Come To Footfall IC

Game Master Radavel

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More explorators are always helpful, but having a navigator or astropath would also be handy.

I'm happy to have another player, might rebalance the crews a bit, though.

A second explorator would give both ships a tech guy and allow for them to collaborate. So that sounds good.

As long as we don't end up with a third (Rogue Trader, Ork, Arch Militant), I'm all for it. Redundancy is nice but we have uncovered bases that are currently filled with scrut crewmen so if anyone wants to play a navigator then I'll welcome them with open arms. Our ships are fast in the warp, but we're going to run into a bunch of warp phenomenona. That said, play what you want, elite advances and advance packages are there to cover the uncovered and me and Artorius can yell at scruts to make them succeed.

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

Gaius did you decide on which ship you want? I am partial to the light cruiser with 2 compartmentalized cargo bays.

And Artorius doesn't yell, yelling is so uncouth and low class. He uses veiled threats instead, much more sophisticated.

Dark Archive

RTs, you guys ready to make your final submission?

On a different note: can i get a roster of the RTs respective retinues?

Another explorator is a good idea so each ship has one. I had hoped to be with the orks, but that isn't up to me.

GM: yeah, I'll go with the raider. Can always play this like I do Sid Meyers Pirates and "acquire" and cruiser later :)

My crew has the two orks and Tyboris, assuming the new guy is an explorator, I'll take Emilio as well.

Artorius: Yell is but an euphemism, I "inspire" my minions. The raider is, I think, better for now. More flexible for the time being and if we run into some heretic with a pretty ship seizing it will be much easier.

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

Turbulent-class heavy frigate

basic stats:

Speed: 7 Manoeuvrability: +13 Detection: +30 Hull Integrity: 40 Armour: 20 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 42 SP: 42 Weapon Capacity: Dorsal 2

This is after modifications for machine spirit oddities and mandatory components

ship wide special rules:

Fiery Temperament: For some reason, the plasma drives on a Turbulent tend to burn hotter than on comparable vessels. Though this isn’t enough to compensate for the added mass, it does give more power. Any plasma drive installed on a Turbulent has its Power Generated increased by +2. Antiquated Communications: All Command Tests on a Turbulent suffer a –5 penalty.

Emissary of the Imperator: The vessel is a veritable monument to the power and grandeur of the God-Emperor’s might. Awe-inspiring and terrible, it lacks subtlety. All Intimidate Tests made by characters from this vessel gain +15, while all other social Skill Tests suffer a –5. These bonuses and penalties only apply if the character is known to be from the vessel. In addition, few will be able to see beyond the symbolism of the vessel—xenos see a threat, faithful Imperial citizens see a symbol of civilisation (or possibly chastisement), and heretics and rebels see a hated foe. Their reactions will be coloured accordingly.

mandatory components:

Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive

Miloslav h-616.b Warp engine

Warpsbane geller field Shield of Faith: Any Navigation Tests to pilot the ship through the warp gain a +10 bonus. When rolling on Table 7-4: Warp Travel Encounters (see page 186), the GM rolls twice and allows the Navigator to chose which result is applied.

Repulsor shield Charged particle repulsion effect: The ship does not suffer penalties to Manoeuvre Actions when travelling through nebulas, ice rings, plasma clouds or other celestial phenomena consisting primarily of small particles.

Command Bridge Enhanced Cogitator Relays: As long as the bridge remains undamaged, all Command Tests made by the captain gain +5 and all Ballistic Skill Tests to fire shipboard weapons gain +5. If this Component ever suffers a Critical Hit, it becomes unpowered on a 1d10 roll of 3 or higher.

Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer

Clan kin quarters For Hearth and Home!: All Command Tests to defend against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition, all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1

Deep Void Auger Array


Disruption Macrocannons 3 str 1d10+1 – 5 range

Short the Flow: Disruption weapons compromise the circuitry and wiring required to transfer power from the ship’s engine to her other components. For every five damage that exceeds the target’s Void Shields, one randomly selected Component on the target ship becomes Unpowered. This weapon’s damage is not affected by Armour. Ionic Blast: These weapons never cause critical hits, nor do they deal damage to Hull Integrity. These weapons may only be combined into a salvo with other Disruption Macrocannon weapons.

