DM Bloodgargler's Heroes of the Shiv

Game Master BinkyBo

Plug-in module>Racing to Ruin (Book 2 of Serpent's Skull)

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Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

"We don't know for how long the tide will be low. But i don't think it is safe to sleep outside now, let's take watch turns.I need to take one when there is still light, at least some."

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Outside chupacabras. Not good. Ships safer.
Perc: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

Mugambi can help with the watch but usually he is blind as a bat lol.

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

"P...Piendy is a c...c...creature of w...water, if he says w...we have t...time to rest in the s...ship then I believe him.
I t...think we would be in the h...hold."

Bilge Pump Operator

"Yes. Sleep easy mates."
You do not all sleep well in the ship. Though you are unharmed for the time needed to rest, the creaks of the settling ship prove to be unnerving to the light sleepers.

At the end of Truk's watch - as Garborn and Iolana are finishing their preparations, and the others are just rising, you all feel a stomach turning sensation.

"Oop.. magic ending... water come soon."

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

After a good morning stretch, Truk nods at the impish figure's assessment. "We don't wanna be below decks when the water comes. Come on!"

Did we determine if the ship was in tact enough to float to the surface?

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

"Let's...let's go.
I...I think the...s...ship will under water again. is probably...vedged somehow, would...float to the surface no?"

Bilge Pump Operator

It is not. With a fair look at the repairs needed, you would assume it would take weeks of work to get it seaworthy, months maybe.

"I've been here since that saucy dish went through that door. If you're aftuh *snort* after her... she prob'ly still in there."
Piendy is referring to the carved stone door on the face of the cliff just east of the ship.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

"Let's go that way then. The sooner we find her, the sooner we get to the bottom of this mess."

After making his way out of the ship, Truk does just that.

Female Elf Bard (Dervish Dancer) 4/Fighter 1

Syndlara nods her agreement with Truk'tosh, that having been her original goal before everyone diverted her to the ship's hold for rest.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

I ain't drownin on this stupid island an turning into some soggy undead horror!

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

Garborn giggles a little and looks at Gatherine.
"Fo...for undead CUTIE!"

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

Comp is away, cannot post whenever i want, hope it'll be a short absence, another one or two days maybe.

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Grabbing his gear Mugambi makes way to the ornate doors. We go dan.

Two stone doors face you at the base of this cliff above a curling spur of rock. From the protrusions in the carvings, seaweed hangs - now dried out, covering much of the doors like tattered sheets of faded green and black.
The curved end of a massive stone latch hangs suspended above the slot where it would secure the doors... unlocked.

The surface of the water's edge starts to bubble and spurt.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk’s eyes go wide and he reaches for a handful of iron spikes. ”Watch out. We might have trouble!” the burly orc growls.

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5


Str 12/Dex 13/Con 13/Int 17/Wis 12/Cha 14
HP 26/27
AC (lamellar armor) [Tot 17] [Touch 12] [FF 15] (armor+4 dex+1 dodge+1 natural+1)
CMB:+4 (+3BaB +1strength)
CMD:15 (+3BaB +1strength +1dexterity +10)
Fortitude save +5 (+4base +1con)
Reflex save +2 (+1base +1dex)
Will save +5 (+4base +1wis)
Perception +7
Caster level check +11
(armor check pen. not included)
Climb +6 //Intimidate +7 //Knowledge Arcana +10 //Profession(Sailor) +5
Spellcraft +10 //Swim +7 //Sense Motive +4 //Survival +9
Speed 30ft/9mtr
+1 Scimitar [att+5 dam1d6+2 18-20/x2 type S]
Shortbow [att+4 dam1d6 x3 60ft type P] 14 arrows
Prepared Spells :Level 0(cantrips):Daze(will DC13);Acid Splash(1d3 acid);Light;Detect Magic
Level 1:Shocking Grasp x2(4d6 elect);Shield(+4 AC);Magic Missile(2d4+2)
Level 2:Web (reflex DC15); Bull's Strength (+4 str)
Arcane Pool(1/2 magus level+int mod)[5]
Carrying 40lbs/light emcumbrance/check penalty -1

Iolana readies her blade and nods ro Truk.
"I'm ready,but let's hurry or we are going to get wet, a lot, soon."

The doors swing easily, but make horrid grinding noise as they open. Past the doors, the twenty foot wide tunnel descends and curves gently to the right. Before your first step inside, you notice the stale odor of ancient decay and the considerably drier air wafting from within.

There is no visible light ahead, no sound other than from the stone door and yourselves.

Marching order, any sources of light, Perception or any possibly relevant checks if desired...
(Kn(religion), Kn(History), Kn(Engineering), Kn(Dungeoneer), Survival...)

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Assuming someone gives Truk some kind of light:

Truk retrieves another flask and oils up his massively built bare torso with another protective salve. Once he's ready, the big orc moves to the front of the pack and leads the way deeper into the dark tunnels. Mage Armor.

