DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Interregnum (Inactive)

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

Amid a backdrop of dangerous fey queens, ambitious nobles, and perils encroaching from all directions, the survivors of the Battle of Stagfall emerge as the leaders of Newhaven, the newest of the River Kingdoms.

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Here is the OOC thread for the in-between time for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Interregnum, derived from Latin, literally means "between kings".

This will likely be a short thread, more a series of short vignettes than anything. I predict it will last about 500 posts until we are ready to move fully into Chapter 2.

We are going to start with Desnus 4708, at Step #5: Choose your leadership!

From there, Step #6 is to claim new hexes, Step #7 is to develop them, Step #8 is to establish or improve cities. You're going to start with 50 BP (as agreed upon in the charter from the swordlords of Restov).

So pick your first hex. The book suggests one of three spots:
1. Oleg's Trading Post: If you choose Oleg's, you can add Oleg's as a free Shop, Stable, or Watchtower.
2. Temple of the Elk: If you choose the Temple, you can halve the cost of a Temple of Erastil.
3. Stag Lord's Fort: If you choose the fort, you halve the cost of a Castle and give a +1 bonus to Economy, Loyalty, and Stability.

Female Elf Witch 4

Ruler Berrin (+1 Any One: Suggest Loyalty)
Councillor Svetlana (+2 Loyalty)
General Akiros (+4 Stability)
Grand Diplomat Kesten (+2 Stability)
High Priest Verik (+4 Stability)
Magister Jhod (+2 Economy)
Marshall Corwin (+4 Loyalty)
Spymaster Tandlara (+4 Any One: Suggest Economy)
Treasurer Oleg (+2 Economy)
Warden Zander (+4 Economy)

Economy +8(+12); Loyalty +6(+7); Stability +10

I then think we should claim the Stag Lord's ruined castle. We don't need to build one immediaterly, we can leave it a ruin until we have some funds, maybe try and finish the castle at the end of the year for the big feast and Jemini's return. But its by far the best option. Except for its distance. What hex is it in?

Female Elf Witch 4

Oh. Also. Are we level 3 or 4?

Male Human

Something for Meowzebub, since I seem to remember his asking about it.

Exile trait

Sorry to butt in. Carry on. :-)

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Thanks for that. Its weird that it does not show up in my Hero Lab even though I have the APG. I will check my settings to see if something is turned off, or else edit the Reactionary Trait.

Barcas had me level up Zander to 4th (which was nice of him since Zander sort of sat on the sidelines there at the end), which bumps up his Dex to +5, so correspondingly up the Economy +1.

I got to say Zander at 4th level is pretty impressive getting Deadly Aim at 3rd and Weapon Specialization at 4th, at the same time bumping up Deadly aim to -2/+4. That means +8 to damage, or +9 within 30'. Never played such a death dealer before.

I like the castle idea too. I think the capital should be more toward the center of the kingdom then at Oleg's on the very northern edge (although a great location for the center of trade).

I agree to claiming the stag lord's fort as our first hex, makes sence for the long run as I seem to remember it being situated by water wich will allow us to follow the waterfront build line.

I suggest a neutral good kingdom alignment.

@Barcas; How much money are we getting for the level up? You said that we should be level appropriate so do we add 3000 gp to our total or do you want us to re-shop for 6000 gp?

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

With the group and DM's permission, Zander would like to rework the Stag Lord's headgear.

With Zander's low charisma and reluctance to meet new people, I figure he needs a clearly identifiable badge of office. He would like to dye a deer hide white and mount it over the skull portion of the headgear to tone down its gruesomeness. Having the rest of the skin converted into a cloak. The White Hart will be the figure that now patrols the distant farmsteads giving hope where the the Stag Lord brought fear.

The helmet will shield his face, for if its magic, it means the headband wont work, or vice versa. And though shielded, people will still get a small glimpse that he is burned and perhaps become accustomed to the idea.

Warden Zander Orlovsky wrote:

With the group and DM's permission, Zander would like to rework the Stag Lord's headgear.

With Zander's low charisma and reluctance to meet new people, I figure he needs a clearly identifiable badge of office. He would like to dye a deer hide white and mount it over the skull portion of the headgear to tone down its gruesomeness. Having the rest of the skin converted into a cloak. The White Hart will be the figure that now patrols the distant farmsteads giving hope where the the Stag Lord brought fear.

