DM Bloodgargler's Heroes of the Shiv

Game Master BinkyBo

Plug-in module>Racing to Ruin (Book 2 of Serpent's Skull)

Moana Tarqona
The primarily Bonuwat crew was led a black-hearted captain, but took
control under the leadership and guile of a man found at sea - Captain Cale.
Though free of their vicious master, the Shiv would not let them leave
the tormented seas until the Heroes of the Shiv defeated the dark powers
which controlled the cursed island. Though Cale jumped ship at the first
port, the twice liberated crew swore to repay the debt, and sail wherever
their heroes commanded.

Colossal ship (Snow Rigged Brig)
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 100 ft.);
Init +8
AC 16; Hardness 5
hp 1,320/1,400 (sails 220)
Base Save +13
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged: 4/12 hardpoints
(2) light ballista (3d8)19-20/x2, 120 ft., P, crew:1, aim:0, load:2, move:10 ft.
(2) light cannons (4d6)20x4, 80 ft., B and P, crew:2, aim:1, Load:2, move:10 ft.
CMB +22; CMD 32
Ramming Damage 10d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 60 squares of sails (two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo: 120 tons
Crew: Captain Boabdil
Crewman Du'bing prof(sailor) +7
5 Bonuwat Crewmen prof(sailor) +6
MIA Crewman Ekjori prof(sailor) +7
MIA Crewman "Bill Pug" prof(sailor) +7
Crewman Eubel Ornrick Dwarven dockhand, prof(sailor) +6
Crewman Havvy Ornrick Eubel's nephew, prof(sailor) +5
Crew Aerys Mavristo - snarky lush, prof(sailor) +5-(1d4-1)
Jask - Sargavian ex-gov't worker, healer, prof(sailor) +5
Piendy Slurb water mephit bilge pump operator

Foredeck (Forecastle): Captain's Cabin, First Mate's Cabin (Gatherine).
Aft Deck (Quarterdeck): 4 passenger cabins. (Aerys, Iolana)
Main Deck (Below Top Deck): Mess, Crew cargo, Passenger Cargo on Tween deck.
Berth Deck (Below Main Deck): 4 crew "common room" cabins, shipping hold. (1: Du'Bing, Ekjori, "Bill Pug", Eubel, Havvy, Jask) (2: Garborn, Fleek, Gorba)

Captain: Boabdil
First Mate: Crewman Du'Bing
>Cabin Boy
Bosun (Bos'n, Boatswain):
Sailing Master (Navigator): (Know(Geography))
Master Gunner: Gatherine
>Powder Monkey: Havvy
Rigger: (Climb, Acrobatics) Iolana
Carpenter/Surgeon: (Heal or Healing magic, Carpentry or Mending)

Gargantuan ship (Keelboat)
Squares 60 (25 ft. by 60 ft.)
AC 6; Hardness 5
hp 520/600 (sails 80)
Base Save +4
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (wind)
Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged light ballista (3d8)19-20/x2, 120 ft., P, crew:1, aim:0, load:2, fixed (aft)
light cannons (4d6)20x4, 80 ft., B and P, crew:2, aim:1, Load:2, move:10 ft.
CMB +4; CMD 14
Ramming Damage 4d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor) (when using wind or
Sailing Check Modifier +1
Control Device wheel
Means of Propulsion 20 squares of sails (one
Crew 15
Decks 2
Cargo/Passengers 55 tons/100 passengers
Weapons 1 light cannon, 1 light ballista (aft)
Ship Improvements broad rudder, increased cargo
capacity, smuggling compartment (15 squares)

Hollowboots Bay (Moana Tarqona's "home" port in Eleder, Sargava.)
Named after what remains of the "vanity monument" to a posthumously
defamed Chelish sea captain... nothing but a pair of boots. This area
of Eleder Lower Harbor is under a revitalization - entrepreneurs have been
buying up property from aging owners of fisheries with antiquated facilities.

Slippery Nymph Tavern - owned by Tol Cherthand and Gelik Aberwhinge.
Customs and Holding - recently reopened. Headed by Sargent Crem Numfrey.
Gouvriet Fisheries - owned by Caulnor Gouvriet III ("progressive" employer)
O'Loogan's Jerk Barrel - rations and various "adventuring kits".
Hollowboot Pawn - Bonuwat-owned... varied non-perishables. Mundane to Masterwork.


