the north gate out. Pity, the south would have been better for us. But if we can roll something burning into the gap between fires while they're distracted looting to ensure they can't retreat, then circle around - or just rush through - and use the north gate towers to pin them, that might do the trick."
He leveled a grim look at Trianne. "It's risky, but so is going toe to toe with them. We might still have to do that. But this would give us a slight advantage, I hope. We could still try massively targeting their leader to drive the rest off. With those falchions they wield, though, it would be best to stay out of reach."
DM Carbide |
What are you considering doing, and is anyone going to use the wand to cure your wounded?
Jarrek Everstand |
Jarrek nods at Trianne. He shakes his head as Svarog helps him to his feet. "The wand first, I think. Let's save those potions for when we really need them."
"I don't have a problem with trying this smarter. There's plenty around here that's burning. Let's see if we can spot something with wheels." The half-orc looks around for a wagon or something they can roll into place at the gate. "And then we need to take that tower, eh?"
Unless somebody has an ability that helps with wand CLWs we can probably just pass the wand around and let Haftor and Jarrek heal themselves.
DM Carbide |
Don't forget that the compass rose is 45° off from the usual orientation when you're describing what you're doing. So your intent is to block the NW gate with something, try to draw out the raiders in the area, and make sure that they can't attack you while you use missile fire to kill them? (And also hope they don't try to retreat through the field hospital.)
The Stone Fist |
Haftor is good with the plan as described
He has one spell left, which he will substitute with CLW for himself: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
He'll use the Pearl of Power to cast on more CLW on himself: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Jarrek should use the wand on himself.
Also, Halftor's AC is down 2 because he has DEX damage from some poison.
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
Actually, what Svarog is suggesting is that we block off escape through the south gate with fire, as Jarrek said, then either circle around to the northwest gate from the outside to catch the orcs coming out there, or just run straight for it while the orcs are occupied looting, and use the towers to force them to come at us one at a time while we shoot them from high ground (the tower tops?).
Trianne Ashton |
As her allies sifted their next actions, Trianne stepped away and drew a bit of the arcane to hand. Golden streamers trail after her calculated hand gestures before she let them fly with a snap of her wrists. The racing lights swirled around her once or twice and then plunged directly into her form, into her eyes, her ears, against her face and exposed skin.
She recoiled from the heat and light for a moment, then keened a whistle skyward. A dusky raven swooped in from nearby and flapped to rest on one shoulder. She scratched the bird idly and moved a little closer to the blaze-lined trail to see if it was even passable without being cooked. Squatting, she squinted toward the far reaches of the quarter looking for any signs they may have missed.
The fires were rife with smoke and the wind unfavorable. Trianne turned away from them with a cough, and clicked at the raven a couple of times to send it aloft. Coughing again shortly thereafter and spitting to clear her throat.
Cast Heightened Awareness and make a Perception check toward the far end of the square. Also moving W, NW, NW to gauge if the heat would be too great to move between the pyres.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
DM Carbide |
You can take 10 on the Perception check.
Trianne Ashton |
"The smoke," Trianne said between labored fits of coughing. "Don't breathe it in. Not recommended."
Yep, no worries. I was gambling on a better result than a Take 10. So I'll take my lumps when they come!
DM Carbide |
Even with the clouds of smoke billowing up from the blazing buildings and trees, Trianne spots a few things of interest through her familiar. There is a single orc atop the tower ENE of the party, carrying a large drum and beating out a martial tune. There is another single orc walking among the burning trees, although it's hard to see much detail in the smoke. (It doesn't appear to be inconvenienced by the smoke.)
Jarrek Everstand |
Let's see how many uses Jarrek needs of the wand.
Use 1: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Use 2: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Use 3: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 He'll stop there, that puts him at 14/18. 7 uses left in the wand.
When Trianne points out the drummer, Jarrek grins. "Let's see if we can take out their cadence caller." That is the tower we've been talking about, right?
Trianne Ashton |
Trianne swallows thickly, clearing the worst of the smoke from her throat. Then she points out what she has seen.
“Yeah, we definitely need to deal with that drummer on the northeast tower.” She looks at Jarrek and affirms his intent.
“I saw one other wandering nearby in the smoke,” she added, indicating the general direction. “But I don’t think he saw us.”
Agreed. Seems like it would be foolish to continue on without dealing with the one (+?) in the NE tower.
DM Carbide |
What's the plan? Keep in mind that there are orcs looting in the houses next to the tower, and you also don't know if there are orcs on the lower levels that you'll have to go through to get to the not-so-little drummer orc.
The Stone Fist |
We should probably keep it simple. To keep from getting surrounded we should jump the closest enemy and see how quickly we can take it out. Keeps our options open to run away.
Jarrek Everstand |
So... 1) clear the orcs from the house near the tower, 2) clear the tower, 3) make a ruckus and try to draw the remaining orcs to us?
Trianne Ashton |
Trianne was beginning to understand this collective a little better. They had amazing spirit but ambivalent focus. They shared a common will but tended to hesitate when faced with choices. She had never suffered such tribulation.
“Haftor,” Trianne said, “You and Kira go through this building and prep to come out the far door. Use the cover if we hit resistance before the tower.” She looked to the savage ranger next. The man loped quieter than a wolf.