The helmet will shield his face, for if its magic, it means the headband wont work, or vice versa. And though shielded, people will still get a small glimpse that he is burned and perhaps become accustomed to the idea.


I like it.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

@Tandlara, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be leveling up to 4, now.

Sounds fine, though it is fey-wrought magic. Anyone cast identify on it? It is worth 3.5K gold, according to the book.

Stag Helm:
Grants a +2 competence bonus to Perception. In addition, has 3 daily charges. 1 charge: +2 to hit on next attack. 2 charges: +3 to hit. 3 charges: +4 to hit. Swift action to activate.

Yes, everyone is level 4. If your wealth is less than 6K, set your wealth to 6K gold as appropriate, like if you were creating a 4th level PC, to represent the items you get in the year. If your wealth is greater, like with the Stag Lord's gear, leave it as-is. In addition, Verik can craft an additional 12K worth of magic items, divided as you see fit. (You can subtract from the 6K per person if you want to make that crown.)

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Actually, Has any of the SL's gear been examined? If it is fey, Zander will want the OK that mind control is not involved in it's power.

But I like the idea of a different Stag Lord, beyond the power of the fey now roaming the land. And I needed this OK before I introduce Zander.1 in his new get up.

DM Barcas wrote:

Stag Lord:

Stag's Helm
+1 Composite Longbow
+1 Vicious Greatsword
+1 Leather
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
+1 Bastard Sword
+1 Breastplate
+1 Shield


I'm actually not sure if I want a vicious sword, taking d6 dmg for every hit seems a bit excessive. Maybe we should just hang the bloody thing over the fireplace. Can magic be removed or changed in weapons?

Female Elf Witch 4

HP: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Woo levelling!

Glad everyone is a go with the rulership positions. The in-character thread should be fun!

I modified his gear since the vicious enchantment was pretty rough to handle.

So I guessing were not looting Akiros, but can we get a detect magic and some spellcraft checks from Tandlara or Verik?

Going to compile Berrin's wealth and level up.

Wealth stands at 3873 gp, 6 sp and 4 cp counting gear and coin, adding 2126 gp, 3 sp and 6 cp to even him out.

Fighter 4
BAB +1
HP +10 (6 + 2 con +1 toughness +1 FC)
Feats; I'm switching his 1st lvl fighter bonus feat from weapon focus; longsword to weapon focus; greatsword and taking weapon specialization; greatsword this level, I'll think about taking levels of cavalier later, he still feels like a fighter, maybe he'll spend this year training and bonding with Valnir, I dunno..
Skills: 4 (2 class, +1 int, +1 human)
+1 Handle Animal, +1 Ride, +1 Knowledge (Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge (Engeneering).
+1 Hero Point.

Do we stand at even xp for level up or does our tally surfice? And if so; where do our xp stand?

I've been focusing on the Beyond the Veil posts; so I think I may have missed it: did we pitch to have Akiros unblinded? I think that's a pretty important step.

Also, when the people try to raise Jemini (hopefully trying a speak with the dead first) they'll realize she's not quite yet ready to return.

Easiest to simply put everyone at exactly level 4 for XP.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Uh oh, homework! Hehe okay well I'll get Verik to 4th and figure out what my wealth is (haven't had to do that before, so assuming I tally up all gear/weapons/armor/stuff for value).

Going to run some amateur Spellcraft Checks on Stag Lord's gear per Berrin's suggestion just to be thorough, and then Tandlara can figure out what the stuff really is :)

Spellcraft on Greatsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Spellcraft on Stag Helm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Spellcraft on Composite Longbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Spellcraft on Leather Armor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Spellcraft on Amulet: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Hehe not bad, but Verik will make something up completely ridiculous on the amulet. "Yes yes well this amulet has an inverted magical aura, making it nearly impossible to detect anything about it. I've heard of these back in Absalom, and I gather this will shield the wearer from any magical influence whatsoever...yes..."

