Corsairs of Varisia

Game Master dain120475

“Corsairs of Varisia” is a homebrew campaign which has low magic; emerging technology in the form of firearms; reavers, swashbucklers, buccaneers, and pirates.

“Corsairs of Varisia” campaign pits the starting party in a emerging town situated between Riddleport and Magnimar.

The town, formerly Roderic’s Cove, had been conquered by pirates from Riddleport, but has been recently liberated from support from the south to stop the advance of Riddleport into their waters.

The town was renamed “Beacon” and the lord of the town is calling on any who wish to make their fortune and become something great; with little to aid them but their wits and steel.

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Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:

Hack approaches Polux and the prisoner. He draws his Axe, and with a grin at the prisoner begins to sharpen the blade with his whetstone. Then his visage turns deadly. He nods towards Polux.

Answer, or lose yer head.


For the record. I am interested in any healing potions and gold from the sale of the loot.

There were a lot of potions - what they are you don't know until they're identified, which has yet to happen, though.

Meantime, you got a good Intimidate roll - but before the goblin can answer, what are your questions?

Monk(Master of Many styles)1, Fighter (Weapon Master) 3: HP-31, AC-19, Touch-15, F+6, R+7, W+2; Perception -1, Initiative +4

Stefan watches Hack and Polux begin to interrogate the goblin with a bemused expression.

"It probably doesn't even understand Varisian or Taldane." Stefan tells them. He then makes sure to catch the goblin's eye and with a wicked smile, flicks the dagger from his wrist sheath and flings it into the deck between its legs. He then draws his sword with a flourish that makes evident his practiced ease with its use and laughs at the goblin.
Knowledge local about goblins 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
intimidate to demoralize 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

note I am just demoralizing him to make him more susceptable to Hack and Polux

wow the dice roller continues to excell! Looks like he is only shaken for 1 round :(

Stefan Lebeda wrote:

Stefan watches Hack and Polux begin to interrogate the goblin with a bemused expression.

"It probably doesn't even understand Varisian or Taldane." Stefan tells them. He then makes sure to catch the goblin's eye and with a wicked smile, flicks the dagger from his wrist sheath and flings it into the deck between its legs. He then draws his sword with a flourish that makes evident his practiced ease with its use and laughs at the goblin.
Knowledge local about goblins 1d20+8
intimidate to demoralize 1d20+12

note I am just demoralizing him to make him more susceptable to Hack and Polux

Knowledge Check 11:

There are various tribes of goblins - most are antagonistic to each other and the only common bond they share is a greater hatred for other races.

There are various goblin tribes that infest the southern shores of Beacon's coast; mostly in the swamp and marches near the coastal areas.

Goblins are typically are hit-and-run types. They'll attack a caravan, or trader, or wanderer. They move in with superior numbers and kill the person. They favor poisons and traps to encourage success.

It's very strange to you that the goblins worked with such tactics - not that they are incapable of following sound tactical advice, but that they'd choose to follow the advice. In other words - what's in it for them? Was it the loot the half-orc promised them? Or was it something else that prompted them to attack you? More importantly - why did only 20 goblins and some wargs attack an entire human village?

Goblins attacking villages are not usual. They rarely do it unless they have a massive amount of troops - in this case, they didn't.

All-told this set of goblins were using much more coordination and tactical strategy than you're comfortable with. They were too disciplined and brave - something was motivating them beyond simple gold...

You suspect that they speak Goblin, Orc, and possible the local language of the nation that they live in.

You do recall that the half-orc spoke the Common Tongue when you spoke to him; and that the goblins seemed to understand the language...

Such is your estimation via the Knowledge Check.

EDIT: I'm using your Intimidate Check as an Aid Check to Hack - so now he has a 22.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

So much was happening all at once on the deck of The Scorpion. The day had been fraught from the beginning and now Captain John, Ren and Priest Vale stood among them and the priest was agitated and rambling some dire warning about Apep. While Captain John attempted to calm the priest, Taissa drew closer to Polux and discreetly, in her usual husky voice, beseeched him to take more care with his words around Vale. "He is unpredictable and he heals us. We must show restraint and respect."

She had heard Ren's offer to look over the Osirion ledger, and responded to him, "I find no issue with you examining the ledger, Ren. There were glyphs in the book I recognised as the same as the markings on the half-orc's skin. Some drawings looked like constellations, so I wonder if it is a map of some kind. If you do discover what is inside that ledger, would you share it with us?"

Addressing Captain John and Ren both, Taissa tackled the issue of the items they collected from the village, "There are varied items. We have potions and vials with unknown contents. A healer's kit. Strange ink quill with odd assortment of parchment. There are 8 scrolls - 4 contain one type of writing and the other 4 contain another type. There is an alchemist lab, and many coins: gold, silver and copper. A small pouch of 10 cut rubies, worth around 1000gp in total. A small flask of some exotic wine. We did discover some longbows and arrows -- used by the goblins, so they are crafted for small creatures."

The worg pup decided to then poke his nose out of the pouch and give a little whine and howl. It wanted food. Of course he did. In fact, so did she as it had been a while since they last supped. She patted his flank through the woollen/furred shawl, and attempted to soothe him with soft sounds. She replied to him in worg that she would find him food soon enough and to be quiet until then.

Returning her focus to the John and Ren, "I will talk with my companions and determine what they would keep and what can be sold. We recently lost a companion and he took his share of the hoard. You may then look at the remainder and we can bargain if something catches your eye." Taissa was glad that the treasure would not bring about bloodshed between her group and Captain's John's crew. Praise the Spirits, Taissa thought silently. She would ask her friends later if any possessed the knowledge to discern the contents of the potions and vials. Or else she would ask Ella and even Vale to assist. I did do a Know. Nature check previously, but since I didn't hear back from the GM, we probably need another kind of check. Anyone?

Geser had remarked that he would leave the ship and return to Beacon. The tension that resided between her companion and Vale was no secret. Taissa wondered how the half-orc would manage alone, in the cold and receding daylight. But he was determined in his decision and she had not argued. She had wished him well and hoped their paths would cross again some day. He was a peaceful sort.

When Captain John offered the boiled beef and broth, she smiled with a sense of relief. Even so, her brow was lifted at his moniker of Red based on her copper hair. It would seem the Captain was on friendly terms with her and so she would not admonish him. "The boiled beef and broth would be much appreciated, Captain John. Thank you." Even the worg seemed pleased with such a meal.