Sunsear Laser Battery 4 str 1d10+2 4 crit 9 range

extra cool components:

Flak Turrets while active +1 turret -10 detection
Barracks +100 to military missions +20 to hit and run when filled
Cargo hold and lighter bay +50 to trade or criminal missions
armour plating

The permanent effects have been added to the main ship stats

That leaves 4 spare power.

Artorius is happy to take anyone Gaius doesn't want.

Also everyone should remember the first two rules of the void.

-We never steal anything. It was taken legitimately for some reason. Which could be anything from mandatory tithes to support "the war effort" to denying resources to heretics or separatists. Criminals and traitors steal things and we are neither.

-If an item valuable and we can take it with us, and the current holder of the item lacks proof of ownership or credibility, or is a heretic, xenos, traitor, mutant or criminal and we are more powerful than the current holder claim the item. Just remember the first rule.

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He, da hummie knows'wotz! Its like da rule uf da orks. "Might makes right!" And if ya can take it from anofer boy, he was weak or didnt need da fing anyway! Harharhar!

Tyboris, shame on me I really forgot you were on board! Yet more techies means more crazy gadgets and discoveries - and guys who 'reengineer' SkruwDrivas inventions :-)
We so have to built the 'Cog-and-Skruw'-Council and one day we three will command our own factory-ship crewed with servitor-gretchins and the output of it shall rival some craft-world's.

I think it should be said that I want everyone, the question is how to balance the crews. I think the way we have it set up gives both RTs well balanced retinues. Both ships can fulfill a variety of roles and should be extremely dangerous together, especially if the Turbulent knocks out the enemies void shields with its disruption cannons and then the Indomitable Will goes in for the kill.

Now that ships are chosen and crew are picked I'd like to start eyeing initial requisitions.

GM: Are we doing the "pick one and get it" or "pick one and all the common items you want" or something more esoteric for initial requisition?

Hexa'SkruwDriva wrote:

He, da hummie knows'wotz! Its like da rule uf da orks. "Might makes right!" And if ya can take it from anofer boy, he was weak or didnt need da fing anyway! Harharhar!

Tyboris, shame on me I really forgot you were on board! Yet more techies means more crazy gadgets and discoveries - and guys who 'reengineer' SkruwDrivas inventions :-)
We so have to built the 'Cog-and-Skruw'-Council and one day we three will command our own factory-ship crewed with servitor-gretchins and the output of it shall rival some craft-world's.

Yea, should be fun to see what I can get away with while on board a ship full of Orks tinkering with standard designs, plenty of excuses and scapegoats if the Mechanicus comes knocking.

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Male Human Bard (Arcane Duelist)


The retinue of Lord-Captain Gaius Valerius Metallus Tenebrae:

The Lord-Captain Himself.
Explorator Tyboris of the Lathes
Hexa'Skruwdriva, the Mek.
Zoggit Hedchoppa, a sneaky git.
Aboard the Indomitable Will.

The retunue of Lord-Captain Artorius Von Castmirre

The Lord-Captain Himself.
Numina Vols of Errox, Arch-Militant
Wraxus Drake, the Void-Master.
And yours truly, Khalid Abd al-Qadir al-Shihab, Seneschal and Lorekeeper.
Aboard the Insertus Namus Herus.

If I missed someone, let me know, and I'll rectify that in the future.

Male Elfmarked Bard 5 / Warlock 2 || HP: 52/52 || AC 17|| || Init:+2 || Perception: +7, darkvision

Was exchanging messages with Radavel and he said we could trade the roll for a single stat with another, prior to any modifiers from origin path. As such, I am trading my FEL and AGI rolls, making me a more skilled pilot.

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

I believe you missed Iota Signus also of my crew. I think he is a magos xenobiologis or something like that.

Also what do people think of the High Gothic name Victus Rex for the Heavy Frigate. It roughly translates to low gothic as conquering lord.

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

My lord captain the proper title in my current function as ordained by the holy logic of the Omnissiah is Magos Explorator Xenologis.
For those outside the cult however a simple Magos shall suffice to please it.