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Verik's 4th Level
+6hp (5 avg, 1 con)
+4sp (2 class, 1 human, 1 fc)
+1 to BAB, Fort, Will
+1 to CHA (Attractiveness is still 13 though boooooo)
+1 Hero Point
+1 to Heal and Linguistics (1st rank in each), +1 to Diplomacy and Spellcraft
+1 1st and 2nd Level Spells (4/5/4)
Channel DC now 14, Silver Tongued Haggler now +2 (1/2 Cl lvl)
Revised gear value at 622gp, 7sp, 1cp; monetary value at 6875gp, 22sp, 9cp (total 6000+25%=7500)

Going to throw up some ideas next for some Wondrous Item creations, as CL 4th Cleric doesn't have a ton of options I know. Berrin had a post somewhere I need to find again about some good low level ones, and I'd like to seek approval for a couple of options from Bell, Book & Candle that might be appropriate.

Well, that got real dark, real fast! Alexius and Taisper together is like Dexter with an evil twin.

The Stag Lord's gear was a +1 Greatsword, +1 Composite Longbow (+7), +1 Leather Armor, Stag Helm, and Amulet of Natural Armor +2.

The Stag Helm is worth 3500 gold and occupies the head slot. It grants a static +2 competence bonus to Perception. It also has 3 daily charges; as a swift action, the wearer can use 1 charge to gain a +2 bonus to his next attack, 2 charges to gain a +3 bonus, and 3 charges to gain a +4 bonus.

Female Elf Witch 4

Are you running all of the actual kingdomey stuff in the background?

No. You all need to decide what your first building is going to be. It will cost 1 BP to claim your first hex, plus 1 BP to prepare it for a city and 1 BP to build a road. So, from 47 BP you can build any building on the list in your new capital, which you also need to name.

The Stag Lord's Fort is at I14.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14
DM Barcas wrote:
Well, that got real dark, real fast! Alexius and Taisper together is like Dexter with an evil twin.

That was a tremendously powerful and disconcerting post there Taisper! +1 to that - not sure what Verik has to counter Hellknight Alexius there, but I have a couple of ideas.

Am I correct to assume the Stag Lord's Composite Longbow +1 is built for 24 STR? If so that's a 'Yikes!' with a capital Y there. Obviously Verik would not wish to put in a claim for any of the Stag Lord's items, as from a RP perspective he was not in the final fight, and OOC-wise those items fit the warriors much more anyway. I love Zander's Stag Helm idea by the way.

Okay so not sure how the group works the logistics of the kingdom turns, but I'll just put in my 2cp on the steps outlined for Desnus 4708.

Desnus 4708
Step #5 - Choose Leadership - As per Tandlara's post
Step #6 - Claim Hex I14 (Stag Lord's fort) - 1BP
Step #7 - Develop Hex I14 - Prep for City - it's a forested hex but something was already there. 1BP(?)
Step #7a - Build Roads in I14. 1BP
Step #8 - Establish City at I14. Name is _____________. 1st Building should be Houses. Did I read something somewhere that the first houses can be put into a city and still allows for another building in the same turn? Maybe not, but if so, the next building would be a Mill perhaps, as we have adjacent water.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1
DM Barcas wrote:
Well, that got real dark, real fast! Alexius and Taisper together is like Dexter with an evil twin.

Well it was your idea. ;-)

But srsly; Alexius is like simultaneously the best and worst possible influence for TS right now. He's the best in that he'll totally be an enabler for Taisper to let rip all the sociopathic tendencies the Master Hunters saw in him. And of course he's the worst for the very same reason.

I don't wanna lean too heavily on the NPC in place of actual RP and character development, though. I'm seeing A as more of a silent partner.

Also, I honestly LOL'd at the idea of poor Berrin being stuck listening to some stuffed shirt talk at him. That was great.

Female Elf Witch 4

I agree with Verik! Houses is a good plan, the plan is to have 27 BP spare at the end of the year to build our half-price castle for a location for the feast, Jemini's return.

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Heh. "Come on down to CRAZY EDDIE'S HALF-PRICE CASTLES! Got a kingdom? Just crushed a bandit lord? YOU NEED A CASTLE! And if you need a castle, you need CRAZY EDDIE'S HALF-PRICE CASTLES! Come down to our showroom today and receive a voucher for a FREE MOAT and TWO -- count 'em -- TWO FREE CATAPULTS!"

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

I-14 is landlocked, so that takes away some of the water based buildings.

And the strength on that bow is pretty incredible 8^0 No wonder he was chopping people up pretty handily.

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

That's pretty funny coming from Taisper, because as you know, "Crazy Eddie's prices ARE....INSANE!"

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Ahahahahahahaaaa! 'Struth!

I15, not I14. Must have been a typo.

