GM Mug |

You come to a junction, you cannot go straight and must choose left or right. The sound of stomping feet comes from somewhere off to your left, or is it coming from behind you? Also a wet, squelching sound persists off to your right, you think, seemingly just around the curve of the tunnel. The smell is especially rank here, and something floats down the middle of the sewage water, spinning lazily in the muck.
1=L, 2=R

AC Visurrian |

I get out my crossbow. Stay together, and work together. We'll get through this fine. AC says as confident as a "devil may care" 21 year old can, which is pretty confident, actually.
Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Knowledge dungeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
What do I know specifically about this sewer? Do I know of any hazards? or any shortcuts? Or something that would be particularly helpful in a situation like this?
Knowledge local 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Almost the same question(s) as know: dungeon if it applies, except I also would like to know what I know about Hellknights. Do they have a weakness? How strong are they relative to us?
Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
To follow the markings, and not get lost in this sewer.
Do I recognize what the lazy spinning thing is, or do you need a knowledge roll for that? I got a lot of those, if you couldn't already tell. ;) Or is it not important now :)
Edited. GM says I don't need light yet.

GM Mug |

@Tavi - no stealth roll needed at this point. For now you're about speed, getting distance from your pursuers.
@AC - You'd know these sewers would have a variety of monsters, oozes, goblins, giant rats, perhaps the occasional undead, to name a few of the more commons ones. You'd know this is an ancient sewer, but there is evidence of modern.. alterations. Shoddy doors where they shouldn't be, rough shelters, and missing bricks and beams are some of the things you notice. It's just a larger piece of refuse... for now!!! :)
Also the light filtering in from the grates is still enough that there are no darkness penalties. When it becomes too dark I'll let you know. When you let Vizio's Tavern there was over an hour till darkness. FYI.
There is a loud metallic creaking sound in the tunnel, directly in front of you, and you hear several voices, following by a loud bang. The voices continue for a moment, seemingly directly in your path, but unmoving for now. There is only straight ahead, or back the way you came.

Enko Laberan |

I hate to be that guy, but only one Light spell can be active at a time. The pebble trick wouldn't work.
On the subject of light, I have a bullseye lantern and a pint of oil.

Lucon |

Lucon will squint through the dark as he's led down the tunnel, stumbling along in the dark peering ahead, blinking at the light from the Viscount's spell. "That is... some trick, milord." he says, hanging back and lingering at the edge of the lights and glancing over his shoulder, heavy brow furrowed with worry, and dotted with glowing beads of sweat.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Kn: Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
"They're just boys." Lucon says, with a heavy sigh. "Little older than my eldest." He doesn't voice his opinion, but his face is easy to read. He'd rather not fight unless he well and truly has to.

Enko Laberan |

"We must overwhelm the trainees quickly," says Enko. "Fight."
So...stealth from the stealthy folks to get in a surprise round and Sneak Attack from Tavi, or we just all charge or even overrun...what do we want to do?

GM Mug |

Indeed, what do you want to do? All, if there is more than one spoiler for the same skill, that is only to separate (ahead of time) what your roll results will allow you to see/know/etc... Only make one roll in these situations. IF you make a higher DC roll, and there are lower DC checks for the same skill then you also read the lower DC spoilers. Lastly, some DC's will also be dependent on making another roll first (like the example in my last post above) So be sure read the spoiler headings twice. *steps off soapbox* Thanks! :)
As you deliberate, the sounds of pursuit grow louder in the distance behind you, still far away, but they are coming.
Also since it was mentioned again, Light is not yet an issue in the tunnels, the sunlight from the grates acting as torches for the time being. In case it wasn't clear before.

Amon Goethe |
Apologies for the absence, I had one of those 48-hour bugs in my system and checked out for a while with cough syrup.
"These are not mere town guards or militiamen, they are inductees into the Hellknights and willing conspirators with the very government that oppresses the city. They have chosen their side. We can try to avoid bloodshed, but we cannot allow them to hamper our escape."

