Fenal |

"Uh, which tribe? What did they say when they spoke?"
[i]"Final days? That sounds ominous. I hope that he isn't ill"[/b]
Fenal carefully examines the old man, looking for any sign of disease
heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Cartimandua the Brave |

Cartimandua feels for the old man and goes to greet him and help him.
"It is a beautiful lake and a good place to spend one's final days. You are welcome to stay with us."
From the 5 weapons, Cartimandua will grab a Javelin.

Payngor |

Payngor does his best to b help with the construction, if only as muscle to move whatever he was told to move and to hack down trees. Though seeing the older man approaching, he, unsurprisingly, grabbed for his weapon ready to defend, though seeing the others be nice to him made him put the weapon down, but he stayed alert. Just in case
Sorry for the delay there guys, been a bit busier with the holiday, but I'm not around now

DM Stylz |

Fenal gives the man a once over look up and down, but there are no open sores or wounds that would indicate disease. He just appears to be old.
The bear tribe values strength, power, hunting. I’m just too old to go on hunts like the younger of my tribe. The tribe is far south of here, and don’t suspect them coming this way as the hunting where they are at is currently providing much.
Ashtok, hobbled off around the side you came from earlier. He moves slow, like an old man.
The afternoon comes, and you all think about food for the night. You have to feed eight of you.
Fishing on lake or hunting party?

DM Stylz |

Everyone gain a level. You’ve established a settlement and have 4 extra NPC
The group divides into two, in hopes of finding enough food to feed the four extra people that have tagged along with your initial group. After six or so hours, you have foraged enough wild berries, roots, dandelion grasses, and even managed to trap a few rabbits and squirrels to feed yourselves for the night.
The night is nearly black, as only a sliver of the moon is showing. The night is fair weather, as compared to the frigid mountain you just came from. The next morning is filled with dense fog. It seems the mild night as produced a thick fog bank rolling off the water, as you can barely see the hands in front of your faces it’s so thick.
Kryas’ snake starts to dart it’s tongue out, searching for any small prey for a morning snack. Instead what it senses it not a small rat, but a larger creature of the feline variety.
Cartimandua 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Payngor 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Kryas 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Fenal 1d20 ⇒ 16
me: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Init order:
Fenal: go

Fenal |

Fenal will cast speak with animals and then call out
"Greetings my friend. There is no need to attack us, if you do we'll have to hurt you. Lets talk instead. Perhaps we can become friends and help each other"
shmooze: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 Assuming diplomacy ok, if I have to use handle animal instead the result would be 14 instead

DM Stylz |

handle animal in this case
Fenal casts a spel to be able to speak with animals. He tries to talk whatever the creature is down from viewing them as potential food. His snake doesn’t seem to react either way in terms of the creature still is around or not.
Init order:
Fenal: done (spell)
Me: hold
Cartimandua: go
Payngor: go
Kryas: go
my stealth to not be “tracked”: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Payngor |

Payngor, spotting the creature, readies his axe and feels the rage burn inside him, though he holds back, just preparing a strike if the creature comes at them, grunting in its general direction

DM Stylz |

morning fog has essentially created an Obscuring Mist effect on the field. The while area is under its effects
Init order: round 2
Fenal: Magic Weapon Payngor axe
Me: done
Cartimandua: readies attack
Payngor: go
Kryas: go
The group can hear sounds of something coming near them. After a few moments a low growl can be heard, but still nothing is there.

Cartimandua the Brave |

Cartimandua mutters to the rest.
"Keep close! Keep alert!"
She holds her spear with both hands, white-knuckled, ready to attack any approaching creature.
Keeps ready action to attack.

Payngor |

Payngor peers out into the fog, listening, focusing, tryiung to find the source of the growling.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
If he can detect where the creature is, he's going to rush it, charging if possible. If he doesn't he'll keep readying, snarling back at the beast
Power Attack MW and RAGE: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 If charging +2 to hit
Confirmation: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
If Crit Add: 1d8 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

DM Stylz |

Init order: round 3
Fenal: go
Me: on deck (-34)
[ooc]5’ or closer have 20% miss chance. Farther than 5’, total concealment. My stealth was 13[/
Payngor no crit 20 or less, than snake: 1d100 ⇒ 261d100 ⇒ 35
Payngor moves forward, and after progressing slowly comes misty face to misty face with a lion, well lioness to be exact. He takes a mighty swing. He blades leaves a nasty gash in the lioness’ side. Blood dripping from his axe as it pools on the ground.
The snake slithers up to the great cat, and chomps it’s fangs into the hindquarter.

DM Stylz |

The lion turns and runs after his prey fights back with deadly precision.
After an hour or so the fog lifts, and you can easily tell where the fight was as the earth is stained red with the bllod of the lion.
The day goes well. The group forages for food, and goes back to the wooded area to gather more supplies to build another small hut. As the group arrives at the wooded area, they hear drums off in the distance. They are still far away, and there is no means of discerning the direction they are traveling.
The group returns from gathering more wood, and begins to construct another hut. Nightfall approaches.

DM Stylz |

Nightfall approaches, and you all retreat to your huts for warmth and shelter from the elements. Even if near a lake, it gets colder at nigh then if you were in th emiddle on the plains.
At about midnight, Fenal hears sounds of rustling grass. He takes a peak outside and there is a torch about 100 feet from the largest point of the inlet. He can tell there is at least one person with the torch, obviously, but he cannot tell if there is more than one.