Payngor |

Payngor grunted as he was healed, doing his best to hide his surprise-the herd had no such healer. If you got hurt badly, you walked it off. Or died. He gave both Fenal and Kryas a short nod with more grunting, as a sign of acknowledgement to one and thanks to the other. He looked to the spine dagger as Cartimandua handed it to him. He fiddled with it and nodded-it seemed passable. "Thanks..." he muttered, though he didn't deserve their praises. He should've died for fighting so recklessly. Perhaps sleep will help him get over his own stubborn ego.
As the sun rose and he checked his leg, he rose with the rest of them. feeling better after said night's sleep. "Onwards to the mountain then?

Payngor |

Payngor grunted as he was healed, doing his best to hide his surprise-the herd had no such healer. If you got hurt badly, you walked it off. Or died. He gave both Fenal and Kryas a short nod with more grunting, as a sign of acknowledgement to one and thanks to the other. He looked to the spine dagger as Cartimandua handed it to him. He fiddled with it and nodded-it seemed passable. "Thanks..." he muttered, though he didn't deserve their praises. He should've died for fighting so recklessly. Perhaps sleep will help him get over his own stubborn ego.
As the sun rose and he checked his leg, he rose with the rest of them. feeling better after said night's sleep. "Onwards to the mountain then?

Cartimandua the Brave |

Cartimandua worries for a second after Payngor thanks her and makes the same question twice. Maybe the hit to his head was harder than they thought.
She signals the mountain and nods... she will keep an eye on the half-orc. If he collapses and dies she will move for the new knife.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
I don't think she sees whatever is stalking them.

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Kryas nods to Payngor in response before turning back to his pet, Keep a look out as we travel Scarlet He gathers his things together before speaking again If we are to travel together we should know each others skills and such
Perception Kryas: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
perception AC: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Cartimandua the Brave |

Cartimandua smiles. Seems the gods are happy with them, sending them over plenty of food.
"I can try to trap it too. Will move to the other side of it, set up the trap, and then you can scare it towards me."

Payngor |

With little hesitation, the half orc drew his axe and once again tried to get into a good position 60ft away for charging purposes. Seems he learned little from the scuffle the night before-except maybe to watch out for horns

Fenal |

Question. Do we have any salt or the like to actually preserve meat? If not, then we should just let the Ram go as we already have enough meat.
Normally, of course, I'd just assume that we have all the salt we need. But in the survival genre finding salt becomes very important

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So as a cook i can safely say salt isn't technically needed to cure meat for jerky as long as it's dried properly. Jerky actually happened first in ancient africa by complete accident. My ability would be wild mischief to decieve it or wild empathy to diplomatisize
Kryas slowly walks up to the ram, he has an almost mystical glow about him as he hold out his hand to the ram
wild mischief bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
wild empathy diplo: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
whichever would be more appropriate, rolled it just in case thats the plan

DM Stylz |

Kryas slowly approaches the ram. He gets about 60 feet away, when the ram looks up, startled. The ram looks skittish. Kryas pushes his luck while trying to ease the rams fears. He pushes another few steps, but the ram bolts up the mountain.
Kryas looks closer at where the ram fled, and it appears there is a small trail leading up the mountainside. There is no telling if the trail goes beyond up just scales the mountain.
no goat meat, but you found a trail. Take trail or walk along base of mountain? Also the boar meat will not spoil within the two days of food i mentioned you’d received. After the 2nd meal, it will be beyond edible without a “purify food/water or gentle repose” to keep it from spoiling

DM Stylz |

You decide to head up the trail the ram ran off on. After about four hours travel, you get the feeling the trail just keeps heading farther UP the mountain instead up THROUGH the mountain.
You keep progressing, determination the stubborn mistress of foolishness some say. It’s now midday, the sun is beating on you which feels nice. You notice a cave off to the right of a small landing. You don’t see any visible signs of animal tracks, or other humanoid inhabitants that have recently disturbed the area.
You head over, and Payngor takes a peek into inside, his Orcish blood letting him see in the cave..the cave goes beyond what he can make out.
my stealth vs Payngor perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Payngor |

Payngor peered into the cave, axe in hand, looking around for something in there to split open with his obsidian blade.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Choking up on the handle,he signaled to the others-he was pretty sure he saw something move

Cartimandua the Brave |

Cartimandua, seeing that she is not helping to reach the girl, steps back out of the cave and looks around for this "father". He wouldn't like for him to find them unawares.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
And unawares he will get Cartimandua if he arrives...

Payngor |

Payngor snarls upon the sight of the human pointing the spear at him, though with everyone else saying they won't hurt her, he loosen's his grip and decides against just hacking into her anyway. "When was the last time he was here? and when was the last time you ate something?"

Payngor |

Payngor looked back outside, keeping watch-the last thing he wanted was for someone to sneak up behind them and catch them by surprise. Plus, he had little interest in the girl, and didn't want to scare her, messing things up for those who did. Axe at the ready, he looked around outside the cave for anyone else.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Sorry, was kinda the last one to really post, wasn't sure what to do there

Payngor |

Payngor swore, readying his axe if the man with the spear came to close. "Hey, could use some help out here!" he called over his shoulder before looking to the apparent father, snarling. "You put that spear down. NOW. She's unharmed in there, I swear, but I don't like sharp things being pointed my way. So drop it... or maybe you two won't be so unharmed.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Fenal |

"If you and your father join us we will share our food with you. There is strength in numbers"
Fenal steps up behind Payngor
"We mean you no harm. But we WILL fight back if attacked"
Good cop (diplomacy): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

DM Stylz |

The man refuses to drop the spear, even as Payngor instills certain doom in the man.
Lissa, are you okay?
Yes, she replies.
Bring our stuff out
The daughter gathers a few sacks, and carefully walks out the cave entrance. All the while keeping her longspear at the partial-ready should Payngor get testy. She heads to meet her father, as they speak in private for a few.
After a minute passes, they both return. The father nods his head, We will join...for now
The father shakes Fenals hand in agreement.
Where next?
He points up the hillside, Another ledge, half day up. Not sure of things
He than points along the path than continues past the cave you just found.
Travelled half day, mountain goes on

Payngor |

Payngor nods and, unsurprisingly, grunts. Then up the ledge we go. Follow me And, if they were all ready to move on, would be out in front as they travelled again, weapon at the ready. Just in case.

DM Stylz |

You gather yourselves up, deciding to go up to the next ledge farther up the mountain side. You travel, for half a day as the man had said. You spot the ledge ahead, but before you can make your way towards it, a young mountain lion emerges from the cave entrance, and growls at your group.
30’ between Payngor and lion. All uphill, charging not possible uphill