GM Mug |

@Amon - Glad you're feeling better!
Some tactical info:
The tunnels in this section are ten feet wide, with the sewer water flowing down the middle of the tunnel. There is enough room for one person on either side on the sewage, and for someone to walk in the sewage if they so choose. Due to the twisted tunnels you do not have line of sight on the Hellknights, and visa versa. Grates are irregularly spaced anywhere from ten to twenty feet on the right side of the tunnel, allowing light to shine across the tunnel, giving most illumination to the left wall.

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I'll be more careful with my spells from here out.
Lead on my good friends, I'm almost useless when it comes to directions Corneleous whispers abashedly.

AC Visurrian |

Let's attack, quickly. The real ones are gaining on us.
Strong men in the front. I have Mycroft here that will do some damage. he says referring to his Heavy Repeater Crossbow. AC loads a round of bolts as we move throughout the tunnel, and stuffs an extra into his belt pouch, just in case.
let's do this.

Octavia 'Tavi' Delphina |

Perception - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Kn Local - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Agreed. Let us deal with those before us quickly. Tavi draws a dagger and readys it for throwing.
Stealth - 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
edited for a stealth roll

Lucon |

"If there is truly no way around..." the man says, looking almost pleadingly at the others. He steels himself. "Very well. Let us try not to crack too many skulls." the man says, drawing himself to his full height and reaching for a small hammer in his belt.
Would our stealthier characters be comfortable taking point, or should we all just charge in and hope for the best?"
... and for good measure I'll roll a stealth check ahead of time. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

GM Mug |

Since no one has stealthed, yet, I'm going to move the group all together. Post pending. EDIT: Just saw Tavi's stealth! Sounds like there is some more discussion going, so I'll wait longer, allowing some strategy talk to take place. If you could tell me if you're on the shadowy or lit side of the tunnel, or in the sewage, that'd help also.

Lucon |

Oh! Looks like Mug beat my edit. I'm happy with this development. I'd rather not agonize too much over tactics and slow things to a stop until we know each other better as a group.

Brayden Green |

I say we roll INIT and just go for it. We've known each other for all of an hour, it isn't like we are going to have this co-ordinated complex Swat team strategy worked out between us. We'll just try our best not to die, and then work on a strat sometime in the future.

GM Mug |

Lucon 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Enko 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Corneleous 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Jaiyana 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
AC 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Tavi 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Amon 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
HK 1 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
HK 2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
HK 3 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
HK 4 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Combat begins - Round 1
#2 Hellknight Encounter
Moving forward the group turns a corner and see's three Hellknights standing in a small circle farther down the tunnel. Two are in a slight recess in the wall, one of the few ladders which grant access to the street level, and a third is on the edge of the sewer. A fourth can be seen standing about thirty feet past the nearest three, on the opposite side of the sewage, looking around the next bend in the tunnel. The two groups see each other, and react according to luck and readiness. The Hellknights are clearly surprised and elated to have found their quarry so quickly.
Go ahead and post your actions in spoilered format. Once I have everyone's post (except those who're being botted) I will post the round 1 results. I have the marching order like this:
Right-Side - Lucon, Tavi Corneleous
Left-Side - Enko, AC, Jaiyana, Ammon

Lucon |

How are the Hellknights armed, out of curiosity? And be sure to let me know if I've got the format right. If I'm correct you want to piece each round together in one big post?
Ranged Attack at HK 31d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

AC Visurrian |

AC remembers reading about battlefield tactics in one of his numerous studies. Stand your ground! Make them come to us! Use ranged attacks until they approach!Make them cross that distance, and we can cut them down!
Just like I practiced. Breathe. Squeeze the trigger on the exhalation. At least, that's what all the good books say.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 to hit
1d10 ⇒ 5 damage

GM Mug |

How are the Hellknights armed, out of curiosity? And be sure to let me know if I've got the format right. If I'm correct you want to piece each round together in one big post?
That's correct, the spoiler should be labeled for the appropriate round, like some others have done already. After I've accrued enough posts. 5 or 6 depending on how longs it's taking, ideally all 7, then I'll resolve the round behind the scenes and post a long descriptive post and ask for more rounds if needed. *EDIT* Whoops, and they have longswords, sheathed. Also light crossbows, the only Hellknight with weapon drawn is the far one, holding a crossbow.

