About Jaiyana NejemJAIYANA NEJEM
Character Origin:
Westcrown is dying; a masochistic cesspool willingly in the grips of a diabolical terror, screeching in terrible agony and pleasure. I have seen this city sink lower into depravity than any circle of Hell can hope to match in this lifetime, and tieflings, the disgusting infernal vermin, are at the heart of it all. Their very existence is a blight upon the world, a mockery of true, purposeful life. They are a symptom of a diseased society, painfully permitted to grow, which must be purged if Westcrown is to carry through its long, dark night and break its fever of dependence on slavery and decadence. This is the one truth that Jaiyana Nejem has always known.
Growing up in one of Westcrown’s poorer districts, Jaiyana had never been a stranger to the struggle of merely surviving, let alone attempting to thrive. Her neighborhood was filled with the destitute; freed slaves, halflings, tieflings, criminals. But her parents fought to elevate their position in life, striving to no end to be able to raise their daughter away from the filth-stained streets where murder and thievery were abundant and constant reminders of the true fragility of everyday existence. Even after her mother, Isabella, succumbed to the Devil Chills when Jaiyana was but a young thing, her father, a good, honest man (a rarity in a metropolis which prides itself on underhanded dealings), worked himself to the bone to provide for the two of them and stash away what he could, doing all sorts of menial labor from sweeping chimneys to picking up litter on behalf of the city for a few silvers’ meager pay. By the time Jaiyana was eight years old, her father, Horatio, had saved up enough coin in an old boot beneath his bed that the duo could finally elevate themselves to a slightly better walk of life-the fruition of his life’s work. It was all destined to be for naught, unfortunately, for the night before their move to a better portion of the city word had apparently gotten around that Horatio had saved up a healthy sum, for a group of tiefling burglars broke in and ransacked the place, knifing Jaiyana’s beloved father to death before her very eyes and he valiantly fought to protect his daughter and their future well-being. The group stole away, cackling gleefully at their massive take for an easy robbery. Then an orphan, the girl was to become a slave, the property of the state, until she reached adulthood. She was auctioned and won by bitter veteran guardsman, unable to work due to injury in the field and cast aside by the city which formerly employed him to his fullest potential, who used his last remaining money to buy help doing daily chores that had since become beyond his ability. He quickly eschewed the title of servant from Jaiyana, and while he expected her aid, he treated like a daughter, or at least with respect. He nurtured her anger toward tieflings, a bit of a racist himself, but also directed her ire toward the government that gave them leave to prosper, citing the allowance of attacks, like that which occurred on her father by such fiends being permitted for maintenance of the status quo. She seethed and embraced her anger, but vowed to change things: To remove the scourge of tieflings from society, and to punish the politicians who allowed others to suffer to keep themselves fat. To make the streets safe to walk at night, and to crush the notion of poverty beneath her heel. Seeing a great strength within the girl, her adoptive father Ramo taught her all of the combat skills he could. She excelled and on her 18th birthday he set her free into Westcrown to become her own woman, knowing someday she would be involved in great things. GM Mug's Question of Doom!:
”I would finish what this city has already half started and raze the great remainder of it to the ground, driving the Hells-spawned filth from their dens of vice and misery before me and showing the fat, content mayor which abides slavery, torture, and murder with a knowing grin how truly powerless he is by bringing the will of the people to the forefront; if their current fearful bleats and suffering moans haven’t reached him perhaps the wondrous sound of men cheering for immediate change might. Shackles would be permanently unchained and the infernal church which forces lip service would no longer be a unavoidable accessory of ailing society. The decadence of another’s pain for one’s personal pleasure will be a bygone horror. I would guide this city through a trail of fire and blood and watch it rise from the ashes like a resplendent phoenix. The people, the true citizens of Westcrown, not those tiefling cysts, are resourceful and willing, but unorganized. They could weather such a cleansing, such a painful cure.
“What that means for me, personally; I’m well aware that the fish rots from the head and thus the head must be removed. In this case that means the mayor. Everything else is but a symptom, including slavery, the hold of the Dark Prince of Lies’ vile church, tieflings, and the shadowy beasts that prowl the night. If he were to be replaced with one willing to make the hard decisions and do what needs done, instead of the oafish sloth that views the city from the safety of a palatial manor with all of the luxuries gold can provide, so far, far removed from the worries of everyday man, important change could take place. Is that me? Unlikely, but I’d be willing to support the right candidate, but my place is sacrificing for the people that I love. If I couldn’t sway the mayor to leave with a personal audience, I’d be more than willing to lay my life on the line and remove him with proper force, though I pray to deaf ears that such a matter needs no martyr. I would also take on the responsibility of organizing the masses, those who are as sick of the permitted sin and evil of society as I and lead the movement to oust those unsavory byproducts and ungrateful wretches of high society. “This is all unfortunately hypothetical, of course, for I have no means nor station to accomplish such ends.” Combat Script:
1. Jaiyana Nejem will always use Combat Expertise when in melee, at least until level 4 (she takes no penalty to her attack rolls due to the Threatening Defender trait).
2. When fighting a group of enemies, Jaiyana will always take the swiftest route to melee with any tiefling that she sees, even it it means provoking attacks of opportunity from non-tiefling foes. 3. Jaiyana's 1st move action in combat will generally be to don her armored coat (she normally wears leather armor to be more inconspicuous and to not be subject to an armor check penalty outside of combat), unless doing so would prevent her from attacking a tiefling that round. 4. Jiayana resorts to ranged weapons only when melee combat is not a viable option, in which case she relies on her sling. 5. When no tiefling is present Jaiyana will attempt to flank with her allies and focus her attacks on the same target, even if it means provoking attacks of opportunity for movement or combat manuevers. |