“Svarog, scout to the right, around that next building if it’s clear, and try and get to the tower door unseen. Jarrek and I will follow in your wake and lend support.”
She looked to each of them as she ticked off general points.
“Verify the right most building is clear, proceed to the tower, take out the drummer.”
Seems there’s general agreement that ENE tower is the next destination. Two through the building, three circling to the right. Just trying to put actionable comments together for the GM.
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
As the lady says!
Perception + FE: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 = 24
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Wow. I know skills don't use the autofail rule, but... wow.
Svarog went as Trianne had suggested, his steps slow and his arrow strung. He peered around the building... but the smoke tore at his throat, and he couldn't help but cough a bit.
Trianne Ashton |
Trianne moved as quietly as she could, after giving Svarog a few heartbeats head start. She stuck close to the building they had just cleared and drew up as the tower came into line of sight.
Peering carefully around the edge of the building, she didn't get to see much before her attention was drawn by the noise Svarog was making. Trianne's eyes were wide with alarm.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Stealth if necessary: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Okay, so he lopes like a 3-legged wolf with arthritis. :P
DM Carbide |
It's obvious to Svarog that there are looting parties of orcs in both of the houses flanking the entrance to the tower (which stands slightly ajar, incidentally). They're making a fair bit of noise and don't seem to have noticed anyone yet, but the ranger notices that there are open windows facing the tower entrance--if there was a lot of movement around the doorway, it's possible that the looting orcs would notice.
The Stone Fist |
Haftor simply nods to acknowledge Trianne's plan, then moves into the building. He has his loaded crossbow up to his shoulder, loaded and ready to fire, should he come across any enemies. He'll ensure that he goes in first, before Kira.
His intention is to move through the building quickly, but not so quickly that he wouldn't have the opportunity to notice anyone injured, or hiding.
perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
stealth (just for fun) 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (11) - 6 = 5
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
We are tromping through here like a parade of elephants (except Trianne. Jarrek and Kira, it's up to you now!). LOL
Svarog turned back to convey through gestures, as best as he was able, what he saw.
Then he prepared to move on if no one objects, making more of an effort this time coughing like an entire sick ward.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Welp. Maybe we can convince them we're also orcs. :P
DM Carbide |
Haftor, which building are you going to enter? Keep in mind that unless you get a very lucky hit you won't be able to one-shot an orc with your crossbow, so if you're faced with multiple targets you could end up like Jarrek--swarmed by a bunch of orcs and dropped before you get your second attack.
Jarrek Everstand |
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
Stealth, just to take a shot at it: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Hahaha, another 1. Fun times.
Jarrek nods at Trianne and circles around the building as indicated, making not even the smallest effort to keep his movements concealed.
If we want to try distracting some orcs, Jarrek has Ghost Sound. We could try to trick one house of orcs into thinking there are reinforcements coming from the other direction.
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
Sounds good to me!
DM Carbide |
Can you all arrange yourselves on the map? I'm still not getting what your plan is.
ETA: I put some labels on the map to (hopefully) make things clearer.
The Stone Fist |
OK - so I'm realizing that I was misunderstanding the situation. Here's my suggestion: If we move through the building directly to the south of the tower (the building on the right), then we would be able to potentially come out the north door of the building, close enough to the tower door so that we might be able to get in without being seen, or at least with a decent chance of not getting shot.
Summary: there's no reason to split up. We should move through the south building, all together, all the better to kill the orcs within. Thoughts?
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
"Don't split the party" tends to be good advice.
Trianne Ashton |
Agreed on splitting the party being bad. Trianne’s suggestion when looked at from a bird’s eye view sent four of the party in the same direction less than 20’ apart, two inside, two outside, and the stealthiest member circling to scout on the right. At the time of her suggestion, it was unknown that orcs were in the buildings adjoining the tower. We started out attempting to circle and sneak up on the drummer.
When the presence of the other orcs becomes plain, tactics can certainly change...
I took the liberty of moving folks on the map depicting the original intent for Trianne's suggested approach. I envision at roughly this point, Svarog and maybe some others detect the nearby orcs in the building. Anyone/everyone please feel free to rearrange the map as you see fit.
DM Carbide |
I think the idea is to clear at least one of the houses in front of the tower of orcs before attacking the tower, so you'll have an open line of retreat in case the tower proves too tough a nut to crack.
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
The new positions look good to me. Thanks, Trianne. :)
Trianne Ashton |
With orcs spotted moving in the nearby buildings, Trianne drew up short and held still. Ambushing a lone drummer just became a whole lot more dangerous with so many orcs in the immediate vicinity.
Trianne looked to Svarog to gauge his intent.
With orcs now identified in the buildings, I think those of us back here in support are waiting for a signal or some such from Svarog as point man. Engage, fall back, or continue to try and *airquotes* sneak *airquotes* past them...?
Svarog Sky-Tamer |
8 in 10 NPCs agree: Stealthing is hazardous to your health. :P
Svarog gestured again at the others - first at Trianne, then the door to the nearest building. Then at Jarrek and himself, pointing toward the back of the building.
Svarog is suggesting that most of the party enter the nearest building and deal with the orcs within, drawing their attention and lining them up, while he and Jarrek ambush them from behind - at least, that's the idea. Definitely open to suggestions otherwise!