Enko Laberan |

geez, leave for a few errands and the hurting and shoving begins.
Sling to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

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acid dart, ranged touch 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
dmg 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Move action: ready crossbow.

GM Mug |

Moving forward the group turns a corner and see's three Hellknights standing in a small circle farther down the tunnel. Two are in a slight recess in the wall, one of the few ladders which grant access to the street level, and a third is on the edge of the sewer. A fourth can be seen standing about thirty feet past the nearest three, on the opposite side of the sewage, looking around the next bend in the tunnel. The two groups see each other, and react according to luck and readiness.
Enko is the first to react, pulling, and arming his sling in a smooth motion, spinning it quickly above his head and slinging it towards the flatfooted hellknights. It carooms loudly of the knights armor, and his stunned expression becomes a sneer.
Tavi reacts almost as fast as the monk, sending a dagger slinging through the tunnel, the light causing it to glint brightly as it passes two grates. The throw is quite masterful and finds a chink in the far Hellknights armor, wounding him. Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Yup. Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Jaiyana dons her armored coat and pulls out her sling, yelling, "Let us concentrate our attacks!"
Lucon frantically looks around at the others before springing into action himself. With a shout he tosses his hammer, standing stock still and blinking in surprise when it meets its mark. The hellknight staggers when struck by the hammer, obviously reeling from the powerful throw.
Considering his options Amon pulls his sling and arms it, quickly bringing it to a fast spin. He hurls it the distant Hellknight, trying to bring him down. The stone flies into the sewage at the mans feat, splashing some offal onto the mans armored legs, but otherwise not affecting him.
(Hellknight 2) This soldier tries to push past his closer comrade, but the nearest Hellknight refuses to let him by, more concerned with the glory of his own first kill. Frustrated, the Hellknight tries to move to the other side of the sewer, through the muck, so eager is he to get at you all. He pulls his sword out as he comes. The man slides precariously, but barely manages to keep his feet in the slippery filth, and clamber out to stand but a few paces away from Enko, sword menacing.
AC remembers reading about battlefield tactics in one of his numerous studies. "Stand your ground! Make them come to us! Use ranged attacks until they approach! Make them cross that distance, and we can cut them down!." He shoots at the closest one, the stubborn one who refused to move, but the shot, though aimed at a vulnerable area, bounces off the mans armor.
Just like I practiced. Breathe. Squeeze the trigger on the exhalation. At least, that's what all the good books say.
(Hellknight 3) Recovering from the staggering hammer blow this Hellknight draws his sword, clearly furious. "The big one is mine! But not before I find out who his woman is. I'll be visiting her next!" The man jumps into the sewer, drawing his sword mid-jump, having seen his closest comrade refusing to let people pass, and starts slogging through filth towards the now unarmed Lucon. However, after about 10 feet, the man slips in the trench, shouting as he falls beneath the muck. He flails there, as combat rages around him.
With a flourish, Corneleous extends a hand and summons a small ball of acid to fly toward the nearest knight. The acid finds several tiny holes on the mans armored arm, causing him to shriek as his skin melts beneath his armor. After he lets the acid fly he readies his crossbow.
(Hellknight 1) Finally getting his feet set the Hellknight closest to Lucon strides forward, drawing his longsword, pleased at the prospect of facing an unarmed foe. Does it get much better? Smiling to his companions, "Whoever brings him down gets his woman first, that's always the rule!" Luckily the mighty strike, which would surely have grievously wounded the unarmored carpenter, is thrown off as the Hellknight slips slightly on muck kicked up by his floundering companion, and whistles harmless past Lucon's chest.
(Hellknight 4) With a knife sticking from his chest the solder growls in pain, "You boys do what you want, but leave the halfling wench alive, I'll need some time alone with her!" With that he takes aim at Tavi, despite the difficulty of the shot, two men engaged in combat right in front of her. The bolt sails above her head, and into the wall, splashing into the water. It was a very, very near miss!