Taissa aided Kat at the helm and with the ropes, the worg pup settled inside the pouch, only every so often poking his nose out and causing a distraction. Least Daya was below deck and out of the cold. One less thing to worry about.

When night came around and they had found the desired bay and dropped anchor, Taissa was happy to see Ella come on board with the pot of beef stew. The worg pup must have smelled the food, for he popped his head out from the furs and seemed happy to see Ella. Taissa allowed the gnome gunner to draw closer and pet the snow-white pup. He seemed to enjoy the attention, but Taissa would not allow too much of it in the future for she needed to train the worg and did not want him too coddled. She had to think of a name for him ... But maybe his worg mother gave him a name and so she asked him in worg, "Pup, do you have a name, or shall I give you one?"


Knowledge (Geography) check re Korvosa's connection to Osirion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 (I don't have any other knowledge that could be useful to figure this out. Know History? Know Religion? Know Local? Can someone roll this please?)

Know. Nature re the constellation patterns/drawings in ledger (determining what they could mean): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Untrained Prof. Sailor re the constellation patterns/drawings in ledger (determining what they could mean): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Perception check to help identify potion by colour or consistency of contents/liquid, even smell: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Once the tasks were complete topdeck, Taissa excused herself from Kat and went below with the pup. She saw Daya lightly slumbering by the warmth of the stove and smiled. Her Roc must have sensed her presence because one golden eye and then another opened and she gave a low screech. Taissa wondered how Two-Kills was faring out in the forest. She hoped he'd found shelter with his pride and was resting from his serious wounds. She sent a prayer to the Spirits to watch over him.

Moving to the pot of stew Ella had brought over, Taissa spooned three small bowls - one for her, the worg pup and Daya, ensuring there was enough left for her other companions. She would take no more than their fair share.

She set the bowls on a chest in the corner of the cabin. Daya quickly devoured the soft, boiled beef. Taissa placed smaller pieces for the pup to eat and watched as he hungrily bit into the meat, his snow-white muzzle darkened by the thick juices of the broth. Taissa spooned a few mouthfuls of the fragrant dish into her own mouth, feeling its hearty warmth spread through her taxed body. How she longed for bed. Yet, there were things to be done before they could all safely retire for the night.

HP: 48/48 || AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex) || Inspiration (+1d6, 6/day) || Init +3
Current Status:
HP: 45/48 // AC: 23 = 17[Regular] + 2 [Natural AC from Mutagen] + 4 [Shield Extract] or 25 (assuming Prot Evil) // Effects: // Inspiration left: 5/6

Well, sorry guys but...

Dain GM wrote:

"Huh! Who be you to know of his dark ways, eh? Da ways of da juju priests and da zuvembie be from where I walk in young days... Aye, dey be lands dat da snake king keep for his own… Dey be da dark lands; da places of bad evil… you be making eye for da basterds of da snake king and now I say dat his brood be coming hard, and it be a place of da dark evil foul dat dey come from…”

He studies Polux a bit after these words.

”Have ye been hearing on da snake king true? Do ye be knowing of him dat men fear to name…"

"But now ye be warned true of dem dat dey call Apep... Of him who be having da true name... da name called Yig…” he says the last name with a harsh whisper and makes a warding sign; as if even he is afraid to speak of it.

Polux – make a Willpower Save: DC 18 please… Thanks!

Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Polux reels back at the sensation, as if almost overwhemed by fear - he does not know if it is the simple mention of some unseen and nondescript horror, or if it was something that Valen did. That alone makes him take one hand to his weapon, and growl menacingly, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he hunches like a cornered wild beast.

Dain GM wrote:

John glances at Ren, and the half-elf wets his lips nervously.

”It’s alright, padre – he didn’t mean nothing like that… it’s alright,” John says hastily, but Vale seems to be very uncomfortable about something. It’s almost as if the entire conversation has him completely distraught and nervous about something – but at this point you have no idea what it could be….

Still growling, Polux presses on - "Actually I did mean something by it - I have thanked you repeatedly Valen - he seems to purposefully address the priest by his name - for your healing, and for allowing me to make a profit while overall beat upon who you say are the bad guys. That is all fine in my book, but I don't give a crap about gods - none of them, neither yours or anyone else's" - he stares at the halfling with squinted eyes - "Call it heresy, call it whatever you want - I call it freedom, and it is the only thing I call my own. I have always depended on myself and no one else, so I do not offer prayer, nor thanks - if it can take a hammer to the face, and a blade to the back, it can be killed, and that is all that matters to me"

Boooom! CONAN!

He looks back at his companions, then at the priest - "You want gods? What about these right here next to me? It was them saving my life back there on that island, more than once - if you will ever sense awe in my words it will be towards them, or even your crew, not Gods"

Lowering his voice a tad - "And if that poor excuse for a serpent is the best Apep can throw at us" - he spits - "He's got a thing or two to learn" - then grins.

Again dead serious, and taking a step back, knuckles whitening from the strength with which he grabs the handle of his weapon - "I don't know what you just did, or if it was simply a word of power... But if you ever do it again, better drop me off on the next piece of dry land, because any possible alliance we may have is gone" - he adds through gritted teeth.

Dain GM wrote:

Meanwhile, Taissa will attempt to diffuse the situation by tacking course to more practical matters.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
"The goblins were under the control of a dark priest, half-orc, who has a connection to Osirion. We found a ledger with drawings - the ledger is written in Osirion, which none of us can read. It seemed more than a coincidence that we came across this horde of goblins as we make our way to Osirion."
John moves to comfort the priest, but jerks his head at Ren, who nods briskly and turns to Taissa, considering her words.

Despite being shaken to the core, Polux stands facing the priest - like a scared animal he has no other way to react, so he prepares for anything, and to go down raking and gouging if needed, but seems to relax ever so slightly at sensing Taissa closeby, trying to be objective about the issues ahead of them - his hand remains on his weapon though.

Sorry guys, on the one hand Polux is not very wise, and on the other he would NEVER take that sitting down ;)

By the way Dain GM, I am a fan of Robert E. Howard and Lovecraft, so no reference was lost on me there - simply Polux knows squat about Religion ;)

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

I am with ya, Polux! retcon for before the questioning.

