DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Interregnum (Inactive)

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

Amid a backdrop of dangerous fey queens, ambitious nobles, and perils encroaching from all directions, the survivors of the Battle of Stagfall emerge as the leaders of Newhaven, the newest of the River Kingdoms.

Politics of Brevoy

Northern Brevoy
Southern Brevoy

Map & Rules Collection

The Stolen Lands


Size 7; Command DC 27
Alignment Neutral Good; Population 3750
Economy +29; Loyalty +14; Stability +22
Treasury 36 BP; Consumption 2; Unrest 0
Promotion Aggressive; Taxation Normal; Festivals 1/year
Improvements Road x7, Irrigated Farm x3, Farm x1, Camp x1

Districts 1; Consumption 0;
Population 3000; Defense 8
Economy +5; Loyalty +2; Stability +5
Buildings Castle x1, House x2, Noble Villa x1, City Guard x1, Mill x1, Baker x1, Shop x1, Tannery x1

Districts 1; Consumption 1;
Population 500; Defense 0
Economy +1; Loyalty +0; Stability +0
Buildings House x1, Stable x1

Ruler Jemini Lebeda
Councilor Svetlana Leveton
General Berrin Myrdal
Grand Dipolmat Kesten Garess
High Priest Verik Jarrow
Magister Jhod Kavken
Marshal Corwin of the Axe
Spymaster Tandlara Esirrien
Treasurer Oleg Leveton
Warden Zander Orlovksy

Medium Light Infantry, CR 1, 5/5 hp

Nikolai Rogarvia, Human Male: Former bandit king of the Stolen Lands called the Stag Lord. Heir to the Dragonscale Throne. Defeated at the Battle of Stagfall after killing Jemini, traveled through the afterlife with her and was redeemed.
Oleg Leveton, Human Male: The owner of Oleg's Trading Post, the point from which the expedition to tame the Stolen Lands was launched. Terse, but friendly. Lost an arm in the Battle of Stagfall. Currently serves as treasurer of the realm.
Svetlana Leveton, Human Female: Oleg's wife. Very friendly and maternal towards the members of the expedition. Currently serves as councilor, informing the others of the concerns of the population.
Kesten Garess, Human Male: Disgraced noble who accepted a commission to protect Oleg's Trading Post. Assisted in the battle against the Stag Lord. Currently serves as Newhaven's diplomat because of his knowledge of noble affairs.
Jhod Kavken, Human Male: Cleric of Erastil, formerly of Mivon. Endorses a simpler style of life, but assists the development of Newhaven. Currently serves as magister.
Alexius Morai-Thrune, Human Male: Mysterious stranger from Cheliax and Hellknight signifier. Assists Taisper on his Hunts.
Akiros Ismort, Human Male: Former lieutenant of the Stag Lord. Pledged his fealty to Newhaven for sparing his life. Was blinded by Tandlara, but the blindness was lifted. Currently serves as the general of their army.
Archbanker Vinodragov, Human Male: Abadar's main representative in Brevoy. Has visited Newhaven several times to keep an eye out for its development.
Kressle, Human Female: Captured bandit. Primary witness against Ioseph Sellimus. Currently held prisoner at Lord Lebeda's castle at Silverhall.
Ioseph Sellimus, Human Male: Lord Mayor of the Free City of Restov. According to Kressle, arranged for the bandits to kill the expedition so he could send in an army to occupy the Stolen Lands.
Ilyana Flaxton, Human Female: Widow of Nicholas and mother of Nicholas Jr.
Bokken, Dwarf Male: Eccentric ale-brewer who lives in the mountains to the south of Oleg's. Fond of telling impressive tales about himself, which may or may not be true.
Gregary, Human Male: Enthusiastic former sellsword, voluntarily sworn to the Wardens; currently missing to the south.
Grigori, Human Male: Antagonistic bard fomenting ill feelings towards the leadership of Newhaven.
Travess, Human Male: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; moody and quiet; currently sworn to the Wardens for a ten-year sentence.
Yanna, Human Male: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; angry and defiant; currently sworn to the Wardens for a twenty-five year sentence.
Demitir, Human Male: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; studious and shy; currently sworn to the Wardens for a ten year sentence.
Esmerelda Ludovan, Human Female: Sultry lover to Steward Berrin Myrdal.

Orlivanch, Human Male: Trapper who attacked them for trespassing. Executed by Taisper for his crimes without a trial.
Nicholas Flaxton, Human Male: Pressed into banditry to save his wife. Captured and turned against the Stag Lord. Died in battle.
Captain Walthon, Human Male: Knight in the service of Lord Lebeda. Along with Kesten, led the forces at the Battle of Stagfall. Killed saving Kesten's life.
Happs Bydon, Human Male: Kressle's co-conspirator. Killed attacking Oleg's Trading Post on the first night of the expedition.
Ghamont Jannsen, Human Male: Self-styled Red Stag, a bandit under the Stag Lord who did not repent and led a crime wave in Sanctuary in the winter of 4708. Hung for his crimes.