Enko Laberan |

Enko smoothly brings an elbow and knee to strike at sensitive points of the Hellknight in front of him.
Flurry Unarmed 1 to hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Damage Flurry 1: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Flurry Unarmed 2 to hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage Flurry 2: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Jaiyana Nejem |

"Hellnight bastards," Jaiyana spits with a snarl, dropping her sling. She grips her flail, knuckles whitening as she readies it, and surges forword to attack.
Free action: Drop the sling and speak a couple of words.
Move action: Move toward and enemy, drawing her heavy flail as she goes.
Standard action: Attack the most heavily wounded foe using Combat Expertise.
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21; Damage 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
[ooc]If there is no space for Jaiyana, she will overrun instead, to get into a flanking position. This will provoke an attack of oppurtunity from her target as she does not yet possess the appropriate feats. Her CMB result will be the same as her attack roll in that instance. Her AC with the armored coat on is 17, 18 after she attacks thanks to Combat Expertise.

AC Visurrian |

So for example, if I find out weaknesses in round 1, and use an action to let them know about those movements in round 2, they won't find out about that til the summary and the earliest they can use that info is round 3 actions, if they are paying attention.
Hmmm.... Seems kind of broken for me. Not sure what you think?

AC Visurrian |

Is a Map possible? I'm having trouble knowing who to target.
1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 = 5 to hit
1d10 ⇒ 5damage
Then AC clicks the reload lever again.

![]() |

The Viscount reaches once more into his beltpouch and begins to chant in infernal. A glowing circle appears behind hellknights, opening a gate to hell as the Viscount commands forth an unholy creature.
Free action: Drop the crossbow in favor of keeping staff in hand and casting a spell.
Move: 5' step, retreating away from the melee.
Full round action: Summon Monster I, fiendish eagle (enhanced with +1 hp/die and +4 str +4 stam). Preferably red with black accent feathers. To be summoned in a potential flanking position.
I was extremely tempted to summon an unholy pony...

Lucon |

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 (Power Attack)
1d3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 (non-lethal)

