DM Bloodgargler's Heroes of the Shiv

Game Master BinkyBo

Plug-in module>Racing to Ruin (Book 2 of Serpent's Skull)

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Female Human (varisian) Magus 5

Looks like i'm back, got new comp and web connection also got back.
Now if anyone would mind a quick summary of the last events, unless you left Iolana behind.

You're with the group.

After the Tamarind was secured, you used the currents to drift to the tiny islet where people had been left - sold to the "sea-hag" Shayonna.
Your ship, the Moana Tarqona, then become caught in the coral.

You took two boats, and remained on the islet while two crewman rowed the captives back.

While crewmen Ekjori and Bill Pug were rowing them to the Moana Tarqona, they were attacked by merfolk - who pulled a couple people into the water. You were swarmed by urchins - who stayed long enough to prevent you from helping.
The group then spotted an underwater cave not far off shore. Garborn used the staff from Malikadna (the hag at the cannibal camp) to give everyone Air Bubbles.

The group came across an Azlanti trap, and were able to slip past it. Beyond that there was a large chamber with a coral ceiling - not far from the water's surface. The large chamber was illuminated from sunlight passing through the gaps in the coral.

The group took the exit tunnel to the left, and found one of the captives, and other five seafolk... all unconscious.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Z...Zon-Thurn something. Creepy god of bondage and pain who looks lil that creepy freak Zoldo from Soul caliber.

You need at least 16lbs of gear to walk on ocean floor with "firm footing".

slashing and bludgeoning are -2 to hit and half damage
piercing normal

if you don't have firm footing, you need to roll a swim check. If you fail the check, you are "off-balance" (lose dex to AC, and foes have a +2 to hit), and piercing weapons get the -2 to hit/half damage penalty.

>Combat/Aquatic Terrain<

You have about 6 minutes left of air bubble.

merfolk with the yellow up arrows are 10 feet up, not 5. I was going to have them 10' away and 5 feet up, then moved location without changing height label.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Happy holidays y'all!!

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

As always, in December i have very little time if ever,so don't wait for me.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Yea Gatherine hates anything that resembles a monkey or ape. So she is gonna take favored enemy like a ranger just to kill said simians.

I just realized there are evil ape men,a gorilla king,and an entire Planet of the apes bit here in the jungle. And they got a dwarven artifact called the Worldbreaker. A goal Gatherine would definitely be interested in recovering.

Besides,you know,becoming the goddess of gunslingers.But that's an unintentional side effect of her quest for adventure and glory.

I can dream.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

I just finished the unabridged audible version of the Pathfinder Tales book Beyond the Pool of Stars. Emergerd I am pumped. I am so ready to start writing an account of this ongoing adventure of ours.

Like I considered doing but forgot.But no more!

Anybody wanna gimmie any character gems for the story?!

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I'm available again, when the others are ready.
Can't think of something new about Iolana atm Gatherine, but am anxious to see what you come out with.

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

What kind of things are you looking for?

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Personal pasts,traits,ticks,likes and dislikes,reactions to certain things,etc.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

As usual, i'm without internet, have to wait to be at someone else comp :(

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Relevant events before Marco and Tusara joined.

Most had thought it would remain lost forever....
Saventh Yhi had long been the "holy grail" to explorers, historians, and archaeologists... as well as those seeking long lost arcane knowledge and artifacts. It was a city-shrine for Savith... founded where he'd died defeating serpent god Yrdesius.

On Smuggler's Shiv...
The party came across an ancient Azlanti temple... pre-earthfall 10,000 years old. It had been used since then.. 100+ years ago by followers of Yrdesius- led by a priestess named Zura. They'd apparently moved to the Shiv... their "birth" came within the fabled lost city Saventh Yhi.

Docked in Eleder (Hollowboots Bay)
The party deciphered enough of their discoveries, to determine they could possibly find the way to the hidden ruins. Half the party plus one was more interested in selling it so a buyer was found... The Ivory Antiquities Trading Company.
The night the meet was meant to occur, the buyer was murdered on the docks by explosives. It served as a distraction (coupled with an ambush) to keep the party away from the Moana Tarqona as it was boarded and looted. The thieves (pirates and known slave-traders, the Spidertear Gang) escaped on their ship.

