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Enter the arena, either to relax above and watch the sport and prowess below, or to join in the battle below. Or just hang out and chat

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I'm really considering trying to run a PFS module soon. Is anyone interested in playing in a PbP module that might run for a bit?
I'm also really considering strongly trying to run in the next PbP Game Day a 2 or 3 part scenario.
City of Strangers (1&2), Quest for Perfection (1, 2, & 3), and maybe The Secret's that Stones Keep (1, 2, & 3, higher level) are the one's I'm thinking about most. Thoughts? Interest?

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No worries. I am I think going to run two separate games. One for QfP and another I am still thinking about. I tend to work with everyone to find out what can be played. Or maybe not QfP. Just throwing out some ideas.

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So who is up for City of Strangers (parts 1 & 2, <level 1-7>)?

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So far it looks Map heavy, and is set in Kaer Maga, the so-called City of strangers.
Looks like it will be a bit of everything, so all sorts of characters should find plenty to do. If possible, it would be better to play both parts with one character (but not required), and my plan is to run them both in one game thread.
A well rounded party would be a boon, but again, is not required.
If you would like the old Faction Missions, let me know in game, (for fun).
My plan is to try for a moderately paced game, hopefully around 1+ post a day, (more is generally welcome), and I understand that weekend and holidays are normally slower.
As normal, if you know you might be away a bit, just let me (or someone) know, and maybe a sort of desired default action.
Any questions?

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I'd love to play if you'll have me. I have a host of 1st level guys and a 2nd level Magus (Maldoc) that I'm still trying to figure out how to play.
No worries. You are welcome to join in, it's kind of a first come, first serve, and if there are too many people than I will start a new game and work something out.
So with that, everyone that is interested, please say so and post some character options to give the group an idea of what is being played.
It's probably going to be a few days at least, so I can read. I have already prepped the maps, but will need to work on loading them and getting the links ready.

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I will play feng...a lvl 7 manuever master and my buddy will be playing a level 7 halfling barbarian

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Monk 7
Barbarian 7
? 1
Magus 2
Ranger/Rogue 4
21/6 =3.5
So looking at the 3-4 Subtier so far.

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Both would do well.
It's looking like the groups is lacking in both Arcane and Divine Magic, (Magus is more of a direct damage class than a caster). So either way, and both are very skill heavy which is good.
One thing that I should probably point out is that with the differences in level, Wands of CLW might not cut it, especially for the higher level characters. Out of combat you might burn through an entire wand, but in combat it might be nearly useless. (I'm saying this in general, not based on the scenarios, which I'm still reading.)

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I'm not sure what you mean? You will still get the 1 XP and possible 2PP, take a small cut in GP, (but will still get more than other players of lower level) and because you are higher level, the scenario will be less of a direct threat to you specifically, but more challenging to the lower level characters.
The only real change from previous season's rules is the Out of Tier gold. Before you simply got GP based on what Subtier you played. Now they added the Out of Tier GP reward. So for example if there where Subters (1-2), (3-4), and (6-7)
(1-2) = 500 GP
(3-4) = 1,000 GP
(6-7) = 3,000 GP
(1-2) = 500 GP
Out of Tier = (500 + 1,000 = 1,500 /2 =) 750
(3-4) = 1,000 GP
Out of Tier = (1,000 + 3,000 = 4,000 /2 =) 2,000
(6-7) = 3,000 GP
So before, assuming you played a Level 7 in a Subtier (3-4), you would have walked away with 1,000 GP. Now you would walk away with 2,000. These are just made up numbers for simplicity, not that actual amounts, and there is nothing on the Chronicle Sheet you are missing out on that you couldn't just buy from Fame anyway.

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So, I was also thinking about maybe running Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (7-11) and/or The Elven Entanglement, (also 7-11). Anyone interested in those?

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I have opened up a Recruitment thread for
and also
If you are interested, please jump over there and mention what character you want to play (and also you are from here so I can get a better count).

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Actually, I just saw that the Additional Resources has been updated and the Carrion Crown AP is finally open. Any interest in that, ( maybe instead of Quest for Perfection)?

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I'm reading it now, and I'm not sure I fully get it. It looks like each book gives you 1 chronicle sheet for 3XP and 4PP each (so one full level), but the issue I see is that the first one is levels 2-4 and the second one is levels 6-7.
It also says you can play through the entire thing and then get all the Chronicle Sheets for a PFS character, holding them to apply when you can use them.
I don't get why they did that, where it looks like you can not just play through it. So might have to scrap that idea. But let me study it a bit more.

RyckyRych |

Maybe as Endless Forms about it. He is running Shattered Star for me and a few others. We are using non-PFS characters though pretty much under PFS rules and running through the modules. He tells us when to level up as we go. As we complete the sanctioned material we get the chronicle sheet for that area, which I think is one chronicle per book. We can then apply that chronicle to one of our appropriate PFS characters.

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Can everyone that is wanting into the City of Strangers game head over to THIS THREAD and mention that you are from here. I'm trying to get a count, and I wanted to have the players from here get first seats.

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In the middle of the small arena, a tapestry hangs depicting various warriors from Golarion's cultures fighting against hordes of demons and devils. Various monsters, depicted in the style of the warrior fighting them. One Taldan Knight fights with a mace, his broken sword laying on the ground besides him fights a red skinned, heavily horned, hoof-footed demon. Another Mwangi tribal warrior thrusts a spear at a shadow with glowing eyes and bloody claws. Another, possibly Osirion, possibly Qadiran or even some other similar people displays a warrior fighting with only a dagger against a flame, giant and cruel. It lashes at him, and tries to surround. On closer inspection, one can find the hints of many other in battle, neither side winning. At first it seems to be paying homage to battle itself, but for those that have the wisdom to see beyond the obvious, it is really meant to remind that victory comes from sacrifice and endurance, and that no foe, or league of foes is insurmountable.
Before the tapestry, a small portal opens. Rectangular, it stands for only a few seconds before someone steps out. Surprised to see so many awaiting, he pulls out a simple pocket watch to recheck the time. "Am I late?
"This afternoon's first challenge. . ."
"Before a warrior can really claim such a name for themselves, they must have some experience with the tools of the trade. But, not all battles will be courteous as offer you the luxury having your precious sword, mace, or bow. Nah, sometimes you will be without magic, and if you want to be worth a um, um, you need to be able to use the tools you where born with. So, your task is simple. I have here", tapping a small sack at his belt, it's contents begin to writhe and twist within the confines, "a small pet. I do hope no one is afraid of small reptiles. . . You simply need to grab it. Well, without killing yourselves or anyone else also trying to find little Sparks here. If you think you can hack such a simple task, then come on down. If you are just here for the show, I'm certain that the foolishness to come will suffice."