GM Mug |

Round 2
Enko smoothly brings an elbow and knee to strike at sensitive points of the Hellknight in front of him. The first strike, though powerful, fails to find the right spot in the mans armor, and the hellknight shrugs it off. The second strike does find a hole, and the soldier lets out a quiet, "oooph", in pain but is not overly phased by the blow.
Tavi moves next to Lucon near the wall, and then swipes at the Hellknight with her knife, scoring a deep hit upon the man. He looks in pain and a flash of nervousness takes over his features for a moment, but then he steels himself to renew his attack.
Jaiyana charges forward after dropping her sling, skirting past Enko and barreling through the unsuspecting Hellknight. The man reacts quickly enough to catch her a glancing blow across her back as she rushes by. Too late the knight realizes his predicament as he is now flanked. 3 damage to Jaiyana
"One more word and I beat you bloody!" Lucon roars in response to the vile words of the Hellknights, flying into a rage and slugging the young recruit in the face of his helmet, momentarily forgetting the blade being swung at him. The smug look on the recruits face vanishes as his head literally bounces around inside his helm, his body stiffening up and toppling over into the wall. Hellknight 1 is down for the count
Amon sees his fellows having some success and so tries again, hurling a stone at the distant Hellknight. To Hit(sling): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Damage: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
(Hellknight 2 / Unscathed ) The Hellknight spares a quick look at his floundering companion, feeling good after avoiding the worst of the monks strikes, but now having to contend with foes on both sides. Calling out, "Quit playing around Veshio! Glory awaits!" He takes a swing of his own, trying to cut down the pesky punching rebel. However the elusive monk is too quick, too centered to be caught by the descending sword, shifting his weight backwards slightly, so the sharp steel only gives the monk a breeze.
AC hits the reload lever, and looks at the nearby man still in the muck, and yells "By Shelyn, I will have justice upon you and your foul soul." But the mans armor is too thick for the bolt to penetrate.
(Hellknight 3 / Hammer Struck) The sewage covered hellknight gains his feet finally, still holding his weapon, spitting and yelling profanities, and tries to move the last few feet to engage Lucon. This time he makes it without a tumble, and swipes at Lucon with his sword. Lucon is unable to recover his balance after laying out the first Hellknight and takes a viscous cut across his leg. The Hellknight in the muck is now in the middle of a triangle formed by Lucon, Jaiyana, and Enko, and is standing in muck up to his waist, looking up at Lucon with hate in his eyes. Those three have a +2 Flanking and a +1 for higher ground for melee attacks on Hellknight 3. Also Lucon takes 2 damage.
After taking a step back from the heat of the melee, the Viscount reaches once more into his beltpouch and begins to chant in infernal. A glowing circle appears in the air behind the hellknight in the water, opening a gate to hell as the Viscount begins to command forth an unholy creature.
(Hellknight 1 / Bif Whiffer) His body twiches spasmodically from it's place on the floor
(Hellknight 4 / Knife Target) Noticing the large man wrecking so much havok the crossbowman sets the carpenter in his sights. Mostly to himself he says, "They'll have to make me a patrol leader after I bring in this lot!" You get the idea that losing, much less the idea of fleeing, has never entered this mans brain. He shoots at Lucon, the shot just catching the large man in the upper arm, and blood begins to drip down to mix with the sewage. Lucon takes 2 damage
I'll be thinking about a map, if I can figure an easy way to do it. Probably it won't happen till a future engagement. We'll see. Everyone please post your next rounds actions in the usual manner. Get them baddies!

Lucon |

Move Action: Pick up longsword.
Standard Action: Power Attack.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

AC Visurrian |

ps, I have some map stuff I can share with you... and I can take you through how I do it, if you don't hate my maps. It is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, and not that hard to start off. No pressure, just trying to help.

AC Visurrian |

Still using Judgement. + 1 to attacks.
1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 1 = 22 to hit (point blank not factored in = extra +1 if w/in 30 ft)
1d10 ⇒ 6
I would move to wherever I have the better shot.
Edit: Confirming crit...
1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4 DOH! still a hit though.

Enko Laberan |

Enko turns to face the Hellknight who swiped at him with his sword, trusting his companions to handle the knight buried to the waist in sewage. He darts in again with two swift attacks, whipping out a forearm and a foot to engage the knight.
Flurry 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Flurry 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

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Yes, gory awaits! the Viscount taunts and cocks his hand in a pointed gesture, with the thumb wiggling.
Standard Action: Acid dart at whichever knight he can attack without firing into melee. Otherwise, use move action to reposition (but not into the sewer, he's too prissy for that).
Acid dart (#2), ranged touch 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Move action, if possible: retrieve crossbow.
Free action: when the unholy eagle arrives, order him to full attack or move to flank and attack.
Do you roll for the summoned creatures, or do I? The bird has claws and beak both +3, 1d4+2. Eagle

Jaiyana Nejem |

Jaiyana grunts in pain as she is struck and channels her anger into a retalitory strike. "It's time for you to meet the devils you hold so dear!" She crows, bringing for flail down overhead.
Move Action: Speak.
Standard Action: Attack (using Combat Expertise, of course).
Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21; Damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