Hack leaves with Polux, and tells him,

Hey friend, don't give a care for that trumped up priest. He knows not what we just been through. Let's take it out on the gobbie, eh?

Polux has planned all along to question the goblin. I was just trying to help with the intimidation factor. I do not know the questions, and I am just waiting on Polux to ask away.

HP: 48/48 || AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex) || Inspiration (+1d6, 6/day) || Init +3
Current Status:
HP: 45/48 // AC: 23 = 17[Regular] + 2 [Natural AC from Mutagen] + 4 [Shield Extract] or 25 (assuming Prot Evil) // Effects: // Inspiration left: 5/6

Have we managed to determine if the goblin is unconscious or not? I was under the impression he was dragged away by Geser so as not to be affected by the priests' channel. Unless he comes to all by himself, I think we will have to wait on this, I don't feel like expending any healing resource on him :D

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

Suny does her bet to simply get through the chores needed to first sail the ship, then set the ship for when it's at anchor where they come to settle for the night.

As the Cleric's magic washes over herself she does breath a sigh of relief and offers a nod of thanks.

Suny then wastes little time cleaning herself up. Suny spends more time making sure Elianna is well tended for (As best Suny can given her beaten state) including having a bite to eat for herself, just to keep the edges apart till a more full breakfast come the morning, before snuggling down and getting a lot of much welcome resting so as to speed her recovery.

HP: 48/48 || AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex) || Inspiration (+1d6, 6/day) || Init +3
Current Status:
HP: 45/48 // AC: 23 = 17[Regular] + 2 [Natural AC from Mutagen] + 4 [Shield Extract] or 25 (assuming Prot Evil) // Effects: // Inspiration left: 5/6
Taissa Sloane wrote:
So much was happening all at once on the deck of The Scorpion. The day had been fraught from the beginning and now Captain John, Ren and Priest Vale stood among them and the priest was agitated and rambling some dire warning about Apep. While Captain John attempted to calm the priest, Taissa drew closer to Polux and discreetly, in her usual husky voice, beseeched him to take more care with his words around Vale. "He is unpredictable and he heals us. We must show restraint and respect."

Had forgotten to acknowledge this one.

"I have been trying to exercise both Taissa - I tire of his prancing around like he owns the place, and all in it - if he can speak his mind, so can I" - the man whispers back, nodding a thanks for what he understands is a friendly advice.

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

@Suny: Do you check the Discussion Thread at all? We have been waiting for you to weigh in on several issues, one of which is your approach to caring for the Goblin. I assume by your post above that you did not mean the Goblin. Why do we have to guess?

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

Suny gave the critter some food and thence toddled off to get a LOT of rest after being beaten a dozen ways form Sunday. The healing has been acknowledge, but really...what has she to offer any one with things?

She's sore, tired, cold, hungry, probably a small amount of miserable. She's helped get the ship to a safer mooring place and would be pretty much intent of sleeping the worst of her injuries off should see her in a better state at least on the morrow.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Suny, the goblin was unconscious from his own severe wounds. And the point we're making is why on earth would you attempt to feed the enemy who was part of the horde who did hurt you so much and your companions? We asked you to explain your motives and still you haven't. It isn't a hard question. Why did you feed the unconscious goblin?

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

Din't realize the critter was still K.O'd. Why feed it? 'Cause Sunny is nice. As in 'Of a Good alignment'.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

It was mentioned several times. And the manacled goblin isn't below deck, in the galley near the warm stove, because he's a prisoner. And Suny's actions make no sense. So we can ignore the part of you feeding the goblin unless Suny was silly enough to heal the goblin before feeding him our limited food. Even 'good' characters have a certain level of common sense and you're not LG.

Monk(Master of Many styles)1, Fighter (Weapon Master) 3: HP-31, AC-19, Touch-15, F+6, R+7, W+2; Perception -1, Initiative +4

I missed something. Taissa, you posted something above about Korvosa, what was that in reference to? If you need, I have knowledge local, I'll make a roll and after you get me on track I'll play into it.

knowledge local (about Korvosa) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Here we go, Stefan. The whole convo was on page 27. :)

Dain GM wrote:

He glances at you all.

”I don’t know – the thing is; the log we’ve been working on mentions Korvosa pretty heavy for some reason… it’s almost like there’s a connection between that place and Osirion – but damned for the life of me if I can figure out what it is…” he says with a shrug.

Monk(Master of Many styles)1, Fighter (Weapon Master) 3: HP-31, AC-19, Touch-15, F+6, R+7, W+2; Perception -1, Initiative +4

Ah, OK, I see it. That was a conversation Stefan was not privy to. However, if you wish to ask later then I can add my knwoledge.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

I thought we were all gathered on deck when Ren and Capt John were speaking to us, so I was under the assumption all would have heard it. I will bring it to Stefan's attention IC soon (even via retcon if needs be). Thanks. :)

Ret-con with Polux:

Firstly, Polux would probably have noticed that when he reeled back in Fear, the priest himself struggled with Fear. He made his save, but it seems the mentioning of the god was enough to evoke fear and loathing in both of you – likely why he didn’t mention it before.

Also, despite his darker origins, he has a more traditional Hobbit name; specifically “Vale” as in; Low Place – like a valley. His name is layered with innuendo, like most true Hobbit sayings and words. For he is a low place due to his stature; and his connections with darker elements, and so forth.

That said –

Polux wrote:
"Call it heresy, call it whatever you want - I call it freedom, and it is the only thing I call my own. I have always depended on myself and no one else, so I do not offer prayer, nor thanks - if it can take a hammer to the face, and a blade to the back, it can be killed, and that is all that matters to me"

Vale looks at you, his face flat.

”Courage be a good ting; so too be being free… What? You tink I who walk da lands of Cheliax and be slave till I make my late master bleed for it don’t be caring for freedom? Bah! Dat fool talk,” he says with grunt, almost incredulous that you would think he would ever tolerate slavery or the dominion of man over man after being a slave for so long.

He studies you, than shakes his head.

”I don’t give piss for warrior who be da fool – I be tinking you got brains before... why ye not act like wit brains now?” he says watching you.

”You kill da snake – dat a good ting; I hate da snake-mans… but tink you dat gods be so quick to die to steel as snake-man? Ha!” he says softly.