The ship name shall be as the lord captain decides for it does not factor in the actual efficiency parameters of the vessel.
(Or spoken OT: Sounds good, nothing better to find new material to work with than conquering anything that doesn't say yes fast enough)

Wraxus Drake wrote:
Was exchanging messages with Radavel and he said we could trade the roll for a single stat with another, prior to any modifiers from origin path. As such, I am trading my FEL and AGI rolls, making me a more skilled pilot.

Well then I would change my Perception Roll and my Intelligence Roll. Its just 4 points but SkruwDrive need any Int Point he can get to compete in this Tech-heavy environment I think ;-)

Updated my profile accordingly.

Gonna switch up my agility and perception, help in piloting and other delicate tasks.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Victus Rex sounds good, don't think I want to swap anything around.

Ork WS 53; BS 25; S 52; T 50; Ag 43; Int 24; Per 35; WP 36; Fel 27 Freebooter Chief Bosun Indomitable Will

Don't think you can... if we can swap things around... will be great

Ork WS 53; BS 25; S 52; T 50; Ag 43; Int 24; Per 35; WP 36; Fel 27 Freebooter Chief Bosun Indomitable Will

Will switch WP and AG =^^=

Dark Archive

RTs, your dynasties are presently in some form of alliance, right?

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex
Radavel wrote:
RTs, your dynasties are presently in some form of alliance, right?

I think we settled on distant relations. Gaius is my great-uncle on my mother's side if I remember correctly.

Edit: Ninja'd

Yeah, we're intermarried.

Dark Archive

Can I get a thumbs up from everyone that you are all ready?

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

Artorius is ready. Though a thumbs up is far to common for him.

Just need to do initial requisition/equipment which I wanted to coordinate with the others on my crew.

Are we doing the basic "One Acquisition of no more than +0 mod," "One major acquisition and however many common items that you feel like," or something else? I wanted to see if you would allow us to spend a few PF to get something with slightly higher rarity?

Ayee, let da smoshin start alredy, Boss. Uh an da looz we start wif... I hat da goot idee: I had onse killd da big blu guy in da mech. Found da machine in its he'ad. I rippd it out to build da tool fer me. Found out its da thinkn fingy. Calld it 'glado'. I thinks about connecting glado to ma brain, gettin clevera that way and betta talkin to da fing. It smoshed a good lot of boys, must 've built da whole good fings. All ere is, some wire and nails into da thing and to me head an den we talking. How dad tis sound boss? Best idea yu herd in 'ome time, no?

in plain: a good craftmenship cortex implant (unnatural Int x2, cogitatir core) - ork style: Tau battlesuit calculator core nailed to the side of his head with lots of wire and unnecessary bizz. Will rp the use of it by talking and debating loadly with 'glados'. Would be a +-0 roll to acquire.

Ork WS 53; BS 25; S 52; T 50; Ag 43; Int 24; Per 35; WP 36; Fel 27 Freebooter Chief Bosun Indomitable Will

need help with all that info. where do i look up these things that i can see what i can get? please :)
other than that, im good to go

Basicly its like this:
+30 for one man only requisition
-XX for craftsmanship of the item
+-YY depending on availability~rarity of the item

There are lots of lists for this in the sections: Armory (for the Availability of the items) and Playing-The-Game (starting at 271 Core-Book, for craftmenship and mapping Availability->Boni/Mali).

It depends upon the GM on how we roll with this, I just put on my idea, for approval and general information.

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

The Omnissiah has choosen what to provide for Iota and I shall not interfer(not changing any stat rolls)

I have yet to immerse myself in the equations governing the ebb and flow of trade and acquisition but to increase the efficiency parameters of the Omnissiahs holy work on the lord captains vessel it would be most helpful to acquire a laboratory and workshop. If this is outside of our current parameters then machinery and servitors would suffice. The least that would do is tools for creation and alturation of machinery.
(I don't think I completely understand the personal acquisition yet, but something along a lab > workshop > machinery+servitors > tools would be nice for a crafting and research heavy character like Iota)

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Ready, barring initial requisition. I'm happy to contribute something towards the team if there are any suggestions as to stuff we need.

Otherwise may just lump for some Light Power Armour, or some cybernetics, or something more interesting, if I can look though my books.