Along the way he looks for tracks.

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Order is Truk, Mugambi, Iolana, Syndara, and Gatherine.

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

and Garborn?

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

K. Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
K. Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
K. History: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Mugambi casts the light spell on his cestus.

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

Garborn together with Fleek and Gorba takes up a position in the rear, before entering the tunnel, Garborn stops and looks up at the cliff where the Chupacabra was last time it was seen.

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

was at the gym earlier, couldn't post

Iolana casts Light on the scimitar and takes her place between Mugambi and Syndlara.

"Let's do this quietly people,we don't want to lure every enemy around here on us at once"

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Female Elf Bard (Dervish Dancer) 4/Fighter 1

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Syndlara murmurs the words to a cantrip and touches a loose stone nearby. Now emitting a pale light, she picks it up and holds it aloft like a torch; that done, she motions for the others to proceed into the cave.

After nearly 100 feet of winding tunnel, you see a chamber ahead. It is roughly dome-shaped with pillars on either side. On the far edge of your illumination, you can just barely see a bridge which spans north/south across the room. It is twenty feet above your level. You cannot see the far side of the room past the bridge.


There is more iconography of Yrdesius. It is difficult to determine how long this has been here. There are conflicting indications of Azlanti design from roughly 10,000 years ago, but much of it seems barely 1,000 years old.

Iolana + Syndlara:

Along with the stale smell of death, you catch the scorched wood and oil scent of a burnt torch.

Iolana spots bits of flint on the ground... not coated in dust. It has been scuffed by footfall of at least two.


You see Iolana inspecting the ground.. once she points out the tracks, you can see they head straight to the far door.


Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk grunts in thanks when the tracks are pointed out to him and with all the grave his musclebound frame can muster, he advances following the tracks.

Stealth!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Old place, old place of power. Cursed Yrdesius . Mugambi whispers almost to himself.

Cant open the map. Brownser just loads a blank page.

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 2 - 5 = 10

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

Iolana points to the ground where some scorched bits lie.
"Someone stomped on that fire, maybe remains of a least two different feet stomped on it."


Str 12/Dex 13/Con 13/Int 17/Wis 12/Cha 14
HP 26/27
AC (lamellar armor) [Tot 17] [Touch 12] [FF 15] (armor+4 dex+1 dodge+1 natural+1)
CMB:+4 (+3BaB +1strength)
CMD:15 (+3BaB +1strength +1dexterity +10)
Fortitude save +5 (+4base +1con)
Reflex save +2 (+1base +1dex)
Will save +5 (+4base +1wis)
Perception +7
Caster level check +11
(armor check pen. not included)
Climb +6 //Intimidate +7 //Knowledge Arcana +10 //Profession(Sailor) +5
Spellcraft +10 //Swim +7 //Sense Motive +4 //Survival +9
Speed 30ft/9mtr
+1 Scimitar [att+5 dam1d6+2 18-20/x2 type S]
Shortbow [att+4 dam1d6 x3 60ft type P] 14 arrows
Prepared Spells :Level 0(cantrips):Daze(will DC13);Acid Splash(1d3 acid);Light;Detect Magic
Level 1:Shocking Grasp x2(4d6 elect);Shield(+4 AC);Magic Missile(2d4+2)
Level 2:Web (reflex DC15); Bull's Strength (+4 str)
Arcane Pool(1/2 magus level+int mod)[5]
Carrying 40lbs/light emcumbrance/check penalty -1

Stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Any chance there are bonuses to stealth now :P ?

>map repost for Mugambi<

The tracks lead the same direction you have been heading toward the far side of the room which you cannot yet see. You do not yet see any signs of life in the room, but...

Iolana and Syndlara:

You hear a faint noise ahead. It is not quite as loud as Mugambi moving around in his bulky armor, but it is a similar sound.

DM note - Stealth while holding a light source is just moving silently. Also.. to truly be effective as a stealth check, you would need to end your movement behind cover.
I will move you forward in another map this evening.. let me know if you have a preference for movement/placement other than move forward in the same grouping.

Female Elf Bard (Dervish Dancer) 4/Fighter 1

Hey, I can see the map now.

"I hear something up ahead," Syndlara whispers. "Sounds like the clank of armor."

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Thx DM. I am fine with this placement set up.

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

If we have the time, i'ld say the melee char end their move behind the nearest pillars,while Gatherine and Garborn stay where they are,or

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Gatherine strained to hear whatever sound Iolana claimed to have heard and scanned their surroundings suspiciously.1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28Perception

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23Stealth

Casting the others a catious glance,she slipped out of sight to get the drop upon whatever came their way.

Gatherine spots them first.. just a split-second before Iolana and Syndlara's light reaches the ragged figures on the bridge. One at the near edge raises a spear.. the tip pointed directly toward Syndlara and Iolana.


Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk growls and settles into a defensive stance. ”Who the hell are you?”

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5


Str 12/Dex 13/Con 13/Int 17/Wis 12/Cha 14
HP 26/27
AC (lamellar armor) [Tot 17] [Touch 12] [FF 15] (armor+4 dex+1 dodge+1 natural+1)
CMB:+4 (+3BaB +1strength)
CMD:15 (+3BaB +1strength +1dexterity +10)
Fortitude save +5 (+4base +1con)
Reflex save +2 (+1base +1dex)
Will save +5 (+4base +1wis)
Perception +7
Caster level check +11
(armor check pen. not included)
Climb +6 //Intimidate +7 //Knowledge Arcana +10 //Profession(Sailor) +5
Spellcraft +10 //Swim +7 //Sense Motive +4 //Survival +9
Speed 30ft/9mtr
+1 Scimitar [att+5 dam1d6+2 18-20/x2 type S]
Shortbow [att+4 dam1d6 x3 60ft type P] 14 arrows
Prepared Spells :Level 0(cantrips):Daze(will DC13);Acid Splash(1d3 acid);Light;Detect Magic
Level 1:Shocking Grasp x2(4d6 elect);Shield(+4 AC);Magic Missile(2d4+2)
Level 2:Web (reflex DC15); Bull's Strength (+4 str)
Arcane Pool(1/2 magus level+int mod)[5]
Carrying 40lbs/light emcumbrance/check penalty -1

Iolana raises her blade "Don't know, but i doubt they are here to play cards."

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

the last three dice i rolled scored i'm afraid of rolling the actual to hit/damage dice

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Who go there?

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

Garborn merely giggles nervously from the back, unsure if the creatures ahead ore foes, but knowing this island well, he considers it a likely scenario.

There is no reaction at all to your words. The closest of the figures releases his javelin... it tears flesh a it grazes Iolana.

1d2 ⇒ 1
1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 2 = 21
enemy init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Truk + Gath:

You see enough of it's arm holding the javelin to determine it is without skin and muscle. These are some type of skeleton.

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

We weren't take by surprise and Iolana has higher init..shouldn't this mean she cannot be attacked out of turn?

Yep my bad. I had rolls backwards when I previewed so enemy had rolled an 18... go ahead and take your turns if init is above 17

Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15


Female Elf Bard (Dervish Dancer) 4/Fighter 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Female Human (varisian) Magus 5


Str 12/Dex 13/Con 13/Int 17/Wis 12/Cha 14
HP 26/27
AC (lamellar armor) [Tot 17] [Touch 12] [FF 15] (armor+4 dex+1 dodge+1 natural+1)
CMB:+4 (+3BaB +1strength)
CMD:15 (+3BaB +1strength +1dexterity +10)
Fortitude save +5 (+4base +1con)
Reflex save +2 (+1base +1dex)
Will save +5 (+4base +1wis)
Perception +7
Caster level check +11
(armor check pen. not included)
Climb +6 //Intimidate +7 //Knowledge Arcana +10 //Profession(Sailor) +5
Spellcraft +10 //Swim +7 //Sense Motive +4 //Survival +9
Speed 30ft/9mtr
+1 Scimitar [att+5 dam1d6+2 18-20/x2 type S]
Shortbow [att+4 dam1d6 x3 60ft type P] 14 arrows
Prepared Spells :Level 0(cantrips):Daze(will DC13);Acid Splash(1d3 acid);Light;Detect Magic
Level 1:Shocking Grasp x2(4d6 elect);Shield(+4 AC);Magic Missile(2d4+2)
Level 2:Web (reflex DC15); Bull's Strength (+4 str)
Arcane Pool(1/2 magus level+int mod)[5]
Carrying 40lbs/light emcumbrance/check penalty -1

Noticing the enemies have ranged weapons,Iolana gets closer remaining under cover of the pillars,but before moving she shoots a blast of green energy at the closest foe.

attacks F16 with Acid Splash
Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
acid dam: 1d3 ⇒ 3

moves to J13

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4Initiative

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Oracle lvl 4 [ HP 26/34 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMD 17 | F +3 R +3 W +3 | Init +2 Per -2]

Mugambi runs forward to the frontline to bring light into the whole situation.
Run 35ft forward in a straight line. What do we see now?

You now see the three skeletal figures clearly. The remains of their garb are ragged robes. They are humanoid but taller than humans, and their necks and heads are serpentine.
A scorched patch sizzles on the lead skeleton's chest from Iolana's hurled acid.
The two others step up to the edge of the bridge and hurl their javelins, which land harmlessly on either side of Mugambi as he moves toward them.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Round 1



Female Elf Bard (Dervish Dancer) 4/Fighter 1

At a loss for a how best to combat the skeletal guards above them, Syndlara runs straight forward. Double-move to F21.

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