”Ye speak on what ye don’t know – I say da name of him dat be da snake-king; it make all to hear it sick in head – even ye; even I! But to see dat power ye tink ye can beat it? Ye don’t know power yet – be better to watch, better to learn… how ye kill dem tings if ye do not know da way?”

”Ye killed only a snake-mans, not da snake-king. But tink! If only da name be make us sick – what den of da rest of its power?” he says, suggesting that these creatures may be killed but are far beyond the strength to kill of anyone here.

He glances at Ren and John, then back at Polux.

Polux wrote:
” "I don't know what you just did, or if it was simply a word of power... But if you ever do it again, better drop me off on the next piece of dry land, because any possible alliance we may have is gone!”

Vale grunts and shakes his head in frustration at your words.

”Ye tink ye can kill me now – yer steel fight my magic, eh? Ye die plenty-quick if ye try… But if ye do kill me, den what do ye tink will happen?” he says watching Polux, studying him, curious to know what prompts his actions.

”If somehow ye kill me, den my mates dere draw steel and dey kill ye – and yer mates fight for ye, and dey die true to mine. Den ye and yers are all dead; but even if ye kill us all – what den? Can ye be sailing da ship true in dis cold? Will ye take yer mates to land and walk da shore – will ye give deir life so dat you can tell me ye kill me?”

He moves to you, studying you intently, rubbing his small chin, studying your face, trying to understand what prompts your brash words.

”Further, ye also say if ever I be doing to ye da black magic den yer plan is to try to kill me? Come now, knife-man! Dat be fool talk, says I, to tip yer hand so easy! Ye should eider cut me dead, or be saying notink until da time dat ye do da deed… Now I know to watch ye; now I know dat to make my magic on ye it must be kill magic – no warning; plenty quick!” he says with a snap of his fingers.

He shakes his head.

”I tink I saw wisdom in ye – but now only fool talk. If ye want to kill sometink, ye don’t give it warning – ye do it; or say naught on it,” he says, watching you with a little smile on his face.

”But now I got da warning from yer own lips; now I know dat wit ye I got to watch me back – next time I know better; next time I give ye no warning – on yer say-so,” he adds with a grunt.

He stares hard at you.

”But as bond has not been cut yet, it means we be mates still.”

He watches you for a moment.

”Ye got no brains and loud mouth to make threats to me and mine when we we help ye; we help ye, and offer ye much, and ye say ye will kill me; dat got no wisdom, aye – but at least ye got courage and dat is good,” he says, giving you a strange look, as if for some reason the Halfling actually likes you… in his own way.

Perhaps he is impressed with your courage; perhaps he likes the fact that you’d die for freedom; you are not certain. But he is not being cruel to you, that much is clear. Instead, his words seem like he is admonishing you like an instructor might admonish a student. His words are more cautionary than threatening, and that he is trying to condition you to be cautious before you strike, to show wisdom rather than boasting.

A loosing cause, perhaps, but it is clear that he has no fear of you; but in his own way, he is trying to teach you caution for supernatural powers in the realm of men.

Whether you agree with this or not, he seems to respect you at the least.

”You be wanting to kill da snake-king? Good, dat is good – but before dat time, ye must be learning power true… I can be showing ye, as ye got da courage. But dat be yer choice; to take or leave.”

”Would ye be mate, or would ye be enemy? It be yer choice,” he says, then turns back to leave with the others.

Right, so from the time you spent with the crew via just hearing chit-chat you know that Vale was taken from Cheliax as a slave south in his youth. He really doesn’t like slavery, so he wouldn’t try make you a slave or steal your will – especially if you are a formal ally.

The point is, despite your back and forth he has no issue with your words just now. His own words are harsh, his manner is harsh, but it’s clear that he is trying to help your entire company but something happened that upset him pretty badly emotionally, and it wasn’t you. But he was acting odd, that’s why John had to go speak to him privately, to help calm him down a bit.

Given John’s reaction, though, you’d think that Vale’s was emotionally creeped out when talk of snakes was brought up. As for why that is; you don’t know, but he’s not intending to be cruel or obnoxious, he’s simply shaken up; something like telling an emotional trauma.

And yes – despite your threats to kill him or anything like that; he seems to be grimly impressed with your spirit.

Regarding the Goblin –

Currenlty he’s below. He is indeed unconscious but “Stable”. To become healed he’ll either need magic, or at the least full-bed rest to recover HP. How long that will take is up to how much assistance he gets. But he’s below and out cold now.

That said – what do you guys want to do with the rest of the stuff you found?

Conversation with Taissa –

As Taissa hopes her companions restrain themselves on the ship, she glances at Vale and realizes that despite his odd ways, something about the incident has shaken him up pretty badly emotionally. He is a stern character, but it took John to move him aside and speak to him privately to calm him down. An odd thing indeed for one who has faced demons…

As she ponders what it was exactly that upset the Halfling so much, she shakes her head and looks at Ren.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
"I find no issue with you examining the ledger, Ren. There were glyphs in the book I recognised as the same as the markings on the half-orc's skin. Some drawings looked like constellations, so I wonder if it is a map of some kind. If you do discover what is inside that ledger, would you share it with us?"

He nods.

”My thanks…” he says, taking it gingerly and thumbing through it.

His eyes narrow.

”Yes; the root alphabet for this language is likely Osirion… but see here,” he says pausing a moment to look briefly at the constellations ”This language beneath it? These letters I have seen, but I cannot read… Some of them are the languages of Celestial beings – others, I think, may be darker tongues… but these letters were not invented by creatures of this world… I suspect that the half-orc has coppied holy texts here, but I will not know until later when others can read it better,” he says thoughtfully.

”I would think that, given our adventure with the full moon, that likely they are less for a terrestrial map and rather they may be astrological patterns; possibly signs to predict the future, or some event that is coming? But this is merely surmise…” he adds, then looks up at her with gentle eyes.

”I will do my best to have them deciphered,” he says sincerely.

Later on when the sailing is done and you've dropped anchor –

Ren moves to Taissa to check on her status – and the crew’s, of course, and he mentions that the progress with the text is somewhat slow-going, but it is getting done.

