Jaiyana Nejem |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jaiyana nods to Enko and motions to the goblins between them with the haft of her flail before sweeping the head up in a violent motion, aiming to shatter the jaw of the little cretin before her.
Attack with Combat Expertise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 (not adding any any bonuses due to flank or the like); Damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

AC Visurrian |

Hopefully you aren't waiting on AC. Sorry I have been doing job stuff. I got hired as Assistant Manager of my state's busiest Gamestop, with a soon promotion to Manager - officially - yesterday. So I was running around signing papers and peeing in cups, etc.
AC moves to the frontlines and says "My allies, stay near me and be protected by Shelyn's grace and beauty. And... protect me! haha."
With this, he bursts and lights, color and magical butterflies swirl around him in a 20 ft radius, covering him and SO AND SO AND SO AND SO.
(+2 to AC and +2 to CMD)

GM Mug |

1 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (1) - 6 = -5 2 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (12) - 6 = 6 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
1 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (2) - 6 = -4 2 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (4) - 6 = -2 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
1 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (14) - 6 = 8 2 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (9) - 6 = 3 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 dam1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Round 2
Jaiyana nods to Enko and motions to the goblins between them with the haft of her flail before sweeping the head up in a violent motion, aiming to shatter the jaw of the little cretin before her. The flail connects solidly, not quite shattering the jaw of the hard headed little creature, but you're pretty sure a sharp tooth flew out to land somewhere in the muck. I understood this to mean you attacked the standing one (#4), not the prone one.
Corneleous, impressed at AC's crossbow shot, decides to take one of his own, threading a bolt through the narrow tunnel full of his friends bodies to strike the wall next to the goblin (#4) still reeling from Jaiyana's blast to the face. A very near miss.
Goblin 3 swings wildly with it's dogslicer from it's prone position, chipping the stone at Jaiyana's feet, but she easily sidesteps the flailing blade.
Goblin 6 is presumably doing something around the corner where you can't see him...
Tavi readies herself to attack either of the goblin's between Enko and Jaiyana, should an the Ranger happen to move out of the way.
"Take the one between us, Jaiyana," says Enko, and spins like falling water to face the goblin further down the hallway, striking with blinding speed at the things face, but his punch is errant and flies wide of the thick green head.
Goblin 5 grins to see the punch fly wide, scarcely registering the monk's hand it came at him so fast. Also quite pleasing to him is his companions on the other side of Enko, "Me have your big-nose soon, Bigman!" and swings with both weapons, coming nowhere near the dodging monk.
Amon prepares himself once more to heal anyone should the need arise.
Goblin 4 just continues to shriek in it's shrill voice, "For Bessy! Arruuuugar!!" but now it's strikes hit only empty air as Enko continues to shift and weave around the sharp blades.
Goblin 1 (pinned) is no longer bleeding under the door, but is still unconcious and does not look comfortable.
Lucon, like Tavi, waits for an opportunity to reach a foe. Botted
Goblin 2 (pinned) continues to bleed profusely from his chest wound, no longer gurling.
AC looks with frustration towards the front lines, if only he could get close enough he could employ some of his magics to assist the others! He bides his time.
Active Effects: Life Link - Jaiyana and Amon
Round 3 please

Enko Laberan |

Enko draws in one foot, focusing on the goblin further down the hall, ready to strike at the prone goblin if need be. "I submit to your lesson on physical attraction. Indeed, my nose is large." He unleashes a spinning kick and open palmed slash.
Fighting Defensively, still AC 20, -4 for FD and -1 for Flurry.
Flurry 1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Flurry 2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Awesome. Do you roll for critical misses? :P Also, should I roll a potential AoO over round, or do you want to do it if that darned goblin ever gets up? Let me know. I have one 'saved up' from last round, but you may want to dismiss that roll.

Jaiyana Nejem |

Raising her flail over her shoulder and bringing it down in a mighty swing, Jaiyana attempts to finish off the goblin that she already wounded and close the gap between her and Enko.
Attack (with Combat Expertise, as always): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22; Damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Critical confirmation roll (not that it matters): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11; Critical damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Assuming that fells the little creep...
Seeing an opening before her, Jaiyana hesitates to step forward and looks back to Tavi, nodding for her to run ahead and flank the remaining goblin between them and Enko as she wipes the sweat from her brow and shrugs her shoulders to loosen the muscles sore from swinging around the heavy weapon.