Houses are a lot less vital to placement than they are in the normal rules, so they follow the one-building-per-turn rule.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Well yeah see that's what I get for not having the revised Kingmaker buildings/rules docs and Stolen Lands map on my work laptop and trying to recall it from memory. I15 yeah that's it...

Okay so the first suggestion for the new town (not serious) ... is (please don't pick this) ... BARTERTOWN! Only we have to all have mohawk hairstyles. :)

Fine with the capital and starting hex plan.

So to clarify we have:

- 6k each

- + 12k craftable by Verik (assume that is the full not make price)

- + stag lord gear.


Is the fairest way to work out shares out of the later two categories, selling the unused stag lord gear (perhaps the DM would rather we didn't inflate our WBL in that way)?

Seems to me that crafting ability items for NPCs isn't very efficient relative to the cost at this point (ie while kingdom and DCs are small) but may become so in the future. Also thats taking away items for the PCs who can use them for adventure and ruling.

Corwin will claim the amulet of natural armour if noone objects. For some reason he has a hankering for better protection.

Struggling to get my levelling finalised (had a solid 2 weeks in Paris with meetings half of them spent sick) but Corwin will take a level in fighter.

Capital suggestions:

Safe Harbour (idea and geographical location)

I'd submit that a riff on Jemini shouldn't be out of the question either. Imagine the fun when she finds the honking great statute of herself.

You have 6K or your current gear (including what loot you got from the Stag Lord), whichever is greater. Plus a party-shared pool of 12K of crafted items.

DM Barcas wrote:
You have 6K or your current gear (including what loot you got from the Stag Lord), whichever is greater. Plus a party-shared pool of 12K of crafted items.

Ah I see sorry for being dense. So assume the stag lord's loot was split after his death. If old value + any loot is less than 6k gross up, otherwise it stays the same.

I may have to withdraw my interest for the amulet then as otherwise I'll be left without enough money to replace my armour :)

Male Human Fighter (Archer) 6

Zander has 5300 gp tied up in just his head with the stag helm and headband. He will have no claim on other items. I can't remember his total worth right now, but it is likely he won't tap into that 12K either. I think ~7.4K .

Female Elf Witch 4

I'm up to WBL. Though I wouldn't mind a magic headband, I won't lie. That would make my spells way powerful!

I rather like Sanctuary as a capital name. I can see it getting contracted over time to Sanctry, after generations, and Tandlara will be pronouncing it wrong after a few centuries.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

I like Sanctuary as well. Only other thought I had for a name was something with 'Hart' as the revised symbol as the change from the Stag Lord domain. So Hartwall, Harthall or Hartford.

Okay second attempt at a suggestion for Desnus 4708 now that I have the rules in front of me, with an eye towards where we are now in Erastus 4708:

Kingdom Turn
#5 Leadership Changes – As posted by Tandlara
#6 Claim Hexes – Claim I-15 (1BP)
#7 Develop Hexes – Build Road I-15 (1BP)
#8a Establish City – Build City of Sanctuary(?) (1BP)
#8b Improve City – Build Mill (10BP)

Build Thoughts:
I’m torn about this, because it seems like you’d need houses before anything else. But from an RP view we could be building the Mill and laying out the town in Desnus, while residing in tent encampments until Houses and a Market are built in Sarenith. Then by Erastus we could be building an Inn and a Bakery or Shop, which takes advantage of the fact that we have a Market as well as Farms outside of town or Houses in town.

12K Item Thoughts:
I know we want to have some parity on the items Verik can make with the 12K gp value, factoring in time and RP learning/questing and such, but I don’t think we have to have it be perfectly split. Just an example, how about we think about a Belt of Giant Strength (+2) for Corwin or Berrin (maybe to whomever does not get the Amulet of Natural Armor), a Headband of Vast Intelligence (+2) for Tandlara (because higher DC Saves are good for all of us), and then four Cloaks of Resistance +1 for the rest? Or if you want a little more parity, how about six Cloaks of Resistance +1, a “Crown” of Alluring Charisma (+2) for the ruler, and then two Imbued Votive Candles for Tandlara and Taisper?


Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1

Taisper is leveled.