”Was there anything else we can do to help you? Anything else we can help you study” he asks her.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
"There are varied items. We have potions and vials with unknown contents. A healer's kit. Strange ink quill with odd assortment of parchment. There are 8 scrolls - 4 contain one type of writing and the other 4 contain another type. There is an alchemist lab, and many coins: gold, silver and copper. A small pouch of 10 cut rubies, worth around 1000gp in total. A small flask of some exotic wine. We did discover some longbows and arrows -- used by the goblins, so they are crafted for small creatures."

Ren nods, but before he can say anything, Vale moves to look at the entire set of contents from the chest, looking up at Taissa, nodding at her, clearly pleased at her respect and manners thus far. However, hearing her words, he waves his hand over the chest and mutters some strange words, than peers intently on it and grunts.

”Ye eyes cannot see it true, maybe – but mine can… Dem scrolls be da magic ones; dey got words of power on dem… Da quill and papers be to make more of scrolls, if any of yer mates know da trick, now dey got da supplies to do it proper…”

So that’s 1,000 GP in Crafting Supplies for Magical Scrolls only. But it’s a start if you ever find someone who can Scribe Scrolls.

You also have Cure Moderate Wound Scrolls.

”Also, ye got dem potions dere – dey be like da magic ones… Ye drink ‘em and dey be giving ye health fast-true,” he says of some of the various potions.

You have some Cure Light Wound Potions.

He shakes his head at the rest.

”Dem are not magic ones; but I be tinking dat dey be dangerous to da touch – be careful wit dem…” he says seriously of the two sets of four potions; red and green.

Okay – regarding the Knowledge Checks via Korvosa – the geography helps a little; but you’d need to not only get a Knowledge: Local check DC 25 on Korvosa, but you’d need to get a Knowledge Local Check on Osirion – DC 12. NOTE: Most of John’s crew can do that, but you need at least someone on the ship that can get the ball rolling with the knowledge checks.

Constalation Patterns: your roll goes to an “Aid” check to figure out what they mean. More on that in time, though, as the’re in code.

Re the potions: that took some time and work with both Vale and Ella – you discover that there are two different types of poison.

The Red One: Link.

The Green One: Link.


Taissa Sloane wrote:
" "Pup, do you have a name, or shall I give you one?"

In Warg: Arooh – arrARaraoohar:

”I am called ‘White Fang’,” the little white pup says proudly as he runs his tiny tongue over his little canines which stick out from his maw.

”What do I call you?" he says curiously, pausing from his meal.

Response to Suny via Elliana:

”Mist… er… my lady – what will you do with your companions now that you have returned? You have not spoken to them; or any… you bring back a goblin-scum prisoner; to what purpose? Why do you not speak with your allies – why do you stay silent from them? Do you not wish to talk to them who would be as a family to you?” she says in confusion to you.

Suny – not sure what your plan with the goblin is at this point via all the posts; but at this time you have the chance to “play nice” with the goblin, even in bondage. Of course, you also have the chance to do some Social RP with the others, too. You're free to take what action you see as best at this point.

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

Response to Elliana from Suny:

Okay...have realized that Suny really won't be in a position to do any sort of interacting with the Goblin so we can just drop that herring by the way side and forget about it. As for interacting with the others?

Suny blearily opens her eyes and slowly focuses on Elliana,

"Huh? Was-at?" Suny mumbles initially, then adjusts her language to Elven.

"I'm sorry little one. The fight with the mixed-breed really hurt." Suny blinks,

"As for the Goblin? I didn't bring it aboard, so I've no real idea why the folks would pick up the thing." Suny shrugs beneath her blankets.

"I must admit the ways of Humans are still a great mystery to me. It's one of the things which caught my curiosity and lead me away from home." Suny smiles, though there is less 'bright' and 'bounce' in her features at the moment, suffering from her remaining ails as she is.

Monk(Master of Many styles)1, Fighter (Weapon Master) 3: HP-31, AC-19, Touch-15, F+6, R+7, W+2; Perception -1, Initiative +4

Stefan listens intently to the conversation about the ledger. He finds it strange that the city-state of Korvosa, one of the three main players in Varisia, would have any formal link to Osirion. However, he attempts to remember anything specific.

Osirion 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Korvosa 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Hah! of course! missed both by 1.

*EDIT* Those were both Knowledge (local) checks

Suny wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


She looks at you thoughtfully.

"This is a fair statement; that you do not know much about humans... but you have had magic healing; you are in a safe harbor - you have food, drink, loot and a fair sky with bright moon... Why - if you say you do not know much about these folk - do you not take it on yourself to learn? more?"

"I would say to speak to them of their adventures; or to see how the progress with their studies is going - who knows - they may have interesting news for you to learn of..." she says.

"But you will learn nothing if all you do is avoid them..." she adds.

Stefan Lebeda wrote:

Stefan listens intently to the conversation about the ledger. He finds it strange that the city-state of Korvosa, one of the three main players in Varisia, would have any formal link to Osirion. However, he attempts to remember anything specific.

Osirion 1d20+8
Korvosa 1d20+8

Hah! of course! missed both by 1.

Well, if you can get one successful "Aid" check in a Knowledge Local from anyone that has that skill; you'll find your answer... Does anyone have the skill? If Kristin does, I'll see what I can do to aid you; let me check first...

Cool - as a "Scholar" Kristin can naturally make any Knowledge Checks untrained. It nerfs her combat levels a bit, but she took one for the team to help out with Lore. That said -

Knowledge: Local Aid Check
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Knowledge: Local Aid Check
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

EDIT: Yeah, it looks like Kristin was able to Aid you - and not surprising - she seems to be following you around a bit more than she does the other guys. More on her post in a moment...

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

Suny to Elliana:
Suny blinks slowly at the girl, the effort of keeping awake clearly showing,

(Still in Elvish) "Lass, I'm beat all way through. The Half-breed did more than just bend me around a few ways, once or twice. There were other, fell, essences about him..." She sighs and closes her eyes...though it seems more to marshal her thoughts now than sleep trying to claim her.

"I'm really not in a state to go listen to them natter...It's hard enough keeping the words straight when they're talking slowly." Suny frowns a little, "And that cleric fellow? He's all ways sorts of strange, too boot! Almost more akin the Half-breed..." And Suny abruptly stops talking as her darker mood manifests. She stills and calms herself fro a little while longer.