At sea...
The party gave chase but with a slow start and a skeleton crew they lost sight of them. Two days later they saw what looked to be the same ship. It was a ruse.. the Tamarind (led by Captain Craw) was a decoy to lead them to Shayonna the Gaunt.

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The Spidertear pirates who'd stolen the Azlanti notes and other discoveries had just been to visit Shayonna... they'd delivered captured innocents.. it is not known what other business was conducted.

The party knows the Spidertear base is in Greenblood in the Sodden Lands. They also know Tazion (in the Mwangi Expanse) is the beginning of the path to the hidden ruins.

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Within Shayonna's Waters...
The party discovered she'd taken over a tomb to an ancient priest named Haestrundt. The walls of the unholy place contained carvings similar to those found in the Shiv's Azlanti temple. They instruct those able to comprehend them, how to perform various rituals... (such as the disembodied and zombified hand, and turning humans into merfolk.)

Though the Coralmancer who'd held fast your ship was killed, the deeper chambers are unexplored, and Shayonna still lives.

I think maybe I should shut this one down. I do have plenty of time now to run it, but it is becoming an albatross.
I'd really like to run something new if anyone is interested in getting in before open recruitment (and helping me pick something).


M Human (Taldan) Aristo L1 / Swashbuckler L4 | AC21(T16FF16) | HP: 40/46 | Saves F2R8W4 | Percep: -1 | Init: +6 | Panache: 3/3 | Status: OK

What did you have in mind?

I'd run any of these with little or no coaxing...
Hell's Rebels
Wrath of the Righteous
Iron Gods
Reign of Winter
Mummy's Mask

I'll certainly entertain other ideas.

M Human (Taldan) Aristo L1 / Swashbuckler L4 | AC21(T16FF16) | HP: 40/46 | Saves F2R8W4 | Percep: -1 | Init: +6 | Panache: 3/3 | Status: OK

Well, I'm kind of interested in the Hell's Rebels game.

That's the one I'm most interested in.

Male Human Druid 5 HP 38/38 | AC 15(16) T 10 FF 15 | Ft +6 Rf +1 Wi +8 | Init +0 | Perc +13

I'd certainly be up for that as well.

Okie doke.. just downloaded it.
Feel free to discuss your character ideas here. I'll give you a week(?) before I open a thread for recruitment to fill out the group.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Dang.all good things come to an end.

Anybody know to download threads so I compile what we have so far into a web serial?

Female Half Elf Magus 5 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 | T: 20 | FF: 12 | CMD: 22 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +9 | Sense Motive: +1

no idea sorry :/

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

So we hit a freak storm and got scattered in a shipwreck that lands us washed up on chelish borders

no no no...
Hell's Rebels will be new 1st level characters.. new thread.

Tell you what... if you join, at 5th level you can switch out to Gatherine if you care to.... and of course tell tales of your life before Kintargo.

and... maybe we can wrap up these last two combats here first.
This fight with the pirates (pretend you're fully rested and realize there are pirates within the shack)
Then a streamlined set-up (and rest) for the final fight vs Shayonna on the water's edge within the natives' village.

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)


Female Half Elf Magus 5 HP: 50/50 | AC: 20 | T: 20 | FF: 12 | CMD: 22 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6 | Init: +4 | Perc: +9 | Sense Motive: +1

I have no interest in playing out these last two combats - the inactivity was so low I'm not at all invested in the outcome

That's cool, no sweat. I'd meant to mention no one should feel obligated.
I will mark you inactive... lemme know if you've interest in Hell's Rebels, and I'll PM you when we're ready for recruitment.

M Human (Taldan) Aristo L1 / Swashbuckler L4 | AC21(T16FF16) | HP: 40/46 | Saves F2R8W4 | Percep: -1 | Init: +6 | Panache: 3/3 | Status: OK

Call me interested in Hell's Rebels!

Female Dwarf Gunslinger 5(Pistolero)

Huh? Oh,yea.Lead the way.

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