+1 STR (all that exercise!)
+1 BAB, Fort, Will
4+1 HP
2nd Judgment
Two 2nd-level spells: Invisibility and Castigate
Replaced Law domain with Heresy Inquisition:
Level 1: Righteous Infiltration: Use WIS instead of CHA on Bluff and Intimidate
Level 4: Blessed Infiltration: When rolling for Bluff, Diplomacy or Stealth I can choose to roll twice and take the higher roll a number of times per day equal to my WIS bonus (3)
Put ranks in Craft(Traps), Craft(Alchemy), and my infiltrating/double-dealing skills.

Now, something I'm confused about; since we're skipping ahead a year, is it acceptable to say I somehow got, e.g., enhanced armor, or another enhancement on my morningstar, and just subtract that from my wealth? Or do I need to RP it out somehow? I'd love to boost my magic gear but I'm not really clear on what my options are, mechanically.

We're only going to be stopping at a few important points that occur during the year, so it's up to you. If you want it to be a story, you can make it a story. (For instance, let's say that you took an item from the body of the men you hunted. That's cool.) If you just want to add it mechanically and say that you bought it, that's cool too.

Your wealth will be 6000 gold or your current gear, whichever is greater. After that is set, Verik's crafting will bring another 12K worth of items (at market price) to the party.

You know, Taisper might benefit from the heretic archetype, in addition to the heresy inquisition. His Bluff would become +12 and Stealth would become +2.

Plus, I think a heretic inquisitor with the heresy inquisition is just plain hilarious.

Female Elf Witch 4

I suggest our next two hexes be the plains north-east then northwest, we should put road in the north east, and expand it north-east then loop about that hill to Oleg's, only goes through one bit of forest then.

Future months suggestion:

Month two will be claim I15
Build road
Build Mill

Month three claim H15? (I can't remember how the numbering worked.)
Build farm in I14
Build Baker in house (This turn will lower our consumption by 2)

You want to build back-to-back mills? One thing I noticed when I was playtesting was that you can run out of BP really quickly if you try to build explosively. It takes a while for the Economy rolls to really get humming.

The NW hex is H15. The NE hex is H14. Don't forget farms! Your Consumption is already 2 BP, 3 if you set to token promotion.

Also, where do you want to set the edicts? Building the mill and setting Promotion to "token" would bring your stats to +14 Economy, +12 Loyalty, +14 Stability. (Those are pretty good numbers for a Command DC of 21.)

Kingdom Event: 1d100 ⇒ 86
--> No

Female Elf Witch 4

I thought we built a house in the first month. My bad!

Can you build a road and farm at the same time? In the same hex? In which case I vote for farming every plains hex we capture at first. I suggest a bakery in month two, to lower consumption, and then start on houses, working towards a market then an inn?

I'm okay with token promotion. We can set tax to minimum for now, and not have any festivals at first, maybe?

Yeah, you can build a road on any hex. Since I don't see the cost listed in my rules, it's 1 in plains, 2 in forest/hills, and 4 in mountains/swamps.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14
Tandlara wrote:

I thought we built a house in the first month. My bad!

Can you build a road and farm at the same time? In the same hex? In which case I vote for farming every plains hex we capture at first. I suggest a bakery in month two, to lower consumption, and then start on houses, working towards a market then an inn?

Well that sounds good for Sarenith - we can claim the plains hex, build a road and farm on it, build a House and Bakery in Sanctuary, and that will lower the Consumption by 2. The Market and Inn for Sanctuary the following month will be a bit pricey, but a nice bump to Economy and a little Stability too when we need that.

Somehow I'm not understanding where Loyalty really matters in the monthly checks - maybe it's more for armies?

Male Human Heretic 5 Master of Many Styles 1
DM Barcas wrote:

We're only going to be stopping at a few important points that occur during the year, so it's up to you. If you want it to be a story, you can make it a story. (For instance, let's say that you took an item from the body of the men you hunted. That's cool.) If you just want to add it mechanically and say that you bought it, that's cool too.

Your wealth will be 6000 gold or your current gear, whichever is greater. After that is set, Verik's crafting will bring another 12K worth of items (at market price) to the party.

Okay, cool. Let me go back to my wishlist and see what's do-able. My wealth will def. be 6K gp since aside from the +1 morningstar my current gear isn't worth doodly-squat. XD

Also, just bought my copy of the new, complete, Pathfinder-ized Tome of Horrors. I got the bundle so the PDF came down right away. Oh man. My players are SO HOSED. ;-)

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