So...Suny has been beaten up. Threatened with physical and physiological torture. Smacked through the Id with fell magical energy (This last bit of which she's still under the effects of)

Has helped every one else actually sail the boat from where it was to where it is safely riding at anchor now. All this still within pretty much the same day. You think she should gander about on deck with every one else?

Just trying to get my head around the space that your DM head might be at in relation to the character of Suny. You are saying she should pop up on deck and hob-nob with every one while they have a whittle on the Goblin for fun? I'm curious.

Female Human - Varisian Scholar, Swashbuckler, Gunslinger (1/1/1) Fort: 5, Ref: 9, Will: 42 - Per. 8, Ini 3, AC: 18 HP: 24/24

As Kristin listens to Stefan's thoughts on Osirion, she seems to consider the possibility of ancient relics and lost cities lost in the Varisian wastes, and wonders how it could tie to places like Osirion.

"Huh! Well, Osirion's got it's fair share of ruins and other hash... don't they got all those really big pyramid buildings lost in the deserts?" she says, mentioning a bit of lore that most of you probably already know simply by rumor. Even so, the conversation with Stefan seems to encourage her thinking a moment.

"But I don't know any place in Varisia's that's got them type of buildings in it... but wait," she says thinking suddenly of what Stefan just said "I think I remember something though... That place Korvosa, don't it have some kind of pyramid, too?" she says thoughtfully, racking her brain.

"Yeah, I seem to remember some old lore on it... Before the arrival of the Empire of Cheliax, Korvosa was no more than a site sacred to the Shoanti; the protection of the location, as well as the pyramid found there, was of great importance...," she says, nudging Stefan in the ribs eagerly.

"Yeah - that's right! There's a ruined pyramid there... and the Osirion folk like those kinds of buildings; enough that their god-kings made 'em to dwell in; and now we got a place in Varisia that's got buildings like Osirion that're connected to Shoanti folk... Come on, now - that can't just be coincidence..." she says emphatically to you all.

Suny wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


"Fair enough, then, m'lady," she says with a bow.

Well, you raise a fair point, but I was just tossing out a bone metaphorically to get the ball rolling is all. It's up to you - but before we continue that much more - any feedback on the earlier PM/Skype conversations? I'm very curious to know more on how that turned out, all things considered... Please let me know; thank you.

Discussion thread, perhaps, DM?:
As the spoiler tag suggests? Yah.... role playing wise I am pretty sure Suny is beat all shapes side on from normal.

, wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Just got the heads-up via Discussion.

Okay - sounds interesting, then. The crew can easily pick up your new character up in Korvosa, if you'd like.

Just come up with a plan to have Suny/Elliana leave the group and we can go from there.

Your new guy will be level 4; but his gold/equipment is very mundane. We can work on that together sometime later, though.

Okay - keep me posted on what's up, then.

Monk(Master of Many styles)1, Fighter (Weapon Master) 3: HP-31, AC-19, Touch-15, F+6, R+7, W+2; Perception -1, Initiative +4
Kristin wrote:
"Yeah - that's right! There's a ruined pyramid there... and the Osirion folk like those kinds of buildings; enough that their god-kings made 'em to dwell in; and now we got a place in Varisia that's got buildings like Osirion that're connected to Shoanti folk... Come on, now - that can't just be coincidence..." she says emphatically to you all.

"The Grand Mastaba of Korvosa? That seems a slender reed, but you may be unto something. It is a Thassilonian artifact, however, many of the Osirion pyramids date back to Azlanti times as well. What could they possibly want though? And I am sure the Chelish descendants of Korvosa would not be likely to submit easily. Of the three main cities, Korvosa is probably the most structured and cultured and they do not stray far from their Chelish roots."

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Dain GM, clarification questions regarding the loot:
We discovered 2 potions in the half-orc's small pouch: so one is a CLW potion and the other a CMW potion? There were 8 scrolls discovered with writing: 4 with one kind of writing and 4 with another. You said we have Cure Moderate Wounds scrolls. But how many: 4 or 8? Just trying to ascertain how many of each thing we have because there were no specifics when Taissa got her answer on the board. Thank you.

IC Post to follow after dinner.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

With Ren's help deciphering the ledger and Vale and Ella's help with the potions and scrolls they had found, Taissa felt better in knowing what was in their possession. She took note of the poisons in the red and green vials and wondered if any in the group would seek to keep them or whether they should offer them for coin to Captain John and his folk. She would speak to her group once they were alone.

She appreciated Ren's gentle tutelage, especially in regard to the drawn constellations in the ledger. "Thank you for explaining the ledger and its purpose. You are a patient teacher." The pup wriggled inside the sling and she felt him fuss. She gently patted his bottom, using soft worg sounds to soothe him as she stood beside Ren. The cold wind whipped tendrils of her copper hair about her face.

It was also good that the priest had a spell to recognise the magic scrolls. Taissa noted that Vale seemed to be in better spirits since his earlier, verbal spar with Polux and Hack. It did no good to aggrieve the strange priest. The Spirits worked in mysterious ways.

"Priest Vale, Ella, you have my gratitude in assessing the items we brought back to the ship. I shall inform the others later. " She inclined her head to the halfling and gnome.

When the worg pup tells her his name and asks for her own, she answers him in worg,

To pup:
"Well met, White Fang. My name is Taissa and my bird is Daya." She speaks their names slowly so the creature can learn/understand.
Soon enough she would have to explain to the little creature what had befallen his mother. Taissa gently scratched under his chin. She understood what it meant to be an orphan.

At Stefan and Kat's discussion of Korvosa and Osirion, Taissa listened silently, not having the depth of knowledge they possessed on either the city or nation.

Raw INT re anything of note she has heard or come across in her travels re Korvosa and Osirion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

She was in agreement with Kat that these pyramids in Korvosa and Osirion could not be coincidence but Fate as Priest Vale seemed to believe about all the signs.

"So, what do these pyramids mean to us and our current quest?"

Later in the night, before they all retire, Taissa will advise the group what the potions and scrolls are, especially the poisons. Just waiting on the GM to clarify a couple of things first.

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

I would be very interested in having at least one of those healing draughts, Tai. Polux, should we wake the goblin for our questioning? he is below decks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Taissa Sloane wrote:
Dain GM, clarification questions regarding the loot:

Taissa - you are indeed correct. I had made a mistake with my notes.

To be clear you have 1 Cure Moderate Potion; 1 Cure Light Potion.