GM Mug |

Round 3
Enko turns to face the Hellknight who swiped at him with his sword, trusting his companions to handle the knight buried to the waist in sewage. He darts in again with two swift attacks, whipping out a forearm and a foot to engage the knight. The forearm strike glances off the mans armor, negating any damage, the kick connects right on the mans knee however, and his leg buckles, nearly dropping him with the force of the blow.
Tavi moves into flanking, making sure Jaiyana is directly opposite the muck-loving Hellknight in the sewage before her. She strikes out, aiming for that vulnerable area her flanking position affords her, but the knight seems to sense the attack and is able to lean his body out of the way of the incoming blade.
Jaiyana grunts in pain as she is struck and channels her anger into a retalitory strike. "It's time for you to meet the devils you hold so dear!" she crows, bringing her flail down overhead. The knight was still off balance from Enko's kick and is unable to dodge the flail, and can merely watch as it descends, bashing him on the head. He crumpled like a ragdoll across the path in front of you, blood trickling from under his helmet. Hellknight 2 is brained, but good!
Lucon winces in pain, clutching at his leg and staggering slightly. As the bolt punches past his shoulder he exhales sharply, pressing himself against the wall and gritting his teeth, letting out a few shuddering breaths and blinking back the pain. He lunges a few feet ahead, (this move also conveniently lining him up opposite Enko to continue to give him a flanking bonus) desperately grabbing at the fallen recruits sword and attempts to parry in a wild arc, bringing his blade down with a blow so mighty that would cleave the boy's helmet in two. The sneering knight These are not all boys, just new recruits, some are older and some are younger, fyi see's the carpenters furious swing coming and takes a mighty swing of his own, sensing for the first time what a dangerous position he has put himself into, but his blow sails far wide of Lucon. Lucon's swing is uninterrupted, the blow takes off not only half of the knights head, but continues down through his shoulder, completely severing his arm. The lifeless body sinks into the sewage, dark red mixing with the browns, greens, and yellows of the sewer. Hellknight 3 is obliterated, 14 hp damage on that one! Yikes!
Amon sees all but the crossbowman has gone down, takes a defensive posture and turns his thoughts towards his companions, "Does anyone need immediate help!?" and removes one of the potions of cure light wounds they were given earlier, looking around for injuries. Botted Heal Check: 1d20 ⇒ 6
(Hellknight 2 / Unscathed ) Bleeds quietly and dreams of pain medicine.
AC thinks: Well, third time is a charm and fires at the crossbowman that hit the unarmored gentleman in their company. How dare you fire at an unarmed man. The Injustice of it all! I should teach you some manners, crossbow wielding fiend! Mycroft would like to meet your acquaintance! AC fires, and then hits the reload lever.
This time the bolt flies true, striking the man in the face, through his helmet visor. The damage inside is probably fairly horrific, but the man manages to gurgle once before toppling forward, his crossbow tumbling into the muck, and his arm dangling in the sewage.
Hellknight 3 / Hammer Struck) His body begins to drift along the slow current of the sewer, blood further mingling with the filthy water, his crossbow and anything he may have been carrying are still on his body, but the sword is at the bottom of the muck, and his armor is definitely... in need of major repair.
(Hellknight 1 / Bif Whiffer) He is no longer twitching, just lies there.
(Hellknight 4 / Crossbow Wielder) Bleeds, and gurgles a few times more.
Combat is over, getting loot figured now. Nicely done!

GM Mug |

Loot found:
chainmail x3 (one on the body of the knight in the muck?)
longsword x3 (one in muck?)
Potions of Cure light wounds x3 (presumably one in muck if someone wants to check?)
light crossbow x2 (muck search?)
Crossbow bolts (56) (muck?)
I need new roll(s) if you want to get the perception spoiler below. Also I want to know what is taken, and I'm hoping someone out there is willing to be the Party Loot Tracker, because I'd rather not. :)