Enko Laberan |

So, can a monk, you know, cover their hands with anything to allow for unarmed ki strikes against a shadow, or does that negate an unarmed strike? RAW, I think it does. Will an unarmed striker suffer a touch attack the moment they connect?
...le sigh...Monks...

GM Mug |

I won't rule an unarmed striker suffering a touch attack if they connect -unless the beast has an ability designed for just that purpose, like the Hower's defensive spikes. So a Shadow has to touch you, intending to harm and damage you for the touch attack to affect you.
As for the unarmed ki strikes, I think wearing something negates the unarmed strike. I'll stick to RAW on this one, but if you can find something that suggests otherwise, I'll be happy to hear it.

Enko Laberan |

No, there's nothing that allows one to wrap the hands, RAW. Makes me annoyed after seeing Ong-Bak, or Jackie Chan fighting using a shirt, but that...that is something that has spawned a thousand threads.
Ok, thanks, Mug! I'll wallop on shadows and ghouls, then. :)

Sabinus |

By the way, because Sabinus has healing as his patron, he has lesser restoration on his spell list. The spell is expensive, as a 4th level domain spell, but it means he could use a wand of lesser restoration. If we survive this Knot, we should get him one. I wish I had suggested we buy one before we entered this part of the adventure, but... oh well.

Sabinus |

I just realized Sabinus' healing hex can harm the undead (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2mhe5?Witchs-Healing-Hex-Usable-vs-undead) -- once per day per target for 1d8+4 damage. It's not much, but it's something!

GM Mug |

First of all, HOLY CRAP it's was hard to find where those faq updates are located!
Second of all, they are super awesome and interesting. I always wondered how to find them and now that I have I'm pretty stoked.
Lastly this is the faq link which describes the clarification you found Sabinus. That makes the hex so much cooler!

Sabinus |

Mug, could you please post a link to the map? Usually when I click on past links it doesn't take me to the most current map for some reason... Thanks!

GM Mug |

Caladius Rend |

So as to not clog up the Gameplay Thread...
Hmm, Spring attack is described as "You can deftly move up to a foe, strike, and withdraw before he can react." Are you saying fly by because she's levitating?
I presumed some type of actual flight, since levitate doesn't allow lateral/horizontal movement, only vertical, and the movement is VERY slow and requires it's own special move action to control. Regardless, Spring Attack allows the attacker to move up to his/her speed and make an attack at any point within that movement. I normally thought that "speed" meant "land speed", but your question now makes me wonder if that might also include any movement modes they might have (Burrow 30, Swim 60, Fly 60 etc etc).
Comparing Spring Attack to Flyby Attack shows that Spring Attack is WAY better, but it also has much steeper entry requirements, so it should be superior.

Sabinus |

I hope I don't distract from Caladius' query, but in deciding Sabinus' action I need a better sense of how concealment works with spells like hold person and hexes like sleep and evil eye. Can I target the tiefling with those, with the miss chance? If I "miss" do I lose the spell or hexes? I don't know about the spell, but it seems like I shouldn't miss the opportunity to use the hexes on the tiefling again, because I don't think it counts as targeting a subject with a hex unless the subject is affected enough to need to make a save. But you may have a different view, Mug.

GM Mug |

Well, while we're ooc, she is levitating -not flying, and your reminder about levitating up and down is appreciated.
As for wondering about any movement modes, personally I think it should apply to any mode they're capable of. For future reference that's how I think I'd like it utilized, just 'speed' and non specific to 'land speed'
We can chalk her unsuccessful spring attack to trying to cheat the rules of the universe and that's why she failed to hit you, and I shall not do it again!

Sabinus |

Thanks, Mug. And how about Sabinus "misses" with a spell like hold person?
Enko, that sounds pretty risky, but it is especially risky if you have a concealment miss chance!

Caladius Rend |

My understanding is that hexes, spells, etc that are targeted effects (i.e. selected 1 target within x feet) need line of sight while hexes (like cackle) and spells that aren't targeted need line of effect.
And as I understand Concealment, it spoils line of sight. Just as Cover spoils line of effect.
I'm not super positive on those points though, so I could be way wrong. If I'm right though, she's not a valid target for hexes, spells, etc that require specific targeting like that so long as she has concealment.

Caladius Rend |

I just had a flash of what I hope is magnificent inspiration. This person is obviously hostile and terrible. I wouldn't mind tricking her into taking the runecurse from Sabinus.
Something like shouting for Lucon to get Sabinus away and to safety because he has the scroll that's our only way out of here after the portal collapsed. Something like that.
Is that within the rules of the curse, Mug? Tricking someone into stealing it?

Enko Laberan |

Give her that runecurse and she can 'free' all the devils she wants!
I promise not to grapple a levitating character over a bottomless pit, only to fall to our mutual deaths, until Council of Thieves 2: Electric Boogaloo. It would be so monkly to fall to one's death...just like the final nail in the Slow Fall coffin...

GM Mug |

well, remember you wouldn't actually fall to your death... as these shafts are likely a mirror bending of reality as the first few you found. You'd just fall forever, in a contnuous loop. Until you tried to stop yourself and then you'd be in serious pain.
Sabinus & Caladius, that's absolutely within the realm of diabolical/genius possibility.

SurplusRaine |

Bit late, but here's how concealment and spells intereact by my understanding:
Normal concealment does nothing against targeted spells. Miss chance only applies to things that require attack rolls. Total concealment (Meaning you cannot see your target at all) means you cannot target them with targeted spells.
Things like the slumber hex, hold person, etc. will never suffer from a % miss chance. It's only if you're making an attack roll (ie. Scorching Ray) that concealment will affect a spell.

Enko Laberan |

You do have to see your target for most hexes, though. If they are invisible, behind something, shrouded in darkness (and you don't have darkvision), you can't hex them. There is no % miss chance, though.

Sabinus |

Got it. And here, I guess we're dealing with just regular concealment. In light of Corneleus' action, I'll switch to a readied action to slumber her if she manages to escape the web and tries to flee. The web should catch her if she falls and we should be able to retrieve her from the web (which might be tricky, but not as hard as catching her as she tumbles in a loop).

GM Mug |

Oh sorry, just resolved the round with the evil eye hex, I didn't notice the OOC thread till after it posted. We are dealing with regular concealment, you're correct. Since the edit wasn't in before the resolution (and to give the poor tiefling girl a chance) I'm going to leave it with the evil eye hex.

Ava Wavesdotter |

You're a fighter; pick up a bow, or some javelins. You'd have the same ranged attack bonus as Caladius or I.
Does darkvision negate her concealment at all?

Sabinus |