You have 4 Cure Light Wounds Scrolls and 4 Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls.

Female Human - Varisian Scholar, Swashbuckler, Gunslinger (1/1/1) Fort: 5, Ref: 9, Will: 42 - Per. 8, Ini 3, AC: 18 HP: 24/24
Stefan Lebeda wrote:
"The Grand Mastaba of Korvosa? That seems a slender reed, but you may be unto something. It is a Thassilonian artifact, however, many of the Osirion pyramids date back to Azlanti times as well. What could they possibly want though? And I am sure the Chelish descendants of Korvosa would not be likely to submit easily. Of the three main cities, Korvosa is probably the most structured and cultured and they do not stray far from their Chelish roots."

Kristin makes an impressed face with Stefan's lore regarding the history of Korvosa and shrugs a little.

"I reckon we got to ask the bigger question: who, or what, prompted the building of those structures? Was it Azlanti folk or something else? And is that "something else" the thing that the folk from Osirion are trying to get at?"

As you sit there regarding the information she leans back against you, her head resting on your shoulder and thinks a moment.

"Maybe folk from ancient times prompted not only the building of these pyramids, but other things. Maybe for some reason the gods saw fit to destroy them other things with fire and water from the heaven... and now maybe folk are trying to find the remains of the things that the gods tried to destroy?" she says thoughtfully.

"Well... I guess maybe we ought to find out..." she adds.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
"Thank you for explaining the ledger and its purpose. You are a patient teacher."

Ren gives a very shy smile to Taissa.

"Of course, well, but it is easy to be a good instructor when one has such an apt pupil," he says with small nod of his head.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
The pup wriggled inside the sling and she felt him fuss. She gently patted his bottom, using soft worg sounds to soothe him as she stood beside Ren.

The pup wriggles around more, now, as if enjoying the scratching of his behind very much.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
"Priest Vale, Ella, you have my gratitude in assessing the items we brought back to the ship. I shall inform the others later. "

The priest gives Taissa a loud laugh, glad with her thanks, it seems. Ella glances at him, than back at Taissa somewhat sheepishly at his unusual reactions to things and smiles a little at you as if to say Eh, he's an odd one... but at least he's happy now.

"No worries... um; but yeah... so, do you think I can see the puppy?" she says, craning her neck to look at the little puppy moving around with Taissa.

Taissa Sloane wrote:
When the worg pup tells her his name and asks for her own, she answers him in worg

Aroooh? Rooharoohra: In warg:

"Huh? What does those names mean? You can't have name without meaning - that doesn't make sense!"

He looks at you for a bit, than Daya.

"His name should be called "Big Bird" because he is a big bird, and that makes sense," he says matter-of-factly, seeming to not realize that Daya is actually female.

"And your name should be called Red Fang; because you have red fur like I have white fur," he adds, scooching around a bit more.

He studies you a bit, watching your mouth for a while.

"Your fangs are not as big as mine fangs are!" he says finally as if he's very pleased with himself.

"But they will get bigger when you get bigger," he says the last with a tone of assurance; as if he is trying comfort you from the fact that you seem to have tiny fangs right now.

As you talk, you can see that he watches your hair blowing in the wind very intently for a long time.

"Your fur is like blood color... blood is tasty..." he says, then very, very slowly moves his mouth closer to your hair and suddenly clamps his little teeth on a lock of your red hair and starts to suck on it like it is a pacifier.

"Umm... ummm...ummm....tathty!" he says around the lock of your hair, then snuggles again, with your hair in his mouth and a very pleased look with himself.

Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:
I would be very interested in having at least one of those healing draughts, Tai. Polux, should we wake the goblin for our questioning? he is below decks.

Hack, remember: you can wake the goblin up with healing, otherwise he'll need to have a night of bed rest to be able to wake up on his own.

Male Human Barbarian (Outlander- Zealot of Saxwyn)(CN)/3, HP 35/39: , AC: 16 , Saves: STR +6 CON +6, Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14: Rage Remaining 1/2

Oh, the potion is not for the goblin. I want it on my person so that I can heal myself in the next battle.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

At Hack's request for a healing potion, Taissa moves from Ren's side to the barbarian's and hands him one of the potions. "This healing draught is the stronger of the two. You suffer more wounds in battle than the rest of us", as way of explanation on her choice. Taissa has given the CMW potion to Hack. I'll note it over on the discussion thread.

She then takes her position by Ren, again.

The pup was restless in this early eve, but at least it meant he had recovered from almost death. Taissa would not admonish him for enjoying the scratching.

Taissa's eyes probed Ren's upon his praise of her learning and she returned his shy smile and a quiet, "Thank you."

Priest Vale's laugh and Ella's look made Taissa tilt her head as if attempting to work the two out. It was an interesting experience to be around such different and strange people - all these companions. Yet, the Spirits knew best. She mused all this silently.

When Ella interrupted her thoughts with her request to see White Fang, Taissa nodded and pushed back the sling/pouch, so more of the snow-white pup could be seen witout him getting too cold. "His name is White Fang. It was given to him by his family."

After Ella pets the pup, Taissa will once again communicate with the pup in his worg tongue.

She first pulls her hair from his mouth, on which the pup was sucking.

To White Fang:

"Human names are strange. We are given them at birth. Taissa means "bond" and Daya means "compassion". Daya is a female bird. I do not know if Daya would like to be called "Big Bird", but I can accept "Red Fang"."

HP: 48/48 || AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex) || Inspiration (+1d6, 6/day) || Init +3
Current Status:
HP: 45/48 // AC: 23 = 17[Regular] + 2 [Natural AC from Mutagen] + 4 [Shield Extract] or 25 (assuming Prot Evil) // Effects: // Inspiration left: 5/6

Apologies for the hold up guys - my youngest is sick, and it hasn't been easy bringing her back to her usual kick ass self...

Tired of the priest's long speeches, Polux just shakes his head - "And you still wonder why I think you are full of yourself?" - he asks - "You sure do talk about a lot of stuff, but you see... Words are exactly that, and nothing more" - he ponders for a moment, then finishes - "Whatever Vale - as long as we understand each other" - he moves away to the side of the ship, brooding all to himself, until he hears HAck's voice.

Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:
Hey friend, don't give a care for that trumped up priest. He knows not what we just been through. Let's take it out on the gobbie, eh?