Enko Laberan |

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Free: drop crossbow. Remind The Viscount to get a holster/leather strap for it later!
Move: grab the trusty staff.
Standard: blast a goblin with acid dart
Attack, ranged touch, in melee 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12
Damage, if it hits 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Congrats!! Hopefully they didn't catch you peeing in someone's beverage; I hear they frown on that sort of thing.

Lucon |

Thanks for botting me. I had an exam yesterday and left my post half written lest it be late.
Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Octavia 'Tavi' Delphina |

Finish off the pinned goblin(s), or the prone one that Enko tripped if I can reach it.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Other wise look to see if there are any Hellknights bodies near my position. If so, search.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

AC Visurrian |

Sorry, my phone post didn't go through. Twice. GRRRRRRR... Let's just say that I have given the post monster dinner and desert in the same day, and that I want something in return now. Yeah, it's like that...
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d10 ⇒ 4

GM Mug |

Round 3
Raising her flail over her shoulder and bringing it down in a mighty swing, Jaiyana attempts to finish off the goblin that she already wounded and close the gap between her and Enko. Threatened, but didn't confirm, as if it matters :) The momentum of the swing carries the flail head slightly behind the goblins head, so that when it connects with a resounding crack, the goblin's head is whipped forward with such ferocity it appears the goblin catapaulted his face into the floor. The goblin that was tripped is still on the ground and only just moves out of the way of his companions limp body, hollering in surprise. Jaiyana moves as if to step close to Enko, but the remaining goblin on the ground impedes her movement too much.
Corneleous drops his crossbow, and takes ahold of his trusty staff, and releases an acid dart directly into the still-prone goblin. It howls as acid covers it's torso and neck, writhing in pain.
Goblin 3 throws his weapons to the sides, one bouncing off the wall and the other spashing into the stream of sludge. "Me surrender!! it yells as it tries to get the biting acid off of it's chest.
Goblin 6 remains out of sight.
Tavi, still out of reach of the fight, waits for an opportunity to strike or a body to search. No hellknight bodies are close enough, but the goblins under the slab are. The slab is a bit in the way however.
Enko draws in one foot, focusing on the goblin further down the hall, ready to strike at the prone goblin if need be. "I submit to your lesson on physical attraction. Indeed, my nose is large." He unleashes a spinning kick and open palmed slash. Both of which miss the goblin in spectacular fashion.
Goblin 5 see's his fellow goblin flop to the floor from Jaiyana's flail, and his one remaining friend cowering on the ground in fear and pain, the acid just now fizzling out, sneers his contempt and swings again. Shouting out, "Bignose Bigman! hehehehehehe!!" the insane little goblin's laughter turns to a growl as Enko dodges both swings easily. bunch of big whiffers, these two.
Amon continues... to... hold... "As a healer, I'm usually busier than this in a fight." He wrinkles his nose at the fighting prowess of the goblins.
Goblin 4 lies face-down on the dirty ground, blood seeping from the massive wound on the back of its head, it does not look healthy.
Goblin 1 (pinned under slab) lies still.
Lucon turns away from the fighting, taking a few paces back the way they came and readies an attack, peering out to spot any more pursuers. The way that they came is quiet and the only noises Lucon can detect are the final throes of the battle behind him. As night has now fallen the way back is dark, only the fitful light behind Lucon illuminating the path behind, darkness filling the hallway.
Goblin 2 (pinned under slab) bleeds quietly.
AC fires his crossbow at the last standing goblin, but the press of bodies and small size of the target make the shot nearly unachievable and it flies off towards the corner of the tunnel still ahead.
There is only 1 goblin (#5) still fighting, and he stands on the far side of Enko. There is a hurt, prone, unarmed, and unthreatening goblin on the near side of Enko, waiting for you all to decide his fate one way or another. All other goblins are unconcious or dead on the floor, except for #6, who ran off around the corner early on and hasn't been seen since. There are Hellknight and goblin bodies strewn about, but they are all on the far side of the last fighting goblin. Can you finish the last one off?
Round 4 Actions please

Enko Laberan |

Enko turns to the last goblin again. "Will you surrender as well? Not waiting for an answer, he sweeps a leg at the goblin's feet, followed by an upswept hand.
Trip Flurry: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Attack Flurry: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

![]() |

In goblin, to the prone one You move, and we will wear your guts as a hat, and then write your name with the little blood you have left. Where did your bunkmate flee to? Where is your lair?
Move: If he can move nearer to the corner, past his companions, he will (but not until the #5 is gone).
Attack: Acid dart @ #5.
Attack, ranged touch 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Adjust the attack as appropriate if I don't have a free shot through the group. I included the -4 for a crowd earlier.

