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My entry of Horef was missing some information. He is in Ustalav as a merchants apprentice. As a half orc he knows that disclosure of his heritage is not in his best interest and has taken every precaution to prevent others from gaining this knowledge.
His aid to the merchant in the form of appraisal of goods, linguist skills, local knowledge, and lock management has provided help to the Professor in several studies prior to his death.

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Okay, decisions made. I'd like to thank everyone for applying, and for anyone who wasn't picked, I will keep you in mind for an alternate if need arises. If I didn't pick you, it's not because you didn't have a cool concept or anything, it's purely because I'm trying to cover all bases for the party and your particular mix of skills, background or role didn't quite fit or overlapped with another.
If you are new to PbP, I would recommend trying the PFS offerings on here. They tend to be shorter, well-directed adventures and are a great introduction to the Play by Post genre.
Now, onto the countdown....
The Party will consist of:
Vanulf Wulfson (Cassandra Blackmore, Changeling Oracle)*
Jolly Roger (dhampir cleric of Calistria)
Hawktitan (draconic sorcerer)
DoubleGold (Human Magus Hexcrafter)
Helikon (Caesare Montoya, human investigator)
Lithrac (human alchemist or half-orc redeemer paladin)
*Vanulf has a reserved spot because he's a chum.
At this point, if you haven't made your character, do so and post them under the Discussion tab. I'll check in there. Lithrac, you can play either concept. Just let me know which one you pick.