Male Elfmarked Bard 5 / Warlock 2 || HP: 52/52 || AC 17|| || Init:+2 || Perception: +7, darkvision

Ready minus acquisitions. In addition to personal equipment, I think a Gun Cutter, or at least an Aquila Lander, would be nice. Undoubtedly our starships have some basic Arvus Lighters (or equivalent) for moving cargo/personnel on and off, but something with a bit more speed and maneuverability (and firepower) would be useful.

Ready here. Acquisition of labs etc probably beyond our space and power limitations now, personally an MIU or cortex implants are nice. If stuff for the team is what we're after, then I'm up for suggestions or requests with my free acquisition. Up to da RT, I serve at his leisure.

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

I know the Victus Rex has no space remaining for labs, clearly we need a "science" vessel built for research and exploration missions.

I'd like to acquire some "Ostentatious Displays of Wealth," "Crew Improvements," or might grab some cybernetics. The things that would require GM approval and some PF burnt are higher quality Ostentatious Displays or a "Storm Trooper Detachment" (reskinned a little bit), (EDIT:) or higher quality crew, spending PF on veteran NPC crew may be well worth it.

We should really invest in a good navigator and astropath, guys. I need my soul ... At least for now ;-)

Male Elfmarked Bard 5 / Warlock 2 || HP: 52/52 || AC 17|| || Init:+2 || Perception: +7, darkvision

Do Orks even have souls?

Ork WS 53; BS 25; S 52; T 50; Ag 43; Int 24; Per 35; WP 36; Fel 27 Freebooter Chief Bosun Indomitable Will

Dat be zenofobik dat iz!

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

Quite an interesting question. I will archive this line of reasoning for when we have obtained a suitable number of test subjects and will until then defer in discussing this to my counterpart who has already obtained his seed for said test subject pool.

I shall find suitable space on the ship to conduct my research then.
I am willing to throw in my acquisition for group projects. If none arise then a best quality auger arrays implant should make my research a little more portable.

Male Elfmarked Bard 5 / Warlock 2 || HP: 52/52 || AC 17|| || Init:+2 || Perception: +7, darkvision

Can someone confirm, do we get 500 or 1000 XP to start?


Tyboris: A good craftsmanship MIU might actually be the best thing you can get for the group. I'm going to be relying on your techuse to fix the xenos-touched, warp benighted raider *cough*pirate*cough* ship that we call home.

Hexa: Yeah, that's why I'm wanting to up our NPC crew quality.

A good navigator is crucial, even if we only have one for both ships... And a good Astro telepathic choir on board will be necessary. I'm up for creating another pc if that's allowed... Otherwise we got quite the list of important things to get. My brother GMs here on Paizo for wh40k, might be a bit late for submissions, but he could plug a hole if we need.

MIU sounds good for me, it's quite useful. Unfortunately don't have piloting, but that will come later.

Male Human Rogue Trader, Captain of the Victus Rex

While I am not the GM we are already at 10 PCs, at some point the number becomes unwieldy. I am fine with NPC navigators.

Dark Archive

Alright, since you all have been patient, we will embark on a quest involving many dynasties, not just yours. Indeed, this adventure/campaign will have all that you have ever wanted in an RT game. There's treasure, intrigue, negotiation, exploration, power and battle.

Dark Archive

RTs kindly make aliases for your ships; there will be ship to ship combat in your future.

Dark Archive

IC thread here:

Are we already "recruited" and have teamed up or will we first-meet planetside?

And how do we handle the start-equip thing now?

Btw. the both above posts REALLY rings the *FUN, FUN* bell - pretty loud actually =D

Do we have ship roles from "Into the Storm" I wouldn't mind being number 2 on our ship as it gives me command skill and bonus with crew, something I otherwise wouldn't have in my tree. My Fellowship is 35, not great, but ok for starting pc. If not, then Enginseer Prime sounds suitable.

Dark Archive

I recommend the use of roles; though I leave it up to the RTs to make up their own titles for their retinue if they wish.

Tyboris: I'm happy to have you as First Officer

My Crew: Whoever wants a title speak up, otherwise I'll assign as needed.

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