Jaiyana Nejem |

Jaiyana breathes heavily and collects herself for a moment, keeping an eye and an ear out for any more goblins or Hellknights, ready react in an instant.
Move action - Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Standard action - Ready to move in on any new threats.

AC Visurrian |

Leave one alive. We should find out who bessy is and what happened to her. Also I'm not sure if the goblin who yelled that yelled it in common or goblin, so I'm not sure if I would know to question about her.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d10 ⇒ 7

Lucon |

If possible, I'll Aid Another whoever's still in the fight. I don't know why I didnt think of that sooner.

Lucon |

The man speaks the truth.

GM Mug |

Round 4
Jaiyana breathes heavily and collects herself for a moment, keeping an eye and an ear out for any more goblins or Hellknights, ready react in an instant. No new threats present themselves at the moment.
Corneleous speaks, in goblin, to the prone one (#3) and the goblins eyes widen in fear. Then Corneleous shouts at the last standing Goblin (#5) and waves his crossbow menacingly, distracting the thing for just a moment.
Goblin 3 responds to Corneleous in Common, "Racker no move! Racker no move!" He starts to crane his head to look for which bunkmate the mage is referring to and then realizes this might be construed as movement by his captors, and so freezes completely, only his eyes darting around worriedly.
Goblin 6 is out of sight.
Tavi hunkers down next to the still body of the goblin boss and starts patting him down for anything of interest, her efforts hampered somewhat by the heavy slab.
Enko turns to the last goblin again. "Will you surrender as well?" Not waiting for an answer, he sweeps a leg at the goblin's feet, followed by an upswept hand. Thanks to the goblins attention on Corneleous's crossbow, his attack is successful. The leg sweep takes the goblin completely off his feet, body horizontal to the ground. As Enko's momentum carries him around his upsweeping hand connects solidly with the falling Goblins face, spinning the creature in the air. The goblin lands with a heavy thud, but turns red eyes towards Enko, furious.
Goblin 5 takes a firmer grip on his dogslicers and begins to rise, ready to charge once more at the Bigman he's been battling, determined to take his nose, "DIEDIEDIE!!" As the furious goblin rises he is met by Enko's fist, rocking the goblin to the side. His body slides on the ground till it comes to rest half in the sewers, and lies still, his face and arm sitting in the muck.
Combat is now over. Posting the last few actions that were spoilered.
Lucon backs up towards his companions slowly, glancing over his shoulder at the group. "Looks clear." he says, gruffly. "We should start moving. It's well past sunset, and nothing good lurks in the shadows of Westcrown..." dun dun dunnnnnn...
AC states, "I want to question one, if at all possible." and approaches the last conscious goblin.
The tunnel is now quiet and only the prone goblin, "Racker", is concious. You don't know if anyone else is dead or not, you can roll me some heal checks if you'd like. The slab still rests on the 'Boss' and one other goblin. There is light from several Hellknight torches at your feet, and one active sunrod near the corner. A search of the area around the corner shows a Goblin hidey hole about 25' up the tunnel. The hole is dark and only a small person could fit in there at this point.
There are six Hellknight bodies, one of which is nearly completely in the sewage, you only see a booted foot. 4 of the 5 bodies you can see each have a light crossbow with 17 bolts, a longsword, Hellknight chainmail, and a potion of cure light wounds. The body in the sewage is not so easily searchable, you'll have to tell me what you do for that one. The sixth body sits near the entrance to the goblin hidey hole, stripped of everything except his armor, which was partially removed but whoever was working on removing it was apparently interrupted. There are also 5 goblin bodies, dead before the 6 you battled, locked in various stages of combat with the dead Hellknights.
While searching the Boss goblin Tavi finds 1d20 ⇒ 7gp, a small, extremely filthy, but surprisingly well-made leather armor for a small humanoid, and two unremarkable dogslicers. On the rest of the goblin bodies, including the ones you defeated, you find 7 broken dogslicers, 9 filthy leather armors (small), 23sp, and lots of little trinkets and doodads. The slab will need to be removed if the Boss's armor is going to be looted.
As several have confirmed there are no sounds or signs of immediate pursuit, but none of you would think this was the last of the Hellknight trainees. The tunnels are now dark and I'll need to know light sources for the rest of the tunnels.
What now?
As an aside, all goblin language was Common unless spoilered and labeled, or if I forgot :).