Shenkt "Hack" Corchran wrote:
I would be very interested in having at least one of those healing draughts, Tai. Polux, should we wake the goblin for our questioning? he is below decks.

"I was actually thinking about that - either carving that goblin a new one, or having something to drink - guess we're stuck without both, as the wretch is unconscious, and we need to sail for that safe coven"

The man stares across the cold waters - "I tell you Hack, I'm starting to feel on edge here - I've lost the patience to be constantly 'schooled' a long ago..." - he lets the though hang, absent mindedly spinning a strangely shaped dagger in his hand.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Hope your youngest feels like herself sooner than later, Polux. Hang in there.

Taissa, from her closer position, could not help but overhear the words spoken between Polux and Vale and then Polux to Hack.

She wandered over to the rail where they were standing, Polux looking out over the darkening ocean, and spoke quietly to him (Hack can also hear this as well), "I counsel wisdom with words. We will not always be under such scrutiny and threat. For a time, we must all work together. I understand the feelings you have. It has been many years since I have been around many people and under another's power. Be who you are, just do not give someone a reason to hurt you."

Polux, I hope your child recovers soon.

The priest watches Polux for a moment. Seeing that his offer for continued friendship is ignored and that his offer to teach was insulted, his face becomes smoothly impassive and he shrugs, than turns away.

To Taissa

The pup hears your words, and thinks on them a bit, continuing to suck on your hair.

In Warg: Ahooooo.:

”You have tasty fur. Not as good as blood; but very good.”

”What does “bond” mean? What does “compassion” mean? Bond means something that can’t be broke, I think. Does that mean you can’t be broke? That is good name, if it is true. But what does compassion mean?” the warg says, clearly confused at the word.

It’s possible his “people” don’t know the literal meaning of that word, though.

He now stops talking and merely continues to suck on your hair, and remains comfortable.

Ella plays with the pup a bit, but lets you cuddle with him, contenting herself to just watch.

Ren observes Taissa’s quiet words of thanks, but does not press her, or push her to talk further, seeing that she seems to have other issues to deal with at this time.

Instead, he leaves her to her companions and the tasks she has for this evening with a polite but quiet bow.

Right; so here’s what’s going to happen:

At this point you’ve got the plans for what you want to do. You have your loot divided and the gear identified at no cost.

John’s crew is dismissed to their ship and you are on yours with no further interaction between his folk and yours.

Between that evening and the morning, Kristin will address you all to get the final rundown.

”Alright… so; here’s the thing – what exactly are your orders for the night?” she says.

As a surprising change of pace, I’m hoping for specific details from everyone here. I can make up details; but this is your chance to let me know what your plans are.

I have to go to bed now; I’ll see you all sometime tomorrow, I guess.

Have a good night.

HP: 08/22, AC: 17(Max 21(T13,FF14), DR: 1(Water Based Critters), F:+4, R:+7, W:+2, Perc: +6, Init: +3.

If needed for watch Suny is at least able to woken and informed of such. Otherwise she'll be inclined to sleep off the worst of the Half-Orc cleric's evil aura assault.

Suny wrote:
If needed for watch Suny is at least able to woken and informed of such. Otherwise she'll be inclined to sleep off the worst of the Half-Orc cleric's evil aura assault.

Fair enough - watch duty, if the others don't want it - but for now you'll be sleeping off the brew.

I think I need to crash - see you all soon.

hp 38/38, AC 18, T13 FF18, bab +4, melee +6, ranged +7, cmb 6 (+8 to sunder), cmd 19, F +5/+9, R +7/+8, W +3/+5, Init +3, Perc +9, 2/5 Musket shots/10 Alchemical Cartridges Half-Elf Beastmaster 4

Dain GM wrote:

To Taissa

The pup hears your words, and thinks on them a bit, continuing to suck on your hair.

** spoiler omitted **

Ella plays with the pup a bit, but lets you cuddle with him, contenting herself to just watch.

Ren observes Taissa’s quiet words of thanks, but does not press her, or push her to talk further, seeing that she seems to have other issues to deal with at this time.

Instead, he leaves her to her companions and the tasks she has for this evening with a polite but quiet bow.

There was much she had to teach White Fang and she could not do it in just one night.

In worg, she replied to the pup,

to White Fang:
"I can be broken, like any other thing. There is much to learn, little one. I will teach you. Tonight we rest and recover our strength. We know each other's names. That is a good start."
And with that she asks Ella if she would like to have a longer cuddle with the pup. "He cannot understand you. But he enjoys petting and scratching." If Ella, is interested, Taissa will allow the gnome gunner to hold the pup for a bit. If not, White Fang will be bundled back into the sling/pouch for warmth.

Noting Ren's bow and imminent departure, Taissa calls out, "Why are you leaving? Do you have your duties on The Seahawk?" Taissa looked up at the clear sky, the darkness moving in waves. She closed her tired eyes for a moment and breathed in the cool, sea air. The salt coated her face and lashes. She could feel the wet strands of her hair, where the pup was suckling, sticking to her neck and chin.

HP 27 /37, AC 26, T12 FF24, Bab +4, Melee +7, CMB 6 , CMD 20, F +7, R +1(+2VsBursts&Spell Effects Wi Sheild), W +0/+2Vs Enchantment, Init +1, Perc+12, “Human”(DC21 Disguise) Titan Mauler2/Shield Master2,

Background for DM:

Melthune wandered through the bustling port town. Even through she strolled 'casually', mind turned inwards, people still moved out of the armored woman's path. Even sans any obvious weapons, her arms swinging casually at her sides, her armored frame elicited respect...or in some cases perhaps fear.

For the past few weeks her time had been her own. No field maneuvers, no drill practice, no patrols. Since her 'mustering' out, Methune had been free.

At first the coin to spend and time available to do as she wished had been novel, exciting. Now....A fist clenched and leather creaked as the shadows of her memories played over events. She blinked as a call brought her up short.

Her wandering boots had brought her past one of the waterfront watering holes, one of the places her figure, armor and demeanor wouldn't get her kicked out thrown out or immediately challenged. She smiled and acknowledged the hail with a smile and wave of her own, even as she turned and made her way into the tavern.

Maybe spending time listening to the tavern patron's tales would give her a chance at something 'fresh' to do...

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