Enko Laberan |

Enko bows to the goblins he has felled. "I am sorry you have chosen this path in life. May your future lives increase in merit through your actions."
He turns to Tavi and Amon. "I would still like to look at the storage space in this small room. Shall we investigate, quickly?"
He slips past them and squats to examine the storage space.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
just to make sure there isn't a trap.

Enko Laberan |

Enko shines his bullseye lantern, equipped with sunrod, at the storage space. Anyone else have light sources? Mine is directional and should attract less attention...
I don't recall a treasurer being elected.

GM Mug |

I believe Tavi and possibly Jaiyana are both tracking party treasure. EDIT: As she just said :)
As the hidden section of the storage room (and your impromptu hiding place) is pulled back, and after those who are able have checked for traps - finding none, a nice little haul is found. Three pieces of dated jewelry (5gp each), 2 gems (10gp each), as well as 1d40 ⇒ 6gp. In a small piece of folded paper you also find three small pellets of a hardened, clay-like texture.

GM Mug |

Rackers eyes fix on AC as the Inquisitor stands over him, "Bessy? Poor Bessy!" and the goblins eyes well up with wet tears. Forgetting the order to hold still he extends a trembling arm and points to the hacked up Fungi in the corner, sliced apart by Hellknight longswords. Racker starts crying softly as he gazes at the shrieker.

Enko Laberan |

Enko glances at his sling. "I wonder if these are weapons of some sort," he says, with an eye to the small pellets. Are they about the same size as sling bullets, or smaller?
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
I reckon they are smoke pellets or something, but I don't know if my character would know that. Not sure what Kn roll is apropos.

Jaiyana Nejem |

Jaiyana quickly helps loot any salvageable valuables off of the Hellknight corpses doing her best to avoid the sewage coated pieces. "We should toss the runt aside and keep moving; it is dangerous to delay for long," she suggests gruffly, glancing down to each end of the tunnel they stand in, expecting more of Cheliax's warriors to reveal themselves at any moment.
@ Enko: Jaiyana has 4 more sunrods, if you would like her to pull out another.
EDIT: Ninja...
Jaiyana moves to aid Tavi once she has the chance.
@ GM Mug: Do you need a Str check?

Enko Laberan |

Enko turns to Racker.
"Mushrooms grow back. In a season you'll have your...Bessy. In the meantime...more bigmen are coming, and they will kill you."
He takes a belt from a goblin armor and binds the goblin's hands and feet together, pulling him into the workroom, where he then gags the goblin as well. After that, he stands and leaves the room.

Amon Goethe |
Amon puts on a half-smile at the monk's generosity. "Really? And leave him here to be found and interrogated by the next squad of Hellknights? They will have him sing like a bird within several heartbeats. Not to mention they would kill him out of hand. If anything, killing him now will give him the same fate, minus the advantage to the Hellknights in knowing we came through here."

GM Mug |

@Enko, I'm gonna say u don't know what they are at this point. But they clearly aren't sling bullets, too small and light. Did u just tell a goblin big men were coming to kill him and then bind him in a place they are sure to find him?
@Jaiyana, no Str check needed, knowing she has assistance is enough.

Enko Laberan |

Enko looks at the floor. "If that is what we have to do. Perhaps we could stuff him in the hole where I found those treasures..."
He realizes it is hopeless.
"We should arrange their bodies to look like they were killed by the Hellknights only. It should be done painlessly--" and leaves the room, not looking at what will happen to Racker, his voice oddly thick.

Amon Goethe |
"Very well. I will make it quick." Amon draws a dagger and kneels beside the goblin. Grabbing a fistful of hair, he positions the point of the blade at the base of the goblin's skull, between the cranium and first spinal vertebrae. He breathes, breathes out, then swiftly plunges and retracts the dagger. The goblin instantly goes limp, its eyes glassing over. Amon steps out from the storage room and wipes the blade on a fallen Hellknight. "Shall we go? There is little else for us here."

Lucon |

Bloody hell, router goblins ate my post. Lucon will light his lantern, and not wish to tarry, but he'll carry whatever the group wish.

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Detect magic and light spells are first order of business
You know, one in ten of these little buggers can change their stripes... the Viscount stoops and closes the dead goblin's eyes.
Let us make haste; night falls soon.

Enko Laberan |

Enko raises an eyebrow at Corneleous, but doesn't waste time with questions. He follows swiftly after Tavi, bullseye lantern pointing ahead.

GM Mug |

Light Sources:
Enko - Bulls-eye lantern
Corneleous - Light spell (on staff?)
Lucon - Lantern
Flex Time Racker scene
Rackers last thought before the knife slides in is 'Racker was good! Why not let Racker go back to home? Racker was go...'
End Flex
Before leaving the body strewn hallway, you stage the bodies so hopefully whoever finds them will think it was a Goblin vs Hellknight battle and the goblins won. If someone with skill does a careful examination of the scene and the wounds etc... it will probably tell a different story than a goblin only attack. You do the best you can.
The sun has gone down completely, and the grates which previously allowed in some light are dark and quiet. The whole city has gone quiet and still, your steps, clanking equipment, and breathing sounding over-loud in your ears. Even your heartbeast seems to be too loud, as Westcrowns' darker denizens emerge in the absense of sunlight. It is impossible to say if you are safer in the sewers than on the streets, for while you know without a doubt the streets and rooftops are not safe, none of you has frequented the sewers enough to know if the shadow spawn can be found down here as well. Perhaps they live in the sewers and only emerge to the streets at night? Time will tell. Some of your thoughts might drift towards the dark door guarded by undead... but perhaps they don't.
Your lanterns and spell-lit staff are the only thing allowing you to move safely, and while you still hear distance shouts and calls in the sewers, there does not appear to be another group hot on your trail as there was before. The way behind and the way ahead are both pitch black, at least beyound the range of your lanterns, and the twists and turns of the tunnels prevent the light from illuminating too far in either direction.
The next junction is up ahead, and the path lets you choose left or right, the customary spot for the marker is blank however, and you stop to search. Tavi (Using your last perception check) manages to locate the marker which had been nearly rubbed out by some passing beast or object. It points to the left.
After traveling for several minutes the lantern light illuminates a... a dead end, but as you get closer you can see it is not a dead end, but a man-made barricade. Stones and rickety furniture have been stacked nearly to the top of the tunnel, maybe as a trap, or a lair, or some other purpose completely. The sewer itself is unimpeded, flowing under the barricade in the middle of the tunnel, and from your brief time in the tunnel you know the sewage is deep enough for the largest of you to fit through.
You can break down the barricade, but it will take strength checks and several minutes. During which time a wandering patrol could stumble upon you as you work, or some other monster, but this is the correct tunnel according to the last marker.
I'll need three Strength checks with a DC of 22. Label each check appropriately, I'll call them "attempts". It behooves the group to all roll, if not otherwise engaged, as I'll count lesser rolls which beat DC 10 as auto-assists to the strongest roll that attempt. So Tavi rolls an 18, Lucon rolls a 10, and Corneleous a 14 for attempt #1, that will make the DC 22 strength check. You do not need to specify 'aid another'. Each 'attempt' takes a round.

AC Visurrian |

AC will "aid another" by using Know Dungeon if you will let him, rather than strength. He's kind of a wuss, but he can tell you where the door is most likely weakest.
Know Dungeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Know Dungeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Know Dungeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Otherwise, here are my STR rolls.
STR 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
STR 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
STR 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

Lucon |

STR 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
STR 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
STR 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Perception STR 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Lucon looks to his companion expectantly and then sets down his lantern. "I suppose there's only one way to go and that's through." the man says, blearily. He'll set down his lantern, roll up his sleeves, and set about his work, grumbling something about bringing his hatchet.

Enko Laberan |

Perception to check barrier: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Perception to listen down the hallway: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Enko peers at the barrier, then turns to listen back the way the party has come, keeping his lantern pointed at the party and barrier. He then twirls around.
"Beware! There is something moving behind the barricade. Or perhaps under it. Everyone should move aside and be careful."
Acrobatics to get out of the way, if possible: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Enko leaps aside and keeps a lantern fixed on the sewage.

GM Mug |

@Tavi, you can tell everyone could fit under the barricade, if they wanted to go for a little swim in sewage. Also you got two more attempt rolls if you want to see if you can help remove the barricade, or I can give you the one roll for all three attempts.
@AC, I'd accept a k:engineering, but k:dungeon doesn't really apply to breaking down a barricade of rubble and busted furniture.
@All, Because Enko hit the DC for the perception, you all get a +5 bonus to make one more perception check, but you don't automatically perceive what he did.
As Enko shouts a warning and leaps acrobatically away, the barricade remains still and the sewage continues to flow unimpeded. Nothing breaks the surface of the sewage, or emerges from behind the barricade. The tunnel remains quiet and dark as ever.